SAYINGS OF MRS. SOLOMON. B*in|th* Conftuiona of the 700 th Wlf* a* Translated by H*l*n Rowland. H*ark*n unto my counsel*, my daughter, and thou ahalt fear not fcny man. For a woman ia as the Xin algebra, an unknown «juan. tity; but a man is an almanac rid die, to which the nnawer ia alwaya easy. Tremble not when he bloater eth, for h* ia like unto the March wind which bloweth and roar eth but aocompliaheth nothing. Hear, ken unto him ailently, and when h* hath done speaking go thine own way untroubled, for, behold! h* hath taken it all out in words, ft Yea, all tho days of thy married Mf* thou ahalt rul* tho rooat; for ip matrimony he that gotteth his BAY seldom gotteth his WAY. Wh«n » man declaiiuath loudly •gftK) marriage, AGREE with him.f (tying, "Verily, it ia aa thou haat described, an unattractive thing, and I am a CONFIRMED, old maid," but proceed to colleot thy trousseau and have thy calling card* printed in hia name, for thou ahalt need tham. Yat be notdeoaivad by a MILD man, nor by him who aaameth easy; for when auoh an oneatrikath a declaion he atioketh thereto evan aa ohewing gum to the fingers of a babe. He answereth not back nor argueth the point with thae beoauae ho hath no intAtion of doing aught but that which pleaaeth him, Many ahall waste the years of their youth upon him because ho looketh like a good thing; but the mnid that seokoth to draw him into matrinjpny ngalnst his will is na one that socket h to soften a cheap shoe or to coax a cat into tho water. Verily, my daughter, a bear that growleth can be tamed and led around upon a chain; but a fox that goeth softly wandoreth where he liHteth, nor falloth into a trap, uor callefh any woman, "Master!" Selah ! Saw Mills, Oxen, Wagons, Feed, Etc., For Salt. In order to uivo my whole time to my farm, I have decided to aell out my antire lumber busineas. Will sell on easy terms to auit the Kurchaaer: Two good sawmill out ts, all complete; one stave mill; eight head of horaaa and mules; two yokea of oxen and wagons and carts. I also have for aale over fifteen hundred bushels of good ear corn: a large amount of all kinds of feed—fodder, shucks, j straw, hay, and shredded feed. Respectfully. A J FAIR. Walnut Cove, N. C,, Feb. 17, 1908. FURNITURE We are headquarters for Bedsteads, Bureaus, Chairs, Lounges, Looking Glasses, Wash Stands, Cupboards, Side Boards, China Closets, Safes, Stoves, Rugs, Carpets, Pictures, Mattresses, and everything needed to furnish the home. Our Stokes county friends are invited to make our store head quarters when in Winston. PIEDMONT FURNITURE CO. OPPOSITE FARMERS WAREHOUSE, LIBERTY STREET, WINSTON, N. C. I STAR WAREHOUSE, Winston, N. C. WE LEAD THEM ALL IN PRlCES—Whether prices be high or low, you always find us lead= ing the other houses by about 50 cents on every hundred pounds sold. So you see you about save the charges by selling at STAR. That is why our business has been a success and we have already sold out of this crop nearly twice as much tobacco as was sold at this house the past two years put together. It will pay you to sell with us. Thanking our friends for the liberal patronage and wishing you a Happy New Year, we are, Your Friends, BENNETT & SIMPSON, Proprietors f Letters From Our Little Friends Fanni* Maadowi Gata Fourtaan Haad-Marks. Walnut Cava Route 1, Fab. 15. Dour Editors: I am n little girl ton year* old. I go to aohool AIUI like it flat. My toaohera names are Miaaoa Minnie Crews and Mabel Pringlo. My desk-mato ia Ktlio Rut lodge. I have 14 heaiUmarka. 1 haven't got hut on* pet nud that ia my little ■later. I am very fund of the RejHirter. Your friend, FANNIE MEADOWS. Powall Nab* Attends School Ninety- One Daya. Walnut Cove, Feb. 19. Dear Reporter? I am n little boy 13 yenra old. I have been going to aohool, and my teaober ia Mra. Claudia Catea, ami I like her fine, and ahe ia a good taaohor. I have a pet chick. Don't you know it ia pretty, I have three aiatere; their namea are Ida, Jettie and Virder Mabe, and one brother, Everett, I have been to aohool 91 daya and can read and write. POWELL MABE. Letter From Curtla Carroll, Who ia a Fireman. Mir.pali, Feb. 15. Dear Editors: I have been reading the little letter* in your paper and like to road them, and am going to writo Qpo, too. lam a little boy eight yearn old. I go to aohool and study arithmetic, writing, spoiling and third reader. 1 am moat ready for fourth reader. Our school will bo out the 17th of May. 1 like to go to aohool. Tom liarr and me are firemen for our room. I don't mind bringing in wood when 1 get tirod atudying. I have live brother# and live sisters and I am tho youngest child. AH thia ia my tlrat letter, I will not make it long. Your little friond, CURTIS CARROLL. Emma Maadowa Haa a Whit* Rabbit For a P*t. Walnut Cove Route 1, Feb. 18, Dear Mr. Editor: I am a little girl twelvo year* old and go to aohool moat every day and like it tine. My teaohera are Miases Minnie Crews and Mahal Pringle, and I like them tin*. I atudy spelling, arithmetic, THE DANBURY REPORTER fourth reader, grammar, and geog raphy, and like all my studies. I have but on* pet and it is a little white rabbit. My papa takes the Reporter, and I like to read the children*' pago. EMMA MEADOWS. Master R. W. McAnally on the N«|ro Question. Mesars. Editors ; 1 sea so much about tho negro question, I want to givo my opin ion in the matter. I think the farmer ia a negro's best friend, because what ho eats the fnrmor grows it, and what ho wears tho farmor growa it. And then atop before they do a day'» work and want you to pay them mor* than a whole day's work would be worth. And besides that, when ho works for the farmer he works without a boss, but when he goes to Weat Virginia he worka under on* or two, And then they go to Weat Virginia to work, when they can got all tho work they want to do in Stokos county and more b*aides. R. W. Mo. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, Danbury, • • • N. C Prompt attention to all buainesa entrusted, Will praotice in all State courta. I .AND HAhK. Ily virtue of a derive of tho Su perior Court of Stokes County. N, ! rendered In (he H|>oeltil proceeding entitled "Mary K. Wilson and other** 1 ana Inst Mar.v K. Vennhlo and others," ! I will expose to public Male to the highest bidder, upon the terms net forth IM-IOW, on Saturday, March the flth, IIIOU, at the hour of one o'clock, p. in., upon the promises In Stokea county, a tract ot land IICIOIIKIUK to the estate of William J. Wilson, do ) ceased, containing Jttl acres, more or I less, and licln« tho name tract do ! scrlts>d In a deed from S, 11. Mill and wife to W. J. Wilson, recorded In the office of the ItoH'lNtor of Deeds for Stokes County, N. C„ In Hook 44, pant* Nil, and to which reference fa made for boundaries a lid description. Terms of sale:—One-third cash on day of sale, one-third In six months, and tho otherthlrd In twelvemonths, with bond and approved security for the deferred payments, liearlutr six per cent. Interest from day ot sale, with privilege to the purchaser to pay all cash If he desires to do so. This the iflttli day of Jan., I mitt. K. T. WILSON, Commissioner. N.O, Potree, Atty. idtX&iL x-mummmmmmmmmmMmmm An Eight Stretcher Chair. 50c. Lm- m 1,11, P 50c. M P 50c. The Best Chair Made In Carolina. For Sile Only By CRIM-CANTRELL FURNITURE CO. WINSTON-SALEM. N. C. ■ I SPORTING GOODS AT COST! ] f To Make Room for Base 1 Ball Goods We Offer 1 Hunting Coats, 1 ( Leggins, | I Corduroy Shell Vests, I I Canvas Shell Vests, I I At Most Any Old Price. 1 ( Smokeless Shells, 1 ■ any load, 50c. per box. 1 NO MAIL ORDERS FILLED. NO CREDIT QIVEN. 1 WE ARE THE PEOPLE. I ROBERTS HARDWARE CO. I I WINSTON, N. C. I l 431 LIBERTY ST. OPPOSITE FARMERS' WAREHOUSE. I Notice To Creditors. llnvltiK till* tiny i|iiiiltllt>il tin ml iiilnlMtriitor i>r u( .Inliu r. Itlllllll'.V, llll'l'llNl'll, 1 lll'lVll.V lit It If.V till |II>t'MIIIIH IIIIOIIKI til tlU' HMIII I'Htlltl' tu milk** hiniUMllnto Mrttlcini'iu with lIHS 11ml nil p|i|WWH luivluu' t'lithllH lltfllllMt Hltlil I'Mtlltl'tu |)lVNt>lit 11 it'll* tu im> duly itutliiMit!')ti'il fur |ui,v iiH'tit on if lii'f»ri* 1 lie loth iltt.v of •Itimmt'y, Ittio, up tlilM uutlco will in lih'inli'il In I mi* ut tlit'lr m'uvi'i'.v. TIIIM tlii' llltli iltiy of .Inmiiu-y, lIMMI, ,1. WI 1.1.1 AM ItrTI.KIMIK. Ail uilnlHt I'M 11 ir. \Y. \V, KIIIU', Attiiini'V. Cost Sale at King! Ilnvlim ilirhli'il tu rluiiip' my IHIHIIICNH, I mil now nffiTliitf cut lit' Mttifk ut MI'IVIIIIIHIIHO AT t'OST, I litiv» mi IIIIIKI n lilu lot ut I'Miif SIIOOM, l>ri>NM tiimilM, I'lintw 1«11111 |h. ShirtlllU', I'JU'. K very tiling going AT 11 is'l", It w ill | my yuit tn vlwlt tlii'MC NIIU'M, W. E. Butner, King, N. C. Page 7