"THE DANBURY REPORTER. |VOLUME XXXIU. ■fr APRON PARTY AT DILLARD SATURDAY NIGHT. Given In Honor Of Miss Claudie Hp ; L. Smith —Dillard School to Close jrV.*. Soon With An Entertainment—.] K *j, Mrs. J. E. Lasley Continues Low— El: *3* Personal. Dillard, March 2.—People are getting tbrongh burning plant V beds, they are some what late on jfjr account of the weather being so K very rough. I * Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mitchell i i went to Rockingham Friday to " k viiiit Mrs. Mitchell's parents. Mrs. Luther Mitchell and Miss , f * Claudie Smith of Walnut Cove, i * t visited at Diliaid, Saturday and This visit was very I *;nuoh enjoyed by all; hope they i will come again soon. Mrs. J. \V. Mitchell gave an -* apron party Saturday night in honor of Mis 9 Claudie L. Smith, who spent the night with her. * *The party was very much enjoyed . by all that was present. .* .The school at this place con ducted by Mr 9. C. A. Mitchell and ' • Miss Olivn Dean,will close Thurs v day or Friday with an entertain ' ment. Mrs. J. E. Lasley continues • .• very low. R. L. Mitchell of this place has been talking of west this summer, but he will change his mind and go in a southeasterly direction if things continue to work as they are at present. ' • Mster Mitchell and Grady j Rothrock were seen on thestneets of Dillard Sunday. We think they were looking for some girls. „ As it is leap year the girls ' should get out and see what they ■ cou la do. * STOKES REPUBLICAN CONVEN TION. . i .. i Called To Meet In Danbury On Mon day, April 6th, To Elect Delegates To State and Congressional Con- \ ventions. » - . A convention of the Republican party of Stokes County is hereby ' called to meet at the Court House in Danbury, on Monday April the 6th, 1908, at the houfr of one o'clock p. m , for the purpose of electing delegates and alternates to represent the county in the State and Congressional Conven tions. A good attendance is re spectfully requested. This the 4th day of March, 1908. N. O. PETREE, Chm. Rep. Ex. Com. Stokes Co. D. V. CARROLL, Seo'y. Campbell Items. . Campbell, Feb. 2. —Mrs. Lottie Frazier has been ou the sick list for some time. Mr. D. M. Martin ha 9 purcha sed him a phonograph. He has a jolly time entertaining his friends, as they all seetn to enjoy that j kind of music fine. Mrs. Covie Smith and daughter! Curtie, spent last Friday after . noon with Mrs D. M. Martin. Mr. John Leak's school closed last Friday, Guess the scholars thought he was very good, as he ♦ treated them on candy. *1 saw in the last week's paper j where some of the girls had adver-1 Used for . husbands. I think it | would be a very good idea forj some of the men to advertise forj a wife, as there aro some around i here that want to marry I am t 'thinking. Mr. Will Gilbert and Sam •* Brown of Stuart, Va., and Mr. J.' R. Brown of Nettle Ridge, Va., called to see Mr. D. ,M. Martini . last Sunday. * L. B. NOTICE I The undersigned will open; ,r school at Danbury on Monday, | ■kroh 9, 1906. M special course given fur torch- j J ? Examination held at close of, ,/ >" *. Board, SB.OO to SIO.OO per " month. Tuition", $2.00 to $2.50 per i- month. * f. ' J.T.SMITH, feV r " Prinoipal. e - -vMx. E. K. Vernon, of Sandy 1 Bidge, was here Monday and I pad in to lee the Reporter. MKT 7 1 Interesting Items and Personals i From Sandy Ridge Route 2—Now That All the Public Schools Of the County Are Closing, Every Person Who Is Not Already a Subscriber of the Danbury Repor ter, Should Subscribe At Once. Sandy Ridge, Route 2, Feb. 29. —Mr. Lee Wall will preach at the j s >hool house at Buffalo, next I second Sunday at2o'clock. J Messrs Curvie Hawkins and | Claude Hutcherson of Sandy i Ridge, attended the closing exer ! cises of the school at Buffald Tharsday night. A Mr. Jackson of Mt. Airy held ' a moving picture show in Mr. M. |L. Shatter's store Wednesday | night. Everyone present seem | ed to enjoy it very much, j Mr. T. Hutchens of Madison was in this section Thursday, in j the interest of his Warehouse. Mr. Wallie Joyce and Master George East are improving, we aro glad to note. Mr. Tom Covington was in thisl neighborhood Inst week trying to get up a school at Buffalo. Miss Allie Gann is aiming to visit her sister, Mrs. H. W.' McCauley, of Guilford, N. C., some time in the near future, Rev. D. A. Binkley, of Dan bury. spent a short while at the homes of Messrs. Will Hutcher son and M. L. Powers, Thursday. It is as the correspondent says from Gann's, "deaths and dauces 6eem to be all the go now a dajs,"i around here. To the surprise of , a good mnny people a dance was! given at the home of Mrs. M. L. I Andrews Friday night. The; ladies present were as follows: Misses Bercha Dunlap, Cora Joyce, Mabel and Nettie Hennis, I Lindie Bell Phillips, Claudie and j Lemma Vernon, Eva and Mae-ie Gunter. Now that nearly every public school in our county has closed there is more reason for every man who is not already a subscri ber to subscribe for the Danbury I Reporter at once. A good many children think when they quit goiug to school there is no need of me studying or reading now, and a lot of thein never see a book or paper during the summer sea son. When nine times out of ten if they had the dear old Reporter they would read it because it con tains all events and happenings of our own county. "LEO." The Birthday Party of Miss Nellie Rakestaaw Attended By a Large Crowd —Some Nice Presents Re ceived —Other News From Sandy Ridge. Sandy Ridge, March 2. Little Agnes Pringle spent Monday night with little Clyde Hutcherson. Misses Mabel and Florence Amos spent Sunday with their friend, Miss Minnie Joyce of this place. Quite a number of young peo ple of this place attended the 18th birthday party of Migs Nellie Rakestraw last .Friday evening. She received many presents both useful and oraumental. Each guest spent a most pleasant even ing. Little Leone Shelton is very sick. Several people of this place at- 1 tended the entertainment at Del ta last Saturday afternoon. All report a very interesting pro gramme. Misses Berta and Linnie Hod gin, Nealie and Nellie Ziglar, Messrs. Bob Joyce, Geo. Kallam, Malt Brown, Frank Hill and James Ziglar, spent Saturday night and Sunday at Mr. Walter Hawkins'. The school at Sandy Ridge Aoademy is progressing nicely, under the management of Misses Berta and Linnie Hodgin.~ Mrs. Ezra Cardwell who has been taking treatmeut under Dr. Martin of Stuart ba9 returned to her home. The Bank 'of Stokes County Gains $9,000 In Deposits la Seven Days—Deposits Now Over $73,000. Since the last issue of the Re- Sorter the Bank of Stokes County aa increased its deposits $9,000, the deposits of the Bank now footing op a little over |78,000. It look* Uke the SIOO,OOO mark will so9n bo at this re DANBURY, N. C., MARCH 5, 1908. CLOSE OF THE SCHOOL AT MEADOWS. An Entertainment and a Treat to the Public—Miss Easter Teach ing a Subscription School Other Interesting Items of News From Meadows. | V Meadows, March 1. —Our school, : conducted by Miss Kizzie Easter, ■ closed Friday. The morning was I spent with the regular lessons, i A few visitors listened to some J j good recitations in the evening, j then a funny looking Santa Claus walked in with a large basket well filled with candy which he passed around to the scholars.! There was an amusing scene and great laughter for a few minutes. I Four prizes of honor were given. The first was awarded to Miss Thelnia Neal, the second to Mies ! 'Gracie Martin, the third and, j fourth to Masters Paul Young and Jessie Sands. Miss Easter is [teaching a subscription school. N 9 " Mrs. Zack Moran, who has been j very low with pneumonia, is im-j proving. Mrs. W. P. Sands is recovering ! from an attack of appendicitis. Rev. Mr. Killing preached at Mr. J. N. Young's Saturday night and Sunday night. Messrs. John Neal and Henry j Joyce killed some fine porkers i recently. Miss Lula Tuttle closed her i school and returned home Tues | day. j The little son of John Neal is | quite ill. 1 . i | Miss Ella Martin Improving—Other; Sandy Ridge News. Sandy Ridge, March 2. —We i are having some fine weather now. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Martin is right sick. Pneumonia is very plentiful in this section. Miss Ella Maitin is getting bet ter with her sprained ankle. She is so she can walk now. Mr. Joe Crews, accompauied by bis sister, Miss Minnio, were the guests at Mr. J. W. Joyce's Sun day. Mrs. J. T. Joyce spent Satur day with her brother, Mr. T. M. Martin. Mr. J. S. Scales, of Winston, is the guest of Mr. Joe Scales. Mr, J. B. Martin is improving slowly. Tlio public school at this place, taught by Mies Minnie Crews, of Mayodan, closed Thursday. Sorry it is out, but hope she will come up and teach for us again. Mr. Ben Tilley called at Mr. J. T. Joyce's Sunday. Miss Jessie Joyce is right sick with the sore eyes, but truly hope she will soon be out again. Mr. Geo. Wilson was the guest of Mr. Tom Ferguson Sunday. Mr. Geo. Brown called on Miss Kate Hutcherson Sunday after noon. Mr. Jake Martin, of Verana, called at Mr. Tom Martin's Sun day. Guess Miss Ella was glad to see him. A FRIEND. Mt. Airy Items From the Leader. Mrs. R. T. Joyce left Monday for Statesville, where she she will visit relatives. An attraction that promises much amusement is an Old-Time Fiddler's Convention that is to be pulled off in this city on the 10th and 11th of March. Smoak & McCreary Coming With A Big Lot Of Fine Stock. Messrs. Smoak & McCreary, the well known liverymen of Winston, will be in Danbury Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week with a big lot of good mules and horses. These stock are extra fine and they will be glad to have every farmer wanting a good mule or horse to oome and see them while they are here. They will swap or tell and will treat you right.' THE LUCKY QUARTER. Is the one you pay out for a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They bring you the health that's more precious than jewels. Try them for .headaobe, bilonsness, constipation and malaria. If thoy disappoint you the prios will be obasffnlly refunded St sll Drug gists. f ~ 'A. : MRS. MARY ROGERS DIES SUD DENLY. Dr. and Mrs. Leak Much liqproved —Charlie Jessup Buys a Pair Of Young Mules Something About Prohibition Other Items From Brim Route 1. Brim Route 1, March 2. [ Mr. Editor : I I see much said in the Reporter about the election in May. I want | to say that our neighborhood has been greatly blessed to get rid of ; liquor from Smithtown. It is so, • pleasant about Asbury on Sunday 1 ! to what it was before while Smith i town was selling. Now, I believe ! | the way and only way to put Stokes back where it stood in | sight of our sister counties and ( State is to vote it dry. We have j j a chance to show our color, and I ,am one that believes we will do it | on May 20th. All men that vote ( dry shows they are for right; they ' vote for pleasant homes, good ! horses and buggies, better lot of j Sunday clothes, and good behavior at church, and a better chance for ! the girls and boys that sit by; , their firesides. To vote wet means just the opposite. Dr. Leak and wife nre much improved, but still at Stuart, Va. Mr. Will Collins purchased a tine horse last week at Stuart, Va. Mr. Charlie Je6sup bought a pair of young mules in Mt. Airy a few days ago. A daughter was born to Walter , Beasley last week. There was quite n collision nt Asbury Sunday between the j "Williams'." One William came real soon in a two horse rig aud carried Miss Francis Marshall to Mr. David Hatcher's to n big din ner. Shortly William the second came and went into the home of Mr. G. L. Simmons all dressed up in his best suit of clothes aud stayed and talked over everything for a long while and finally looked so sad aud disappointed that he got up and left lor the other girl. Mr. Thompson Rogers' mother, Mrs. Mary Rogers, fell dead on the road Sunday evening on the way to her son's, Mr. Geo. Rog ers, to spend the night. She had spent the day at Elder Stone's on a visit, and about sundown Sun day evening she was found dead on the way. She had just fellfor ward and had not moved. She had heart trouble for some time. She waa 83 years old, and leaves four sons and two daughters to mourn their loss. An Enjoyable Time At Mr. Pleas Morefield's Saturday Night— Young's School Closed On the 29th With An Entertainment- Other Items From Danbury Route 1. .Mrs. G. G. Shelton who has' been very ill for several weeks is I no better we are sorry to note. | Quite a crowd spent the night at Mr. Pleas Morefield's Sat-1 urday. All report a nice time as they played moat every play they think of. Miss Carry Sisk was the center of at traction as she is very pleasant and interesting. Hope sho will come again. The Young's school closed Sat urday the 29th with an entertain ment which was very good and was enjoyed by a good many peo- Sle. The school was taught by [iss Nealy McKaugbn, who re turned Sunday to her respective home at Greenboro. We are sor ry to see her leave. Hope she will come up and teach for us again, as she Ims taught one of the best schools in the county. Miaa Bessie Gilbert spent Sat urday night with Miss Jettie Morefield. Mr. L. E. Morefield also spent j Saturday night with his father.' Mr. Morefield seemed to be en joying his self as he is kindly smitten on Miss Bessie. Mr. J. B. Priddy called on Miss Ella Grogan Sunday. Miss Ella is teaching the Priddy school; it will close this week. Misses Jettie and Lillia Young , and Misses Mary and Lillian Morefield are anticipating a trip to -Virginia aoon and of course they are looking forward for a good time. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lackey ppAnt Saturday night with Mr. Dock Yoang, also Mr. & O. Shel ton. Wonder what is attracting Mr. Shelton? DIN fe Mr. S. L. Meadows Operated On By Dr. Bohnson No Improvement In the Condition of Mr. • John i Rumbly. Dalton, March 3.—Mr. S. L. Meadows has been suffering with | his side for some time. Dr. Bahn son, of Winston, was secured last Thursday and operated on him. He is improving very fast and get tingfon exceedingly well. v Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Meadows' little three months old infant died I Saturday and was buried at Trin-j ity todays The child suffered iin-! mensely with grip, bronchitis and brain fever for more than a week. Rev. P. Oliver conducted the bur ial service. Several students stopped school at Dalton Institute FYiday, but; some more new ones entered to- j day. Mr. Rcss Hanuii came home! Friday and returned to Boonville | Monday, to pay his people a few days visit. Mr. C. T. Hamni came home Sunday aud returned Monday at Winston. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Spain hower, of Roanoke, are expected in Dalton Wednesday to visit Mrs. Spainliower's, Mr. and Mrs. ('. J. Schultz. Miss Lela Boyles is about well again. We are to see her out. Mr. John Rumley lingers on. and no sign of improvement. Mr. W. Boyles, R. F. D. carrier from here, made his last trip Sat urday. Guess the patrons of the route will greatly miss it. Mis 3 Genia Fulk is visiting at j Mr. Ellis Hooker's this week. Mr. Ross llaniin called to see | Miss Maud Coe several times I while at home. Mr. C. T. Hniiim has been in! Dalton today looking after soiiiej vacant lots. Next Sunday is the regular ap-! pointment at Trinity at 11 o'clock, a. m. Rev. Long is pastor this i time Mr. Sam Oliver is spending a few days at home from school on account of sickness. "ME." DEATH OF MRS. CATHARINE SISK. She Was the Mather Of Oscar Sisk, Who is in Jail Charged With the Murder of Revenue Officer Hen drix —Aged About 70. News is received at Danbury of the death of Mrs. Catharine Sisk, which oceured at her home on Campbell Route 1, about 7 o'clock Monday evening. Mrs. Sisk's death followed a long sickness of henrt dropsy, and the end of her life had been expected for some time. Mrs. Sisk is survived by four children as follows: Mrs. Win Campbell, Mrs. Cephas Nelson, Walter Sisk and Oscar Sisk. The last named is in the Federal prison at Greensboro charged with tho murder of Revenue Offi cer Hendrix last December Court Jurors. At the meeting of the county I commissioners Monday the follow-! ing persons were drawn to serve ! as jurors at the next term ofj Stokes Superior Court, which con- i venes here on the 4th of May,! IWH : FIRST WEEK. J. W. Kington, W. L. Culler, I. N. Stephens, Clarendon Abbott, W. B. Vaughn, 1). S. Priddy. W. E. Merritt, J. M. Vernon, H. A. j Hall, Thomas James, J. G. Bayer, F. S. Ross, Ed Slate, F. P. Stone,! H. H. Taylor, Oscar N. Petree, J. S. Schaub, J. W. Pell, Jr., C. V. Tuttle, G. R. Vaughn, J. O. Smith, j Gabriel Boles, J. H. Wright. F.I W. Owens, W. L. Nelson. S. L. Johnson, J. I Owen, J. M. Cov ington, W. R. Stephens, J. W." Fowler, W. T. Mabe, L. L. Lowe, i Joshua Smith, .Tames T. Wall, Wesley Mabe, R. F. Bondurant. SECOND WEEK. C. G. Ingram, John Palmer, R. P. McAnally, R. L. Ray, C. A. Mickey, J. E. Falkenbufy, A. S. Mitchell, A. A. Miller, Pleas More field, W. S. Jessup, H. C. Gordon, J. H. Robertson, Edwin Kiser, J. T. Ingram, A. D. Murray, John Neal, Jr., T. F. Tuttle. J. T. Browder. Mr. B. F. Priddy waa a viaitor in town on business Monday from. Danbury Route 1. fe' • Briefs Adrift. J Mr. John Abe Shelton, of Sandy Ridge, was at the Reporter office yesterday. Mr. David Hicks, of Meadows, was a visitor in Danbury m busi ness Mmday. Mr. Will Moore, one of the clever and courteous proprietors of the well known Moore's Springs, was a visitor in Danbury Monday. Miss Dora DeShazo, of Spen cer, Va , will begin a subscription school h ere in cue room of the public school building on Mon- " day, March Kith. Mr. (J. G. Shelton was at the office Tuesday and told the Im porter that his wife, who has been seriously ill for several months, is just a little bit better. Among the crowd in town Mon day at the meeting of county com missioners was W. Y. Gordon, W. L. Hall, J A. Southern, J. L. Meadows, Alex Flinchum, J. Ham Mitchell, Robt. Mitchell, R. P. McAnally and T. J. Tboro. Mr. John Bensley, of Stuart. Va, representing the Jenkins Millinery Co., of North Wilkes boro, N*. (.'. paid the Reporter a pleasant call Tuesday. Like many other traveling men, Mr. Beasley is a regular subscriber of the Reporter. Mr. J. Wesley Moretield has re turned from Philadelphia where he went a few days since to attend the bedside of his son Lester, who is ill in a hospital in that city. The condition of the young man was such as to make it uuadvisable to bring him home, and he was left in the hospital. W. F. Bowles of Walnut | Cove left last Saturday for Dallas, Tex., where he expects to meet and be united in marriage to Miss J Lillie Fair, formerly of Walnut | Cove, now visiting her brother, Mr. D. C. Fair, of Dallas. Their bridal tour will be via Hot Springs, Memphis, Birmingham, Asheviile and then home. The public rends between Dan bury and Walnut Cove, and in deed in nearly every neighbor hood of the county through which thoroughfares run. are a disgrace to any people. It is all but impossible to get from this place to the rail road, and a light buggy should certainly be drawn by at least three mules to prevent profanity if you want to gut anywhere. Mr. James A. Leak, of Peter's Creek, was a visitor here Tuesday, with two good mules for sale. The Reporter was glad to see Air. Leak and to know that ho has re covered from the severe injury of a mule kick at East Bend several months ago. Mr. Leak promised to soon set the date of the next meeting of the old soldiers, the Annual Reunion, which through his efforts has come to be such a success. Mr. R. R. Rogers, who has been working on the cross-index to the records in the Register of Deeds' office here for the past five months, left Monday for Winston, where he has accepted a position in the office at the factory of the Liipfert-Scales Tobacco Co. The finishing of the cross-index, which will only require a few weeks more, will be done by Mr. A. J. Fagg and Mr. T. S. Petree. Mr. Rogers made many friends here who wish him success in his new home and work. Mr. T. J. Thore, of Westfield, was in town Monday. !yjd paid the Reporter a very pleasant visit. Mr. Thore is agent for all kinds of threshing machines, traction engines, sawmills and planiDg machines. buggieß, wagons, and all kinds of farming machinery. Mr. Thore cau cer tainly save the people of Stokes money, and all persons who ex pect to buy any of these things should investigate his prices be fore buying. He will be glad to send his prices or will cjll on you if necessary. See his ads else where in this paper. Patronize a home man, and be sure of get ting honest goods and honest prices Mr. Wade Hicks and Mrs. Geo. Isain, bis daughter, were here on ' business Monday. No. 1877

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