JEUME XXXIII. %Ji»NDETTA IN ~ QUAKER GAP Feud Existing Between Two Factions Who Are Backed by Men of Influence and Wealth.—The Affair of Christmas Night a Culmination of Threats, Criminations and Re-Criminations, and Nursing and Flaming of Old Hatreds—Mrs. Bondurant, the Shot Woman, Improving. Jt develops that the shooting of the women, Mrs. Peter Bondurant and M/s. Jno. Shelton, near Fran €'.soo, on the night of December 25, h».the result of a fend of long standing bet ween certain parties of the neighborhood, and which is assuming rather dangerous pro portions. The Reporter is in formed that there are two factions arrayed against each other, and that each faction is being backed by prominent and wealthy sup port of the neighborhood, and that the affairs of Christmas night in which two innoceut women and tfco babes narrowly escaped with " their lives, was but the culmina tion of threats, crimination and recrimination, and old grudges nursed and fanned by men who stand high iu the county, and who are supporting the lawlessness with money. However true or not true this " feature of the affair may be, it is absolutely certain that a danger ous state of affairs is existing, and one for which somebody will pro > babiy pay dearly at the coming term of Superior courts- Mrs. Sbelton, the shot woman, is said to be improving. Lively Times In Pinnacle Christmas —Other Items of Interest. Pinnacle, January 4 —There been quite a lively time in y. Pinnacle during the holidays. • Thursday uight the Baptists gave a nice eutertairment, the M. E. Church gave oue Friday night, on Saturday afternoon the ladies of the M. E. Chuich gave a box sup per. A nice sum was raised, and sn Monday afternoon the M. P. i* Church gave a very interesting programme. All of the entertain meats were attended by a large crowd. Among the visitors were Misses Lillian Martin, of Winston-Salem, ■ Henrietta Barker, of Mt. Airy, Mozelle (rant, of Stokesdale, Mat tie. Webster, of Mt. Airy, Mary Loftis, of Reidsville, Ella Mickey, of Winston-Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis, of Waluut Cove, Messrs. J. W. Pegram and Sample Angel, of Stokesdale, Dalt. Davis, of Walnut Cove, Sheriff C. M. Jones, of Danbury, Raleigh Hun ter, of Greensboro, Ralph Sullivan and John R. Jones, of Wake For est, C. H. Bernard and sons, of Raleigh, Arthur Boyles, of Knox > , rille, and Fred Clarke, of N. Y. Miss Minnie Boles, who has S-, r been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wall, returned home Tuesday evening accompan ied by Misses Grace and Roberta Wall and Messrs. Clarence Snider and Jesse Robertson. % On the 31st day of Deoember • Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sullivan gave £•' a birthday diuner in honor of their L son Ralph, it being his 21st birth- I day. p We ar? sorry to note the sad , j - death of Mr. Samuel Weetmore land. He leaves a host of relatives feit and friends to moutn their loss. ? remains were laid to rest at IpT Mt. Pleasant. Wishing the Reporter muoh m success. "POLLY ANNE." John W. Davis Appointee Member . of Pension Board. Johu W. Davis, of Walnut Cove, bas been appointed by Au ditor Dixon a member of the County Pension Board to Pfgcoetd tbe lata Capt. James 'A. Directors of Bank* of Stokes County to Meet at Bank of Walnut Cove January 26th. The Bank ; of Stoke 9 County starts the new year with exception ally bright prospects. During the year just past the Bank increased its deposits from $40,000.00 to about $100,000.00. It is pretty certain that no other bank in the State can boast of such a record. The year's management both at Danbnry and Walnut Cove has been very successful, foi which the stockholders and directors de sire to extend sincere thanks to their many patrons, and to ask for a continuance of the liberal sup port of the past. There will be a meeting of the directors of the bank at the Bank of Walnut Cove on Tuesday, Jan uary 26, at which time the fiscal year's business will be closed, and the new year begun. WALNUT COVE ROUTE 1. Walnut Cove Route 1, Jan. (>. — Xmas was very dull around here very little drinking going on dur ing the holidays. Miss Mamie Morefield, of Guil ford College, is spending several weeks with relatives at this place. Miss Carrie Rutledge, of Route 1, who was slightly troubled with chills last week is about well again. Mr. Tom Wood, of Route 1, ac companhed by his aunt Miss' Francis Wood, visited relatives at j High Point during Xmas. Miss Mary Burge attended the j Xmas tree and entertainment at Mt. Tabor Deo. 28th. Miss Cora L. Young, who has charge of the Rose Bud sohool spent the holidays with her parents at Dillard Mr. and Mrs. J. j W. Young. The Rose Bud school is pro-! gressing nicely having made an enrollment of 79. Wishing the Reporter and all its readers a successful New Year. Happenings at Sandy Ridge. Sandy Ifidge, Jan. 2.—Messrs. j Claud and Curtis Hutcherson spent part of Christmas at Mad ison end Mayodan. Misses Nellie, Nealie and Dora Rakestraw and Miss Lennie Craig, of Bassett, visited Miss Pencie Vernon Wednesday and Thurs day. Miss Ruby Brown visited Miss Clyde Hutcherson during Christ mas. A orowd of young people took a sleigh ride one muddy morning in Christmas, and we are Borry to say they were overturned in a mud hole. Miss Bessie Hawkins visited Misses Mabel and Ethel Pringle 'Christmas. Mr. B. F. Hawkins is at home from Greensboro. The Christmas tree at Delta waa very nice indeed. We bad nice •behavior and lovely preseuts. THE RAVEN Mr. P. C. Campbell, of Camp bell, was in town on business Monday. Mr. Campbell, who was a legalized brandy distiller, and has made a good deal of money out of it, finds his business olosed by the going into effeot of the new prohibition law. He will prob* ably engage in tbe mercantile business. DANBURY, N. C., JANUARY 6, 1909. MR. JERRY MARTIN SICK He Is Ninety-Three Years Old— i Beware of the Tobaccoville "Rag Puncher'—News of Dillard. Dillard, Dec. 29.—Mr. W. S. Stultz is visiting relatives near Martinsville, Va. Mr. F. M. Davidson went to Bristol, Tenu., a few dajs ago to visit bis sifter. Mr. W. E. Lasley and family, of Winston, are visiting Mrs. Lasley's parents, Mr. and Mis. M. T. Mit chell. Mr. Jerry Martin, one of our oldest citizens, is on the sick list this week. He has an abscess in the head. This is Uncle Jerry's 93rd Christmas. Miss Helen and Roy Willis, of Walnut Cove, visited relatives here the early part of Christmas. Miss Nannie Dillon, of Bassett, Va., is visiting lit sister, Mrs. J. H. Mitchell. Miases L'nima ami Minnie Dnncati and Mussis J. A. Duncan and James Herd visited relatives at Walnut Cove Monday and Tuesday. Miss No" ,! lui'Kaughan has been spen » g the holidays with friends mar i r nrtman. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mitchell went to Rockingham Tuesday to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Essex are spend- j iug the week with Mr. Essex's j mother iu Davidson county. Ladies, beware of the Tobacco-1 ville "Rag Puncher." He has been doing up this community.' He will sell you a machine for turfing rugs at from 5 cents to (55 ! cents, and will take anything from an old sitting hen up in pay for it. Then on leaving he will ask you to "'kindly speak a g> od word for him." DANBURY ROUTE 1. Danbury Route 1. Jan. 5. Dear Reporter : How did you enjoy Christmas ? Did old Santa fill your stocking full of good things. We hope he did, for we think everybody en joys Santa's candy. I will tell you what Santa Claus brought me. He brought me a nice pair of shoes and a pretty i basket and a sleeping doll. I will never forget old Santa for his kindness to me. We were aiming to visit our uncle, R. H. Martin, of Mayodan,! old Christmas, January itb, but! we believe it is going to be bad! weather, and we will not get to go.' There is a lot of our young j friends gone to West Virginia—j Messrs. S. J. Simmons and brother Ed, Ervin Shelton and brother, i and others. We wish them much ! joy in their new home. PRETTY GIRL ! I SANDY RIDGE. Sandy Ridge, Jan. 4 —Christmas j was very dull in this section. Messrs. W. t). and J. M. Jack son, of Winston-Salem, were visit ing friends and relatives at Sandy Ridge, J. M. returned home Sun day. Mr. add Mrs. J. M. Nunn visited Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ward Monday, accompanied by Mr. J. N. Ward and Miss Van nie Nunn. They returned 'to their home at Franoisoo Thursday, Misses, Fannie,. Nellie and Rath Martin visited Hisses Rosalie and Minnie East Thursday. Miases Millie and Dora Ward visited their oonsin Miss Handy Jackson. 0 There wa» i Christmas tree at Delta ohuroh on Christmas day. It was beautifully decorated and a large crowd attended. .■.. . « • Mr. James H. Mabe was in town Monday. Mr. Mabel)a* rej oently purchased the 0. W. MaJ tin old place on Meadows Boat* V and has already mOved into hifl new homfi Cross Danbnry Boot* .1 S. L. WESTMORELAND DIES. He Lived On Tobaccoville Route 2 and Was Buried At Mt. Pleasant —Farmers Getting Ready to Pitch Another Crop. Tobaccoville, Route 2. ■ Jan. 4 1909. Mr. Westmorland died Wednes-, day night Dec. 30,1908, was buried at Mt. Pleasant on Friday at 2 o'clock. Mr. Westmoreland leaves a wife and ten children, three by ! his first wife and seven by his last | wife. Mr. Westmoreland was a member of the Odd Fellows who i took him in hand and buried him at their expense and he was put away nice. Mrs. G. W. Vest has been stay- ing a few days with her daughter 1 Mrs S. L. Westmoreland, widow of ' the deceased. She arrived home Sunday. Miss Ella Vest is going to stay with Mrs. Westmoreland a few days. Mr. ami Mrs. Enrl Young, of Walnut Cove, ere spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Har ris, of Tobaccoville Route 2. SALLY. Tell the Representatives What to Do. Editor Reporter : Now that our Representatives in | the Legislature are off for Raleigh, j I am wondering if they go pledged to anything except politics. Will , they sit in the Legislature only to look out for political advantage ? I doubt very much if the farmer friends who have sent Messrs. Fagg and Reynolds to Raleigh ever thought it worth while to suggest any new legislation. They go to represent us, and are ab solutely ignorant as to what we want them to do, simply because we are too indifferent or too lazy, or don't know what we want done. Have Mr. Fagg or Mr. Reynolds any idea as to how the tobacco growers of Stokes would like for them to vote on the Reid aDti- Trust Bill ? Has the Farmers' Alliance or Farmers' Protective Association, or the farmers any thing else as a body, made it plain as to how our farmers feel towards this important new law ? How do we expect anything of our Representatives, when we don't tell them what we want. If there is such a thing as a farmers' organization, why don't its mem bers get together and formulate a plan of action and decide what they want, and theu demand of' Messrs. Fagg and Reynolds that they (io represent their people ? Now is the time for action. If any changes in our present laws or any new legislation is wanted, do have manhood enough about you to let your Representatives kuow what it is. Mr. Fagg has gut backbone enough at least to sign a petition for a bridge at Pine Hall without consulting his political God-father. Write to your Representatives and tell them how you want them to vote on the Reid anti-Trust Bill when it comes up, also tell WOMAN HORRIBLY BURNED AT ASBURY jL ' ' Distressing Accident Happens to Mrs. Alice Goin, Who Dies After a Day's Sufferfng—-Many Marriages in North Western Stokes During Christmas—Prob lem of Getting "Booze" Into Dry Territory Solved by Laying Underground Pipe Reaching From Vir ginia to North Carolina. Night Riders Visit Mr. Tom Reynolds —News Items of Interest From Madison Route 3. Madison, N. C., Wall Street,! January 3, 1909.—Christmas is over and all say they had a pleas ant time. No fights but some booze on our street. Messrs. Oscar Wall and W. A. Clarke, of Roanoke, Va., spent a few days on our street, visiting | Misses Mary and Hester Wall. Storm parties were all the go here Christmas. Four nights out of six I could hear some one say: "turn your partner and promenade all." A very pleasant party was given jat the home of Mr, S. G. Wall New Year's night. About 30 ; ladies and gentlemen present. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wall and I Miss Auuie McAual ly went to , Mayodan Saturday to an enter j tainmeut and spent the night with ! the Rev. A. R. Berkley and wife. Messrs. Grover and Bud Rier ison, Alsa and Jesse Tuttle, Robt. [Joyce, John Wall, Misses Ruth Wall, Lockia Sisk, Nannie Tuttle, Mr. Jesse Joyce and wife all weut to Mayodan Saturday uight to the j entertainment. ! Mr Paul Hill, of Gerniauton, is | seen on our streets right often. We suppose he wants a partner ; for 1909. The Xight Riders visited Mr. | Tom Reynolds Friday uight tak ing his buggy a short distancs and ! took off the wheels. Tom 6ays ! they were girls, but an old rat was | in the barn. Messrs. R. P. McAnally and Rufus Mitchell went to Greens boro Friday and returned Satur j day. Rev. Clyde filled his regular appointment at Bethesda Sunday.; On Tuesday, December 29th, the boys and girls had a jolification at the hospitable home of Mr. J. D. Sharp. Music was furnished by the Tuttle String Band. At eleven > o'clock all left for their homes i thanking the host and hostess for such a pleasant evening. A Series Of Singing Lessons Close at Brown Mountain Church. Mr. Frank Cook, of Westfield, | has just brought to a close at Brown Mt. church a series of very suooansful lessons in vocal music, which of ten by his daughter, She understand as well as her father, was much play of skill on school was attended Mo. 1,918 , Brim Route 1, Jan. 4—Christ mas is over, and I will try to tell you about Asbury. Mr. Abe Groin was the first to get married to Mrs. Hester Beas ley; then Mr. Emery Flippin to Miss Early Lawson; Mr. Sam Martin to Miss Lucy Mills; Mr. Will George to a Miss Rogers; Mr. Will Joyce to a Miss Rogers; Mr. Peter PJ. Slate to a Miss Hendrix: Mr. Bob Adams to Miss Bettie Rogers; Mr. Bob Neal to Miss Hester Ivallam, and several i more we did not know. We had a sad accident last Wednesday morning in our little village, About 5 o'clock Mrs. Alice Groin got up with a sick ' child. After building the fire she 1 lit the lamp, and found the oil out !of the lamp. She was refilling with burner in hand still burning, when the blaze ran into the lamp, bursting the same, and throwing oil on her. She took fire and ran out into the yard. Her husband jumped out of the bed, got the ; baby out of the fire, extinguished the blaze, and looked out for iiis wife, whom he saw running, a-fire all over. Ho grabbed a bed quilt and out-ran her, threw the quilt around her, and threw her down on the ground, anil tlmught he had put the fire out. iJut a bla/.e came out from her brrninp cifc thing and she broke to again, her husband after her v But she outran him and burned f until she fell to the ground. She U was burnt all over except her feet and face, and died that night at 11 o'clock. She leaves three small children and her husband. Sh" was a pitiful sight, and before she got burnt was one of the strongest women we knew. She was about 2(> years old. We have had a pleasant Christ mas, except the above 6ad acoi dent. / v Mr. Alfred Simmons, of Rural Hall, visited at G. L. Simmons' Christmas. i Mrs. Edna Boyles, of *Viuston- Salem, and C. W. Simeons and children. Miss CWa an 4 Clarence, vlaitecj at Gh'L. Simmons' Christ j'mtis, Mr. and Mrs. Waller and daugh ters, Misses Maggie and Lois, vis ited at Dr. Leak's Christmas, j Rev. John A. Gilmer,\ of 'Mt. Airy, preached at Asbury lastffc' Sunday to a good crowd \nd" preached an able 6erraotk t | preparation for Heaven. P Soine of the boys havrpbaut ( solved problem of gfeUingV, J whiskey into thev dry territory. ,j to lay under r* the Virginia filled in Vir • . . ■ . r* V :s. s • . .

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