Tffi MOUNT AIRY SPECIAL. NO. to. mmaSBBBBSSBBBS. ■ 1 . The old reliable S. W. P., Sheerwood-Williams, Kurfees and Massey's Paints always on hand. On November 20th, 1908, S. F. Ring sold 672 lbs. for $121.14 Average, $17.30. A. F. Snoddy sold 782 lbs. for $153.67. Average, $19.50. W. E. Moran sold 785 lbs. for $167.32. Average, $21.32. We do not claim to do as well for you as any other house— WE DO BETTER—the reason we do better is because we have the Best Lighted House in the State, we have the Best Auctioneer; and because we Work Harder for jou than any other men. These are the reasons we are Leading the Mar ket in High Prices. Bring us your crop and let us prove it to you. When you sell at PIEDMONT you have the satis faction of knowing you Always Get the Top of the Market. Your Friends, Christian Brothers, Props, Mount Airy, N. C. Stokes County Tobacco Sells Well in Mt. Airy and CENTRAL WAREHOUSE % under the manage ment of John Banner and Jim Lovill is the house to patronize. J. E. BARKER! J. E. BARKER! We want to ask the reader, of the Reporter that when they oerne to Mt. Airy and want Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods, Notions or Hats, to call and examine oar stock. It is large and varied and oousists of the newest goods and latett •tylee on the market. Clothing of all kinds for men, boys and ohiidren at any price you want. ~Xbe best line of Sboee to be found anywhere. * Hats and famishing goods for young men that , Will please. > It will east you nothing to look, and we guar 4'- J. E BARKER, ■ MOUNT AIRY, N. C i. . ij i SUPPLEMENT TO THE DANBURY REPORTER. PATRICK COUNTY NEWS. A Blockade Distillery Captured— Death of Mrs. Pattie Rogers- Other Item* From the Stuart En terprise. The spring term of the circuit court of Patriok County began Monday the 22nd. Mr. Bob Martiu, our new mer chant on Churoh street, moved his family to Stuart last Tuesday. Mrs. J. B. Beach, who has been at the Mothers' Home since last week for treatmeut, is getting along nicely. Mr. Davis Brammer, tui old citi zen of Patriok nearing eighty years of age. died last Tuesday at W. E. ■ She Tor's uear Meadows of Dan. Dr. W. D. Via hss begun the erection of a new building on the i site of tbe old restnurant on Main i street that was burned in the re cent lire at Stuart. Mrs. Pattie Rogers, wife of Mr. Hoyt Rogers, of Stuart, died last Friday after a brief illness of j about 12 hours. Deputy J. W. Staples made a ! raid on a moonshine distillery in I the mountains about 8 miles west of Stuart last Tuesday night, seiz ing an 80-gallon 'still and worm, destroying twelve or fourteen hnn 'dred gallons of beer and abont fifty gallons of singlius. Sherman Turner, who was oaught at the 'still, was brought to town and gave bond for his appearance be fore. Commissioner Thompson next Saturday. Several from our village attend- Itd tbe burial of Mra. John Grady |at Nettle Ridge on the 7th. Mrs. Graily died on Friday uight with that dfeaded disease, consumption. I We extend much sympathy to tbe I bereaved. —Critz Item. We regret to bear of the death of Mrs. John Martin, which occur red near Patrick Springs about two weeks ago. Mrs. Martin's family lived in our community for some time.—Stella Item. Mrs. J. H. Ferris went to Sohool field last week to minister at the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Ar thur Eanes, who is critically ill. We hope she will soon recover. —Stella Item. i Sandy Rid|e. . j Sandy Ridge Route 2, Feb. 20. > Tbe Amos school closed last Sat urday. The teacher, Mrs. H. C. ! Martin, will return to her home in j Vinton, Vs., soon. Night riders visited Mr. Will Martfn Saturday night and he is minus a bee stand. It seems like tbey were on foot. About a year ago in the same neighborhood a valuable bee stand was taken from Mr. Will James. Mr. Leak, principal of the sohool at Buffalo, and some of hie stu dents came across tbe oreek Sat urday and participated in the spelling exercise at the olos* of I the Amos school. Mr. Leek took , a special interest in one of the young girls present. Lookout, Mr. j Brown. Death at King. Mr. Ross Newsom, a yonng man 16 years of age, died at his home ,at King early Monday. He was strioken with typhoid fever and others of the family are ill. Mr. Wiley Mabe was in town | Saturday. This Is the trademark of Scott's Emulsion and ison every bottle of it sold in the world—which amounts to several millions yearly. Wlty-Because it has made so many sickly children strong and well—given health and rosy cheeks to so many pale, anaemic girls and restored to health so many - thousands in tbe first stages of Coasnmptioa. J A DEATH AT MADISON. .Miss Annie Olivia Nichbls Passes Away—Mr. Samuel Baker 11l- Mr. A.J. Essex Moves to Madlsea. Mr. Samuel A. Baker, who lives near Ellisboro, is dangerously ill with heart disease, we are very worry to say. Mr. A. J. Essex, of Dillard, has purchased the jewelry store of Mr. J. W. Manuel and will takeoharge | Monday. Tbe Herald weloomes, Mr. Essex and his family to our citv. Mr. J. P, McM ichael called us uff' this moruing to report the arrival of another Democrat at his home —five-in all. The new arrival is h Bryan Democrat of the strictest sort, a non-scratcher, true blue, | and always ready for the fray, i His name is Josephus Daniels, which is as good as any boy needs. Both mother and child are doing well. Miss Annie Olivia Nichols de parted this life on Sunday i)ight, February 14th. Her mother and ' two brothers preceded her to the good world within the pant few years. The survivors are her father and one brother, Mr. A. E. Nich- ! ols, with whom tbo entire com-1 munity sympathize most pro- : foundly. Miss Nichols had been a member of the Presbyterian churoh 15 years, and was one of the best and most active Christian workers in Madison. Her burial services were conducted by Rev., B. Margeson, pastor of the Meth odist church, assisted by Rev. W. H. Wilson, of the Baptist chuioh. "Earth is poorer and Heaven richer by her departure."—Madi-' son Herald. News Items From Pilot Mt. Pilot Mountain, Feb. 22.—Mrs. Posie Hart, of Danville, Va, is visiting her brother, Dr. R. E. L. Flippin of our town. The Southern Railway Company has bad an extra force here for the past week, under the management of Capt. Bird, repairing the depot. It is rumored that tbe tobacco factory of tbe Marion Tob. Co. will start operations in the near future. The series of meetings which - were conduoted at the Methodist - church by the pastor, Rev. Bren- I. dall, seem to have done much 11 good, as there were about thirty five new members enrolled. 11 Mr. O. D. Hooker, of the Globe »;W. H., who hss been spending i some time in Mt. Airy, is nere on r a visit. i Mr. S. S. Lawrence, an attorney , i; of Mt. Airy, was down on a visit to hia parents,. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. 11 Lawrenoe, returning Sunday even - ing the 21st. i Mr. and Mrs:* I. B. Wall spent > Sunday with friends near King. E Miss Lillian George, Assistant t teaoher in the Graded Sohool here, , » is right sick, we are sorry to say. . Miss Graoe Foy, of Mt. Airy, is i teaohing during Miss George's absence. Two of our prominent yoang , ladies made a flying trip to Pin- 1 , nacle Sunday. Don't know what , they went for as this is oertainly ■ not Leap Year. "TWO CHUMS." i Germanton. Germanton, Feb. 18.—People in this section are prepariug for the next year's crop. Miss Ora Fowler Bpeqt Saturday and Sunday with Misses Primmie andJJMinnie Fowler, also Mr. Ben nie Allen and aister, Miss Ola, spent sfternoon with them. - j Messrs. Walter Terry, Ceeil . Kiser, Walter Kiser and Artis called to see Misses Primmie and 1 Ora Fowler Sunday night. 1 Misses Mary and Mae Boles spent Sunday afternoon with Mis- ' ses Minnie and Verlte Fowler. Mr. N. O. Tuttle oalled to see 1 Miss Nannie Fowler Sunday. Guess they will tbe broom before long. .- . Mr. Charlie Neal called on Mias Ellen Fowler Sunday. Messrs. Coy Fowler and Tom Tuttle oalled to see Mias Mary E, Holland Sunday. * Miss Carrie Allen has beta spending some time at Winston. Sho returned home Thursday. 1 BLUE BULL, i V ( For all kinds of ladiea' ana and ohikbena' bats, call" on J. L 1 Harrison & Co/ *. . J Fwe sewing —Mq», the beat J 3uj£; fr. I . $5,443,869 More a Year for Tobacco Farmers The total valueof the tobacco yiadLior the eight Tobacco States ia oyer |G8,664,181 annually. With th« same acreage tha toto««Q fj grow art in these Stataa could, by improved methods of cuttfoatk* I.? and fertilisation, undoubtedly increase the total value of tha crop to $65,000,000. . -1 ffl| Virginia-Carolina S Fertilizers are compounded with the utmoat care, containing only auch elements J / - of plant foods aa can be taken up and properly assimilated by tba L, : plant without causing injury to ita quality. Years of investigation J-', of the cultivation ana fertilisation of tawhKO apfUit tba Virginia- "« - i Carolina Chemical Oompanytt ftamsh fertHßorsofMiarior quality for the production of this crop. " . * Mr. J. W. Rogers. R.P.D. No. 4, Durham, N.C., wrMjb: "Ihaya ! ? been using your fertilisers this year and the crop* are (Mm looking 1 have ever teen—especially the tobacco crop. 1 have never*eenan* •*. other fertilizer which acted as quickly a* your* doe*. The las! a* v is large and waxy, cures bright, and I am satisfied will faring a big price. Also, my neighbors in this district use your fertiliser win the best results." Is there any reason why you couldn't do as wall T Be sore and ask your fertiliser dealer for-a copy of tha 1900 Virginia-Carolina Year Book or Almanac, or write our nearest sales office and a copy , , will be sent you free. VirginiarGuolina Chemical Co. SaUt Officii r 'l Columbia. S. C. BiUaon, Hi Atlanta, Ga. HKSSaadJjH Columbui, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Memphii, Tenn. Shnvsport, La. > —————■ A Cordial Invitation to the People of Stokes County Is Extended by The J. W. Prather , „ * Clothing Company, of Mount Airy, N. C. a to, call and examine the handsomest stpck of Clothing and Gents' Furnishings in Western North Carolina. Long years of careful attention to'the wishes of our patrons, conscientious failing, careful buying, and close prices have macta jhis store the Leader. Come to see us—we promise satisfaction, and defy all competition. 1 • * *% ■ i The Girl* Craiy About R. E. Gib son oa Madison Root* 3. Madison Boute 3, Feb. 82.—The social given tbe young people by Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Duggins on tbe evening of February 20th, was very mnob enjoyed. We will be glad to bear of another soon. Misses Minnie and Bettie Bob erts, of Dillsrd, spent Saturday night with Miss Florence. Yates. Mrs. J. C. Yates, son and neioe are expected home Monday or Tuesday. They have been spend ing several days in High Point visiting relstives and friends. We wonder if they were sick when tbey crossed the ocean (¥) Tbe girls seem to be very mocb "struck on Mr. B. E. Gibson, the young man who is visiting Mr. B B. Mitchell, Jr. Bay, Bober, if you don't look sharp you will lose your sofaoolmate. The game of baseball played on "Wall Street" between Case and Walt schools Saturday was very much enjoyed. Tbe soure was 18 to 21 in favor of the Stokes boys. There was some good playing by both teams. Several of the crowd were beard to apeak "of the good playing done by Mr. J. Frank Roberts, pitcher for Jhe home team. They said tbe Stokes boys would have been defeated if be had not played so well. . "BASEBALL ADMIREB. v J, T . W. S. Tilley Sells Pile of Tobacco at Sixty Cents at Piedmont Ware house. Mr. W. S. Tilley, of Pinnsole Route 2, lest week Sold 194 pounds of tobaoco at Piedmont Warehouse, Wineton, for 60 cents par pound. Mr. J. P. Slaughter, of tbe seme neighborhood, sold ft lot at 66 Cte. - The Winston market baa already sold 21,000,000 lbs. at an average of 10.10 cents The entire volume of sales will, it la eetimated, aggro frti 88,000)000 pounds lor thrai* \ Desperate Coughs Dangerous coughs. Bxtraatff perilous coughs. Coughs that rasp and tsar the throat ant lungs. Cougha that abafee the -whole body. You need eregu*! Isr medicine, a doctor's cine, for such a cough. AaiS ypur doctor about Ayer*ff cine Tike Ayer's Cherry Pectoral canaef . do its best work If the bowels sre M|l ' stipcted. Ask your doctor If be kaips anything bett*r than Ayer'a Pills noting tnis atugglshneaa of the liver, ; —«U4# Wr Ayee Oe., Leweli, ItoepW _ . n « l,^J Plant Garden 6 F&rm. I) Thirty years ia Wml with ■ 1 a taitfrnrf l| of the lug-eat buataeasss ta seeds |J country—ia tbe bsetO* 1 Quality j _>* _ _ I'S Ft ®Mwp®r (ksfi m