Page 6 ——■ l iin a i , i —■mi— PETREE, EAST & CO. Real Estate and Rental Agents Walnut Cove, N. C. ! Splendid Property For Sale! A Splendid Piece of Property in the Residential Portion of Walnut Cove For Sale. Lot 200x200 feet, with a nice four room cottage. | See Us At Once For Price. OFFICE IN BANK BUILDING Walnut Cove, N. C. WRITE OR CALL ON US AT THE BANK I A . rk«\ " __ _ I t «_ . ""a" An Oil Spring Discovered in Wilkes. It ia reported thAt an oil spring has beeu discovered on the farm of Mr. E. L. Danoy, of Mulberry. Mr. Dancy deolares that a skim, of • greasy appearance, forms on the water of the Hpring and that when , a matoh is applied, it will readily burn. Mr. J. R. Caffey has se cured au option on the property and proposes to have petroleum experts oome here and make an examination of it. If it proves to be the genuine article, it will, doubtless, create a boom of big proportions, for fabulous wealth is usually coupled with oil discov eries Wilkesboro Patriot. Can tfh'o you the latest price on anything you want to buy. See me nt my old stand. JOHN A. BI'RTON. Mr. John \V" I'riddy, of Dan ! ury Route 1. was here Saturday. FJ. A. LAWSONI 1 DANBURY, R. F. I). No. 1. € Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, j i Ladies' Dress floods, Groceries, All j \ Kinds of General Merchandise ) \ at the Very Lowest Prices. ) > Am Paying 20c. per doz. for Eggs. C C 10c. per lb. for Chickens. J M 80c. per bus. for Corn. % \ SPECIALTIES: # ) Sewing Machines, Needles, Etc. 1 SIOO REWARD SIOO. The readers of this paper will be [)leased to learn that there is at east one dreaded lisease that I science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall'B Catarrh Cure is the only , positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Cararrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Haifa Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaoes of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doinu itn work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fails to euro. Send for list of tes timonials Address Y. .1, CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, Too. Take Hall's Family I'ills for const i pat ion. THE DANBURY REPORTER. PINE HALL BRIDGI SAURATOWN NAN IS NARROV The Walnut Cove Bridge Aa Much i Territory of Forayth aa tha Pro poaed Pine Hall Bridge Would Bi of Rockinlham. Pine Hall, Feb. 10. Editors Reporter : We aee in your isaue of the 100 inat. an article coming from, ai you say a prominent man in Saura town township, in which he aays "I see that Pine Ball people wan a bridge." After discussing the necessity of good roads and his willingness to bo taxed to build a road from the county line to Dan linry (which mail wo imagine runs very near his own door), he in the next sentence HIIOWS tho littleness of liis little shriveled up sutil by saying if Rockingham wants a biidyo, let them build it. We wonder if this critic used this argument when the Walnut Govo bridge was built. The Walnut Cove bridge is as much a territory of Kor-yth county as Pine Hall bridge will bo of Rockingham county, both being about, the same from the county linos. We think this prominent man you speak of from Sauratown township should post himself a little better before he undertakes to sit in judgment as to what tho people of the Pino Hall section need. From his letter one would iin. aginethat Pine Hall was in Rock ingham county. Note his remark: "If Rockingham wants a bridge, let them build it." Rockingham does build her bridges. She has one in about 200 yards of the Stokes line, a good bridge across the largest creek in the county. Huppose Rockingham county had aaid to the people of Htokea county: if you want a bridge acr. s» that creek, let them build it, We j have for n long time thought that 4 the worst enemies we of this lec tion have in the way of publio im f provemente are in Sauratown township, and some of thaui with k their little selfish, narrow minds . | have stood in the way of the prog , ress of this end of the county. But ! we are proud to aay that several of I the best nod most influential men 1 of Walnut Oove and other parts of | our enemy's oouutry have signed ' the jwtition, asking the commis -1 sioners to build n bridge at this ' place. \ The position our SaUratown BROWN'S WAREHOUSE Winston, N. C, Wo are often asked how much of this crop has been mid ? For your information we give below report of Supervisor of Stiles from Aug. Ist to Deo, 10th, nod (lie nmount sold by ourselves: Market sold in AugiiHt, 582,275 pounds for $ 15,781 Ho, Average, 8 (5.71. Brown's '245,721 " " 10,010 10, '• O.BS. Market •• •• Sept,. 1.702,2."»0 " " " 0 50. Brown's " " " 5H7,1 V 1 " " 02,700,71, " 0,83, Market •• " Octobei, 7,82U,5«M» " •• 7U0.0U2.05, •• 10,22. Brown's" " " 1,011,227 " ' 20.'i,H00,l 1, '• 10,10. Market " " Novom., U. 572,282 " " .'150,N0,07. " 10.011. Brown's 052,070 " " 1011002.78. ' 10,01. Market " " Decern., 2.1111,057 " " 21),!10I22, " 0,05, Brown's " " " 710,000 " " 75,015,87, " 10 51, I Total for Market, . 10,7211,051 #1.080,221.7S "10 00, " " Brown's . 4,!i00,17-j 1521,007.0!! " 10110. Other Houses told, 12.1127,777 pounds for #1,2!1.'1,150,15 " 1000, HKOWN'S Leads Market !)oc, Per Hundred, Your attention having been called to the above statement we want to wish yon a Happy and Prosperous New Year and to sav that for the following reasons Winston is beyond all question the market on which to sell your tobacco: Because it must be longht here, the largest part of it at least to bo manufactured, the competition in stronger here, WH Imve more independent more leaf and order men, and that during the very heavy sales last fall prices were sustained aniT buyers were able to osrs for all the tobacco marketed, With this question settled we waut to say that BROWN'S is the house where you will always get full market value and that ws will use the ssine energy and judgment this year that made ours the leading house in prices in 1008. Thanking von for your patronage in tho past we ask you to bring us vour first tobacco in, 1000, and we will make it to your interest to sell with us. Your friends, BROWN, CARTER & SIMPSON. !For January—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. For February—Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For March—Tuesday, Thursday ana Saturday. critic takes reminda us of the old man's prayer. He aaid, "Lord have meroy on me and my wife and my son John and his wife." These little narrow minde and sol fishneaa have atood in the way of the progress of Stokea oounty all tha time. The people of Beaver laland township have atood by the commissioners and have aaid that it ia right to have evary publio im provement they have made, and no mora loyal oitizens exist than our people. We have hel|>ed to build five or six bridges in the county without a murmur, then when we want a needed publio improve ment in thia end of the oounty, our sister township tries to blook the way of progreea, "If Rooking ham wants a bridge, let them build it." Come down, neighbor, and let ua show you around a little, let us ahow you what the people in this end of the oounty have to endure, and we think it would help you to get some of that little narrow ael fiahnesa out of your eoul and yon would have aome charity in your heart towarda a helpless and neg lected people.

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