Briefs Adrift. Deputy Sheriff A. W. Davis went to Walnut Cove Tuesday. The private school here taught by Mr. W. P. Wilson will close Friday. Misses Berchie and Gracie Dun lap, of Gideon, spent a few days here this week. Mr. P. C. Sheppard, of Sandy Ridge Route 1, visited the Repor ter office Tuesday. Mr. J. Walter Joyce, a prom inent citizen of Sandy Ridge, was here yesterday. Attorney N. 0. Petree ForeytlHsSuperior court at Wins ton the past week. Mr. Jesse A. Lawson, of Smith Route 1, was here Tuesday look ing after some business. Mr. Henry Whitaker, a prom inent citizen of Pilot Mountain, was in Danbury Tuesday. Mr. Thos. Petree with Miss Maud Hedrick and Mr. Alvin Blair with Miss Eva Voss visited Moore's Knob Monday. Misses Nellie and Mary Joyce and Blanche Pepper, students at the State Normal College, return ed home yesterday for vacation. Mrs. J. Spot Taylor attended the commencement exercises at Guilford Collpge Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. She will be accom panied home by her daughter, Miss Mary, who is a student at Guilford. Prof. J. T. Smith's school for teachere will close this week. Prof. Smith will hold examinations for the purpose of awarding cer tificates to teach at the close of the Bchool. Clerk of the Court M. T. Chil ean went to Guilford College yes terday to hear speaker Joseph Cannon deliver the annual address before the graduating class of the college. Mr. Chilton is a former student of that institution. SEE the Edison Canning outfit before buying a canner. Sold by J. Walter Tuttle, King Route 1. Sizo 3 in. long, 15 in. wide, 18 in. high, holds 35 gallons water. Will steam 24 3-lb. cans and cook 48. All complete for SIO.O J. MY BEST FRIEND. Alexander Benton, who lives on Rnral Route 1, Fort Edward, N. Y., says : "Dr. King's New Dis covery 19 my best earthly friend. It cured me of asthma six years ago. It has also performed a won derful cure of incipient consump tion for my son's wife. The first bottle ended the terrible cough, and this accomplished, the other symptoms left one by one until she was perfectly well. Dr. King's New Discovery's power over coughs and colds is simply mar velous." No other remedy has ever equaled it. Fully guaranteed bv all druggists. 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. Speaker Cannon At Guilford. Speaker Joseph G. Cannon, of Washington, delivered the annual address before the graduating class at Guilford College yester day. The college is to be con gratulated upon hiving this dis tinguished gentlen a i ai its gupst. A. Cough Medicine Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is a regular cough medicine, a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. Good for easy coaghs, ijard coughs, desper ate coughs. If your doctor endorses it for your case, take It. If not, don't take if. Never go contrary to his advice. Wt publish o«r formulas /I Wt btniih alcohol / from our modiolus* flyers -as.- The dose of Ayer's Pills is smsll, only one st bedtime. As a rule, laxative doses are better than cathartic doses. For con ization, biliousness, dyspepsis, sick headaches, they cannot be excelled. Ask your doctor about this. ——Kmda by th« J. C. Ajar Co.. L«rw«U. Maw.— CAUGHT IN ILLINOIS. Grover Beamer, A Patrick County Man. Arrested At Hampshire. Illinois. On Charge 01 Murder. Chioago, May 27.—Grover Ben mer WBB arrested at Hampshire, 111., today on a charge of complic- { ity in the murder of Miss Anna Hall, who was killed while at- j tempting to defend her father against an attack by Blue Ridge mountaineers on his farm in Pat rick county, Va., in March. Bea mer was turned over to the United States marshal and brought to Chicago. An order of removal was obtained before Federal Judge Landon and tomorrow the prisoner will be taken to Virginia. Beamer and several others are charged with an attack on Peter Hall, when they learned that ho had furnished information to the government revenue agents con cerning illicit whiskey stills. Miss Hall was shot and killed and sev eral others persons were killed during the fight. SOME NOTES FROM THE COVE. Mr. Jno. W. Davis and Family To Move Back To Walnut Cove- Little Girl lll—Personals. Walnut Cove, May 27. T. S. Fleshinan, of Kernersville, was in town Mondiy. Miss Dora Wall, who has been teaching here for some time, re turned to her home at Pinnacle Monday. Mr. Nat Voss expects to to go Pinnacle in a few days. Miss Lola Martin is visiting her brother, G. F. Martin, at Winston. Quite a crowd turned out Mon day evening to see the perform ance of Wild Jim from Texas. Mrs. W. C. Matthews, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. M. E. Gibson, at Germanton, return ed home Monday. Little Fannie Davis, the 7-year old daughter of Thos. W. Davis, has been very ill for the past few days. Mr. Jno. W. Davis and family, who moved to High Point about six months ago, are expected to return in a few days. We would like to know just what Mr. J. B. Woodruff thought of the show Monday. I thiuk he enjoyed it very much as he WHS giving out a good deal of money. The stockholders of the Pat rick-Stokes phone line are urged to meet at Five Forks, Va , on Sa'- urday, June 8, for the purpose > f effecting organization and begin ning work at once. W. 13. MOORE, Pres. N. E. PEPPER, Sec. and Treas. When you pay your bills by check you have these advantages : 1. It is more business-like and gives others a more honorable iiu pressiou of your business abilities and methods. 2. It often saves you money, as for instance when you pay a bill or debt by giviug your check, the person who receives the check must put his name on the back of the check before he can get the money on it. This operates as a receipt in law. Every farmer or anybody who pays out money should always do so by check. There are other banks larger than the Bank of Stokes County. But the statement of the Bank of Stokes will compare favorably with any bank in the state. Some banks with capital stocks of hun dreds of thousands, and big sur plus funds, also have liabilities reaching up into the hundreds of thousands. The safest bank is the bank having the largest clear as sets in proportion to its liabilities. J. T. Benbow. S. E. Hall, J. W. Hall. Benbow, Hall & Hall, Attorneys and Counselors-at Law, DANBURY, N. C. Office at McCanless Hotel. Pay your bills by check. It is safer, more convenient and more business-like. The Bank of Stokes County will give you a nice check book free. DEATH OF MRS. JESSE BEASLEY. I Farmers Besinning To Plant Tobacco —Plants Not Doing Well—Some Other Items. Big Creek, May 27.—The farm ers in this section are beginning to plant tobacco but owing to the cool dry weather it's not doing very well. In all probability the crop | will be at least one T third short if it is seasonable from now on. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Wright, of Mt. Airy, visited friends and rel atives in this section and attended the Association at Big Creek. Mr. Johnnie Frans has returned from Danbury, where he has been going to school. Mr. J. H. Wright says the wild onions are about to lake his plant ation. He says he pulled up a lot the other day and several of them weighed a pound a piece. • I saw in the Reporter where "1861' 'come again in reply to Mr. Oliver, but doubtless he failed to convince Mr. Oliver that he was wrong. In my estimation, we need more such men as Brother Oliver, in both political parties. I mean by this men who put principles above party, who will make a bold stand for what is right and who will not follow wrong for party sake. Come again, Bro. Oliver, "truth crushed to earth will rise again." It is with profound sorrow we chronicle the death of Mrs. Jesse Beasley, who died at her home the past week of the dreaded disease consumption. The deceased had been confined to her bed for some time, and the end was not a sur prise to her many friends and rel atives. She was 3'.l years of age, and was not a member of any church but professed her hope be fore she died and said she wanted to join the church and be bap tized. The funeral services were con ducted by Revs. Barnard, Stono and Pyrtle, after which the re mains were laid in the silent i tomb to await the resurrection. • | FOR SALE —A good milch cow. :H. C. Southern, Germautou, N. ; C , Route 1. How's Your Liver? It will pay you to take good care of your liver, because, if you do, your liver will take good care of you. Sick liver puts you all out of sorts, makes you pale, dizzy, sick at the stomach, gives you stomach ache, headache, malaria, etc. Well liver keeps you well, by purifying your blood and digesting your food. There Is only one safe, certain and reliable liver medicine, and that Is Bedford's Black-Draught For over 60 years this won rtul vegetable remedy has been the standby In thousands of homes, and Is today .e favorite liver medicine in the world. It acts gently on the liver and kid neys, and does not Irritate the bowels. It cures constipation, relieves con gestion, and purities the system from an overflow of bile, thereby keeping the body in perfect health. Price 25c at all druggists and dealers. Test it. ItPerCentj A You have spare money ly- ' ■ ing idle, or will have when S I you sell your tobacco. Why I T not let us keep it for you f ■i* safe in our vaults. Wo a I pay 4 per cent interest, 1 f and your money is ready I ■ a for you when you want it. t ; 1 THE BANK OF ! J STROKES COUNTY. | WONDERFUL ECZEMA CURE "Our little boy bad eczema for five years," writes N. A. Adams, Henrietta, Pa "Two of our home doctors said the caso was hopeless, his lungs being affected. We then employed other doctors but no benefit resulted. By chance we read about Electric Bitters; and bought a bottle and soon noticed improvement. We continued this medicine until several bottles were used, when our boy was complete ly cured." Best of all blood med icines and body building health tonics. Guaranteed at all drug gists, 50c. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, Danbury, - - - N. C Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. Trustee's Sale In Bankruptcy. AH trustee ill bankruptcy ofT. \V. Ilylton, bankrupt, by authority of the Bankrupt Court, I will sell for onnh at public Hale nt tlic following times ami places the property yet lie lonn'iiin' to the mi Id bankrupt, as follows, to-wit: At the lumber yard known as the i. M. Joyce lumber yaril, near Campbell. Stokes county, X. on Friday the 14th dayofJune, 1!HI7, a la rue lot of oak, pine and pop lar lumber consisting of several thousand feet of lumber, and also odds and endn of lumber and other things. At filestore of myself in said coun ty and state on Saturday tile Kith day of June, 1!MI7. a nice set of Hcales, known as the Stimpson ('omputiiiK Scales, and various other articles of personal property and a lot of book accounts against various partiesnnd other claims due to the said estate. Parties owiiii-'said accounts can pay them off to the undersigned at any time before sale of tile same. Terms of sales will lie cash, and all sales are subject to the continuation of the Referee in Bankruptcy. This Mav I'Nth. liK 17. ' JKSBH A. LAWSO.N. Trustee in Bankruptcy of T. \V. Hyl -11 >n. I*. >. address :—Danburv, X. It. I" I). Xo. 1. KILLTHE COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS wth Dr. King's New Discovery FOR COLDS 13 JSfe. I AND ALL THROftT AND LUNG TROUBLES. I GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY 1 I OR MONEY REFUNDED. "THE DEVILof TODAY" Ilis work in the Home. Church. Society. Business. Politics and every walk of life. A book portraying the grave dangers found in all conditions of life. Pitfalls, and methods of escaping them. A warning note to save young men and women from wreck and ruin. This lunik is having .in immense title; We want agents to sell the above book with a full line of Standard Subscription Books. Red Letter Family ar d Teacher's Bibles. Cata logue will be sent free. This is your opportunity to make money and worth your investigation. We have agents who have been with us 20 years. Write today. D. E. Luther Publishing Co. 12-14-16 Trinity Ave. Atlanta, Ga. Merchants Business Men Farmers Teachers Everybody We want your business and are prepared to offer you every facility and ev ery accommodation that any bank in North Caro lina can give. The management of this institution is conducted on a safe, sound, conserv ative and successful basis. So carefully have our bus iness transactions been managed, that during the 18 months' existence of the Bank not a dollar has ever been lost in its loan ings. 1 DAHK OF STOKES (HIT I I Use A NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Slove . .. m t+4 Because it's clean. Because it'seconom- | ~■= 3. Because it saves Because it gives best j^X cooking results. \\ \l \ J ]| Because its flame JJ U \f \l can be regulated 11 Because it will not overheat your kitchen. Because it is better than the coal or wood stove. Because it is the perfected oil stove. For other reasons see stove at your dealer's, or write our nearest agency. Made in three sizes and fully warranted. tThe f cannot be equaled Xytl HtfJ for its bright and steady light, simple construction and absolute safety. Equipped with latest improved burner. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. An ornament to any room, whether library, dining-room, parlor or bedroom. Every lamp warranted. Write to our nearest agency if not at your dealer's. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (INCORPORATED) TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the power contained in a (leetl in trust executed to the under signed on tlic 14th day of April, 1000, by S. 1,. Venable and wife Eliza J. Venable, to secure the payment of $l.j().00, and interest on same, due March 1, l!M)7, and default having heen made in tin- payment of the same, 1 will sell on Tuesday, June 18, 11107, on the premises, at 12 o'clock M., the following described tract of land lying and being in Stokes coun ty, and bounded as follows : Adjoin ing the lands of ,1. M. Galloway, J. M. Vernon, It. \V. Simpson, and others, and being the lands sold by I*. I>. Price, to M. F. Martin, deed dated March 2, INKS, recorded in I took 2!t, page ."7:1, deeded by M. F. Martin to H. A. Mc tehee and 11. I''. Mc- Gehee, and dated April 2. 1902, re corded in liook 4:5, page os(>, office Register of Deeds of Stokes county which said lands were deeded by 15. F. McGehee and It. A. MeGehee to said S. L. Venable of even date here with. All of the said deeds are hereby referred to ami made a part hereof as fully as if set forth in full. Also one horse bought of .1, P. Carico & Co. by said S. L. Venable. Terms of sale—cash. This May 11,1!H)7. Is. F. McUEHEE, Trustee. Land Sale. Il.v virtue of a decree of theSuperii r Court of Stokes county rendered In the sjiecial proceedings entitled ".I. ). Smith et -itl vs. Itessie Smith et al" appointing the undersigned a com missioner to make sale of the here inafter described lands. 1 will on Monday, July Ist, l!l(>7, at the court house door in the town of Danbury, X. ('., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands to-wit : Beginning at a maple 011 the bank of the Jan uary branch on the south side of the road, runs north west along the road as it meanders 24 chains to the I cross roads, thence south a south east course along the road leading to.I. I*. Smith's as it meanders l4 chains to the ford of said branch,! thence up the branch as it meanders | 50 chains to the beginning, contain ing 120 acres more or less ami it lie- | Ing lot Xo. 6in the division of the lands of the late John I'. Smith, I deceased, among his heirs at law. I Sale subject to confirmation of the court. ' This May 2:1,1007. J. It. HUMPHREYS, Commissioner, j Read This ! You will save money and get as I good ns there is 011 the market, if yon will see or write me be fore buying an Organ, Fiatio or J Watch. Watch repairing a special ity. ' All work guaranteed. A. J. ESSEX. Dillard, N. C. | Mayloonem W. J. Martin, Walnut Cove, sells | Navassa Guano. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicine for Busy People, Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation. Indigestion, Liver and Kidney troubles. IMmples, Eczema. Impure Ulool. Bad IMre&th. Sluggish Howela, Headache and Hackacbc. Its Kocky Mountain Tea in tab let form* 35 cents a box. Ucnuine made by HOLLISTBU DHUU COM PA NR. Mad'soil, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Notice! Having duly qualified as executrix of the hurt will and testament of A. .). Flippin, dec'd, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present thein to lue for payment, duly authenti cated, on or before the loth day of May, lltos, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment. This (lie 80th dav of April, 11(07. MKLISNA IS. FLIPPIN, Executrix of A. J. Flippin, dec'd. Notice. Having duly qualified as executors of the last will and testament of C. H. Ferguson, deed., all persons in debted to said estate are hereby re quested to come forward and make immediate settlement of the same, and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present them to the under signed after having been duly authenticated, for payment, on or before the 10th day of May, lIHiN, or j this notice will lie pleaded in bar of their recovery. This 2flth day of April, 190". C. W, FIORGI'SON and THOS. 11. FERGUSON, executors of C. H. Fer guson. .1. D. Humphreys, Atty. for ex'rs. I*. O. address—Sandy Itidge, N. LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Supe rior ("onrtof Stokes county, rendered by M. T. Chilton, ('. S. C., in the Special Proceedings entitled "Ilessie N. Smithetnl vs. Carrie Gentry et al." appointing the undersigned a commissioner to make sale of the hereinafter described lands, I will on Saturday, the 6th day of .July, ISO", at the home place of the late P. >. Bennett, deed., sell at public auction to the highest bidder the following described real estate, to-wit: Ist tract —Contains 22."» acres, ad joining the lands of C. H. Lnnsford, | Jasper Bennett and others, j Second tract—Contains 45 acres j more or less and adjoins the lands of .W. G. Slate, I'. (>. Bennett and others. I Third tract —Contains 21.(i acres | more or less and adjoins the lands of j .1. C. Tillotson and others. Fourth tract—Contains 117 1-10 acres more or less and adjoins the lands of It. G. Gentry, It. It. Smith and others. Fifth tract—Contains 14.s acres more or less and adjoins the lands of R. It. Bennett, I'. (). Bennett and I others. | Sixth tract—Contains 21.(5 acres j and adjoins the lands of It. R. Smith, \V. G. Slate and others. The22.">acre 5 tract will lie sold separately by its self. and likewise the 4."> acre tract | will be sold by itself separately. | Tracts numbered 3, 5 and li will be sohl together. After the lauds are I bid off as set out above, they will then be offered all together to ascer j tain liy which method the greatest ! sum can be obtained therefor, and the method or way of selling which brings the most money will lie adop ted and the bid reported to "the Court for confirmation or otherwise as the court may direct. The terms of sale are : —One-half cash on day of sale and the remaining half to be | paid on or before the first day of j January, 11(08, with bond and ap proved security for deferred pay i ments. The metes and bounds of the various tracts will lie made known upon application for the same, j This May 17th, 11)07. JENNIE BENNETT, ComiulHMinifc'r,.