1 THE DANBURY REPORTER. iLUME XXXIII. . MADDOGS IN WALNUT COVE. * * of Infant of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Whitten—lll ■; . ,nes6 of Mrs. W. F. Bowles--Walnut Cove's Brass Band Doing Business. i tValnut Cove, June 9.—There • was considerable excitement here one day tbe past week over the ... appearance of a inaddog on our [L streets. Tbe rabid canine bit one » dog for Mr. C. Hairston, which • was killed, and one for Miss Lil . ' lian Grubba, which found his way to the bottom of Town Fork creek. One bitten at J. B. Wood xtiff's*took the poison route, while one supposed to have been bitten, ') tb© cNrtier of which was Miss Min nie Landreth, must have been kidnapped. He disappeared very mysteriously in broad open day tiiobft., Tbe dog that did the work • " so muoh unhappi wju and hard feelings on the.part oFtotne of our good citizens, was slioriwo miles north of town by one iee Gibson. V«r. G. E. Smith, postmaster at Mullens, 3. C., is here drinking mineral water from Mr. C. Hairs tog's artesian welt. This has pro- i ven tery beneficial when used for various ills. Mr. Smith's ailment is indigestion. We hope ho will improve rapidly. DrfA. G. Jones returned today frpm Durham, where he witnessed the graduating exercises at Trinity, of wjiich class his son, Abe, Jr., was a member. Gabe Martin and Miss Barnes, Bob Hedgecock and Miss Mar garette Adams, Nat Hedgecock Estella Rierson visited the mountain Sunday. Mr. J. R. Voss visited at Wins « ton Sunday. Miss Elenor Rauhauser, of Philadelphia, who h#s conducted ; the millinery business for Rothrock & this spring, left for her home Sunday. Miss Rauhauser| a host of friends in our vil and doubtless quite a number of the young men feel a sacfaess akin to bome-sickness on acopunt of her departure. Mrs. J. W. East spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. atd Mrs. E B,Joss, on Route I. > Mr. C. Hairston is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Lettie Dunkley. at Ohristiansburg, Va. ■ The ioe cream sapper Monday night was a success in every way. Tne Walnnt Cove band made ex , cellent music, doing themselves muoh credit. . - f jßd Hartgrove and Charlie of High Point, were here Wednesday dnroute to Mr. Wade , Catroll's, where they will spend 'several weeks. . Mrs. J. A.. Lancaster, who has b.een tery siok for two weeks, is improving. Mrs. W. F. Bowles haa been ▼eiy sick for tbe past two weeks. A letter from N. R. Voss, a for " mer Walnnt Cote boy, who i« now loofeted at Monndsville, Ala., states ' * tbatjie is enjoying good health, ' foulness aucoeas and having a good •ooially. v .♦ .'fljhe first apples of tbe 1908 crop ; # hpre were sold to one of bar Iher fhauts by Mrs. Jw. Easley this I# ft ~ Mrs. Ollie Flynt, of Winston, w»| here thia week. ' Politicians of everp type were Wre Satarday afternoon. stfi. Ernest Vaughn left Sunday tit Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. 0.. N. Petree is visiting at (Hni)anton/ ta infant of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. tte'n died Mondsy and was to rest at Meadows Tuesday, iss Laberta Allen continues sick. /IfJklr. Lee Murray's infant has ' , About reoovered. iy. Mrs. Maggie Batnes left for her .Mtorne at Rocky Mount, Va., Mon 'Smi. j Mr. aud Mrs. G. F. Martin, of ' Winston, came out Saturday anil spent Sunday with Mr. J. N. Martin. Another guest over Sun day at the same house was Mr. j Cbas. Seivers, president of For syth Cbair Co., of Winston. Miss Minnie Landreth returned from a visit to friends in Mount Airy on the >th inst. Mrs. R. L. Murphy and child ren attended the foot washing,.at Flat Shoal Sunday. 1 Nr. Bill Manuel Low With Pneu monia—Death of Mr. Hooker's Son. Campbell, June 8. Times are lively now as people are busy at work. Crops are looking tine around here now. There is a fine wheat crop on the land around here. There is lots of sickness here j now. Mr. Bill Manuel is very low with J pneumonia. The death angel visited the home of Mr. Lilman Hooker and took from him his dear little boy. Guess Mr. John Priddy is all smiles this week as the stork brought a 1"> pound girl to his home May 29. Mrs. Johu Priddy had a mess of green beaus the first Sunday in June. Who can beat that? Guess the people are lonesome since the election, as we got pro hibition and they haven't any thing much to talk about now, but hurrah for prohibition. Guess the people are nearly i done planting tobacco. There is a large crop planted around here. There will be preaching at North View 2nd Sunday. Hope to see a large crowd out. Mrs. Nerva Durham visited her mother Saturday and Sunday. Misses Fannie Priddy anil Trudie Reid visited at Mr. John Priddy's Sunday evening. Sudden Death Of Mrs. Emily Hall. Mr. E. C. Sheppard. of Deliar, was in town yesterday and brought news of the sudden death of Mrs. Emily Hall, which occur ed near Smith yesterday morning. Mrs. Hall had been in apparently good health and her death was quite a shock to her friends and relatives. She was about H.'i years of age, and was a most excellent lady. Mrs. Hall leaves several sons and daughters, among them being Mrs. L. J. Lackey, of Madi son; Mr. Caleb Hall, of Sandy Ridge; Mr. Reid Hall, of Roanoke, Va.; Messrs. Pink Hail, and others. The interment was made at Snow Creek church graveyard, to-day, attended by a large crowd of relatives and friends. Return Your Registration Books. A number of the Registrars of Stokes County have failed to re turn to the Clerk of Court their registration book coutainiug the names of all persons who register ed under the '"Grandfather Clause," as the law requires. • Unless these books are sent in within a few days the Clerk will not be able to certify a list of! such voters to the secretary of the ] State and will have to report the books not returned. M. T. CHILTON, C. S C. j Lena, the little IH-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Golding, of Meadows Route 1, is seriously ill with something like inflammation of the brain. DANBURY, N. C., JUNE 10, 1908. NEW ROLLER MILL FOR PINNA CLE ROUTE 2. Funerals of Mrs. John Page and Son to Be Preached At Volunteer On Third Sunday In June. | Pinnacle Route 2, June V I The fanners of this section are getting behind with their work on account of so much rain. Crops • of all kinds are looking fairly well. Wheat is generally good. Rev. anil Mrs. Win. M. Stone attended the funeral of Mr. Cur roll Hicks at Rock House Bap tist church last Sunday. The funeral was conducted by the re gular pastors. Revs. W. H. Atkin son, D. Collins and W. M. Stone. A large crowd was in attendance. The funerals of Mr. Jno. Page's wife and son will lie preached at Volunteer Primitive Haptist church oil the ."Ird Sunday in June, Revs. A. M. Denny and H. D. Mickey are requested to con duct the funeral. A large crowd is expected. We are sorry to note the illness of Mrs. J. M. Nap Mr, of Pinnacle Route 2. Hope she will soon be restored to her health. Misses Rilla and Eliza Gordon, visited their brother, Mr. B. V. Gordon, Saturday and Sunday. They report a jolly time. Mr. J. Y. Phillips will begin work on his new roller mill Mon day morning. This will be a ; great help to the community. Politics aud prohibition is all the talk now. We all send up a loud "hurrah" for Kitchin and Brooks. We notice a letter in last week's issue of the Reporter from Mr. C. E. Lasley. of Winston-Salem, in which he reflected on the free school teachers and also our present Co. Superintendent of Stokes. We can truthfully say we have never had a more faithful Superintendent than Prof. Smith and the schools are in the best condition they have been in for many years. And the teachers are doing all in their power to bet ter our schools. And if they spend their money fj>r dressing they certainly get it honest. We think it looks very small of a young man to go to another coun ty and try to cast insinuations on the free school system of his home | county. The county should not be judged by the few people who take no interest in education. Baseball on Westfield Route I—En tertainment at Francisco School House Saturday Night, 13th. Westfield Route 1, June S. — People in this section are most done planting tobacco, and are getting along with their work fine. ; Wheat is most ready for harvest ji»K- Mrs. A. J. Collins is right ill. I Miss Willie Wright, who haa been confined to her bed for some time, is not much improved, we are sorry to say. There will be an entertainment at Francisco school house Satur day night, June 13th. Everybody invited. Quite a large crowd attended preaching at Big Creek church Sunday. Big Creek and Francisco base ball teams played a match game Saturday. The score stood lo to 21 in favor of the Big Creek boys. Thia was the second time the Big Creek team has beat the Fran cisco boys. Guess their little nine don't care to play any more. The Westfield nine will play- Big Creek nine Saturday, June 13th, on the Big Creek grounds. Col. aud Mrs. Jno. M. Gallo way, of Madison, will go to Pied mont Monday to spend the suai mer at their cottage. MARTIN - HUTCHERSON MAR RIAGE. Infant of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Mar tin Dead--Miss Eliza Mabe 111-- Other News. Sandy Ridge. Route *2, Juno S. Our community wns surprised I Sunday morning by the marriage of Mr. James Martin, to Miss Kate llute'ncrson. The ceremony was performed at the residence of' the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .John lluteherson, by Esquire W. I - -. \\ illis, Jr. The bride was prettily attired in white silk., Immediately after the ceremony they attended preaching at Buf- j falo, after which they returned to! ■ the home of the groom's parents, j Mr. and Mrs A. H. Martin, j They were accompanied by Miss , Reunie Hutcherson, sister of the bride, and Misses Alice aud Nan nie Martin cousins of the groom, j and Messrs. Sam and Mat Brown and Ben Martin brother of the { groom. We wish for them a hap py and prosperous life. The infant child of Mr. and i Mrs. Willie Martin died Sunday: morning. Mr. M. L. Powers' horse died I Saturday night. Jt had been sick only a few hours with colic. Mr. Yancey Yates and sister, Miss Florence, spent Sunday with : Misses Yivian and Alley (iann. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ephriatn Vernon, a daughter. ! Hliler Yin tilled bis regular ap pointment at Buffalo Sunday. A large well behaved congrega tion was present. J Those who have recently pur chased cooking ranges in this vi cinity are: Messrs. Frank Mar tin, Wiley Mabe and Luther Martin. Miss Eliza M abe, known as •'aunt Lj/.y" an aged lady of this community is very ill at present. Mrs. Ellen Ellen Duncan, of Dillard, visited her sister, Mrs. Rena Hennis Sunday. Crops in this vicinity are look ing well, the fruit crop especially. Susie Shaffer, the little five year old daughter of Mr. Monnie Shatfer, who has been very low for several weeks is thought to be a little better at present. The Sunday School at Buffalo is doing fairly well, with a very good attendance and Mr. Bun ' Vaden as superintendent. Industrial Education At A. & M. College. i The advertisement of the North j Carolina College of Agriculture anil Mechanics Arts appears in another column. This College! has courses of instruction in Agriculture. 1»4 students; Civil Engineering. 103 students; Elec trical Engineering, 111) students; .Mechanical Engineering, 75) stud ents; Cotton Manufacturing, ; Chemistry, and Dyeing, f>o stud ents. Besides the regular four year courses there are short : courses and special courses in j Machine Work, Drawing and ! Dressing, Carding and Spinning, Weaving, Cloth Analysis, Agri culture, and Dairying. Next session begins September 2. IMS. For catalogue, etc., ad-: dress The President, West Ral eigh, N. C. Card of Thanks From Y. S. Smith. Gerinanton Route I, June 8. I wish to express my sincere thanks to my neighbors and friends for their kindness toward me and my family during the \ sickness aud death of dear little Willie. Y.S.SMITH. Dr. L. H. Hill, of Gerinanton, ; is attending the reunion of Con federate Veterans at Birmingham,' Ala, this week. STOKES SOLID FOR KITCHIN. Vote For Congressman Divided Between Reid, Brooks, Buxton and holt--Bryan Endorsed For President. Delegates to the Conventions Elected. In accordance with the call ' recently issued by Chairman J. H. Ellington, the Stokes County Democratic convention convened in the court house Saturday at 1 o'clock, the object of the con vention being t.» nominate dele gates to the State and congres sional conventions, the former to meet in Charlotte on Juuu -Ith ; and the latter in Greensboro to j day, the 10th. It was a strong, representative i body. The convention people were ] quiet and orderly, but the "log ! rolling" preceding was extremely | animated, with some traces of bitterness between the Reid i Brooks-Buxton factions. ■ The convention was called to ! order at 1 o'clock. Mr. Jesse A. Lawson was made chairman 1 Mr. Lawson presided with dig | nity, ease and impartiality. Three ! secretaries were appointed, as fol lows : ). L. Pulliam, for the Reid interests; J. T. Smith, for the 1 Brooks element; and Cabill Hairs ton, in behalf of the Buxton forces. The most interesting feature of the convention was the contest for 1 delegates to the Greensboro con vention to nominate a successor to Kitchin. The delegates were instructed unanimously by tin; convention Ito vote for Hon. W W Kitchin for Governor, and to cast their ballots in favor of instructing del egates to the National Convention at Denver to vote for Bryan. A resolution was passed that all delegates elected to the congress ional convention at Greensboro should also attend the State con vention at Charlotte on the 21th inst. During the time the crowd was waiting for the result, of the bal loting, Col. Cunningham address ed the audience on "farming " Delegates elected were as fol lows: KKII) DKLKOATES J. D. Humphreys, Dr J H. Ellington, N. E. Pepper, >. L. Pulliam, W. F Bowles, J S. Taylor, Geo. Lewis, Wallace Web ster, J Wilson Mitchell, .1. C. Wall. iiKt ii iKs 1)I:I.UOATI;S, D F. Tillotson, J. T. Smith, R K. Smith, J. 1). Geoige, Hilory Burton, Frank Robertson, W. J Johnson, Zack Sheppard. UfXToN DKLEOATKS. Dr. W. L. MeCanless, Dr. E. Fulp, W. M. Chisman, Me D. Boyd. HOLT I'KLKHATIJd. R. W Hill, J. N. Young HI!I'RKSKNTATIV K llOI»Y. The convention was attended by a good many visitors from outside the county, as follows : C. (). McMichael, editor of the Madison Herald; Mr. Woodburn, of Madi son; Col. J. S. Cunningham, of | Caswell county, who was looking after the interests of Home and Brooks. Reid, Brooks and Bux j ton, candidates for congress, were in town, but did not go into the convention. Among the prominent Demo crats of the county, who attended were the following : Chairman J. | H. KUington, Dr. K. Fulp, James A. Leak. W. M Chisman, J. C. Wall, Geo. Lewis, B. F. Pulliam, J. K. James. Sterling James. Hil , ory Burton, Cabell Hairston, I). F. Tillotson, W. J. Johnson, J. W j Johns in, J. T. Johnson, Geo. W. j Smith, Zaek Sheppard. Matt Rob- I ertson, Joel Robertson and sons, |R. E. Smith. J. T. Smith, J. D. No. 1,890 George, K. E. L. Francis, H. C. Lawreuee, Robt. Lawson, John Lawson, K. L. Ray, \)r I). C. l)i\, I Jr. W. L Ml( 'anless, C ieo. Ilanes. J. Wilson Mitchell, J. Ham Mitchell, C. H. Sheppard, J. IJ. Hart, Zeb Martin, L. B. Sim mons, Scott Simmons, I'. T. Smith, W ill Alley, Jon Alley, Jos Whit tcn, .F. Howies, K. A. Rotti rock, Will Wall, H C. Southern, Milton Southern, I'M White. J. A. Southern, A I'. Raker, C ) Ba ker. W. \ Baker. J W. Baker, J. H Baker, R. W Hiil, .) N. Young, J 1) Humphreys, J S. Taylor, .J F Pepper, N A. Mar tin, Winston Vaughn, ati'i many others. Death of Little Willie Smith Mr. Dock Tatum Finishes Cutting Wheat. ) Walnut (Jove Route 1, June • H —Mr Dock Tatum a good farm lierof our neighborhood, finished 3 cutting his wheat this morning. • Who can beat that'! ) Miss l )ra Fowior. who has been attending the bedside of her little f sick cousin, Charlie Fowler, re r turned last Tuesday to her home • on Walnut ('ove Route 1 J Miss Lula Cassell, who has been visiting friends on tierman -1 ton Route I, returned last Sun i day to her home in High Point i Mrs. I! F. I'ulliam is spending r this week in Stoneville with her - daughter, Mrs. George King i Mrs. RL. Murphy and child ren of Walnut Cove, are visitors I at Locust I (ill Farm this week. W illie, tlio little son of Mr V. i S. Smith, died Saturday night and was buried Sunday afternoon at Palmyra church Willie Wis two years old and had been ill only a few days. To the bereaved ones we extend our sincere sympathy. PAUL INK. Messrs. M. L. Powers and S. J. Ver non Each Lose a Horse. (iariu's. June S. — Messrs M L. Powers and S J. Vernon each had | the misfortune yesterday to lose a horse, being the only ones 1 they owned Mr. W H. Hennis' horse is very sick if not dead, i Can't say now what was the cause. Messrs Wiley Mabe, Frank Martin and A (i. Martin have each purchased a nice cooking range for their good wives We hear some complaint today that there is right much smut in the wheat )n last Thursday there wa3 a very hard rain fell here, washing the land more than than for many years. Rev W A. Ward preached a good sermon yesterday at Dalton school house on the "duty and privilege of church members," im pressing them that they should go forward and that m*t;h depends upon theirs conduct. Meadows Items. Mrs Bettie Blackburn is quite ill with paralysis this week A maddog passed this way last week and bit a horse for Mr. Will Darnell, anil two dogs for Mr. Will R. Stephens. The infant child of Robert Tucker has been very sick for some time Most of the people from around here went to the foot washing at Flat Shoal Sunday. This is going to be a live year in politics, ami every heme in St ikes county should take tiio Reporter which will contain all of the political news. Only 1:2 J cents per month. Order it today,