I Stfßjgzm I S JR |' w useJ m and cake in this country, jjw i and every housekeeper IM J«v 4H using it has rested in perfect confi- M Q—dence that her food would be light, El 9 sweet, and perfectly wholesome. Royal is a safe- M guard against the cneap alum powders which are In the greatest menacers to health of the present day. In ! KOYAL IS THE ONLY BAKING POWDER H ■UK noy ROYAL CRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR |S| I BUY Chickens, Eggs, Turkeys, Dried Fruits, Beeswax, Etc. PAVING THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. BRING YOUR PRODUCE TO ME. A • J* FA G G DANBURY, N. C. BANK BY MAIL WITH A 5 Million Dollar Bank Aside from its strength it best known your needs for it lias tlif knowledge gained liy ex|M*rience and l».v reusoii of its si/,1- It must employ tin* most capable officers and clerks. Your Personal Check Mailed to tile " l!iy; liank " for One Dollar or One Thousand Dollars will bring yon a pass bonk wltli credit for the amount sent by return mall and open to you the protection, courtesy, service and advice of the bunk that, caring for money of 11, win others, proves it can liest cure for you. Ask for free Booklet " II." WACHOVIA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY 220 Main Street. Winston-Salem, N. C. LAST CALL FOR TAXES. I will meet the people of Stokes County for the purpose of collecting the I uses for lilii\ ai tlie following tlines and places: ' I.Jaiibury, Monday, March IM', I'll)',!. Lawsonville, Tuesday, " 2nd, Sandy Ridge, Wednesday, " JJr«l, Dillard, Tmrsdny, " It h. I'itie Hail, Friday, " ."itli, Walnut (Aive, Saturday, •• f'lli, Wilson's Store, Monday, •' Mil, " Francisco, Tuesday, " 9th, J, M. Mitchell & Sou's Stuiv, Wednesday, " 10th, Morelield'u Store, itt tiaj.i, Thursday, " lltli, Charlie Bovlm' Store, Friday, " 12th, •' Pinnacle, Saturday, " liltli, " Germantoii, M'liday, " loth, " Jj.iyles Brothers Store, Tuesday, " Kith, " I bitvo already speni a ureal deal of time, and been at considerable ex pense in milking: rounds for i lie collection of taxes, and for the convenience Of the people, have made a great many more appointments than the law requires me to make, and trust the people will meet me on this round and sertlfetlielr taxes promptly, as tills is positively my last round. The schools will soon lie closed ami the teachers will want their money and ought to have it, but they cannot be paid unless the people pay their tuxes. It will take considerable money to pay off the court-house and Jail build ing bonds that must be paid about the first of April, and the current ex pense* of the county have to lie met also. It Is uot my desire to put anybody to cost, lint 1 am charged with the collection of the taxes, ami HIII going to collect them, and unless you pay on this round cost will IK- added, mid If cost is added, the people must blnme themselves and not blame me, for I have Riven them ample oppor tunity to pay without cost. Do not neglect this matter, but give It your prompt attention and save yourselves tne cost of levies and sales. IW ®'' R. J. FETKEE, Ex-Sherlff. THE DANBURY REPORTER. Local Items. The Reporter regrets to learn of the serious illness of Mrs. W. G. Slate of Mizpah. Mr. W. W. King has been suffering with an attack of grippe the past few days. Mr. W. A. Southern, of Mead ows. paid the Reporter a pleasant visit Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Slate spent Sunday with friends and relatives at Mizpah and Cape 11a. |IMr W. H. Hart man. a proui- | ineut young farmer and a good citizen, of Hartnuan. was here a 6hort while Saturday. Mr. F. T. Tilley, a good citizen | of Daubury Route i, was here Tuesday on his way to Winston with a lot of tobaoco. Mr. and Mrs. J Wesley More field passed through Friday on their way to attend Primitive Bap tist services at Meadows. Mr. C. A. Reynolds has been re-appointed Po6tina6ter at Wins-! ton-Saleni at a salary of $3,200. Mr. J. T. Benbow was the appli cant for Reynolds' job. I The Reporter received a pleasant call yesterday from Mr. T.J. Thore, of Westtield Route 1, a prominent merchant of his section of the! county. Mr. Thore is agent for the Huber Machinery Co., and his advertisement will be seen else where in thi6 paper. Boyles Bros. Co. Make Excellent Showing. We ojiened our store September Ist, 1907, and sold in September, | October, November and December four months 1907 $12,(100.00. The same 4 months of the following year 1908 we sold $24,300.00, an increase of $11,700.00, or nearly 10 percent. This shows what fair treatment and honest merchandise will do. We guarantee all our clothing, both iu quality and price. We will carry for spring over 130 dif ferent patterns. Prices are some lower this spring than last. Don't forget that we can supply your wants, and we say, "money's worth or money back. BOYLES BROS. CO, Winston-Salem, N. C. The Legislature. The legislature has yet taken no definite action on the trust ques tion. The revenue bill has been re ported by the committee. Mr. Haymore has introduced a bill to strike out the poll-tax prerequisite to voting, and extend the time for the operation of the educational qualification to 191>. The bill has been reported favor ably. There are only 10 more days in which the assembly can legally sit, and during this time many bills will be rushed through. Nothing of general State import ance has yet been enacted. NOTICE. The undersigned will open school Danbury on Monday, March 8, 1909. and continue three months. An examination will be held at close of school. A special course given for teachers. Tuition, $2.00 to $llOO per mo. Board, SH.OO to SIO.OO per mo. J.T.SMITH. A. B„ » Principal. NOTICE OF SALE! In order to reduce my stock fo make room f r Spring Gocds, I have :lrcided to make the fol lowing cut prices : 1."iO pair Men's Women's and Children's Shoes, ranging In price front .">lc. to SU.iKI, I will now sell the satue at I'll per cent, discount. Also I have a nice lot of Men's and Hoys' Hats that I will sell at I'.'i per cent, discount. Also a nice line of Dress Ooods In winter styles that I will sell at reduced prices. I I will sell other lines such us Children's Cups, Jewelry, and a general line of Notions at reduced prices to make ready for Spring Goods, Everybody invited to take advantage of these pricea until ; March 20th, 1909. This Feb. 17th, Mil. J. C. AMOS Where Do You Buy Your Furniture? Those who have traded with us praise our goods and business courtesies. Furnishing Homes is Our Business, and Belling Furniture in any quantity from the cheapest to the best is our pleasure. We also sell the best Cook Stoves and Ranges to be found in North Carolina. Our prices are much lower than lots of people charge for inferior goods, Next time you come to Winston-Salem visit our store and see if you can't save money by trading with us. HUNTLEY - HILL - STOCKTON CO. Cor. sth and Trade Sts. Winston-Salem, N. C. Walnut Cove. Walnut Cove, Feb. 22.—Mr. ,Geo. Richardson filled hie regular appointment at Mr. C. R. Dug gins' Sunday. Think the wedding bells will ring again soon. Chopping; is all the go in this vicinity. The farmers are going ahead preparing for another large ! crop of tobacco. We are sorry to note the illness of the little daughter of Mr. and ' Mrs. Daniel Richardson. Miss Minnie Duggins visited her friend, Miss Nina Whitten, Saturday night and reported a pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Young and Mrs. Susan Richardson visited Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Richardson Sun day afternoon. Miss Rachel Richardson, who has been visiting her sister. Mrfe. T. L. Harris, of King, N. C., is expected home this week. Thelma, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Duggins, is , quite ill. Hope she will 6oom be well again. Mr. C. R. Wall, of Madison Route left Saturday # for Char lottesville, Vs., to see his wife, who is in the University Hospital. Mr. John Tillotson, a good cit izen of the Walnut Cove country, was here Saturday. Mr. Tillotson has the honor of being the tallest man in the county. The Celebrated Huber Threshers T. J. THORE, Traveling Agent Westfield, N. C. «PjjMWp» Save Money ___ Vou Can't Afford to Run Any Risk. You can't afford the false economy of cheap machinery. If the Huber Separaters and Engines are better, you want them. You can see that they are better if you will only examine them. Superior material and superior workmanship makes superior quality. With all modern attachments. With its automatic belt tightener and side shake shoe and adjustable riddles, it Swill thresh and separate every grain that grows out of the earth to perfection. Every size from 18-inch up to 40x66-inch Separators. Portable Return Tubular Boilers from sto 30 h. p. Skid Engines from 6 to 50 h. p., fitted with the wonder ful Super-Heater, which is a great invention; Variable Relief II Exhaust, that will burn everything that is burnable, the easiest steamer known. Tractions return tubular with all modern attachments from Bto3oh. p. Contractors' Road Engines from 10 to 40 h. p., single and double cylinders. 1 can furnish you any size Gasoline Engine of the best make known at the right price. Don't buy until you get my price. I am sure I can save you money on anything you want in Machinery. Catalogues for the asking, let me send you one. Write me at Westfield, N. C. I can furnish you everything in Saw Mills, Wood-Working Machinery, Bread Mills, Feed Mills, Reapers and Binders, Mowers, Rakes and Disc Harrows at the right price. Terms to suit purchaser Drop me a pos tal and 1 will call and figure with you on anything in rny line. Tl TH nPf= WESTFIELD, • J • 111 l\ I 9 NOR. CAROLINA. The School Teachers a Thrifty Class. The school teachers of Stokes are an intelligent, thrifty and eco nomical class, and reflect credit upon the county. They believe not only in training their minds for future usefulness, but in laying up stores for the rainy day. Many of them, both ladies and gentlemen, as they collect their salaries for teaching school, just deposit the vouchers or checks with the Bank of Stokes County, for which they receive certificates of deposit inter est-bearing. Thns their funds are not only kept safe, but are bring ing in something all the time. Great Bargains in Dry Goods, Shoes, and Ladies' Dress Goods. We are offering some splendid bargains tn Dry Goods, Shoes, Ladies' Dress Goods, Overalls. Hardware, Chinaware. and many other things too liumerouE to mention. See us before buying elsewhere. We pay highest market price for produce. B. F. PULLIAM & SON R. F. D. No. I, Germanton, N. C. To my friends and customers, You had better 6ee me before you buy and get price*. JOHN A. BURTON. Messrs. John A. Bullen and J. (i Walter Booth, leading farmers of , the Hardbank neighborhood, were ' in town Saturday. ■ Can give you the latest price on anything you want to buy. See >' me at my old stand. : I JOHN A. BURTON. r 1 - - - Mr. R. M. Smith's child, which > has been seriously ill with pneu - moiiia, near Hardbank, is recover ing. Page 5

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