THE DANBURY REPORTER. VOLUME XXXIII. NORTH CAROLINA FOR PROHIBITION State Gives Dry Majority Conservatively Estimated at Forty Thousand===Wins= ton, Madison, Mount Airy, Salisbury, Raleigh, Greensboro, Reidsville, All Dry. News is received this morning by telephone that as a result of yester day's election, North Car olina voted for prohibition by a majority estimated at from 40,000 to 55,000. Winston-Salem, Madi son, Spray, Reidsville, Mayodan, Stoneville, Sal isbury, Greensboro, Mt. Airy, Greenville, Raleigh, all dry. Stokes, Surry, Wilkes and Yadkin are wet. Buncombe gives 2,500 majority for prohibition, and Forsyth 1,600. No official returns have been received from the State. Various News Notes From Walnut Cove Route 1. Walnut Cove Route 1, May 25. —Several people from our neigh borhood attended the prohibition rally at Danbury Saturday, re turning more enthusiastic for the cause than before. There was a singing at Mr. J. B. Green's Sunday afternoon; quite a number of friends were present. Among whom were the following: Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Meadows, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Holland, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tatum, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Chapman, and Mrs. Hattie Meadows; Misses Susie White, Gracie Smith, Bertha Meadows and Mamie Chapman; Messrs. R. C. Allen, W. I. Smith and Wil liam Meadows. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Smith at tended Gov. Glenn's prohibition address at Rural Hall Saturday. Gladis, the little son of Mr. S. L. Smith, is very sick. Mr. Ross Meadows spent Sat urday and Sunday in High Point with his sister, Mrs. J. M. South ern. The Germanton Telephone line installed several new phones last week. Mrs. H. W. Carroll visited her son Coy Carroll, for a few days last week, returning to her home Thursday. LILAC. Pinnacle. Pinnacle, May 25.—The Chris tian Endeavor Sooiety held a prohibition entertainment Sun day at 11 o'clock. A large crowd was present and the exercise was enjoyed by all. Miss Nannie Watson who has been away teaching sohool re turned home last week. We are glad to have Miss Watson with as again. Misses Myrtie Wall, Lucinda Edwards and Zella Boyles and Messrs. Wiley Edwards and Earl •; Wall who have been in school at Danbury returned home Satur day. Rev. J. W. Stridor filled his re gular appointment at the Metho . dist church Sunday night. Mr. Rufus Boles is very sick with dropsy. He is not expected to live. Rev. J. W. Stridor lost a fine cow last week. . ARNICE. Mrs. Kington Makes a Pie With Huckleberries that Were Canned Seventeen Years Ago. Sandy Ridge, May 25. — The farmers in our community made good use of their long tobacco seasou. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Young, Misses Vera and Minnie Young, and Miss Sallie Kington, spent Saturday night with relatives at Meadows. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sheppard attended preachipg at Snow Creek yesterday, and report good preaching by Elders Barnard, Stone, and Fagg. Mrs. Rob erson came foward and re lated ber experience of grace and was gladly received in the church, and will be baptised next fourth Sunday at the creek near her home. A wind and rain storm with some hail, visited this section Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Morefield, visited their son, Mr. Willie Morefield, at Meadows, Saturday night. Mrs. R. L. Hartman and chil dren passed through this section yesterday, on their way from Sandy Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Sheppard and Beulah Sheppard visited Mr. John Sisk's Saturday aud Sun day. Misses Sibby, Nina, and Rex Sheppard attended the Prohibi tion Rally at Danbury last Satur day. Mr. P. C. Sheppasd went to Madison today. Mrs. P. C. Sheppard, Sibby, and Nina Sheppard and Vera Young visited Mrs. Joe Alley Friday evening. E. D. Kington had a huckleburry pie a few days ago, made of berries that had been canned 17 years. Who can beat that ? There will be preaching at the twin school house near Hartman Sunday, by Rev. Lee Wall. TWO JOLLY COUSINS. DILLARD. Dillard, May 25.—Wlient is looking well in this section. Miss Fannie Lasley went to MadisoD last Saturday. Mr. N. Mitchell, of the People's National Bank of Winston, is vis iting here this week. Dr. Wilson and wife, of Char lotte, returned here last week. They will probably make their home at this place. Mr. J. M. Rothrock, of Walnut Cove, is visiting relatives here. Mr. W. A. Ward, preached at the school house here last Sunday night. A number of our people attend ed the prohibition exercises at Davis Chapel last Sunday. "R." Bottom Corn Dama|ed By Saturday's Rain Storm. Germanton, May 25.—The peo ple of this section were visited by a severe rainstorm Saturday. A great deal of damage was done to the bottom oorn. Rev. Johnson filled the regular appointment of Rev. Wilson at Friendship Sunday. There was a good crowd out to hear him. Messrs. W..W. Ferguson, F. E. Petree and G. T. Baker have been talking prohibition from morning till night. Tlnse gentlemen have put forth a great effort for the cause of prohibition. JUMBO. DANBURY, N. C., MAY 27, 1908. DEATH ON KING ROUTE TWO. Miss Nancy Wall Passes Away At the Age of 71 Years. King Route 2, May 25.—Aunt Nancy Wall died Friday night at the age of 71. She had been sick for several weeks with heart trou ble, and the end had been hourly expected for several days. The interment was made Sunday evening at Mt. Olive Baptist Church, attended by a large crowd of friends and relatives. The burial service was conducted by Rev. P. Oliver. Mrs. Millard Gibson is right ill at present. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Pulliam, of King, spent the day Sunday at Mr. R. H. Pulliam's on Route 2. Mrs. Willirm Kiser and little grand daughter, Hessie Line back, spent Sunday at Mr. J. W. Moser's. Mr. C. S. Ashburn visited re latives at Pilot Mountain the past week. Mr. Ashburn tells us they had a severe wind and hail storm up there Friday evening, doing considerable damage to the farmers' wheat crops. The many fMends of Mr. E. E. Smith are glad to know that he is able to be out again, after being confined to his room for quite a while. Mr. Frank Shuskey Given Birthday Dinner—Miss Gertrude Calloway Recuperating—Other Notes. Tobaccoville Route 2, May 25 Farmers are very busy planting tobacco and replanting corn in this district. Rev. Alvers Brown tilled his regular appointment at Crooked Run Sunday at 11 o'clock. Quite a large crowd present. Sunday School is progressing nicely at Sinia. Mr. O. N. Goff is superintendent. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hooker Sun day. Mrs Lucy Loggins spent Sunday eveuing with her sister, Mrs. Tempy Vest. Quite a number from this vicin ity went to Rural Hall to hear Gov. Glenn lecture on prohibition Saturday. The friends of Mr. Frank Shuskey tendered him a very en joyable surprise birthday dinner Sunday, it being his 40th birth day. There is prayermeeting at Si nia every Sunday night. Mrs. Callie Hooker and child ren visited Mrs. Ellen Harris Sun -1 day. Miss Gertrude Calloway is re i cuperating from her recent illness, we are glad to note. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Mtn. View, May 25.- Rev. N. R. Richardson of Greensboro spoke in the Academy Friday night on prohibition. Quite a number of the people here went to Rural Hall Saturday to here Gov. Glenn speak on pro hibition, also several went to King Sunday night to hear Dr. B. T. Bitting speak on the same sub ject. Mr. Oakley, of Spencer, Va., is here visiting his daughter, Mrs. V. T. Hartgrove. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Riser spent Sunday evening visiting friends here. Mr. J. Silas Barr returned from Boonville today, where he has been in school. Mr. Frank Voss will go to Win ston tomorrow to resume bis work after spending a month's vaca tion here with relatives. FAITH. | Death of Infant. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar N. Petree died 'today. WEDDING AT BRIM GROVE. Miss Nora Covington Becomes the Bride of Mr. G. L. Hill. Briui Grove. May 20.--Much tobacco has been planted in this section during the past week, ow ing to the tine seasons. Rev. aud Mrs. C, W. (ilidewell of Reidsville, spent Sunday night at Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Coving ton's. A quiet home wedding was celebrated at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Covington, Saturday eveuing May 2:s, when their ac complished daughter Nora be came the bride of Mr. General L. Hill. Rev. C. W. Glidewell was the officiating minister. We wish the happy couple a long and prosperous life. The many friends of Mr. Oat Matthews tendered him a very de lightful surprise birthday dinner last Tuesday, it being his 88th birthday. Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves finely, and went away wishing Mr. Matthews many more such occasions. The Brim Grove Sunday School which numbers 140, vis ited the Brown Mtn. Sunday School Sunday. Rev. (ilidewell filled his regular appointment there also. He preached an ex cellent sermon from the text: "What Shall I Do To Be Saved." A large congregation was present. Mrs. James Thacker and child ren. of Mt. Airy, are visitors at Mr. Y. F. Sams'. Happenings At Gideon. Gideon, May 25.—The Tem perance Rally at Davis Chapel was well attended. The boys and i girls did well aud the people seemed to enjoy the day. The speech by Mr. Hutcherson was especially liked. Mrs. Jesse Rhodes who has been visiting her relatives since Friday returned to her home near Mayodan Sunday. Miss Bessie Gatewood spent 1 Saturday night with Miss Mag gie Kington. Mr. N. A. Lasley returned home Monday. He spent last week in Winston visiting bis brother Mr. W. E. Lasley. Mr. Gabe Martin spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. John Adkins. Mrs. M. M. Lasley, who has been right sick of neuralgia for ] several weeks, was able to attend | part of the exercise at Davis i Chapel Sunday. Misses Mae and Hester Wall, ' acompanied by their cousin. Mr. Sam Wall, were at Davis Chapel Sunday. Mrs. M. M. Lasley expects to! visit her son Mr. Will Lasley, who | lives in Winston as soon as she is able to make the trip. Mrs. Frank Dunlap expects to visit her sister, Mrs. Htll, at Bas sett, Va, soon. Mr. Alf Gatewood came home last week. Happenings On Sandy Ridge. Sandy Ridge, May 25.—Owing to the excellent weather and sea sons most of the farmers in this community are most through planting a full crop of tobacco. Wheat, rye, and in faot all crops are looking well. We have never seen prospects better for a full crop. The Moore's Mill (Va.) base ball team was defeated by the Amos team Saturday on the let ter's ground. Score, 9 and 10. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Willie Martin, near Ayersville, on the 29th inst., twin boys. Old booze's funeral, which was preached at the Sandy Ridge Methodist church Sunday, will be baried Tuesday with the motto on his box : "Peace and good will toward all men." STOKES WET BY ABOUT 435 MAJORITY The Result In the County In Favor of Bar=Rooms and Still Houses===Danbury Gives Heaviest Wet Vote, Proportion* ately===King the Banner Dry Precinct. Note cai*t Vote flint Majority Majority utfuiiiM tor HUHSiiht |»r«h i bit ion. prohibition. prohibition. prohibition. : I Dan bury 2t'» 95 69 Wilson's Store 40 ll;t 67 (iermanton ! 46 70 24 Pinnacle ; .53 74 21 Boyles' Store | 63 83 20 King | 159 | 109 50 1 I i Covington'* School House j 86 ! 108 22 i i ! i Francisco J I 17 i Lawsonville ! 58 187 1 129 I Sandy Ridge j 77 179 102 Dillard j 46 61 I 15 Pine Hall I 21 28 | | 7 1 I I I Walnut Cove i 92 101 j 9 i Freeman's • i 17 1 : |_ i I I ■ Totals, ! 67 502 I . 2_. \__ Total luajority against prohibition in the county 435. The above is the vote cast in the precincts of Stokes County yesterday. The election was hot and bitter in some sections, and some of the "antis" were furious. The figures showed that in proportion to the num ber of votes cast, Danbury is the banner wet pre cinct of the County, and King the banner dry pre cinct. The result in the County was a surprise to the pro hibitionists in that the voting was heavier than was expected. The prohibitionists polled more votes than they had counted on, while a great many more of the wets voted than drys had expected. The News On Sandy Ridge Route 2. Sandy Ridge Route 2, May 25. —Most of those who have had measles ia this cummuuity are getting along nicely. Messrs. Joe Perguson and John Wilkins went to Stoneville with tobacco Friday, returning Satur day. John and Peter Gann visited tbeir grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Watkins, Friday. Messrs Bud James and Will Cardwell, of Avalon, were the guests of Mr. W. H. Moore Sun day. Misses Allie and Susie Gann visited Mrs. Uley Shaffer Sunday evening. Misses Nellie and Nealie Ziglar, Ollie Kallam, Louvie Hawkins, ; Messrs Henry Martin, Jim Zig | lar, Moir Hawkins, Harvey Ver | non, Fletcher, Harry and George Kallam visited at Mr. Luther j Martin's Sunday. Miss Mollie Hennis has return ed to Winston after spending sev eral days with her parents. Miss Emma James visited her uncle, W. H. Moore, Sunday even ing. We heartily agree with the cor respondent in last week's issue of the Reporter in regard to public schools in Stokes county. We would like for some one to tell us how we can have high schools without more money, besides four months of the year is as much as the average farmer in Stokes can afford to send his children to school. Since farm hands are so scarce, the children are compelled to work on the farm eight months. But if the children would make good use of the four months in school each year, they can get a very good practical eduoation. No. 1,889 Prohibition Rally at Danbury Last 4 Saturday. The prohibition rally here last Saturday was attended by quite a good crowd and the occasion proved to be a very enjoyable one notwithstanding tbe fact that several of those who were to take part in the exercises failed to get here. Rev. J. R. Lumpkin, pas tor of the First Baptist church at Winston; Rev. A. R. Bell, of Wal nut Cove, and Mr. W. A. Petree, of King Route 1, made addresses. The recitations, music, etc., were good and everyone seemed to en joy themselves. Among those present were the following : Mrs. Easter and daughter Miss Kizzi} Easter, of Meadows; Mr. and Mrs. Hilory Tuttle, of Wal nut Cove; J. H. Martin, of Sandy Ridge; Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Pulliam and daughters Misses Len nis, Alverta and Beulah, of Pink Grove; Mr. and Mrs.Thos. Baker, of Germanton Route 1; Mr. and Mrs. (). L. Pulliam, of Pink Grove; Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Sav age and family, of Germanton; Mr. W. A. Petree, of Glenview Farm; Miss Hariet Ross and Mr. Frank Ross, of Locust Hill; Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Gordon and sons and daughters of Germanton Route 1, among them Misses Bet tie and Lillie Gordon; Misses Sibbye and Nina Sheppard, of Sandy Ridge Route 1; Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Mabe, of Danbury Route 1; Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Baker, of Germanton Route 1; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Roth rock, of Walnut Cove Route }; Miss Claudie Johnson and Mr. John Wade Johnson, of Germanton Route 1; and others. Do you take the Reporter.