VOLUME XXXIII. DR. J. B. SMITH FATALLy HURT PILOT MOUNTAIN PHYSICIAN'S ' SKULL CRUSHED BY KICK FROM HORSE STILL UNCONSCIOUS. * Dr. J. B. Snath, Q physician of Pilot Mountain, aged about 40 years, was found unconscious Wednesday afternoon of last week with an ugly gash on his head, near the home of a Mrs. Hollo man, to whose home he had been summoned to render medical at tention. When found Dr. Smith was ly jng'near his horse, which was tied. There is no suspicion of foul play, the general belief heing that the doctor WHS kicked by his horse. Dr Lung, 4 Greensboro, was summoned 0 *6 Dr. Smiths case iu cha>i;> The patient was still uncon scious Thursday morning and his condition is considered serious it being almost certain that bis skull *i»vfractnred. Dr. Smith has a wife and five children and is highly esteemed by his entire community. It was suggested at first that a special train be secured to carry hitn to Greensboro for medical at tention, but it was later decided that it would be more advisable to keep him at the sanitarium at Pi lot Mountain. f , Painting And Papering. I am prepared to take contracts for painting or wall papering and decorating. Prices rensonable. W will work by the day. Write twe. H. A. BLAIR, Daubury, N. C. Japan lias just launched the biggest battleship in the world. Enjoyable Birthday Dinner Given Capt. William Wilson Westfi«'d, Feb. s.—Quite a large crowd attended preaching at the Baptist ; hf-'h Sunday. Mess™. W tt freeman and E F. J ess up went to Mt. Airy Sat urday on business. Mr. C. J. Tinsley was in town recently. ✓ Mi BSCS Roxie and Phebe Tilley •peat Sunday with their parents hero. / Messrs. Dock Morefield and Will Tbore and Misses Lilla and Ina Mitchell, of Brim, spent Sun day with friends here. Mr. W. T. Fletoher spent last Sunday in town. ✓ Misses Cora and Ada Leak, of Peter's Creek, visited friends near here Sunday. Misses Kate Smith and Verda Martin, of Brown Mt., visited friends here Sunday. Mr. F. A. Christian spent Sun day here with his parents. Mr. Will Tilley spent Sunday with his parents here. - Mosfirs. Howard Payne and Er bert Pell attended the birthday, dinner jjiven to Capt. Wm. Wil son, at Pilot Mt. Route 1. The dinner was given in honor of his 74th birthday. Tjjsre were 175 people present. : Mr. Will Owens has two very sick children. Miss M tllio Payne has been very sick the past week ; but wo are glad to know that she is better. Mr Robt. Wimbosh, of Stuart, Va., waa in town last week. Register of Deeds C. M. Jones has been on the Bick list for sev ers! days. He ia about well now. Briefs Adrift. Mr. A. J. Owens was here Sat urday. ; Mr. Burley Mabe was in town Friday. Maj. W.S. Ray was in town on business Friday. Mr. H, M. Joyce filled his ice house Thursday. ' 4 • • m * Mr. Charlie Fagtr, of Campbell Route 2, was here last week. Mr. Bun Nelson is confined to his home with sickness on Dan bury Route l. Drs. W. V. and W. L. McCan less have both recently been con fined to with grippe Attorney J. D. Humphreys went up the Mount Airy road on pro fessional business a few days since. Mr. Hence Flinchum caught a fine beaver and a mink in traps on the river near Piedmont Sprit g« Saturday night. The many friends of Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Moir, of Francisco, will regret to learn that both are quite sick. Mis. Dr. Moir has been an invalid for some time. Notice. Notice is hereby gi£i ! » that ap pUcatiou «ill lie made to the pres ent General Assembly of North Carolina to amend the charter ot the town of Walnut Cove, N. C. D. S. BOYLES, Mayor. Mr. A. C. Padgett Not Expected to Mamie Leak's School At Smith Doing Finely. Smith, "Feb. 7.—Mr. A. C. Pad got, an bid and highly respected citizen «f this place, is seriously ill and not expected to live. Mr. Padgrt hus done the blacksmithing for this neigliborhoud for years, and no man will be any more missed than he. Wo regret to learn of the serious illness of Dr. J. B. Smith, a form er citizen of this place, but now of Pilot Mi Miss Alice Martin, who is teach ing at Dellar, visited her parents at this place last Saturday and Sunday. Our sohool at this place is doing well under the management of Miss Mamie Leak assisted by Mrs. Nannie Hundley. -• ELY. NEIGHBORS GOT FOOLED. "I was literally coughing my self to death, and had become too weak to leave my bed; and neigh bors predicted that I would never loave it alive; but they got fooled, for thanks be to God, I was in duced to try Dr. King's New Dis covery. It took just four one dol lar bottles to completely cure the cough and to restore me to good sound health," writes Mrs. Eva Uncapher, of Grovertown, Stark Co., Ind. This King of cough and cold cures, and healer of throat and lungs, is guaranteed by all druggists. 50c and Trial bottle free. lih s stated that Anson couuty, North Carolina, wants the present Legislature to give it the Austra lian ballot system. DANBURY, N. C., FEBRUARY 14, 1907. THE EVILS OF STRONG DRINK. Dillarcl, Feb. 8. Vfr Editor : ] want to say a few words i•» re gard to strong drinks and ihdir evils. There is but few people that does not drink some kind of drinks either strong or soft drinks. Young men do not drink any thing that is intoxicating. Wine is a mocker and strong drink is raging and wh"So»v»r i* Hpoim 'hereby is not wise Drinking to an excess is degrading, and does not lift anyone any higher. In Deut 20:21 you will find these words : "This our son is stubborn and rebelious he will not obey our voice he is a glutton tpid a drunk ard." Dear reader, if you have been in the habit of drinking, just stop and think where it is leading you. There is lots of men say they can't quit. Let me beg you to stop before you roach the place you can't quit. Spend your mon ey for something better and you will never regret it when you come to die. In Prov. 23:21 you will find these words : "For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty." Liquor causes more crime, woe and misery than any one thing on earth ; it clothes a man, wife and children with rags ; causes children to go hun gry, and causes them to go the downward road to ruin and des truction. Oh, that men could see before it is too late. Liquor causes men to gamble, cheat aud use pro fane language. It causes more woe and misery than all the bloody wars that has ever been since God created man, Joel 1:5: "Awake ye drunkards and weep and howl all ye drinkers of wine." Strong drink tills ui j'ii!~ penitentiaries and causes men to wear ball and chain, and to slay his fellowman. If men could see whore it will drag them to, they surely would stop and never partake of the cursed stuff any more. Neh. 1:10: "For while they befolden together as thorns and while tbey are drunken as drunkards they shall be devoured as stubble fully dry." How mano men are ruling over us today who carry a bottle of whiskey in their pockets and their breath perfumed with whiskey ? God hasten the time when we will have men to rule over this land "who touches not, tastes not, handles not" that stuff called "whiskey aud brandy." You can go to town or city and see barrooms and crowds of men standing around going in and out like bees to the hive and using God's name in vain. It is a dis grace for some people to degrade and disgrace themselves as sonu do living in a civilized laud Christians, it is time for us to wake up and go to work and s«e if we can do something to help \ ' >- pie to thinking more about their souls and eternity. Strong drink is one of satan's ways he has of catching men, He can blind our aouls with strong drink and he can capture us very easily. You may commence by taking little by little aud it will lead you on the downward road to ruin as a spider binds a fly in its web, so it will bind you if you use it, so it is best to let it alone and not use it at all. Habits are like cords of steel binding us to woe or weal. To be careful we must try how we form them, you and I. It is supposed that fifty crazy people out of every hundred were made crazy by strong drink and seventy-five out uf every hundred who are in prison and ninety-six out of every hundred tramps were made so by strong drink. Why do men drink. The wagos of siu is death and whosoever is deceiv ed thereby is not wise. The drunk ard's road to hell is paved with good intentions. It seems like if the stuff was dono away with we would have a good time. FARMER. FRANCISCO HAPPENINGS. Mr. Win. Beasley and Mrs. T. C. Hill Sick—Wood Chnppings All Ihe Go Frgncisco, Feb. 4.—As I haven't seen any news from this section in some time, will give you a few items. There is a lot of sickness in this neighborhood. Mr. Wm. Beasley, who has been sick for some time is some better, also Mrs. T. C. Hill, who has heen sick for qni't awhile, is not an-. . we ti" sorry to note. • -- Mr. R. E. L. Francis visited at Pilot Mt. Sunday. Mr. J. F. Beasley called over on the Creek Sunday. Miss Dovie Lawrence visited her cousin, Miss Mollie Hill, Sun day. Wood choppings are all the go nowadays. We think there will be a wed ding quite soon, as Miss Millie has purchased her wedding dress. Guess Elijah is aiming for her to be his clerk. Miss Claudia Smith called her cousin, Miss Mollie Hill, Thursday night. US FOUR AND NO MORE MADISON ROUTE 4. There is a lot of pneumonia in this neighborhood. Dr Dicks is riding night and day. Miss Minnie Dicks has a good school now. Mr. R. P. Lawson is having an old building repaired. Messrs. David Duncan and Roscoe Gann are the workmen. They made a scaffold around the houso and got on it. Roscoe got down and be gan to tear the scaffold down. David looked down just in time to save himself saying Ross what an \uii doing, do you mean to kiU u.' you "confounded" fool, you ain't got as much sense as I thought you had. George Samuel Paralyzed. Geo. W. Samuel, of Pilot Mt., suffered a stroke of paralysis one night recently just after leaving the Masonic Lodge, After leaving the lodge he complained of feeling bad and went into a drug store to get something to relieve him and while there ho was stricken. He was immediately carried to his home where he received medical attention. His condition was re ported as serious, but his physi cian entertains hope of his recov ery if a second stroke does not follow. News Items l-rom Mount Airy. A telegram from Ardmore, I. T , says that the condition of Mrs. W. F. Gilmer, who has been quite sick, is somewhat improved Miss Briggs Prather left las' week for Greensboro where sh" will enter the G. F. C. The six stores in the Bunker block fronting Needinore Street are nearing completion and it is understood that they are rented to wholesale produce dealers. The location is an ideal one for this business. Risden Reeco has secured the contract for rebuilding the bridge on Ruck Shoals road near Ed McKinney's. He has already toru away the remnant of the old bridge and expects to have the new one completed within about two weeks. On last Saturday afternoon while returning from the city to their homes near Belo, Surry county, Robt, Hemmings and his son, William, were thrown from their buggy near White plains and the eHer gentleman painfully hurt. The mules became frightened and ran away, completely wrerking the vehicle. The occupants had a nar row escape from death. Mr. W. W. Smith, of Campbell Route 2, was her*. Thursday 011 his way home from Winston. HOLD TEACHERS' INSTITUTE EARLIER COLONEL BOYLES THINKS SECOND AND THIRD WEEKS IN MARCH WOULD BE A BETTER TIME THAN AUGUST. Pinnacle Route 2, Feb. 7. Mr Editor ; T WIN 1 1— H\ a HW W 'IDS to I>IM public school teachers of Stokes county concerning the Normal School, when it ougni- n \be held. I think the best time for it is i& spring—say about the second and third weeks in March. I think it would suit most of the teachers, especially those that want to farm in the summer. Our normal schools hive heretofore heen held in Aug ust, just about us busy time as the farmer boys have, their tobacco is generally ready to be harvested. I think the teachers should have a voice in saying when the school (that they are compelled to attend by law if they teach) should be held. I like a normal school for teachers but I'm not willing f r it t ■ im held in the summer. Would like to hear from all th« in the county concerning this matter Aunt Martha B »lns, mother of Mr. Win B ivl s. >f Ddt >ll R >ute 1, died lust Friday morning and was buried at Chestnut Grove ou Saturday. Revs. P. Oliver and Long held burial service. Mr. Elwood Stewart, of Dalton Route 1, is very low with pneu monia. There was a spelling at Volun teer school house Saturday night conducted ny the tewher, Miss Pnm'p Miller. There is at present a lot of sick ness in this part of the country, fever, grip, and colds. C. K. BOYLES. Happy Marriage of Mr. Jasper Bennett and Miss Georgia Smith j King, Feb 7. | Mr. Editor : Please allow me a small space in ; | your paper. As to sickness in this country, \it is very plentiful, with some j j deaths. We have one case of ! measles, Thurman Bennett. Prospects are good around Oak. j Grove for a large crop. The peo- j pie are about through with their i i plantbed burning. We have had j j several good speeches on the evil of growing tobacco, and the peo-! ; pie of this si'cti in don't know | whether it is ivil .ir n.it, but they [ are thinking of putting more at tention to raiding corn, wheat audi "hogs." Mr. Matt Gentry and family, of j I Texas, are visiting his uncle, Mr. R. G. Gentry. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Smith is at High Point visiting their ! daughter. M Jasper Bsn lott aid Mis| (Georgia V. Smith, daughter of | ! Mr. T. B. Smith, were married at | the home of the bride. Rev. P. 1 Oliver officiating. The waiters were Mr. Coy Bennett and Miss Ada Fleming, Mr. Tlios. Smith \ j and Miss Gentry, Mr. Jerry Bennett and Miss Oattie j Smith, Mr. Gaston Gentry, Miss I Emma Gentry, Miss Matiie Mc | Gee, Ella Smith, Jennie Bennett, Dr. Tillotson and others. After the ceremony they marched to a room adjoining the kitchen where I they found a table covered with delicious refreshments and every body ate seemingly to enjoy them, selves to the highest period of life, after which Mr. Bennett in-j [vitedthe crowd over with him, Why The People *re Antagonistic to Railroad auii tpiM l About the middle of D on! o the Reporter delivered a sat rollers to the N. & W. .railroad cdfßf.'mv at Walnut Cove for ship, ment to RicnSSPJ to be refilled. Nothing was heard from them or six or seven weeks, until the other day a driver a found them still in the depot at Walnut i Cove, shipment never having n | made owing to th • pure negligence of the agent. The Reporter h s been badly in need of the rollers all the time, and has been put t» considerable expense, trouble aitd worry without them. Recently a Danbury party had a I dress suit case shipped by ex press from Greensboro to Walnut, Cove. YV ben the case arrived it j was mashed out of shape, and on j one side the had marked ' large es, with 'i circle around j thein in two or three places on the j side of the valise, using a heavy blaek paint brush. (). course t ! ease was ruined. It is such incidents as those that make the people naturnlly antag onistic to the railway and express companies, and which they pay dearly for in damage-suits. Mr. Wm. Martin last week visit ed his nephew, Mr. W, C. : . i . of M tore's Springs, who wis re cently badly hurt in a ninfi . . , his team. He is reported geltirir along fairly well, but yet ooniin to his bed. where another great feaat was 1 awaiting them. I could tell you a lot more, but ; I am getting old. SMART ALEX'S PAP. Miss Ella Crumpler Married To Mr. j\j H. 0. Poindexter. The marriage of Miss E.la Crumpler and Mr, H. (). Poiirdex ter was celebrated last Woo-esiiny at the home of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs K T Crump ir German tun. Rev Dr H. A Br !"f Winston, . lli.-i ited. Only n few J relatives and friends witn J thi> : nuptials. The bride is ona of Stokes county's most popular and accomplished daughters, while the gooom, who resides near I3etba nia, Forsyth county, is well known and has a host of friends. F. G. Southern Sells Out to Jno. M. Taytor. j Mr. F. (i. Southern, of Mead ows Route 1, has recently sold his farm to Mr. Jno. M. Taylor, , f Winston, at the price of SBOO.OO. There are 1(53 acres iti the tract. I Mr. Southern has not yet d«cid I jwhetherhe will remove to F. syth, Rockingham or Surry, b't in certain that he will go to one of these counties. Ho will not leave before next fall, unless ho can clis | pose of his wheat crop. TO CURE A COLD IX ONE DAY I Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quin jine Tablets. Druggists refund moDey if it fails to cure. E. W. I GROVE'S signature is on eacli box. 250. No

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