THE DANBURY REPORTER. VOLUME XXXIII. SUDDEN DEATH AT PINE HALL. Mrs. Julina Southern Retires in Good Health tad Dies In Her Sleep—Mr. J. T. Dalton's Condi tion No Better- Sheriff Petree Rides 15 Miles to Reach a Point Three Miles Distant On Account Of Bad Ford at Pine Hall. Pine Hall, March 16 —Mrs Ju * Una Southern was found dead in her bed last Thursday morning. She retired in apparently good health, and next morniog was cold in death. This reminds us of frailty of human life. We kuow not what another day may bring forth. Mrs. Southern was laid to rest at Bethesda church. May we all meet her in that better world. Mr. J. T. Dalton's condition is uo better. His many friends dou't think he will live long. We notice the County Commis sioners have agreed to consider the proposition of building a bridge at Snow Creek. Now, Messrs. Commissioners, we believe yon ought to build a bridge at Snow Creek, but we believe the need for a bridge at Pine Hall is far greater than anywhere else iu the county. Suppose the commission ers build both of these bridges this spring and summer. They could not make a better invest ment of the county funds. If any one doubts the need of a bridge here, let him ask Sheriff Petree, who saw the situation here last week, and who hail to ride fifteen miles to gut to one of his appoint ments when he was in three miles of the place. The Pine Hall Sunday School is progressing. A temperance pro gram is to be rendered on Easter Sunday night. We hope they will be successful in getting up such n program, as will create sen timent iu the community for the s ' cause of prohibition. We hope they will have a large crowd to hear them deliver their addresses, some which will ba very interest ing a'id we hope profitable. Quarterly meeting for the Mad ison circuit is to be hekl at this .* place next Saturday and Sunday. Sheriff Petree was here last ' Friday collecting taxes and sum • • moning witnesses to the prelim *. inary trial to bo held at Danbury next Saturday between the State and Hardin Moore for murder. A good many of our people will have to go to the trial. The Sheriff is : taking a strong stind for probi . bition. We are glad to seethe leading men of the county stand ing together on this great moral buestion. The public school, taught by Miss Lula Tuttle, clcsed last week. Miss Lula made many friends while here. ' • ; PILOT MOUNTAIN ROUTE TWO. Rev. R. W. Gei.rge filled his ♦« regular appointment at Pine . Ridge, Sunday, and preached an excellent sermon on prohibition. He made a plea prohibition and i ; temperance from the Bible, and a religious standpoint, andappeal * ed to the voters to vote the ouraed y atutf out of our grand old State, 1 on May 26th, instead of voting a t curse upon our country, them selves, and worst of all doing P something they would have to ft* answer for before the judgment I) ■ bar of God. ** Rev. W. B. Blair, of Indian | Grave, was-in our midst Sunday. ? Mr. H. E. Taylor's school will k' oloae, that he is teaching at Cook's . eoluol house next Saturday with f an entertainment. There will be several speeches and dialogues by , the boys and girls, also Rev. W. t B. Blair, and several others will >' make apeeches on eduoatiou and ' prohibition. Everybody iuvited. ; • Mr. J. S. Cook, who is one of f the teachers at Westfield, tells us they are preparing to have one of the beat exhibitions at the olose i of their school that has ever , been at Weat field. , V Mr. George Tucker and Mu>b f Joinie Jackson aurpriacd vl uir frienda by getting married , Sunday. » Revs. D. Collins and—Stone preached at the Ridge sohool house last Sunday. Mr. C. F. Cook is wearing the r broad smile of a happy father. It'a a girl- Mr. Seott Cook is also grinning behind his ears, but it is a boy at hip house. Robert, the son of Mr. J. F. Joyce, ia tery «iok with pneumo. ' nia H t Several of tbe Danbury oitizena .are gardening this week. Smithtown Not So Bad As Some Other Neighborhoods—Mr. Jap heth Leak Thrown From Bicyle. Campbell Route 1, March 16. The people around here are busy clearing land for auother crop of tobacco. Mr. Lee Wall will preach at the ! Smithtown school house the first Sunday in April. Mrs. P. J. Leak visited Mrs. Nancy Southern Wednesday. Mrs. Sally Collius has moved i three times this winter, but she couldn't get satisfied until she got on Mr. J. M. Lovins' land. So I guess she is satisfied now. Messrs. John and Japbeth Leak . spent several days of last week visiting relatives at Brim and at Mount Airy on business. Mr. Japheth Leak was throwu | from a bicycle Sunday but not: badly hurt. The Brim correspondent has been praising his neighborhood' since the blockading has been stopped in Smithtown. I was in j that seotion not long since, and I heard more firing of guns on one Sunday night than I hear in Smithtown in a week. We have , some a 9 good people in the so called Smithtown section as there are in North Carolina. But we kuow that some people make things worse than they really are. 1 BLrE JAY. Brown Bros. Sawmill Busy —Miss Ethel Brown Cuts Her Foot Other Verna Items. Yerana. Va., March 16.- Brown Bros, have been busy working at their saw mill for the past month. We are sorry to say that Miss Bessie Gilbert's school will bo out at Brownville right soon. Misses Bessie Gilbert and Al pha Brown were the guests of Mra. Henry Nelson Saturday night. Mr. G.T.Brown is having his i house roof painted this week. Mr. J. R. Brown is recovering some of his buildings. i Mr. Walter Joyce is having a room built to his house and will j soon have it completed. We are glad to say that whent is ; looking well. Miss Ethel Brown cut her foot right bad last week, but we are glad to say it is improving some. Miss Bessie Gilbert is going to have a spelling match the last day ; of her school. Mr. M. L. Merritt is busy work ing at his grist mill for tbe past mouth. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morefiold aud daughter were the guests of Mrs. L. A. Knight Saturday aud Sunday. Messrs. Wes Priddy, of Camp bell, aud Nathan Taylor, of Spen cer, Va., called at Mr. Jim Brown's Sunday. Miss Ruby Brown is anticipat ing a visit to Sandy Ridgo in the near future. TWO SCHOOL MATES. | "Thread Trust" Cuts Prices. A Chicago telegram states that the "Thread Trust" has cut the Brice8 rice of cotton thread from 67 to [) cents a dozen spools. This of itself looks like cause for rejoic ing among housewives, but there is a darker side, for the retailers as yet have not announced uny reduction. The "June rise" last year boosted the price of thread from 55 cents to 67 cents, whole sale, and raised the retail rate from 4to 6 cents a spool. The "Thread Trust" comprises the J, and P. Conta, the Clarka O. N. T. aud Mile End oompanies, under the name of the Spool Cotton Company, Campbell Social Matter*. Campbell Route 1. —Mrs, Let tie Frazier is no better, lam sor ry to note. Mr. aud Mrs. I). M. Martin en tertained quite a number of their friends Sunday afternoon. Misa Lillie Brown is visiting friouda and relatives at Stuart Va ' Mrs. Willie Hill and Mrs. Left; Hill viaited Mra. D. M. Martin j Saturday afternoon. 0. P. B. Mr. Allie Blum, representing Smoak & MoCreary, of Winston, who has been apendiug aeveral daya here with a drove of mules ana horses for aale, returned to Winaton laat Thursday. He aold about aoventeen head while bar*. DANBURY, N. C., MARCH 19, 1908. SOCIAL MEETINGS AT DILLARD. The Embroidery Cub Met Last Saturday With Mrs. J. Ham Mitchell—Misses Alice and Bessie Davidson to Give Apron Party— Several Families Move Away. Dillard, March 17.—Farmers are quite busy in this section since spring opened, preparing for crops. It seems that a lot of our good people have moving ia their heads this spring. The third family to move away is Mr. W. L. Mitchell, who started for Kansas Saturday.! We wish them much success, but it is our opinion that the Old I North State is as good, or better than any other State. The school here closed quietly Friday—the teachers treating the students to candy and apples. Miss Olivia Dean, one of the teachers, leaves Wednesday for her home in Guilford county. She leaves many'friends here one in particular will quite likely look rather sad like after Wednes day. The Embroidery Club met with | Mrs. J. Ham Mitchell Saturday, and had a very enjoyable meeting. The next meeting is to be with : Mrs. C. A. Mitchell. Misses Alice and Bessie David son will give an apron party to night The young people seem to enjoy these social gatherings as there have been several in the past few weeks. Mr. J. Ham Mitchell is visiting his wife's relatives in Henry Co., Va . this week. Mr. Wm. Smith Comes Back From High Point- Mrs. Will Gordy Sick. (iermautoii Route 1, March 15. There was a singing at Mr. C. M. Bowman's Sunday afternoon; there was c|uite a large crowd out. Mr. Wm. Smith of High Point has come back to old Stokes to farm. Among the crowd at Mr. C. F. Smith's Sunday were the follow ing: Mr. S. L. Smith and sou, Mr. ami Mrs. G. T. Hampton, Mrs. Wm, Smith, Miss Bettie Smith and Jim Forest. Mrs. Will Gordy is on the aick list this week. Hope she will soon recover. SCHOOL BOY. J. L. Martin's Smoke House Robbed —Other Gann Items. Gann's, March 16 —Mr. Hart lost a good mule yesterday at Mr. J. E. Sisk's. He had been to Madison with a load of tobacco. In our letter in the Reporter last week we aimed to refer to Section 1690 of the Revisal of 1905, and the paper gives section 1916. It was a mistake of ours or the typo. Miller Gann was at home today, returning to New Bethel Acade my this evening. He reports a good school with 75 students. Misses Bettie and Gussie John son have been visiting their cou sin, Miss Tillion Johnson, for two or thruo days, returning home to day. Somebody visited the smoke house of Mr. J. L. Martin a few days ago, oarrying away a shoul der and a ham, Mrs. I. B. Stone Sick—Other Items From Tobaccoville. Tobacooville Route 2, March 16.—Rev. C. L. Andrew filled hia regular appointment at Galatia Sunday evening; u large crowd aflßumnlMl Miss Ola Wall, of Pilot Moun tain, visited Misses Ella Vest and Martha Stone Saturday night. Sorry to note that Mra. I. B. Stone is real aick. Mrs. Arthur Hendrix visited her mother Mrs. Susan Newsom the past week. Quite a number of people have f;otten phones on the Quiok Step ine through this section. MISCHIEF. Marria|e Soon. It is learned that Mr. Oscar Cromer, of King Route 2, and Misa Ada Fleming, of Boonville, Yadkin county, will be united in mariage soon. Miss Fleming has reoently taught sohool in this county, and ia aaid to be a very attractive young lady, and our young Stokea farmer ia to be con- Catulated upon winning tbe Ir daughter of Yadkin. MRS JULIA WALL CRITICALLY ILL. No Hope For Her Recovery ! Quarterly Meeting to Be Held At Chestnut Grove Next Satur day and Sunday—Personal Mat "ters at Dalton. Dalton, March 17.—Mrs. Mar tha Hamm returned to Winston last Saturday after spending sov eral weeks with her parents. Messrs. Will and Everette Shultz went to the Winston mar ket with tobacco last Wednesday returuing Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Spaiu hower, of Roanoke, are spending some time with tbeir parents, Mr. aud Mra. C. J. Shultz, of this place and Mr. J. VV. Spainhower of King. Mrs. Sally Campbell and Miss Mary Slate of King spent Mon day night and Tuesday with Mrs. S. F. Coe. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Spainhower spent Sunday night with Mrs. Will Rutledge. Mis. Spain bower's Bister, Mrs. Julia Wall, is very ill at present: not any hopes of recovery. Old Dr. Martin, of Patrick county, Virginia, has been spend-1 ing several days with Dr. M. D.I Phillips on his return home from a visit in the southern sections of the State. Several from Dalton attended the ainging at Chestuut (J rove laat Sunday. Mr. Lonnie Coe went to MtJ Olive last Sunday. Mr. Ike Wall and two daugh ters Misses Ola and Mandy Bell visited at Mr. O. G. Goff's Satur day and Sunday and attended the holiness meeting at Sinai. The quarterly meeting will be held at Chestnut Grove next Sat urday and Sunday. Every body ought to attend and hear the no ble sermon to be preached by Rev. Bagby. Appointments For Preaching. Stuart, Va., March 12. Editor Reporter : Please publish the following appointments for Bro. D. Collins, commencing Friday the 20th be fore tbe fourth Sunday in the present month; al Bro. Sam Han dy'e, fourth Saturday and Sunday 21 and 22; at Shady Grove, Mon day 23; at Liberty Center, Tues day 24; Martinaville, Wednesday, 25; Spray, Friday 27 at night: Matrimony, Saturday 28; Buffalo, Sunday 29; North View, Monday .10. L. I. GILBERT. Attending Prof. Smith's School. Walter R. Smith, Francisco Route 1; Mies Myrtie C. Wall,; Pinnacle; Miss Grace Wall, Pin- j nacle; Bessie Fagg, Red Shoals; Andrew Smith. Walnut Cove! Route 3; Earl Wall, Pinnacle; R. B. Tilley, Pilot Mountain Route 2; F. S. Lynch, Pilot Mountain Route 2; Z. L. Bennett, Danbury Route 1; J. R. Bennett, Danbury Route 1; Carlie Davis, Danbury ; Misa Rozella Gentry, King. GOOD FOR EVERYBODY. Mr. Norman R. Coulter, a Erominent architect, in the Del ert Building, San Francisco saya: "I fully endorse all that haa been aaid of Electric Bitters as a tonic medicine. It is good for everybody. It corrects stom ach, liver and kidney disordeis in a prompt and efficient manner and builds up the system." Elec tric Bitters is the best spring medicine ever sold a druggists oouuter; as a blood purifier it is unequaled. Sold at all Druggists, 50c. FOR SALE—I have one oow for sale, two yoars old, half Jersey, ayd ia fresh now. Anyone wants to buy a young oow, will do well to see me. DAVID HICKS, Meadows, N. C. Notice of Executrix to Creditors. Having this day duly qualified as executrix of the last will anil testa ment of Will. M. Loyd, all persons holding claims against said estate of Wm. M. Loyd, are hereby notified to ureseut the same, duly authenticated, to me for payment on or before the 90th day of March, lUOW, or tills no tice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery; aud all persons Indebted to saldeMtate are requested to come forward aud make Immediate settle ment ot the same. King, N. G\, March 17,10U5. (MUS.) NANNY LOYD, Executrix of Wm. M. Loyd, deed. J. D. Humphreys, Atty. for Ex. New Houses Going Up On Danbury j Route I—Death of Mr. Lee Smith's Child. Danbury Route I. —The farmers are very busy sowing oats and preparing for another crop. We are sorry to note the death of Mr. Lee Smith's infant child which died 11th inst. Choppinga seem to be all the go around now, and a dance nearly always follows. >ur subscription school which 1 is being taught by Miss Pearl Forkner, is progressing uicely. ' There are several new houses being built by our new married people iu this suction. If wed- ' dings keep occurring and all build 1 new houses, we will soon have a town on Route 1 Mr. Dewitt Nelson and Mi6ses | Mattie Nelson anil Pearl Forkner 1 spent a portion of last Sunday oil 1 "Moore's Knob." They report a • fine time. ■ Mr. Willie Bennett from Wal- ' nut Cove has been visiting his ' parents Mr. and Mrs. \\*. R. Ben- ' nett. I VIVIAN 1 i Singing at Mr. Tom Kallam's—Mrs. . W. K. East and Lillie Ward Sick. ' Sandy Ridge, March 16. There 1 is a lot of sickness iu our vincity 1 at the present time. People are marketing their to bacco now aud are receiving a satisfactory price. The public ro.ida are the worst ' they have been this winter. There was a singing at Mr. Tom Kallain's Saturday night, and a large crowd attended. All seemed to enjoy themselves all O.K. The Delta singing class 1 wes there and wo certainly did have good singing. Mr. Robert Xeal spent Satur day night at Mr. W. K. least's, on his way from lYrson county | where he lias been trading stock. | Mr. Neiil's home U near Fran cisco, N. •' Mrs. \V. K. East is right sick. Lillie, tbe little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Ward, is right sick with pneumonia. Mr. Sain Wilkins' family who have lieen sick with pneumonia are improving we are glad to note. Mr. J. W. Ward returned from Rockingham county yesterday, where he has been visiting rel atives. (iuess he had a good time while he was gone. - j I Notice. Having (instilled an administrator upon the estate of Alexander Spen-1 ; cer, deeeaaed, notice Is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the estate of the said Alexander ! Spencer, to present them to me for. payment, duly authenticated, on or; I before the LVit li day of March 194>U, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of! their recovery. All persons Indebted |to said estate are respectfully re-j quested to make Immediate pay ment. This the 13th day of March. 10UM. L. P. (SRCKiAN, Adttir. of Alex. Spencer. P. ) —Campbell, N. ('.. Koute 1, j N. (). l'etree, Atty. for Admr. Land Sale. By virtue of the power of sale contained In a certain deed In trust executed on the 17th day of .March, llHI.i, by Howard .1. Lovlugs and his wife Nlar.v L. Lovlugs to \V. F. Hawkins trustee to secure the pay ment of a certain bond therein men tioned which was due to \V. F. Brown, and which bond has lieen duly transferred and assigned by the said W. F. Brown to James W. Corn and which bond was due upon the 17th day of March, liMlti, and the same Is now due and unpaid aud! tiie said W. F. Hawkins having lieen duly removed as trustee by order of the Superior Court, signed' by M. T. Chilton, C. S. C. and the said order so removing the said! trustee appointed the undersigned as trustee to execute the duties re- j quired nf the trustee In said deed in , trust, now upon failure of the said Howard .1. Lovins and Ills wife j Mary L. Lovlugs to comply with tlie terms, stipulations and condi tions contained In said deed Iu trust, and at the request of the said .lames | \V. Corn the assignee of said bond ! and the person to whom the said! money Is now due I will on Wednes-1 day thel.'ttli day of April, 11Ws sell at public auction to the highest] bidder for cash at the Court House door In the town of Banbury, N. C., the lands conveyed In said deed in trust which are described therein as follows to:wlt: A certain tract of land lying and being in Stokes coun ty aforesaid and more practically described and defined as follows: Bounded ou the north by Nancy 11. Southern, on the east by I'. .1. 'l'ug gle, on the south by widow Brown, oil the west by .1. M. Lovlngs, con taining-'."i acres more or less. For record of said deed in trust refereuee THE LYNCHERS FAILED TO COME Harden Moore Carried to Forsyth Jail Tuesday Night to Save Him From a Mob Said to Be Forminf at Pine Hall and In Rockingham County. The negro Harden Moore, who was in jail here on tbe charge of murdering William Christopher, at Pine Hall, last Christmas, was carried to Winston jail for safe keeping Tuesday night by .Depu ty Sheriff Arthur W. Davis and Mr. Tlios. S. Petree. Information reached Danbury over the phone late Tuesday even iug from Walnut Cove that a mob was formiug at Pine Hall aud in tlie western part of Rockingham county for the purpose of storm iug the jail here Tuesday night and lynching the negro Moore. It is known that a bitter feeling exists in those sections agaiust the murderer, and threats have been made that he would be lynch ed. It is said that the mob gathered at Pine Hall or near that place for the purpose of seiz ing the negro when Sheriff Petree was to pass through with him several weeks ago, from Ohio. The Sheriff got wind of the move ment, and did not arrive at tbe expected time, thus defeating the designs of the would-be lyncTiers. When the news of the attempt that would lie made Tuesday night, reached here, there was a good deal of excitement. A car riage was quickly secured, ami the handcuffed darkey plased therein, and with his guard, was quickly spirited away. The Officers went via Rural Hall, and ! arrived at Winston early yester day morning, where the prisouer was placed under the care of the Forsyth officials. A ifood many people sat up here late Tuesday night to see the mob arrive. Tlio night passed quietly, and 110 sign of a lyncher appear {ed. _ The preliminary trial of the Moore was to be held here next Saturday, and a large number of witnesses had been summoned from Rockingham and the lower part of this county, but of course the trial will not be held until further developments. NO USE TO DIE. "I have found out that there is no use to die of lung trouble as long as you can get Dr. King's i New Discovery," says Mrs. J. P. ' White, of liushboro, Pa. I would not be alive to-day only for that wonderful medicine. It loosens up a cough quicker than anything else, and cures lung disease even after the case is pronounced hope less." This most reliable remedy 1 for coughs and colds, lagrippe, asthma, bronchitis, and hoarse ness, is sold under guarantee at 1 all Druggists, 50c. and SIOO. Trial bottle free. Mr. J. D. Humphreys went to Sandy Ridge Saturday on legal | business in hereunto made to Hook No. 4. r >, |Mige 410 In the ottlce of the Register of Deeds of Stokes Co., X. C. And l»y virtue of the power of Hale contained in u certain deed in trust .executed oil the ltith day ofJanuur.v, llMi.'i, by Howard J. Lovtns and his wife Mar.v h. Lovlns to Frank Itrown an triiHtee to secure the pay ment of n certain bond due Jumes Corn, and In proper proceedings duly instituted for that purpose in the Superior Court of Stokes Co., X. C., thcHnhl Frank Itrown was removed as trustee In the said deed in trustas aforesaid, and in the same order the : undersigned was duly appointed trustee by M. T. Chilton, ('. S. C., I i will on the Kith day of April, 1908, at I the Court House door In the town of Danbury, X. sell at public auction Ito the highest bidder for cash the | lands conveyed in said deed In trust, II lie said sale lielng made in aecord i mice with the terms Htlpiilntiotisnnd conditions contained In said deed In 1 trust, the said bond being due and unpaid and the said .las. Corn tlie person to whom said money is due having requested a sale of tlie lands } conveyed in said deed in trust. The ' lands which will be sold under this deed in trust are described in said i deed in trust as follows to-wit: A ! certain tract of land lying and lielng |in (Stokes) county aforesaid and 1 : more particularly described and de ! fined as follows: lieiiiK a tract of 1 land of :tfi acres more or less, boun r| ded on tlie south by .1. M.Lovlns, on i the west by J as. Corn, on tlie nortli iby the widow Can. Smith, on the ( east by Nancy 11. Southern. For rec : ord of said deed in trust reference Is hereunto made to Hook No. 45, page • MM in said oftlce of the Register of ■ Deeds of Stokes Co., N. C. Tilts March 10. IMS. p JOHN D. HFMPHKEYS, 5 Trustee. No. 1879

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