THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume xxxiii. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LEVY TAXES Poll Tax Is Reduced To Two Dollars and a Special School Tax of Six Cents On the Hundred Dollars Valuation Of Property Is Made--The Board Trans acts Other Business. • • The Board of County Commis sioners were in regular monthly session at the court house Mon day, Messrs. R. F. Shelton, J. P. Smith and W. M. Mabe being present. The annual tax levy was made | by the board at this meeting and j is as follows : For State tax, 21 cents on the hnndred dollars valuation of property. For pension tax, 4 cents on the hundred dollars valuation of property and 12 cents on the poll. For sohools, 18 cents on the hundred dollars valuation of prop erty and $1.50 on the poll. For coanty tax, 23J on the hundred dollars valuation of property and 38 cents on the poll. A speoial levy of 25 centa on the hundred dollars valuation of property was made to pay court hoose and jail building bonds. Also a special levy of 6 centa on the hundred dollara was made to supplement the general sohool fund. The same levy was made under Schedules B and C that the State makes. A special levy of 30 cents on the hundred dollars valuation of property was made in Walnut Cove special school district. In Pinnacle graded school district a special levy of 30 cents was made on the hundred dollars valuation of property. The special levy of 6 cents for sohools was made on the demand of the Board of Education. The Supreme oourt has recently said that it is the duty of the commis sioners to levy sufficient tsx to run the schools four months. The amount necessary for this purpose is $1677.63. As will be seen from the above the levy this year is 97§ cents on the SIOO valuation of property and $2.00 on the poll. Poll tax has been $2.75, but owing to the faot that the Supreme Court re cently decided that a poll of more than $2.00 was unconstitutional the 75 cents was taken off. In Pinnacle graded sohool district and Walnut Cove special school district the tax will amount to sl.27j| on the hundred dollars valuation of property on account of the 30 cents being added for school purposes in those town ships. • A petition signed by V. T. Hartgrove, Samuel Riser and others was presented to the board asking that a public road be laid out and censtructed in Yadkin township, as follows : Beginning at Missouri Stephenson's, follow ing a country road as near as pos sible, and intersecting the old Dan river road at or near Mt. View, and passing over the lands of W. J. Johnson, R. R. Boyles, J. E. Johnson, Tip Johnson, J. H. Cromer, Martin Tuttle, Julia Tilley, E. H. Cromer, D. V. Car roll, G. A. Carroll, J. E. Slate and others. The petition was ordered advertised and will be considered /at next meeting. Chas. R. Helsabeok was ap- Jpointed list-taker in Yadkin town ship to succeed N. I. Boyles, who is siok. The insolvent witness claims tjyr spring term of court were paid. Also allowances were made to outside paupers. The following persons received t2 00 each for services as judges in the recent prohibition elec tion : H. G. Tuttle, G. T. Baker, R T. Beok, W. A. Sullivau, V. G Watson, S. W. Neal, E. S. With ers, S. R. Fulp, Samuel Riser, J. M. Mitchell, Robert Covington, W.J. Adkins, W. M. Peobles, J. H. Hamm. W. G. Slate. J. W. Fowler, Geo. Lewis, Thos. Reynolds, L. W. Blackwell, John H. Jessup, O. M. Bennett, J. S. Whitten, T. H. Priddy, R. A. Desbazo, Jno. W. Dearmin, W. P. Landretb, T. J. Davis, R. H. R. Blair. Other claims were paid as fol lows : J. F. Smith, member Board of Elections, $ 2.00 Y. 8. Smith, court officer spring term, 7.50 J. J. Priddy, court officer spring term, 3.00 D. A. Simmons, court offi cer spring term, 10 50 R. H. R. Blair, painting court house and jail roofs, 9.05 Raleigh Stewart, paintimr court house and jail roofs, 6.45 A. S. Mitchell, paint, etc., 4.05 Edwards & Broughton, binding tax book, 4.00 J. S. Taylor, board of jury, 26.00 J. F. Dunlap, lumber for Hairston ford bridge, 129.24 H. M. Joyce, member Board of Election, 2.00 W. R. Stephens, keeping county home for May, 08.50 A. W. Davis, court officer, 7.72 R. J. Petree, jail account for May, ,'52.70 J. H. Ellington, Chm. Bd. of Elections, 4 50 L. M. MoKenzie, Registrar 1908 election, 14.54 J. R. Stone. Registrar 1908 election, 12.72 P. H. Linville, Registrar 1908 election, 14 30 J. S. D. Pulliam, Registrar 1908 election, 14.72 J. D. George, Registrar 1908 election, 15.72! E. L. Mitchell, Registrar 1908 election, 14.63 J. T. Johnson, Registrar 1908 election, 14.72 J. C. Flinn, Registrar 1908 election, 12.00 R. E. Smith, Registrar 1908 election, 14.69 W. B. Vaughn, Registrar 1908 election, 15.47 W. L. McCanless, board of jury, ;] 26 G. F. Daniels, balifif 1908 election, 2.00 G. W. Hawkins, baliff 1908 election, 2.00 R. J. Petree, conveying lunatic to asylum, 17.15 R. J. Petree, summoning judges for May election and holding spring term of court, 54.40 Johnson & Fulton, lumber for Walnut Cove bridge, 27.90 R. F. Shelton, services as commissioner, 13.00 J. P. Smith, services as commissioner, 14.40 W, M. Mabe, services as commissioner, 12.90 The board will meet again to morrow, the 4th, in special ses sion for the purpose of receiving the work done on the bridge across Dan river at Hairstoq's ford. New steel approaches to this bridge, costing $4,000, have jnst been finished. THE BEST PILLS EVER SOLD. "After doctoring 15 years for chronio indigestion, and spending over two hundred dollars, nothing has done me as much good as Dr. King's New Life Pills. I consid er them the best pills ever sold," writes B. F. Ayscue, of Ingleside, N. C. Sold under guarantee at all druggists. DANBURY, N. C., JUNE 3, 1908. MARRIAGE AT PINE HALL. Sunday School Organized--J. T. Reynolds and Alex Joyce III—. Other News. Madison Route 3, June _l. ' Mrs. Z. L. Wall is contincd to her bed, suffering from nn attack of grip. Mr. L. D. Stephens, the photo man from Hickory, who speut several weeks in our vicinity Inst fall, is with us again making photos. There is more than double the usual crop of tobacco plnnted in this section. Look out for R& C prices or Kentucky night riders. Mr. J. T. Reynolds, Jr., is ill j with something like pneumonia. It is learned that Mr. Wade Chisman, son of Mr. W. M. Chis man, of Pine Hall, will be married at the home of the groom, today, to his cousin, Miss Chisman, of Tenuessee. Mr. Alex Joyce is very sick at' the home of his brother, Calvin Joyce. He has bren confined to| his bed several m .nths and is not j expected to live. Mrs. W. II Long and children, | of Mt. Airy, are spending the j week with their uncle, Clias. i Wall. Mrs. J. D. Wall and daughter) and son, of Winston-Salem, arej visiting their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. L. Wall. The people met at Wall's school house Sunday nfternoon! and organized a Sunday school j with 16 members. Mr. Rober 1 Mitchell was elected secertary and Mrs. S. G. Wall treasurer. The election of a superintendent was | postponed until next Sunday. There will be an ice creain sup per at Knollhurst church Satur-I day evening the 6th. Proceeds' go to church improvements, i Everybody come. Mr. R P. McAnally has pur chased a new six horse power gasolane engine. He will grind corn and chop and use his engine to run a new thresher. The far mers are congratulating them selves that they won't have to put up with rattle traps this season. The Methodist Quarterly meet ing was held at Bethesda Saturday and Sunday. The presiding Elder, Rev. Dr. Marr, preached two splendid sermons to a fair size audience. The poor service rendered by the boy in the telephone central caused two young men a dusty ten mile walk last Sunday. They wanted a team to drive over to see some girls on Route 3, so they walked into town expecting to get a livery turn out and found every team engaged, their only alterna tive was to retrace their steps, getting back home about two o'clock, P. M, hot, tired, and thoroughly disgusted. With L. L. as telephone operator com plaints are too frequent. GERMANTON ROUTE L Germantou, Route 1, June 1. — The infant son of Mr. aud Mrs. W. T. Fowler, died Saturday morning of pneumonia, and was buried at Friendship Sunday. Rev. G. T. Baker conduoted the services. Mr. Fowler has another very sick little boy that is not ex pected to live. Mr. J. Armstrong lectnred at Friendship Wednesday night, in behalf of the Farmers' Union. Ho is from Arkansas and has come a great distance to help the farmers get good prices for their tobacco. The Knights of Pythina met at Germanton Saturday night and initated four new members. The lodge is growing fast, us it has twenty-two members, and others are expected to join right soon. DEATH OF MRS. J. E. LASLEY. Occurred Monday At Dillard—De ceased Was Twenty-Two Years Old—Leaves Many Relatives. Dillard. June 3.---Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Guolsby, of Rockingham, spent Saturday and Sunday here visiting Mr. and Mrs C. A. Mitchell. Mr. and Mis J. E, Willis, of Walnut Cove, visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Essex went to Kernersville Saturday, visiting friends and leturning Sunday. They RHJ all smiles Ht Mr. J. E. Alcorn's home. 'Tis a little girl, j t Mrs. J. E. Lmley died yester day morning at 1 o'clock, at the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.; M. T. Mitchell. She was 22 years of age. She had been lingering ' for many months with that dread ed disease consumption, and the end had been hourly expected for several days. She is survived by a husband, father and mother, three sisters and six brothers as j follows : Mrs. W. E. Lasley, of | Winston, Mrs. A. J. Essex and I Mrs. W. P. Wilson, of Dillard, | Messrs. Albert and Luther Mitch ! ell, of Walnut Cove, Messrs. Wil i son and Russell Mitchell, of Dil ! lard, Mr. W. M. Mitchell, of j Deer Trail, Colorado, and Mr. Nick Mitchell, of Winston. In terment will be made this P. M. at the home graveyard. C. A. Mitchell caught a pigeon, j (supposed to be a carrier), with a ' silver band 011 its leg with "T. Y. 60055" on it. It stayed two days and went on its journey. "A." BOX SUPPER AND CURIO PARTY. To Be Given By Oak Grove Sunday School Saturday, June 13th. The people of Oak Grove Sun day School will give a box supper on Saturday, June I.3th, begin ning at 5 o'clock. The proceeds will be contributed to the Sun day school. Everybody is cordi ally invited to come out and take a part. The ladies are especially asked to prepare a nice box, and vie will insure you a nice time. Following the box supper the young people will be entertained j at a Curio party, which will be ! interesting to all. There will be prize given to the one giving the most correct answers. Refresh-: ments will be served by Mr. J. L. Wall. Let everybody come out and j have a jolly good time. C. R. BOYLES, ROZELLA GENTRY, Managers. Pinnacle Items. Pinnacle, June 1. Ttio farmers ;in this section are progressing I nicely with their crops. The most of them are through planting tobacco and over their corn the first time. Miss Olive Roylea, who has been very sick, is improving, we are glad to note. Messrs. Sollie Stoltz and John j Clayton, of Rural Hall, spent | Saturday night with Mr. Ernest Wall. Miss Dora Wall returned home , Wednesday from the Normal and Industrial College at Greens ■ boro, N. C. Miss Myrtie Wall will leave Thursday to visit friends and re latives in Winston-Salem. And on her return she will spend a few days with her cousin, Miss Addie Styers, of Rural Hall. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Boy lea, of Winston-Salem, and Mrs. Riley Boyleß and son, of Germanton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gordon Sunday. ARNICE. TWO STILLS AND THREE MEN CAPTURED Revenue Officers Raid a Section Near Smith Post office, In North-Western Part of Stokes--One Still Is Found Running In Full Blast--Green Hill and His Son and Son-ln-Law Arrested. News is received here that n posse of raventie officers last Friday raided a section near Smith postoffiee, in the north-western part of Stokes, and captured two stills, three men and a lot of beer, etc. The report says that the officers found one of the stills in full blast and that Green Hill and his sou and son-in-law were ar rested at the distillery and carried to Greensboro for trial. No further, particulars can be learned at this ' writing. Items From Tobaccoville Route 2. Tobaccoville Route 2, June 1.- ' Farmers are very busy through this ticinity so as to be ready to harvest their grain. Wheat in this vicinity looks very promis ing- There was a lavrn party at Mr. C. G. Ingrain's last Saturday night. All report a very pleas ant and enjoyable evening. • Miss Ella Vest and brother I Craven visited their sister, Mrs. S. L. Westmoreland of Pinnacle' Route 1, Saturday and Sunday carrying with them their friend, Miss Stacy Harris, j The newly marrisd couple from i I Walnut Cove, Mr. and Mrs. Earl i ] Young, visited the bride's sister j j Mrs. T. L. Harris Friday and Sat urday, returing to Walnut Cove Sunday. We wish them a long and happy life. Mrs. S. L. Hauser, who has , been sick since Christmas, was | | found dead in bed Wednesday! May 27. She lived to a very ripe j old age. She was 74 years, 3 ! ! mouths and 2(5 days. She leaves 'an aged husband, two sons and; j two daughters. All are married I i and live near save one son, Mr. i S. A. Hauser, who is chief police of Mt. Airy. She leaves a host of friends to mourn her death. Her remains were laid to rest at Crooked Run Thursday. Rev. Cornett preached her furneral. • She lived a consistent member of i | the M. E. church for 50odd years, j j The many friends extend their sympathy to the bereaved family. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Shusky vis ited their aunt Mrs. G. W. Vest, Sunday P. M. GERMANTON. Geriuanton, May 30. j Dear Mr. Editor : Misses Lelia Martin and Ber nice Alley visited Miss Pauline Smith Sunday. Come again girls we enjoy your company very much. Mr. R. S. Smith visited his cousin, Mr. Frank Abbott, Satur day and Sunday. Farmers are getting along well j with their work in this vicinity. I Misses Ada and Oma Bowman i visited their cousin, Miss Linner | Smith, Sunday. | Rev. Johnson delivered an able | sermon nt Chaffiu school house I Sunday. His text was from I Mark 14:8. The health of this community is good at present. Thero wjll be Sunday School at Chaffins school house Sundny evening at 2 a. in. Everybody invited to attend. IT IS I. Messrs. John R. Smith and J. Ed Turner were in Danbury Mon day. Attorney J. W. Hall visited Fulp on professional business Tuesday. No. 1,889 DEATH OF LITTLE NEMON FOW LER. Farmers Behind With their Work, Scarcely Any of them Being Through Planting Tobacco —Other Items of News. Germanton, June 1. —The farm ers in this section are gettiog badly behind with their work owing to the dry weather. There are scarcely any who are through planting tobacco. Mrs. J. W. Southern and Miss Lula Cassell, of High Point, are visiting friends on Germanton Route 1; Miss Lennis Pulliatn and broth er, Grady, went to Stoneville Friday to visit their sister, Mrs. Geo. King. They returned Sun day P. M. and report n very pleas ant trip. A party of young people visited the cherry trees of Mr. W. O. Ba ! ker Sunday evening. Part of the !crowd were as follows: Misses ; Lula Cassell, Alverta, Beulab and Macie Pulliam, Lillie Gordon, and Messrs. Joe Petree, Silas Hicks, j Ross Meadows, Nat Bowles. Mer j lie Real, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Car | roll, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Holland ; and others. It was quite an eu ! joyable afternoon. Mrs. M. D. Brown returned Wednesday from a visit to her mother and sister at Pilot Mt. Little Nemon, the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Fowler, died Fri day morning at the age of 3 years. He had been sick several weeks with pneumonia and the end had been hourly expected for several days. He was laid to rest at Friendship church Sunday. The burial service was conducted by Mr. G. T. Baker. His little bro ther Charlie is now seriously ill with the same dreadful disease and is not expected to recover. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Pulliam visited Mr. I. G. Ross and family Sunday. They were accompanied home by Mr. Frank Ross and Bis ter, Miss Harriette. LOUISE. Mr. C. F. Lewis Seriously 111 At Winston —Other Matters Of A Personal Nature. Mtu. View, Juue I.—Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Slate, Mr. and Mrs. Z. O. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Meadows visited relatives j here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Slate spent | Friday and Saturday with their ! daughter, Mrs. John Hampton, | at Germauton. , Misses Marie and Ola Petree I spent Sunday evening with Mis i ses Ethel and Hessie Carroll. Mr. Ernest Slate returned from Winston Sunday evening, where he had been to see his brother-in law, Mr. C. F. Lewis, who is seriously ill. Mr. Ed Carroll is visiting his brother, Mr. D. V. Carroll. He spent several days last week at ■ his farm on Germanton Route 1. Miss Mamie Voss visited Miss Mary Gibson Sunday. Mr. Roscoe Chilton, of Dan bury, is spending the summer with his uncle, Mr. J. A. Slate. FAITH. Kx-Sheriff R. P. Joyce, of Wal nut Cove, spent a few hours in Danbury Tuesday. Master Odell Jone* left Mon day to visit lis grandparents near Pitiuaole.