Briefs Adrift j" Air. W. S. Ray is visiting rel-; S stives near Francisco. 11 Mr. A. D. Dodd, of Francisco, c was a visitor here yesterday. ( Mr. Chas. Powell, of Winston, | spent Wednesday night in town. Mr. Hardin Flinchnm, of Pied- 1 mont Springs, was here yesterday. Messrs. J. C. Wall and Rober 1 Candle were here on business to- ' day. r Mr. Watt Priddy, of Danbury j Route 1, was in town a short while j Monday. Miss Mary Martin left Saturday ! for King where she is assistant teacher in the publio school. Mr. Walter King, Jr., returned ' home Tuesday after spending sev- 1 eral days here with his parents. The advertisement of Piedmont Warehouse is changed in this is sue and farmers should read what they have to say. * Miss Judea Ray returned to the Normal at Greedsboro Wednes day after spendiug Christmas at home. The public school here opened yesterday. Mr. W. P. Wilson is principal with Miss Sadie Petree r listing him. Mr. Virgil B. Eaton and Miss Carrie Lee Boy lee were married at Pleasant Retreat by Elder P. , Oliver on December 25th. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hartgrove, of Mizpah, were here Monday on 1 their way home from a visit to relatives at Spencer, Va. Mr. D. D. Carroll spent several da>s hero visiting friends during the holidays. He will resume his studies at Guilford College within a few days. The Reporter lias learned 1 with sympathy of the illnena of " Df. J. H. El ling' HI, I.f SHMIV Ki'Jg •. with put*uinonia, wmi later hear* with pleasure that he is improvihg' lair o J /• ; ■ ■ 'Am/mmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnMßi I !y every one likes a fine : f. Something to r nurc mnage • it f :)tn being n splitting ir.-g, too, r at th-.* itJr-food. » one,and h I ngs— -» • • » ,\f in T« l\> -PAYERS. I . .|* i * v >U-■* i'»n »ty I>r th« purpose of o.44«et i„ K i .'.Kk -l. i I liine# ami places, lo wit : Lawaonville, Monday, January 14th, 1907. J Wesley Morefield's Store, Tuesday, " 15, " Bandy (' R *»>•>♦ ' W*H , " 16, Prestonville. (D •» it'* ** ), fhurs, " 17, Dillard, F'iclay: 44 18, Pne Hall, Saturday, 44 19, Walnut CW>v«, Monday, 44 21, Gerutanton, Tuesday, " £2, Wilson's Store, Wed., " 23, Allen & Tut'l. 'n St ' , Tluirs., 44 24, Fo m r P m Offi - . Fr,d«y, 25, Kin*. Saturday, " 26, " J Walte Ttntle'-. Si Monday, 44 28, Pinnacle, Tuesday, " 29, Deik, W«d, 44 80, J Dillard George'* Si re, Ttinrs , " 81, .1. U. Wright's St.-re, Friday Feb I, Francisoo, Sat., " 2, Danbury, Monday, " 4, The people are earnestly requested t6 meet rue at the above times and planes, and and pav their taxes promptly. This will be my third round, and the taxes are needed t> m -et the current expenses of the County, the Schools, and to pay the 'axes due the State. The State Treasurer is urging the Sheriffs in the State to pay the State taxes as early as possible. The sohool teachers will soon want their money, and the current expenses of the County must be met. The first in stallment of the Court House and Jail building bonds will be due April the 4th, 1907, and will have to be n»t. The Ui payers can see » the necessity for payment, and it is certaiftly to their interest to pay , them without cost. It is not, by any mßßtre,*my desire to put the ptn-p.e to any c« st, but as lam charged with the duty of collecting and settling the taxes, I tapst discharge ray duty, sod if the people do not pay, and are put to cost, they uoaat not blame me. This .1,. 2 „d .1., - *•««* «W- /fej. petbeE, Stokes County. Items and Personals From Westfield. ( Westfield, Dec. 31.—There were j services at the Friends ohuroh on j Saturday aid Sunday. Mrs. slil-' j ner Angel, of Guilford College, j t conducted the services. t Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Christian, c of Francisco, visited relatives and ' friends here laat week, . Mr. J. A. Pell retailed home , last week from Gnilford College. \ Mr. Howard Payne, of Monat « Airy, spent Qhristmas with his I parents at this place. Messrs. Reid Jaofcsoh and Rex j Tilley, of Orange Grove school, re turned home laat week after spend- ! ing several days here. Miss Minnie Crews returned yesterday from a very pleasant J trip to her sister at Reidsville. Mis« Maud Payne, after spend- j ing the botftfcys with her parents . at this plaoe, rfctorned to her school at Smith. . igja • ' Mr. W. R. Freeman and sister, [ Miss Sallie, spent last wiek at Dobson visiting relatives. Mr. Alvin Blair, of Danbury, visited friends here last week, Messrs. Tom and Arthur Sim mons, of Franoisoo, were visitors here last week. Messrs. R. M. Simmons, John Frans and sister, Miss Faßnie, visited relatives near Stuart, Va., last week. Death Of Mrs. John R. Mabe. Danbury Route 1, Dec. 24. Mrs John R. Mabe passed away on Monday, December 10th, about 2 o'clock. She has lived a happy life of 61 years, 7 months and 2 days. A precious wife and mother was she—and oh, how sad it was when she had to depart from us. On Monday morning she said she had viewed that beautiful home where she was going when she left this world. She leaves a bus band and & ve children to mourn her death. She was a member of the Primitive Baptist church at Snow Creek, and was a faithful one to attend to her church. She was laid to rest at Snow Creek church on tbe 12, where they will see hi> preoious face no more. Sbe will be missed in her home, and by all who knew ber. May Gud bless the bereaved family and may they meet ber in Heaven, whom they have loved so well. Mr. A. A. Nelson and Miss Lola Wall wars married near Vade Me enrn last Friday by Justice of the Peace J R. P East. . Vliswj* NV|li». and Man Joyce Blnrcht IVppt r ami M.n vIHM r» fi/tnul in the it '* I ' .it ! t e holidays here with relatives and friends. J V Yotmjr. »f /' * c i i. h. %' v t u h >i > ii r t - >'• ' jr • ninel> CURED OP LUNG TROUBLE. "It is now eleven ye'ars since I had a narrow escape from con sumption," writes. C. O. Floyd, a leading business man of Kershaw, 8. 0. 'I had ruu down in weight to 185 pounds, and coughing was constant, both by day and by night. Finally I began taking Dr, King's New Disoovery, and con tinued this for about six months, when my cough and lung trouble were entirely gone and I was re stored to my normal weight, 170 pounds." Thousands of persons are healed every year. Guaran teed at all druggists. 500 and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CATARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY, a* mercury will surely destroy the se«se of smell a d completely de range the whole system when enter- IngTt through the mueons surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputa ble physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good yu can possibly derlvefromthem. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Che* ey 4 Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and Is token Internally, acting directly upo • the blood and mucous surfaces • f the system. In buying Hail's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine It is take" In ternally a>d male In Toledo, Ohio, by F-J -Cheney & Co. Testimonials free, Sold by I>rnggtsts Price, 75c per bottle. Take Hall's Family nils for con stipation. Trustee's Sale Of Real ilstate. By virtue of a deed In trust ex ecuted to mebu the 16th day of Nov ember, 1900, by William Edwards; and duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Stokes County, In Book No. 39, page 31fl, to secure the payment of a note therein recited default having been male In the payment of said note, and the holder thereof having applied to me to sell the land conveyed In said trust deed to satisfy the same, I will expose to public sale, to the highest bH'ler for cash, at the Court House door in the town of Da bury, N. C., o" Saturday the 9th ay of February, 1907, at 1 o'clock, I'. M., the lan s conveyed in-sal trust deed, to-wlt: "O > the waters of the Little Yad kin, adjol ing the lands of .N. al to-., ifccd., John E wards. J. M. Ed wards (i ot ers, li umfi'd us fol lows, viz : Beginnl gat a white oak a rtuis North 6 degrees East, f> cliai st a W. O. H. 37 degrees E. -X to | the river, S. 87 degrees' EiistTf chains crossing river to the NO'rfh of a bra' ch, N. 15 degrees East ljjj[ chains to ap st oak, East chjf- s. P. 0., ■ hai sto a W. 0., S. fiT egrees W. 3 chal st a W 0.. »t a bra ch, N. 34 degrees W. 10)4 chains to the river, thence with the river as It meanders South to where It inter sects with North prong of Little i Yadkin, and c roast g both prongs, the ce 45 degrees West o division 11 e betwee sal Wm. and Mat. E - wards 16 chal s to a R. 0., Mat's c rner, the- ce South 65 degree* E. 14 chal sj| the beginning c tai 1 g 57! i »-re«H in re or s#e ee Register'n ortice of St ice* Co., S. V., ' I Book o. 27, on page 19, and to reference Is hereby ha > f r moire certainty of description." i TH. IV 1I" IQir» lie !iMi Winston=Salem x *"T*"~ iiBHHnHnHi ( Chronio conditions specially treated. > Eezt-ma and all skin diseases > positively cured by our modern 1 methods. We cure rheumatism, 1 blood diseases, stomach disorders, i diseases of the nervous system, i etc. Our Sanitarium is equipped ' with X-Ray and all other modem * appliances. Write for booklet. 5 DR.T- M.COPPI.E >i i i lit i. (Successor to Rierson & Copple) WINSTON SALEM, N 0. [Piedmont Warehouse | N. C.| I J We wish each and every one of you a happy and prosperous K| ■ New Year. |« i We have sold since September Ist considerably over four million pounds of Kj i tobaoco (the biggest four months business we have ever done) and for this extremely I liberal patronage, we thank our many friends most sinoerely. M i. Our sales olose Friday, Deo. 21st, and open again Monday, Jan. 2nd, 1907. " The market closes for the old year in good shape with prices high, and we see no reason why there should be any change after the holidays. Bring us your first vv load in the New Year. If you want fair treatment at all times, the best accommodations possible and U the top of the market for every pile of your tobacco, sell it at the New Piedmont, r* , Winston. M ! YOUR FRIENDS, Eg j M. W. NORFLEET & CO. | This man bought a supply of tobacco with out acquainting himself with the distinctive taste of SCHNAPPS Tobacco, which has the cheering qualities that gratify his desire to chew, and at less expense than cheap tobacco. SCHNAPPS has been advertised in this Some day they'll get a taste of the real paper so that every chewer has had an Schnapps —they'll realize what enjoyment opportunity to get acquainted with the they've missed by not getting SCHNAPPS facta and know that drugs are not used ago —then they'll feel like kicking to produce the cheering quality found in , the famous Piedmont country flue-cured themselves. tobaccos, and that SCHNAPPS is what he SCHNAPPS is sold everywhere in 5 / ought to chew. Still there are chewers o. who accept other and cheaper tobaccos cent cuts, and 10 and IS pug a that do not give the same pleasure. sure you get the genuine. lUSE I . Goose tee 1 j LIMMENT j ♦ A Common Sense ♦ Preparation. X ' X The Safest and Surest Remedy ♦ ♦ for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, J J Croup, Coughs, Colds, JI I « Sprains, Scalds, ♦ . | A Trial Will Convince. |j , ♦ PRICE 25c. Manufactured by J I I I! , t GOOSE GREASE ♦ t LINIMENT CO. ♦ if 1 « Greensboro, ~"N.' C. ' ♦ 1 t♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 1 SAVE # IT'S EASY ! Merely a matter of spend ing less than you earn. Keeps growing eas # ier, too. Becomes surprising after you have 2 practiced it a while. People fall into the habit # of spending thoughtlessly, and imagine they H can't save. We pay | ® 4 PER CENT ! $$ f i Interest on Savings. Why not open an ,ac- •|| count TODAY. | IPiedmont Savings Bank,! 2 Corner Liberty and Fifth Streets, N. C.