THE DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XXXIII. REPORT OF GRAND JURY The Argus=Eyed Gentlemen Make Some Timely Recommendations to the Board Of County Commissioners, Among Which Is An Admonition Regarding the Danger= ous Poor House Hill===Hairston Ford Bridge Ordered Repaired===Board Will Act On Advice of Grand Jury With* out Delay. The grand jury at the last term of Superior Court made some im portant recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners through Judge Moore, which are as follows : State of North Car., ( Superior cu u rt * Court, Fall Stokes County. j Term ' 1907 To Honorable Frederick Moore, Judge presiding : The Grand Jury for Fall Term. 1907, of Stokes County Superior Ooart respectfully report to the Court that we have visited the County Jail in a body and find same in good condition, well kept, prisoners safe, and well fed. We reoommend that the platform on on the south side of the Jail be removed and stone steps he made instead, and that the Jail well be covered. There is a young insane white woman, Alice Boles, confined in the County Jail. We recommend that she be sent to an asylum for |he insane as soon as the proper arrangements can be made. A committee of three of our number visited the Couuty Home for the aged and infirm and report the home in a fairly good condi tion, inmates well fed and cared for. We found sanitary arrange ments as satisfactory ns could be expected. We recommend that some repairing be done on the windows, doors, floors and chim neys i f the building and especially on the old building nearest the keeper's house. We have visited the offices in the Court Hone'e viz : Clerk Su [ perior Court, Sheriff and Register t of Deeds and find said offices well | kept and records in good condition ; and neatly arranged. We exam- I ined the new Cross-Index to rec f. ords in Register's office that is now being made nnd find that the work is progressing satisfactory and is being neatly done. We recommend that the Hairs ton ford bridge be rej aired at once as it is in a dangerous condition, and we especially recommend that ,the wooden posts supporting the approach to said bridge be thor oughly examined. We reoommend that the section of road in Meadows and Danbury Townships between the County Home branoh and the widow Jas. Tattle's residence be worked im mediately and that the hill known as the Henry Durrett hill on same road in Danbury Township be made wide enongh for two wagons to pass. The part of hill that we herein recommend to be made broader is at the bend of the road on the hill. Respectfully reported, THOS J. DAVIS, Foreman Grand Jury. A CRIMINAL ATTACK on an inoffensive citizen is frequently made in that apparent ly useless little tube called the "appendix." It's generally the result of protracted constipation, following liver torpor. Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate the liver, prevent appendicitis, and establish regular habits of the bowels. 25c at all drug stores. SOME DILLARD NEWS. An Ice Cream Supper—Farmers Go To Winston—Getting Ready For the Association. Gideon, Oct. B.—Several farm ers wont to market this week from this neighborhood with tobacco, to-wit: Messrs. John F. Durilap, Coon Branson, Jas. Bullen, Hard Martin and W. M. Flynt. Guess they will take in the Fair at Winston and spend a few shekels. Mr. Wilson Mitchell has alsogone to Winston horse trading. All are getting ready for the Association, but we are sorry to learn that Mr. Gid Mitchell can't take company on account of sick ness of his sister, but guess all will find homes and plenty to eat, Mr. Johnnie Duulap and Miss Bercha Dunlap gave a delightful ice-cream supper Saturday even ing, whioh was eujoyed by all. Some indications of frost, but we've been highly favored so far and farmers are about ready to sow grain and gather corn. FIDDLERS' COVENTION. Prof. C. Z. Whitaker Decides To Or ganize Association and Hold Convention Annually. Wintton Sentinel. A Fiddlers' Convention for Win- ston-Salem is assured. Prof C. Z. Whitaker, the promoter of what promises to be? a most enjoyable event, has decided to organize a Fiddlers' Association and hold a convention here annually. The first contest will be pulled off during the month of Novem ber, tho exact date to be decided within the next week or two. Prof. Whitaker has written to various countries in the Piedmont section and replies have been that ihe fiddlers of Yadkin, and other counties will be here to partici pate in the contest. Prof. Whitaker hopes to secure the Elks' Auditorium for the con vention. It is safe to say that the contest will attract a large orowd and that those who attend will get the w. rth of their money. A nice list of prizes is being arranged ar.d will be awa ded the winners. OUT OF SIGHT " Out of sight, out of mind," is an old saying which applies with special force to a sore, burn or wound that's been treated with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's out of sight, out of mind and out of existence. Piles too and chilbl ains disappear under its healing influence. Guaranteed by all Druggists. 25c. DANBURY, N. C., OCT. 10, 1907. HONOR ROLL. THE PEOPLE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE SI.OO SUBSCEIPTION RATE BEFORE NOV EMBER 1. D. F. Tillotson, to October -J, 1912. J. N. Martin, to February 1911. John R. Smith, to Nov. 22, 1910. (). T. Gentry, to January 13, 1909. J. P. Covington, to April 15, 1909. C. C. Boyles, to Juno 25, 1908. W. G. Shultz, to Febuary 11, 1908. G. T. Hampton, to March 17, 1908. J. F. Poindexter, to June 28, 1908. D. Alex White, to September 17, 1908. John Head, to January 22, 1908. E. L. Bennett, to January 22, 1908. W. M. George, to September 24, 1908. J. S. D. Pulliam, to September 3. 1908. Friday, Oct. 18th, To Be Known As "Tobac= co Farmers' Day" At the State Fair In Raleigh===President R. K. Simmons Asks the Stokes Farmers to Attend. Westfield, N. C., October (sth. Mr. Editor : W ill you please allow me space in your valuable paper to notify the members of the Farmers' Protective Ass >oiation, that during the State Fair at Raleigh that Friday the 18th of October will be known as "Tobacco Farmers' Day," and all tobacco growers who attend the Fair, and especially the members of the Protective Association, aie invited to be there on that date, and we will have a business meeting in interest of the Association, We hope to see many of the gocd farmers of Stokes county there. Every member who goes will he considered a delegate. It is true that tobacco has started off better than usual, but it is not yet selling at a profit to the producer, considering the advanced price of everything the farmer has to buy, the price has not advanced in proportion to other things. Therefore, it behooves us as a class of business men, to make an effort to bring the price of our commodity up in proportion to other things, or else we will be left in the race. Hoping to see you at Raleigh on the 18th of October, I remain your servant. R. K. SIMMONS, President Farmers' Protective Association. L. S. Grabs, to March 1, 1908. W. R. King, to September 26, 11908. | Mary T. Wilson, to November 3, 1 1908. J. W. Pulliam, to Feb. 5, 1908. D. M. Tuttle, to August 7, 1908 W. F. Grabs, to April 28, 1908 James Wall, to March 23, 1908. A. H. Kiger, to January 15, 1908. Prof. W. A. Flynt, to Sept. 12, •1908. Miss Cora Boles, to Sept. 26, 1908. W. A. Lewis, to July 16, 1908. Jas. W. Lesley, to March 2, 1908. O. J. Cates, to May 6, 1908. J. C. Wall, to January 26, 1909. J. A. Williams, to January 28, 1908. W. T. Neal, to March 10, 1911. Tom Neal, to December 26, 1908. C. O. Baker, t) January 22, 1908. Miss Jennie Smith, to May 15, 1908. T. J. Boles, to Feb. 1(5, 1908. H. 0. O. Hall, to July 15, 1908. W. T. Tut tie, to Jauußry 20, 1908. Geo. W. Newsum, to April 15, 1908. H. C. Southern, to January 7, 1908. W, J. Campbell, to August 27, 1908. Mrs. Martha J. Simmons, to January 5, 1908. Rev. A. L. Hunter, to March 28, 1908. T. J. Overby, to August 9, 1908. B. R. Jones, to Fobuary 5, 1908. C. W. Owens, to September 26, 1908. J. D. George, to September 10, 1908. W. M. Martin, to July 27, 1908. J. B. George, to Feb. 18, 1908. R. H. Simmons, to January 15, 1908. J. V. Anderson, to January 15, 1908. E. F. Shore, January 15, 1908. Gabriel Moore, to January 1, 1908. N. S. Jones, to June 15, 1909. Chos. Lunsford, to Sept. 10, 1908. T.B.Smith, to September 10, 1908. Mis* Wilmeta Smith, to April 28, 1908. R. H. Pulliam, to Feb. 26, 190 S. P. W. Glidewell, to May 29, 1908. R. F. Fulk, to September 14, 1908. J. R. Covington, to February 18, 1908. J. P. Smith, to December (5. 1908. R. H. Kiser, to January 19. 1908 S. F. Stewart, to August 6, 1909. F. M. Flinn, to August 11. 1908. Dr. W. G. Leak, to December ], 15108. John Johnson and Tom John son have been suggested for the democratic nomination for pres ident and vice president, resjiec tivaly. The euphoneousness of that combination would simply be tc o fetching,—Durham Sun. COUNTY FATHERS MEET Road From Jno. NeaFs to Flat Shoal Cceek To Be Discontinued===Jail and Courf~ House Roofs Ordered To Be Painted=== The Stokes County Fair Association At King Registered===Various Promiscuous Claims Paid=-=A Number of Outside Pau= pers Receive their Allowances===Some Other Business Before the Board. Though only a small crowd was ! I present at the meeting of llio j | Board of County Commissioners I Monday, a good deal of business of general interest was transacted. | A full hoard was present as fol lows: K F. Shelton, chairman; W. M. Mabe and J. P. Smith; C. M. Jones, Clerk. A petition was presented to the board signed by twenty citizens of the Meadows neighborhood, ask ing tluffc the public road leading from a point near the place of Jno. Neal. Sr., to the Flat Shoal creek, be discontinued. The petition was signed by the following citi zens: W. R. Stephens, G. F. War ren, John A. Neal, G. W. Neal. G. iT. Martin Joel A. Hicks, J. P. Martin, W. P. Sands, J. F. Pep per, James M. Neal, Robert Joyce, R. H. Jojce, J. H. Matthews, J. E. Hicks,C. M. Williams, J. A. Stephens, J. G. Priddy, L. H. Hicks. The petitioners suggest that the discontinuance of this road will give nine bunds on the Danbury- Walinit Cove road, which hps at present three hands, an insufficent number t > keep it up. The petition will | rjbably I e granted by the board at the next meeting, as the notice of the dis continuance was ordered adver tised. The organizers and stockhold ers of the Stokes County Fair at King filed with the board, accord ing to law, a copy of the details of their organization, lha stock holders are as follows: S. L. Pulliam, S. L. Reynolds, W. C. Southern, J. F. Newsom, Wm. Knight, W. E. Butner, C. F. White, W. D. Thomas, R. H. Kirby, J. R. Hutchins, R. N. Reynolds, W. E. Keiger. The officers are as follows : S. L. . Pulliaiu, President; W. R. Keiger, Secretary and Treasurer; J. F. iNe*Siiii. First Vice-President and Assistant 6e0.; S. L K« yuolds, j Sec Vice-Pres.; E. P. Nuwsum, Adverting MniiHger. Th -se uffi i cers »ern elect, vl to s«ive one The following was in -de by the Board ngarding the fr'air : It apjMjaring t > the Board of Commissioners of Sokes County, that a duly certified copy of arti cles of association of The Stokes County Fair Association, at King, N. C., have this day been present ed to the Board of Commissioners of Stokes County, in accordance with sec. 3870 i f the Revisal of N. C.; It is thereupon ordered by the Board that the sam ■ be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Board, and there remain for safe keeping, and that the C lerk of the Board, under the official seal of the Board, transmit to the Aud itor of the Stat9 c f North Caroli > na, a duly certified copy of said j articles of association, together will) the certificates thereon, and of tlm order. The Board of Supervisors of the roads of Beaver Island town ship sent a letter asking the commissioners to discontinue the Davis mill road, or make a cart way of the same. In the absence of a petition from the citizens living along the said road, the Board declined to take any action on the matter. The Board made a critical examination of the making of the new cross index for the records of the county. It was found that Messrs. [Rogers and Petree are doing first class work, and that they have completed seven ;books, amTare now at work on the eighth, and that Book 5, which has been finished contains more instru ments than any other three books in the office. The Board expressed themselves as well pleased with the progress and efficiency of the work, and ordered it continued till the end. There are 45 more books to he indexed. Sympathy was extendi d to Registi rof Deeds Jones on ac count '.if the extreme dullness of t lie marriage license market, and t lie hope expressed that an early rehabilitaton of the divine nftintos may b-' apparent. Ordered that the roofs of the court house and jail be painted, also the roof of the jail stable, . and the cont-art be given to Mr. Alvin Blair for the work. PROMISCUOUS CLAIMS. Claims were allowed as follows : |M. T. Chilton, C. S. C. S 80.25 j R. J. Petroe, Sheriff, 30 | R. P. Joyce, Sheriff, 90 I R. S. ColemaD, deputy sheriff, 2.10 W. H. Davis, deputy sheriff, 2.10 j D. A. Simmons, deputy shff., 1.05 J. J. Priddy, deputy sheriff, 45 Jno. R. Smith deputy shff., fiO T. M. Lawson, deputy shff., 1.70 J. S. D. Polliam, J. P., 70 F. ti. Thomas, court officer. 95 W. R. Stephens, keeping home A. & 1., Sept., "07, 80.87 D. A. Simmons, conveying prisoner to jail, 2.60 D. A. Simmons, court officer, 4.50 J. P, Lynch, juror laying out road, 1.00 A. VV. Davis, court officer, 7.50 J. J. Priddy, court officer, 3.00 Y. S. Smit'i, repairing Henry Dirret bridge, 6.30 Y. S. Smith, cmrt officer, 7.50 J. J. Priddy, serving road orders, 6.60 Thos. S. Petree, wurk on index, 37.00 R. R. Rogers, work on in dex, 09,23 R. P. Joyce, repairing large bridge at Walnut Cove, 2.27 Continued on page 5, No. 33

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