XXXVIII. .BIG ROLLER MILL C. & LUNSFORD THE PROMOTER g Quickstep 'Phone Line Extended |U Alain—Mm. T. & Smith Givee A*» f' ' Apgsn Perty—Other News. • '/' Oak Grove, Jeu. 24.—'The olouds 4fave vanished and the birds sing , as tbbpgh spring tinje was close at hand. The people of this section are pboutHhrougb planting their crop ot>abbage,.«nd are now preparing plantbed land tor another crop of /ofcaooo. * Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Smith gave , the young people an apron party SetQrday night. There was quite averse orowa present, and all en jpyea themselves tine. The prize 'was givpn to 0. R. Boyles. Ex- A(;celhent music was furnished by w Messrs. Sam Rierson and Peter Smith. V Rpv.,Mr. Brendall filled his reg * frilr appointment at Oheßtnut| OroMe M. E. church fourth Sun-, day and also at Little Yadkin. I ■ 0 Large crowds attended both ser vices. ' Mr. C. H. LuDsford, one of; Stokes county's business men, re- ! turned home Friday night from! Galax, Va., where he purchased a drove of fine mules and horses. Mr. Lunsford is now making prep arations to put in one of the best roller' tuills in the State. There is a lot of sickness in this | community at present. May. G. W. Smith, who lirs been. in'deolining health for some time, is slowly improving. Mr. N. I. Boyles has accepted a * responsible position, representing the Forsyth News and other local papers. Mr. Robt. Boyles has been seen ■ smoking cigars and driving around i'| Mr. John Gordon. Good for von* Robert t •An extension of the Farmers' uickstep 'phone lino iB being •uilt from C. H. Boyles' store hrough the Flat Rock sectoin to C. K. Boyles'. This extension is expectod to bo built through the Wes\field section in the near fa- U * SCRIBLLER. Ofi | IINAL ASSAULT CHARGED. G. Cleave Hsncs, a Young White Man of Winston-Salem, Under Arrest —Alleged Victim 13-Year-Old Girl. ' Winslon-Salem, Jan. 25. G. Cleave Rr.nes, a young white man aged about 20, is under arrest charged with committing rape, and will oe tried tomorrow morning. Policeman Williams is complain aut. The girl whom he is accused c attack! oriminally is said to ' age. The young ' at bis borne near >• Mills, Mr. Jetf sent him, while ly will appear WJTH THE LEGISLATORS . -V * The Conservatives Holding Down theßfdical Element —Don't Pro pose to Do Anything Bdfdering on tho Sensational —Some Bills Ufr troduced. Raleigh, Jan. 2s. standing the opinion has prevailed that the present legislature would adjourn before the sixty day pay limit expired, jt is generally be haved here now tbat there are a sufficient number of lovers of that four dollars a day fee to hold thoro who manifest a desire to retura home as early as possible until "pay day" expires. A newspaper man who has been handling legislative proceedings for years, tells me tbat the radical element is cutting a mighty sorry figure at tips session of the gen eral assembly. They are just simply outclassed (or perhaps out numbered would be a more appro-' priate or elegant manner of ex pressing the situation). The ao tiou of the Senate judioiary com mittee last week in J de ciding to report the Manning Mil (of whioh the author is chairman) unfavorably by a vote of 9 to 4 shows that the conservative ele ment is opposed to all legislation with the least sensational feature possible attached. During the past week the fol lowing bills have been introduced: To pension all the inmates of the Soldiers' Home at Raleigh, {laying eaoh sl2 a year in quart or- 1 y installments. In the Senate, a bill was intro duced Jby Orinoud to make the salaries of solicitors $2,500 instead of fees, A bill by Mr. Perry, of Bladen, would require all hotels and board ing bouses charging $1.50 a day or more to screen dining and sleejring rooms against Hies and mosquitoes. Senator Scott introduced a bill) carrying an aggregate appropria tion of $93,800 for the Morgantoni sohool for the deaf and dumb; fori maintenance, $50,000; for primary building, $40,000. A bill by Senator Elliqtt calls for an increase of the salary of tlie State Librarian to $2,000. The bill to establish the State highway commission was introduc ed in the House by Mr. Ourrie. It was introduced in tho Senate dur ing the opening days in accord ance with the reoommendations of the State Geologist. It pats all the; road work in the Various ooun ties under the general supervision of the State commission and car ries an annual appropriation of $150,000 to be used largely in supplementing the work of the several oounties. In the Senate, Senator Barring er, of Guilford, introduced a bill providing for the establishment of a new judicial district to be com posed of tho counties of Guilford and Alamance. Tho fiual passage of the salary bill of Commissioner of Labor and Postponed to Wed- of an Hie salary DANBURY* N. C., JANUARY 27, J9oft. A DEATH NEAR KING MRS. H. PASSES AWAY Nr. Henry Spainhour No Better— - Crazy Negro Arreited—Farmers üßasy Marketing Tobfcoca Voting Route 1,-Jan. 27—Mrvu I Henry Sally, a tnuoh beloved wdf man of this community, pasted away last night after a lingering iltneSß. Mrs. Sally jfcaaHbe daughter of Mr. Allen Cook,' and had been married only about one year. The deceased leaves a husband, an infant baby only about two months old, father and mother and ( two brothers. She will be very , much missed in the community. /*King Jan. 25.—The farmers are stripping and oarrying off their, { tobaoco while prices are good. Mr. Henry Spain hour, who has been very sick for several days, is no better we aro sorry to note. Mr. S. T. Keiger has a new renter, Mr. Sales Ferguson. | Miss Lennis Pulliam, who holds a position in Winston, spent sev eral days the past week with her brother, Mr. 0.. L. Pulliam and family. Messrs. V. T G.abs, James Kreeger and i tiu*. Spainhour 'stnrted over • no-mountains Mon day tnoruitig to buy stock. I heard tbat Constable Knight made bis first arrest this morning. A negro came along in a manner nakeJ; he was bare-headed and bare-footed, with an old sack and towel tied around bis waist. Mr. Knight arrested bim, learned that 1 be was crazy and bad escaped from the Mt. Airy.autborities. There was a large orowd at King j today, as it was tax-paying day. ■'Mr. Eugene Rumley has accept ed a position with the Standard j Oil Co. at Winston. The Jr. O. U. A. M. will hohM lodge meeting here next Saturday! night, B»C?SHBTES. f IS ILLICIT DISTILLING.! R. % R. Rierson Arrested and Bound Over to Federal Court. Deputy Marshall G. A. Carroll, of Winston, arrested R. R. Rier son, of Stokes, lsst week and car ried bim before a magistrate who bound tho defendant over to the next term of Federal oourt on the oharge of illicit distilling. Rier son's bond was fixed at $200.00, which be gave. Rierson lives near Clara, this county, where he conducted a bonded brandy distillery. About December Ist some revenue offi cers vfent to that place and seized the distillery. Al that time the owner was not arrested, but at the last term of Federal oourt a trua bill was found against bim and a capias was issued for bis arrest: . XWALNUT COVE ROUTE L Walnut Cove Route 1, Jan. 25. —The little boy of Mr. and .Mrs. Pink Smith, who has bcon very sick with pneumonia, is some ; better. ! There is a great dejjl of sickness I in this neighborhood at present, i Mr.'J- B. Greene went to Wins j ton this weex. J / Messrs. Benuie Chapman and Sam Johnson (bad a stable-raising i this week. * Some people seem to think that it is a great sin for church mem. bers to dance, and I am opposed to danoing myself, but I would ke to know whiob is the worst — ncing or talking about your hbor ? I would like to hear some one on this question. GERTRUDE. - of Danbury Real te. reversionary lot, to J. SpCt i $1)00.00. t to J. Spot i SIOO.OO. I. O. Petree, -at ion S3OO. O. Petree, X). to Pepper sideration .Mill Erect cently jented ed the 1 at that the TOBACCO MARKET PRICES GRADUALLY IMPROVING Break* Good this Week la Qoaatitdf j an 3 Quality— Sale* Last Wseti' from the Winston tabaoAo market tfiday Is to the effect that good breaks are on this weak and prices are improving some. The warehonsemen are making a strong effort to bold prices tip, and while they are having some tobacco knooked down to them, their efforts are doing ipnoh good. The warm weather the past few daye/hns been ideal f r handling the weed and the proepect is that the market will have good breaks throughout this week. The ealee last week aggregated 932,125 lb*, and the average price paid was $10.30 per hundred. Some of the sales made on the Winston market the past week are aa follows : ' W. L. Hall 1375 pounda for $144.01. Bud Tuttle 610 pounds for $69.25. Ira Moeer 397 pounds at an nv. erage of $15.23 per hitodred. (4. W. Hawkins 1151 pounds for $111.92. O. R. Hutoheraon 750 lbs. $89.20. R. E. Francis 1069 Ibaf $92.15. Simmons & R. W. George 494 pounds for S4O 61. J. jS. Sniith 832 pounds for $103.61. L. Mabe 316 pounds for $35.77. M. D. Hamfii 918 pounds, $79.04. • 8. A. Edwards 814 lbs. $85.72. BrF. Pulliam 678 lbs. $77.52. Robt. Moser 292 pounds $22.44. J. H. Covington 963 lbs. $136.36. V. D. Bowies 698 pounds $80.91 j T. J. Tuttle 631 pounds $65.36 | S. K. Anderson 1342 lbs. $124.06. J. B. Ferguson 989 lbs. $108.92. R. R. Boyles 634 pounds $57.70. , J. 8. Slate 1320 pounds $128.42. __ TOBACCO MEN OPPOSE. Winaton-Salem.Board Goes on Record Against Anto-Trust Bill—Price of the Weed Would Be Lowered, It Is Slid. Winston-Salem, Jan. 23.—The local tobaooo board of trade at a meeting todßy, attended by rep resentative manufacturers and buy ers, unqualifiedly set itself against the Lockhart anti-trust bill, which is deaigned to injure the American Tobacco Company, primarfly, but would, it is believed, bej£*ery in jurious to the tobaccßrinteresta generally, and would drive some of the largest buyers from the mar ket, which might ipateriallv lower thk prices of the weed Ar farmers. A oommittee composed of Messrs. W. R. Leak, secretary of the Brewn & Williamson Tobacco Co,; Thos. 8. Rucker, secretary and treasurer of the Whitaker-Harvey f Co., and R. W. Correll, head of the ware house firm of A. B. Gorrell & Son#, ! was appointed to draw up jolutiou urging Forsyth's jiAVf 1 ' seiitatives to fight the I measure, now pending ]HKthe I Legislature. j Smoak A McCreary Coining With a Large Lot of Fine Mules Next Week. Smoak & MoCreary, of Wins ton, will be at the livery stables of J. Spot Taylor in Dan bury on Monday, Tuesday aud Wednesday of next week with a large lot of the very beet mules to be had, and request that their Stokes friends come and B'ee them. If yon are in need of a good mule or two now is your opportunity. Don't forget, the date— Tuesday and Wednesday, February Ist, 2nd and 3rd. J W. H. Reid Leases Mineral Water Right of Vade Mecum Springs—Also Purchases Company's Store and Leases Farm. Mr. W. H. Reid, of Pilot Mt., former manager for the Vade Me oum Springs Co, has purohased the store of the above mentioned company and leased ttte farm and mineral water right. Mr. Reid ex perts to oontinue the merchandise business and will also begin ship ping Vade Meoum water at an early date. ' Mr. John Morefield, of Vade Meonm, last week sold at Farmers' Warehouse of Winston 1,900 lbs. of tobaooo for s4l9 — an average of 22oents. '•> * SANDY RIDGE NEWS. Mr. fesee Vernon Bbproving-Mrs. Walter Dodson Hl—Rev. J. H. /Robertson to ProodL • IgSandy Ridge Route 2, Jan. 25. W» are having remarkably fine for this season of the year. Mrv and Mrs. John Hen Ale spent the day Friday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hennis, on Madiwm Hk ute 8. Mr/Jeeae Vernon, who has been Beriously ili with pueomonia, is improving. ■> Mw'Marietts Barker, of Aroh, dale, spent the past week with her mother,. Mrs. Polly Martin,.?-fit Ayeravilie. Mr. Pink Martin is right siek, we are sorry to note. Mr. G. W. Rakestraw spent last Wednesday ana Thursday with bis sons, Messrs. Joe and Buford Rakestraw, at Basaett, Va. We are sorry to learn of the illness of Mrs. Walter Dodson, who live near Preatonville. * Mr. W. S. Shaffer had a woqA" chopping Wednesday. Misses Fanny aud Nellie Martin find Aliie Ganu spent Thursday night with Misaea Nellie, Nealie and Dora Rakestraw. Our mail carrier, Mr. Levi Amos, is taking A vacation. Mr. Harry T.'Brown is serving while he is off. We bear that Rev. J. H. Rober son, of Stoneville, will preach at Mount Hermon church the fourth Sunday in February, and every fourth Sunday afterwards thiougb out the year. Several of the farmers in this section attended a meeting of the Farmers' Union at Sandy Ridge Saturday. Mr. James Wall has gone to ! Winston on a business trip. Mr. Newton Smith, of near I Westfield, is visiting relatives and friends in this section. Elsie Gunter, Dave and Clinton Joyce went fishing Saturday after noon and caught forty nice fish Who can beat that ? Mr. Charlie Powell, a traveling salesman of Winston, was in this section Saturday. Mias Kate Simmons and Mr. Cuas. Joyce attended ohurch at Ayeravilie Sunday. Mre. Eva Price, of Dillard, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and L. Gun ter. • Mr. Grover Hall, ot Mayodan, spent Saturday and (Anday with relatives in this seotion. Mrs. M. W. Andrews and daugh ter, Cappie, spent Sunday at Mr' A. J. Gann'a. LEO. A Quilting and Dance at Mr. Will Marshall's Messrs. R. R. Lewis and Frank Barkar Improving. Stoneville Route 1, Jan. 25. Oboppings are all the go down here now. Mr. R. R. Lewis has been very ill for several weeks but is on the mend, we are glad to note. Mr. Frank Barker has been very 1 ill fos several days, but was able 5 to oall on his girl Sunday. Miss Maud Fagg waso ailed from school last week on account of her father's illness. There was a quilting at Mr, Will "Marshall's Friday evening and'a good dance at night Among those present were: Misses Pearl Lew is, Essie and Daisie Carter, Bettie and Minnie Alcorn, Isabelle and Emma Terrell, Kate Joyce aljd Rhoda Pharis; Messrs. Riohard and Will Terrell, Harry, Otapeooe and Jainea Doyle, John Lewis, Will Taylor, Spenoer Roberts, Will Cox, George Urogan and Millard Paris, and all reported a nioe time. Mr. John Lewis called on Mias Kate Joyce Wednesday night. NOBODY'S DARLINtf. Caswell County May Isaac Bonds nffr Good Road*. V Reidßville, Jan. 23.-—Oaswil county proposes to issue bonds lp build a good road from Yanse| - ville to tbe Virginia line, leadln ; to Dapville. The majority, of th i people feel that the entire Oount, should not be called on tp'vot t bonds for any qne road. v "Tjlf l township through whioh the rolu , will pass ooold vote bondi an build the road, but the the southern seotjob of the obqmjJr do not feel like paying taxes fl bond tbf» oouuty to build a roafch for tbfi use of a faw. \ • Vy,....i -• 1, : 1 Mr. John R. Smith, of Walnut Cove Route 8, was here Monday,, > no. SrOCKHOLBgRSfIIEET FOR BANK OF SIfcKES COUNTY Reports Show An Iccrsastd tonti nes* Over Previous Yew—Twelve | Per Cent. Dividend Declared- The stockholders and direotors of the Bank of Stokes County held their aooual meeting at the Wal nut Cove office of the bank yes terday. The reports of the officers of the institution showed an increased business over the previous year and the affairs of the bank found to be in excellent condition. A dividend of twelve per cent, was declared. All of the old officers of. the hank were re-elected. NEW FACTORY FOR R. J. R. CO. Will Purchase Large Tract and Erect New Structure at Once. • The R. J. Reynolds Tobacoo Co. has secured an option on the old Miller Bros, shop lot, fronting on Cheetuut, First and Depot streets, and if the deal in closed the com pany will likely build another mammoth manufacturing plant, equal in size to ttre concern's splendid new plant on the corner of Church and Fifth streets. President R. J. Reynolds stated that his company had the matter of building under consideration. J. H. Lyuoh, of the linen de partment of the Meyers-West brook store here, has just accepted $50,000 option, on his "Mary Cooper Mine" in York county, S. C. The "Mary Cooper Mine" was discovered years ago and is rich wit h copper and gold. The mine lies nt the foot of Kings mountain and was opened several years ago but never worked. The tract cou taius 116 acres. The option bv Mr. Lynch if from a Boston syndicate and the sale is assured as the com pany is now making preparations to begin operations. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Smith Give an Apron Party -Mr. Marshall Smith j Completes His New Residence. • King Route 2, Jan. 25.—Miss Lillie Cordon, of Pinnaole, spent last Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Emma Gentry. An apron party was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Smith last Saturday night the 23rd. Among those present were: Misses Ella and Victoria Smith, Lucinda Edwards, Emma Gentry, Tillie Gordon, Eula and Ethel Eaton, Mattie Lunsford, Bessie Holland, Mirtle and Sissie Ander son; Messrs. Noray Charles, Roy, Livy, Robab, Robert and William ~ Boylee, Asy, Rufus and Frank , Smith, Colonel and Mart Gordon. Cicero Cromer, Wiley and Edwards Edwards, Robah Fuik, Lawson, Robah Boles, of Pinhaole,. Clarence Cox, of Va., Wesley Eat* on, Colonel Darnell, William Free die, Coy Bennett, Ransom Long, John and Roy Lunsford, Thomas Eaton and Dewey Gunter. T«o prize was given to Mr. Cbarjfs Boyles, it being a nice tie. * Mr. B. N. Smith and family spent last Sunday witn Mr. god . Mrs. E. W. Holland. Mr. R. R. Smith and faggy?' spent last Sunday with Smith's parentß, Mr. and . Augustus Edwards. Miss Luoinda Edwards, teaoHra at Oak Grove, attended the Teawfl ere' Meeting at King last SatiUfl day, 23rd. The sobopl is progrwH ing nicely under her care witMjHN students on roll. Mr. Marshall Smith has his residenoe completed and will ragg copy it soon. ; A READER, ''Honor Roll For Danbury Pi^uß HIGHER GRADES. JSfl Ray nor Joyce, Bertha BinjHH Virpie Martin, Lonla BioflH Sallie Stewart, Grace Taylor. JBBB Martin, Mary Smith, Joeie NslMj Eugene Ray, Walter NeUou?fjSJre liaro Mounce. r .-PRIMARY GRADES. J Toby Booth, Jesse BootbjjßH Booth, Dora Booth, Willie IfiUH Ra'ph Chilton, Joeie CovinaH Annie Covington, John WfIHH Martin, Rimer Petree, Spct«%H Ta\ lor, Gary Young, Dossfe YtgHH