• THE DANBURY REPORTER. VOLUME XXXVIII. DRY AT ASBURV PROHIBITION COME AT LAST A Sad Time At the Home of Mr. D. Jessup Dr. Leak Returns From Over the Mountain With Three Saddle Horses Other Items. Brim Route 1, March 29.—Mr. D. Jessup has had a fad time at his home for the last thirty days Two weeks ago his baby, a girl of two weeks old, died with croup, " and was buried at the Slate grave- A y ard Tho funeral was preached P. by Elder Presly Stone. On Sat urday night last the next youngest 2-year-old boy, little Folger Jes sup, died of brain fever and was buried Sunday evening at 2 o'clock ' at the tame place and the funeral was preached by the same preach er. We feel like it is best for the children, but their parents have our deepest sympathy. They are good peoplefcnd hardworking, and this is the first trouble they have ever had, and they take it very hard. Mrs. Sam Jessup and her small bov are very sick. Dr. Leak is back from across the fountain with three saddle horses, all young. His health is very much better, and he is riding almost regularly. We are glad to state our neigh borhood is not bothered any with whiskey now. Prohibition is with us at last, for which we feel very grateful. Rev. John A. Gilmer preached . an able sermon at the Asbury church last Sunday. His subject was "Charity, or Christian Love." Mr. R. W. Neal, of Westfield, visited at Dr. Leak's and G. L. Simmons' Sunday. John E. Simmons, 83 years old, visited at G. L. Simmons' Sunday »r»d went to church. He is as healthy and strong as most men at l>o years old. Miss Virginia Powers has 31 or 32 in her private school besides I her music class. We have worked her in double harness for about eigbt months without any rest. Mr. Ernest Brown, of Mt. Airy, was in Asbury last week looking for more tobacco. If good season, he will have plenty next fall. All the spare corners are being plowed for a larger crop than ever before. Campbell. Campbell, March 29—Rev. R. Lee Wall preached at the Smith church Sunday?* • The people in this seo tion breaking land for another crop of tobacco. Mr. R. M. Wflliams had a sale Saturday. I guess he is going Weat. Mr. and Mrs. J. A Spencer vis ited at Mr. John Hawkins' Satur day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Hill visited at Mr. P. J. Leak's Sunday. Mr. Geo. Smith, of Smith, spent Sunday and Monday at Mrs. L. E. Hill's. Courting is all the. go in this community now. ' Some of the girls were seen casting sheep eyes at the boys Sunday. Mb Sandy Moore called on the ridge Sunday.' What does that mean, girls ? ,x. Mr. Bib Morefield called to see Miss Nealy Sunday. Mr. John Leak visited at Mr. C. D. Smith's Sunday. Mr. P. J. Leak had a chopping Friday. Easter will soon be here. Girls, let ua all have another good time. J. R. Leak called down on the ridge Sunday. r Madison Rbute 3. (to® Madison, March 28.—Rev. A. R Burkley preached a splendid •Bermou to a large and attentive audience at Knollhurst Sunday evening. Mr. S. G. Wall has gotten about well. R)bt Joyce doSs not in throve v»;ry fast. He iS still in the i>iws of the grippe. t Mr. Pete Tutile, who has had a very bad att ick of nervous pros tration is improving rapidly. The boys tried to have a party Saturday night but failed because the oldest rat in the barn did not take the lead. The Misses Ronrs who spent the past week with their uncle Thos. Priddy left today for»their ; , home in Greensboro. Aloy and ' Grover are heart-broken. •Master Nick Wall is on the.aiok MR. GREEN ROGERS DEAD. Passed Away Sunday After Being Sick For Several Months Mrs. James Sheppard 111--other News of Smith. Smith, March 29. —Mr. Sain Brown was a visitor at Smith this week. Mrs. R. L. Hall and children spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. J. W. Martin, at Stuart. Mrs. Mattie Joyce of this place is right ill. Mr. Green Rogers, after a lin gering illness of several months,, died at his home last Sunday morning. The interment took! place Monday at Snow Creek I church, the funeral serivees being conducted by Rev. E. M. Barnard. Mrs. W. C. Slate, of Danbury, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tilley. Mrs. James Sheppard is on the sick list this week. Messrs. Percy aud Sanders Lov ill, of Walnut Cove, are visiting relatives at Smith. Mr. R. B. Hart has gone over in Virginia to get a pair of mules. ' Mrs. Jas. Tilley, accompanied \ by his sister, Mrs. W. C. Slate, spent Sunday evening with Mrs. J. W. Martin. Messrs. R. L. Hall and James Joyce returned from the Winston tobacco market Friday. "POCAHONTAS:' I Mr. Will Young Cuts His Fcot— Other Dillard Items. Dillard, March 30.—Farmers are busy at present preparing for another crop. Miss Minuie Dix is teachiug a private school here. The patrons of the district should make a little sacrifice and send their children all they can. This is a rare op portunity for the boys and girls to get a few months high school training—or the equal. Mr. Anderson Duncan has ac cepted a position with Mr. S. F. Webster at Madison. We wish him success. Mr. C. A. Mitchell went to Madison yesterday on business. 'Tis a boy and girl at Mr. D. H. Carter's. Miss Ellen Dillon, of Bassett, Va., is visiting her sister Mrs. J. Ham Mitchell. Mrs. W. P. Wilson, of Madison, ha 9 been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Mitchell this week. Mr. Will Young had the mis fortune of cutting his foot very badly a few days ago, but is get ting on very well at present, Mr. J. A. Joyce failed to fill bis appointment at Oak Grove Sun day p. m. on account of preaching at Bethel Sunday a. in. and could not ford Dan river to get here. Miss Myrtle Neal, of Pine Hall, has been visiting friends and rel-1 atives here for the last few days. I Miss Lemma Duncan has been j on the sick list for several days, j but was able to resume her school work today. A. Farmers Lay Plans to Get Better j Prices For Tobacco—lntelligence News. Intelligence, N. C., March 29 Farmers of this section are behind with their work badfr The farmers met at the Academy here Wednesday evening and dis cussed plans by which they hope to get better prices for their to bacoo than they are getting now. The following were appointed aj comniitte : J.P.Wilson, Robeitj Fobbe and C. Comer, to confer! with the Virginia Tobacco Grow-i era Association in regard to storing j their tobacco. The next meeting! will be held at New Bethel Acad-1 emv April 10th at 3 o'clock, p. m. New Bethel Academy baseball team bad a contract again with the Reidsville high school for last I Saturday, and when they reached j Reidsville the team would not play. So under the rules the score j won'dbe9too in favor of New' Bethel Academy. The New Bethel Academy com-| nimceinent will be May 4 and 5. Intelligence Junior Order will K resent a Bible and flag to the lidway school next Saturday, April 3. GANN. FARM"FOR RENT For rent, a good tobacco farm, the place known as the Hairston land, above Biedmont Sptings. A good ohanoe for right parties. See me at Danbury, April 13th, for particulars. J. H. CARTER. 30m2w . DANBURY, N. C., MARCH 31, 1909. KING LOOKING UP SAW AND HAMMER TO CRY In the Bustling Little Town Soon — , A Good Deal of Sickness —O. L. Pulliam's School to Close April i 24 With Entertainment. I King, March 29. —Right much sickness around King at present, j Miss Nannie Spainhower spent ] Sunday and Monday with Misses Maggie and Maude IMree, of tier- 1 miiuton Route 1. Mr. G. M. Allen, of Germanton Route I, will move t > King this i week to take an interest in the livery business, which will be es tablished here soon. King is building up of late. Several new dwellings will be erected soon. viz. Messrs. G. M. Allen. L. F. Meadows, W. R. Pul liam, L. K. Pulliam and several others. Misses Lelah and Beu'ah Pul-1 liain expect to visit relatives at Pilot 2, 3, 4, of April. Mr. O. L Pullmm's school will close April 24. He will give an entertainment on that day. Everybody invited t come. Rev. and Mrs. P. '' iver visited friends in Kinp ♦out,. Miss Pearl auuie spent Satur day and Suntl .v with friends in Germanton. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Baker were in King on a shopping tour Fri day 2i. Sunday school was organized at the first Baptist Sunday, with a large enrollment Hope it will continue throughout the summer. The wedding bells are expected to be heard at the home of Miss Maude Coe April 7. We are glad that Miss Agnes Pulliam has recovered from her! protracted illness, sufficiently "to' ride around on Sunday afternoons with her beau." Most all the young men of King, attended the "darkle enter-1 tainment" at Center Saturday. LOUISE. ! Senator Overman Arranges For Mr. Taft to Come to Charlotte May 20. Senator Overman was at the White House at dinner Friday and he and Mr. Taft talked the coming celebration over. It i 9 the desire of the president to leave here on the night of the 19th and go to Charlotte, arriving there the following morning, and leaving there that evening, re turning here the morning of the 21st. Mtb. Taft will accompany her husband and stop with him at the Selwyn Hotel, where she can be seen by those ladies of the city who wish to call on her. Senator and Mrs. Overman will be in the party from here. It was said at the White House today that Mrs. Taft prefers to be with the Presi dent at the hotel to going to a private home.—Washington Cor respondence Charlotte Observer. Prof. Revelle's School Closes at Pin nacle —Other Interesting Items. Pinnacle, March 29.—Mr. and Mrs W. A. Sullivan spent Satur day night aud Sunday with Mr and Mrs. J. H. Hamm. Rev. A. L. Hunter filled his regular appointment at the M. P. church Sunday, at 11 o'clock. Prof. Revelle's school closed last Friday and all seemed to be very sorry that he couldn't teach on another month. Rev. J. H. Brendall is holding a series of meetings at Chestnut Grove church this week. j Miss Myrtie Wall spent Satur- j day night with Miss Flaud Kal lam She reports a nice time. Miss Dora Wall and brother, Early, visited a few days last week with Miss Flossie Lasley at Walnut Cove. Misses Augusta Spainhower arid Lora Mickey, aud Messrs. Ebhie Mickey and Bernard Spain hower attended preaching at Chestnut Grove Sunday night. "ARNICE." , ___ The Reporter has not learned of any tobacco plants being hurt by the late heavy frosts. Farm ers report their beds in fine con dition, some plants having four leaves. Mr. Jno. T. Carroll, a leading, merchant on Mizpah Route 1, was! in town Friday. Mr. Carroll bo- j lieves in printers ink, and takes an ad in the Reporter this week. 1 ILL WITH HEART TROUBLE Mrs. Elian Martin Not Expected tc Live-Miss Ella Martin Give: Party In Honor of Her Friends-- Other Sandy Ridge Items. Sandy Ridge, March 29.- Mrs Elian Martin is sen msly ill witl: I heart trouble and is not expected to live. Mr. and Mrs Gib DeShazo, ol I Moore's Mill. Va., visited Mr De ! Shuzo's sick sister. Mrs. R. L j Pratt, who is low ith pneumonia Miss Dasie Sheltoii, of Spencer is the guest of Mr. Scales this i week. Misses Mabel, Florence and j Lemmer Amos and Mr. Bob Joyce spent Saturday night at Mr. R. L Brown's. Miss Ella Martin gave a party Saturday night in honor of hei friends. Those present were Misses M-tttia and Bettie Wilkins, Lucy and Dosha Joyce. Marv and Kate Martin; Messrs. Jake Martin. John Butler and Clvde Joyce. Ben Til | lev. George Wilson and Waltei Wilkins. All seemed to enjoy themselves fine. Mr. Frank Brown, of Madison, was on the Ridge Sunday. Mr and Mrs. J. S. Martin spenl Sunday at Mr. J. T. Joyce's. WILLIAM. Measles Raging at Meadows—Mr John A. Neal to Move to Wins ton —Personals. Meadows, March 29.—Mr. Will Joyce, who has been sick a short while with measles, is improving, Nearly everybody in the neigh borhood of Meadows who have not had measles have been ex posed. Miss Kizzie Easter is spending a few weeks with relatives in the community of Cana, Va. ! Mrs. Susan Hicks, who has been very sick for a few weeks, is j improving. A little child of Mr. Jamee i Young is quite eick of pneumonia It is a little better at this writing i Miss Mary Lewellyn, of Madi son, visited her sister, Mrs. J. A Neal, last week. Mr. John A. Neal will move tc Winston about the middle of thie month. The Rev. Mr. Joyce held hie regular meeting at Bethel Sunday He always has a good attendance. Mr. J. N. Young has just re turned from Winston. He re ports good rate on his chickens and eggs. Mr. Richard Blair, of Danbury, was at Meadows this week and took the contract to repair Mr. J M. Neal'B residence. Mr. C. E. Neal spent a few days at Meadows last week. Mr. James Dot Hicks is expect ing to take the measles every day He is very much alarmed over the affair—has already consulted hie physician about it. Miss Msggie Adams and a Mr Hpdgecock, of Walnut Cove, wert at Meadows a short while Sunday. Misses Lelia and Gertrude Golden, of Flat Shoal, were visit ors at Mr. Thomas Martin's Sun day. It is supposed that Mr Silas Hicks was there too. Mr. William Butner Improying- Farmers Preparing For Pig Crops Tobaccoville Route 3, March 29 —Farmers are very busy aroutu here preparing for a large crop o the weed this year. Mr. Joe Loggins, who has beei very ill with the grippe, is slight ly improving, we are glad to say Miss Lula Lawson spent Sun day evening with Miss Alice Log .gins. | Mr. Lee Wilson and Miss Liz zie Fulp were visitors at Mr. J W. Loggins' Sunday, returning to Rural Hall Monday.morning Pastor Holmes filled his ap pointmcnt at Friends Union Sun day Mrs. Lucy Lawson, of Routi : 3, is spending a few days with he daugnter, Mrs. Emma Newsom, o King. Mr. William Butner, who ac cidentally shot himself some tinii ago, is able to be out again, wi are glad to note. Miss Pearl Hausrr visited Mi R. A. Pack Sunday evening. PRIMROSE. Mr. Rufus Mnbe paid the Re Korter a pleasant visit Monday Ir. Mabe is on ike side of goot ! reads, and would vote for thi bond issue, because he knows tha lit would pay him to do so in thi long run. IWESTFIELD COMING » ! AUDITORIUM TO BE BUILT I In Time For Next Commencement — Preparations For Entertainment I { at Johnstown Easter Death of Infant —Other News. .I Westfield, March 29.—1 seethe Pinnacle Weasel says that "every, body works but father" but not so at Westfield. For father has ; gone to work too, now. The ground hog was not fooied so bad after all, for we have had i another cold snap. We understand that Westfield is to have a large Auditorium ( ready by our next commencement. I hope the good people will shove , i this along, for a building of this kind is vary badly needed here. Prof C. H. Johnson left this place the past week for his home at East Bend. Mr. Johnson made many friends here, all of whom would be glad to see him back again soon. The people at aud near Johns town are making great prepara tions to give an entertainment at 1 that place ou Saturday night be fore Easter. Everybody is in- j vited. Two balloons will be sent j iup that night, ond the music for ! 1 the occaaion will be furnished by I the Westfield String Band. W. H. Owens is confined to his I room this week with measles. Robt Inrnan left this week for his home in Cedartown, Ga. J. Howard Payne and Samuel Tilley called on friends at Pilot Mountain last Sunday, Our people have at last become interested in sowing clover and grass seed. For our merchants claim to have already sold twice the quantity of seed they usually | sell. Mrs. Ellen Neal has been very , I sick this week, but she is now ! improving. We have had a tobacco man, a piano man, a spectacle man, a shoe man, a hardware man and several grocery men with us this week. They all say business is ' picking up. Everybody should be looking: out, for we don't know just who i 1 will get the April fools. The Rev. S. B. McCall is ex- 1 pected to fill the pulpit at the Baptist church here next Sunday iif the weather permits. Every-, ! body invited. Mr. W. T. McDaniel, of Pilot Mountain, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. ' Neal, and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Jessup, of Brim Route 1, were i among the visitors at our town j this week. I Elbert was trying his new horse last. Sunday to see if he could pull two. This may mean some thing later. OWL. King Route Two. King Route 2, March 29, Far > rners are behind with their work on account of rain. Born to Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Ben ■ nett, a fine boy; also born to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Campbell, a fine boy. Mrs. Wiley Fulk and Mrs. E. W. Fulk went to Winston shop . ping last Wednesday. Rev. A. T. Betts. of Winston, preached a fine sermon at Mount » Olive Sunday, (finite a large crowd attended the meeting. Mr. Allen has purchased an in -1 terest in the Southern Lumber Co. at King. The Southern Lumber Co. will erect a livery stable at King. King is rapidly growing. Come again, Rachel and Shag head. You leave the impression ' that I have been making mistake's ' in my letters in the Reporter, but tell me what my mistakes were. "Two Chums" of Pilot Moun * I tain: Where do you find the [shortest verse in the Bible ? And ' meet me on the Pilot Easter Mon [l day. There is a large crowd ex | pected to go Easter, and why not : yon 1 i Come again, "Ninksie" from 3 1 Madison Route 3. We like to 5 read your letters in the Reporter. COW BOY. Mr. J. C. Davis, of pinnacle, was in town Tuesday on* business, and didn't forget to call in and • see the Reporter, where he always . finds a warm welcome. 1 , ** i Mr. John W. Young, of Dil t lard, accompanied by his daugb » ter, Miss Cora, visited Danbury Thursday. No. 1,934 PINE HALLS BRICK PLANT I Doing Good Work Condition of Ford at River Bad —Reporter Welcome Visitor —Dr. Hanes In Demand Old Negro Blacksmith Dies Suddenly Other News. Pine Hull. X. C., March «JO. —The brick plant at this place is doing some gixxl work. Wonder what has become of our Beaver Islam! man. who wanted to gel himself lip as a jix'ijo as to what the people of ' this part of the couuty needed. We would be ylad f r him to in form himself a little better before he undertakes to sit in judg ment on our pe jple. Then he would be in a better position to give the facts. Come down. Bea ver Island, and let us convince you that you you arc mistaken. Let us be neighbors. The condition of the ford of i the river at this place is very annoying to the public, scarcely any passing over this ford this winter. Our people are very anxious to see our commissioners commence the work on the bridge here. , The Dan bury Reporter is a welcome visitor here. A great many people are anxious to see it . when it comes. We wish more of j our people would take this paper j and keep posted as to county I affairs. Dr. Hanes has right much pro fessional work to do. While he did not come here to practice medi cine, but to engage in brick J business, he tinds that he in I most compelled to do some pro fessional work. He is very suc cessful. and is making many friends in the community. We hope he will find time to do the practice of the immediate com j munity. Mr. Len Berry has accepted I a position with Carter and Wil i liams as salesman. Old uncle Cletn Wilson, who j has been running a blacksmith shop at this place for several i years, left his shop Saturday i evening to go home and died on ! the railroad a short distance from this place. Another reminder of the uncertainty of life. We are here today without any assurance ' of tomorrow. Master Frank Cahill has been , right sick with pneumonia. Mr. Fred Shultz has become a permanent resident of our town. We welcome bim and his good wife to our town. Mountain View Commencement Nay 7—Crowd of Young People Go ing to Pilot Easter. • Mizpah, March 29.—The school here will close the 7th of May with a commencement. Mrs. Minnie Overby is right sick. Rev. Gibson filled his regular ' appointment at the M. E. church Sunday. He preached an able and interesting sermon. Prof. D. D. Carroll attended the Guilford Alumni Banquet at Greensboro last week. Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Hartgrove returned from Spencer, Va., Sat urday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Hartgrove's sister, Miss Daisy Oakley, who will spend several days here. I Mr. John Jones, who is a |' student here, returned Sunday i from a visit to his parents near {lvernersville. Miss Cora Bowles spent Satur day and Sunday with Miss Wil- I meta Smith on King Route 2. Mrs. W. G. Meadows and Mrs. D. V. Carroll visited relatives at Capella last week. Messrs. Bud and Floyd Boyles ( entered school here this morniDg, A number of our young people ~ are planning to spend Easter Monday on Pilot Mountain. • ; ' Joyce and Boles Lose Fine HoreeJ X While being through* My* t sticky mud roac. of Saur^K township last Saturday, i horse belonging to ' Joyrttfnßdp? ) Boles of Walnut Cove sctfljMragpr* . itself that it fell Snd heart failure. The worth $225.00. . ' The mud tax comesjfflH , Sometime onr 1 that way,» 2 s _ -

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