The GORRELLS of Farmers Warehouse : ■ ■ WINSTON, N. C. Want to sell your tobacco. They will give you a square deal on every sale, and will always get you the biggest prices for your tobacco. FIRST SALE DAYS : OCTOBER—Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. NOVEMBER—Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. DECEMBER—Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. , >j V-. E. W. O'HANLON WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. LARGEST AND BEST CONDUCTED DRUG BUSINESS IN WESTERLY N. C. Mail Order De- | part men t given* g t special attention. t £ 2 § §-g"|«s- « Biig Stock of drugs ♦ ==» i"* ol® k ~ O _ T . ® ® Om 3-2 >■ 'Toilet Articles ofj ~ every kind, garden* c *l !"|"||g I' § seeds and Flower! a ®w j ♦ i 1; » seeds ♦ * Most varied and t | best selected line oft | G T fine Perfumes ever $ Ij £ shown in Winston. ♦ * § VISIT O'HAN LOW'S X >~g§§B§S§ w YOU COME TO 1 3®* TO \VN. GLAD TO SERVE ♦ o 5o ? YOU IN ANYWAY. ♦ O'HANJLON'S Is THE PLACE If You Want to Buy Machinery OF ANY DESCRIPTION -- WOOD-WORKING OR FARM, OR HAVE REPAIRING DONE, WHY NOT WRITE TO W.H.CLARK, Stuart, Va Mr. W. H. OLAUK, Dear sir :—We purchased a Deloocli Mill, after it had liecn run HIX months, anil paid first cost and carriage, and after running it some time, we think more of it than the first day we worked it. RICH A RnsON & FOLEY, Buffalo Ridge, Va. Danliury, N. ('., R. F. ". No. 1, July 11, liXMi. Messrs. DeLoacli Mill Mfg. Co., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen :—I bought one of your mills a little over a year ago, and like It flue, the beat of all mills I ever saw. I think I would like to have some more of your machinery. You will send me sp eial prices on your planers. The "Monitor" and "Paregon* witlr ut m aiding attachments as per specifications of catalog No. 105, pages 44 and 42. Yours truly. 1). C. NELSON. 11 sold Mr, kelson a Paragon Planer and he is now just ftettlug it UU ) All the inferences desired given on application. Private phoie "Gleiiwood." YES! GRAPE TOBACCO I is just a little sweeter than any of the ao-calkd gun-cured plugs I ■ -made to imitate CRAPE, and they are all imitations— I because that rich, sweet flavor is peculiar to the genuine I-eaf, and I ■ we have been buying and manufacturing it for over fifty years. ■ I IT IS MADE BY A FIRM THAT KNOX7S HOW | I P. A. Patterson Tobacco Co., Richmond, Va- LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Bu-1 perlor court of Stokes county ren-1 tiered in the special proceedings en titled "J. O. .Smith et al vh. Bessie Smith et al" appointing the under signed a commissioner to make wale of the hereiiiaft?r ilfsci ilwil lanrts 1 will on . Monday Jitu. 7, !907, m the eiuit house j | iloor hi the town of Danlmn, X. t!, s*li at j j public miction to the highest bidder for j cash the following descubed lamia. U>-wit : j ! First tract. Acertain tract or paice! of j land lying and being in the county of i Stokes, on the waters of Snow Creek ad- ; joining the lauds of Jas. Nicholson, K. 1..' fliU'and others and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stake formerly a red oak in J. M. Hill's former lino runs X. on thi.t line 23 cluins to a white oak ttump, Jas. Nicholson's corner, thence west on his line -10 1-2 chains to a stak formerly a red mk; thence £>'. oil Sisk's line 12 chains to a red oak stump at a large rock, thence ft', on Smith's line formerly Nat. Shelton'.i lin»- if eh tins to a port oak stump, thence S. otv i tlMt Hue 12 chains to a red oak fell d wn, | Joyce's corner, thence E on that li tie slid j R. 1.. Hill's Hue 27 chains to the begin- j I idnp, containing ft! 3-4 acr°s more oi less j ! Second tract. Beeinu'ng at a maple on ! the batiilr of tha January branch on the j | south side of the January road ny s N. W, ! along the roml as it meanders 20 chains to I the cross roads thence south a southeast i [course along the roail leading to J P.! | Smith's as it ineandets 04 chains to tin- | | ford of said branch thence up the branch as lit meanders BO chains to the beginning, j ! containing 130 acres more or less and it being lot No. ti in the division of the lan«lh of the late John P. Smith, deed., among hi? j heirs at law. Sale subject to confirmation j of the court, i This Nov. 17. 1000. J. 1). HUMPHREYS ComnuMlo'ier. j ► Notice of Trustee's Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of the p >wer contained I i in a deed in trust executed to me on the 4th il vy of Dec., 190.">. by John A. | Overby nd duly recorded In tliej | office of the Register of l>eeds of j i Stokes County, in Book No. 45, page 1451. to secure the payment t a note ! therein recited, default having: been made in the payment of mild note, : I anil the holder thereof having ap-j plied to me to sell the lands convey |ed in said trußt deed to satisfy the note secured by same, 1 will expose to public sale to the highest bidder I for cash ut the Court House iloor in Danburv. N. ('., on Saturday, Jau-| uar.v lfttli, 1907, at 1 M.. j I the lan s conveyed in said trust ! deed, to-wit: % "First tract.—Beginning at a |ier sinuuon tree, corner of David Ben nett's land, thence west by a line of Chas. Bennett's, K4 poles to a stake, and corner of Judge Kuttin, thence north by his line, 54 poles to a stake I and corner of lsham Bennett's ! thence east by his line. !Wi poles to a line of David Bennett's, thence a j south course by his line to the be ginning, or less, and iviftg in Yadkin town ship.Stokes county, on the waters of Townfork." "Second tract.—Beginning at a post oak in his.own line, runs north on his tec chains crossing a branch udle's-" ri'er, t3te ce iBIt o'i Caudle's 11' e 10 chains, crossing said branch to a black oaJiC'the ce south 4S deg. east on a new line, 12)4 chains to the beginning,' containing 4 and 0 and a half tenth'Vtires, fnore or less, lying IvStokeweeunty. Yadkin township, on the waters-ol>slownfork." This the 10th*dav 1 f Dec.. 1900. N. (). PETREE, , -WOTIQE. Having duly qualified as adminis tratrix upon of Bennett, deed., lurHev is hereby gl?-- en tiuull ]iersons Indebted to sriirt estaflfto come forward and in/ike immediate, settlement of the game; and all persons holding clafius against said estate are hereby noti fied to present me duly au thenticated for daymeut on orbefotr the Ist day of Dec.; 1907, or this notice will lie pleaded in liar of their recovery. This Nov. 16, 1906. LAURA E. BENNETT, Adm'x. of R. A. Bennett, deed. Po.—King, N. C., Route *2, box 24. 1. D. Humphreys, Atty. Urn I ICTFQ'Q jcky Mountain Tea Nugget: A Busy Medicine for Busy People. Brines Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. spccttlo for Constipation. Inrttspstlon, Uv Kidney troubles. I'inii'ien. Eczema. linpui oM. Had Itreatn, Sluinrlsh Bowels, Head.-u! . I luck ache. Its Kooky Mountain Tea lit tat form. 35 cents a bo*. Genuine made bj II.LISTEH Dut'O COMPAST. Maii'soil, Wis. V..DEM N'JCGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE * UNIVERSfin COLLEGE OF MEDICINE STUART M cQUIRg, M. D , P»i»ierwt. Thh College conforms to the fitandards fixed bt law for Medical Education, Send for Bulletin No. 11, which telle about it. Three free catalogues - Specify Department, LAND SALE. \ By virtue ol a decree of the Superior Court of -Hives county rendu; eJ in tlie | ipeclai proceedings cutit!*l "J. 1I uuji •py et hI \s. //enry llmiilley et al*' pointing the tinderttgnnd it commissioner to make su'c of the lauds luneinafler lescrlb"d, I will on Monday the Ith Jay ol'./ai>. 1907, sell at imlille nuetiou to the highest lildiler foi c-utli at the eolirl house diKir in the town t.f Danbury, N. C'., ! lihe following described lands, to-wit: (Ist tract). A certain tract of laud ying and being in die county of .Stokes anil state jof North Carolina, In Snow Creek town ship adjoining tlie lands of I>. J. Lackey, ' formerly, now John H. Lackey on the east, F. Cardwell 011 the north, C 1.. Sbep. paid on the south and ——Smith oir the west a"d it being lot No. 1, and known »s the "Frailer' 1 lot. Second tract. I'egiuiiing at a |wst oak in the Virginia line, runs south 82 1-2 chains to a K. O. iu L. J. Laekev's f nner line, then west 82 Chains to a sassafras in L.l.aclroy's former line, tlienci N. 17 deg. K 10 1-4 chains to a roek near a h an"h, thence N. 40 deg. W. Mi N'i chns. ■ to a I iciut said I.aeke,-"s former, theuce N 40 deg. K. l:» chns- to a «liite oa k in (lie Vi.iglnla line, thence E. :!2 chug, on s» : ,il j line to the beginning, contain in; li)*> acre# more or less. This ract is divided i two se( arale tracts, one «.f wlileU contains | | about t!7 acres acres and the other about' ! ;)8 acies, tlie yttter .f which was formerly | | the dower or IVinpie Jane lliitnllv, audi can he / srtM s» |mia'e y or together with the 1 07 arite tract as intv he ileemrd lies, by (lit 1 c nusisslotier. Sale subject to coiiUnua j tion of court, t This Nov. 17. 1000. J. D. HUMPIIREV.'s, 'omiuiseionei'. JV' OTIC E. lfnving tliisilny lieendiily appoint ed administrator of the estate of J Elizalieth E. Martin, dee'd. all per ' suns holding claims against said ! j estate are hereby notified to present | ! tltem to the undersigned duly an- j thentieated for payment 011 or liefore ! the 20th day of Dec. 1907. or this no-1 tice will lie pleaded In liar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to j said estate are hereby requested to j j come forward and make immediate | settlement of the same. This Dec. 5 th, 1906. ti. WILSON PRIDDY, Ailtu'r j "of Klizalietli E. Martin, dee'd. I'. ().—Danbnr.v, N. C'.. It. F. I>. No. 1. .1. I). Humphreys, att'y for ndtn'r. State of North Car. I In Superior Slokea county. | court before the Clerk. , | Order of pub lication and notice to non resident de fendants. J. R. Martin, Sarali 'Alice Priddy and her husband* G. Wilson Priddy, plaintiffs, \ vs. Geo. F. Martin and Jno T M rtiu, def'ts. In the above entitled cause it appearing to the Court upon affi davit filed herein that the defend ant George, F. Martin is a non res ident of the State of North Car olina and after du§ diligence 'can not be found therein and cannot be personally served with process and is a necessary party to this action or Special Proceeding, the 1 same being a Special Proceeding or aotion for the sale of the lands of the late Elizabeth Martin, de ceased for division am'ong her heirs at law, who are the tenants in common now owning the same, the said land containing abotft 50 acres and lies in one tract, adjoin ing the lands of B. F. Priddy, Alexander Rogers, Jno. R Rhodes, i Henderson Priddy, G. M. Joyce and others. It is therefore order ed by the Court that publication of notice be made for four success ive weeks in the Danbury Repor ter, a newspaper published in the town of Danbury Stokes County, S. C., notifying defendant ' George F. Martin, that an action or Special Proceeding as above en. titled has been instituted against him in the Superior Court of Stokes County, N. C., for the pur pose of selling the lands of plain tiffs and defendants, for partition or division of proceeds, which are now held in common by them, the said lands having descended to them from Elizabeth Martin, de ceased, and the said lands are ad j->ining the lands of B. F. Priddy, Alexander Rogers, Jno R. Rhodes, Henderson Priddy, G. M. Joyce and others, and requiring the said George F. Martin to appear at the • ffine of the Clerk of the Court of Stokes County, N. C., in the town of Danbury, before the said Clerk of the Superior Court Stokes County, N C , on the 28th day of January, 1907, and answer or de mur to the con plaint or petition which is now on file arid will be on fiile in said office at said date, and let the said defendant George F. Martin take notice that if he fail to appear and answer or de mur to said Complaint or petition the relief prayed for therein will be granted. Given under my hanf and si«l of said county on this the 19th dify of Decern l*»r. 190f». M.T. CHILTON, Cle>k of the Superior Court. J. D. Humphreys, Aity for Piffs. i I ; —I LOOfy OUT FOR IMITATIONS With Tags About the Same Color and Design As Thfe Tag 1 he quality of the genuine sun cured tobacco used in REYNOLDS' Sun Cured and grown on soil where the best sun cured tobacco grows, has caused imitation brands to be brought out and offered as the genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured to unsuspectiiTCf. dealers artd chewers who do not look closely at the printing on the box and on the tag. These brands only imitate the outward appearance and do not possess the genuine inside quality that has been found in Reynold's Sun Cured -ever since "Reynolds' Sun Cured was introduced and which has so increased the chewing of sun cured and proven so popular, that the word "Sun C ured" is now printed on tags or in the advertising of many brands claimed to be genuine sun cured tobacco. Did you ever see the word "Sun Cured" used in any chewing tobacco advertisement, 01 on any chewing tobacco tag or label, or in any other way, before it was introduced and used to identify the genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured? You see it frequently now, because many imitation brands are being made to appear as nearly like Reynolds' Sun Cured as they dare—with tag, shape of plug and style of package so similar that experienced buyers sometimes accept these imitations as the genuine Reynolds' Sun Cured. • Don't be deceived into taking imitation brands for the gamine. Be sure the letters on the tag spell " R-e-y-n-o-l-d-s' Sun Cured," and you get the best value in sun cured chewing tobacco that can be produced for chewers. Sold at 50c. per pound in sc. ctift; strictly 10c. and 15c. plugs, with chewing qualities like that which was sold from GOc. to gl.oo per pound before Reynolds' Sun Cured was offered to the trade. BE SURE YOU GET THE GENUINE Manufactured by R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. BLUE FROM STORE, WALNUT COVE, N. C. I don't claim to have the LARGEST store 011 earth, but the CHEAPEST. J. WILL EAST, WALNUT COVE. Ms and Boys' (loin; I We are now receiving our fall line of goods. If you want I the best in Overcoats, Suits, Pants, Hats, Shoes, Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear, Trunks and Valises, fur both Men I and Boys, don't furget to call on us. We make the lowest I prices pussible. When in town come in and see for your- I self. L. J. Lackey & Co I MADISON, N. C. t $$ SALARIED POSITIONS $$ FOR GRADUATES OP THE . National -Business College, ROANOKE, VA. I The Koanoke Evening World (daily) hh.vh, "the National Hukluchh College places more students in positions than any other bjini nesH college in the South." Interesting, thorough courses; only pro fessional instructors; wholesome nocinl and moral influences. Write today for our hnuilHoiue catalogue and beautiful siieclmens of penmanship. Address » K. M. COI'LTICK, President. iniin"iT-i"rniiiiini m mii —i— Do Too M Any Stationery ? The Reporter's Job department is now fully equipped (or turning* out l/etter Heads, Knvehvps. lUII Heads, Statements, KhlpphigT«kh, ('frculars. Blotters. Cards, Tickets, or any kind of printing you may want at short notice and rock-libttoin prices. Drop us 11 poutal anil Iwe will mail yon samples and prices. Address ( REPORTER, - Danbury, N. C. ■«Wfnia.JlM H

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