pyREE, EAST & COHPANY REAL ESTATE AND RENTAL AGENTS HERE ARE SOME OF THE THINGS WE ARE OFFERING IN REAL ESTATE AT PRESENT: A FARM OF 150 ACRES, two miles of Walnut Cove. It is what you want. THE D. J. EDWARDS FARM, near Dalton, N. C. , _ - WALTER S. W ATKINS 75 1-2 acre tract of land, near Campbell p. o. (iood farm in good neighborhood. GOOD FARM, 139 ACRES, 41-2 miles from Walnut Cove. 20 acres in bottom, 50 acres in timber. THE WILL STEPHENS FARM, 1011-2 acres, 5 miles from Walnut Cove, 50 acres wood land, 4 good tobacco barns, good pack house, good new feed barn and other out buildings. This place will be sold at a bargain. FOURTEEN ACRES OF LAND ON 810 CREEK, one and a half miles above R. W. George's Big Creek mill, on which there is a splendid WATER POWER and a good MICA MINE. . . THE CENTRAL HOTEL PROPERTY IN WALNUT COVE. Present owners want to retire from hotel busi ness and we are offering a bargain in this propertv. ONE COTTAGE HOUSE AND LOT IN WALNUT COVE, nice location on Main street. Lot 100x200 feet. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL REAL ESTATE SEE US ABOUT IT IN THE BAN'K'BUILDING WALNUT COVE, N. C. STOKES COUNTY FAIR NOVEMBER 2. 3, 4. 1909 The Kinf People Makinf Abundant Preparations to Entertain a Big, Crowd- Rules and Regulations. News comes that the proprie tors of the Stokes Comity Fair at King are making big preparations for the most successful fair yet held. The exhibits will be full, the premium lists will be ample, the grounds have been greatly en larged and all things are beiug put in readiness for the crowd which is expected to be larger t'jan ever before by thousands. The following general ruleß have been adopted by the Fair management, which will be of in terest to those expecting to at tend: I. Tlie gates will open for the ad mission of visitors at 8 o'clock a. m. each day and close at •> p. in. i No persons allowed to remain over night inside the gates, except those in charge of some exhibit or concession. -2. Tho Association reserves the sole right to settle and determine all matters, questions and differ ences, concerning any exhibit. 3. Competition in poultry, farm products, live stock, etc., open to Stokes County, N. C. only, f 4. All exhibits must be on the fair ground by 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, first day of fair. Samo must be displayed by exhibitor,' t under direotion of manager of k department. " 5. All exhibitors must lie rtsi -1 dents of Stokes County. G. Every reasonable effort will be made by the Association to protect the property on .exhibition, from 11>88 or damage, but the As -7 social ion will not be responsible I' ( if 10188 or damage occur. 7. Tho Executive Coiumitte re serves the right to withhold pre , miums in any case in which it shall appear to them that the reg ?. illations luive not been complied i with or that fraud or deception j has been practiced or attempted. 8. Exhibitors are requested to ! place o»eirartioles on the grounds on Monday of fajr week and. the i^soo&tioA will ldok,( after the ex ] hlbitsl >& 5 V.: _ '; : i. \ *9. In lW+ases tWi'"righ'f- ia r«- j sdrved to aocept or reject any eje -1 hibit. I j-', 10. All animals And articles ox- J hibited f> r premi'itue- must bo i 1 numbered in the clasa trt which * they . belong, and the managers j shall- keep a register of the same. j 11. No article exhibited in any t •'department will be allowed to compete for more Hiao one .pre-; Minium. No article entered uncjeri , -ihead of displays bau compete for rrxxj. JO 12. Under DO ciroumatancea * will any freight or express bill be I paid by the Association. 13. All exhibits entered for competition shall be subject to the control of the manager of department in which they are ex hibited: but the Association will 'in no case lie responsible for lota or any damage that may occur. 14. The Association will not be responsible for any article of any kind or naturo that may be lost, damaged or destroyed. Each ex hibitor shall be responsible for any injury that may lie occasion ed to auy person whomsoever, by any animal or article ex hibited; and each exhibitor shall indemnify the Association against all claims or demands of any kind or nature that may grow out of any injury occasioned by any animal or article exhibited, or that shall arise from the negli gence of the pers.m in charge of such exhibit. 15. Drunkenness, quarreling or 'the use of profane or obscene ' I language will not be allowed on i the grounds; nor the presence of ; fireworks, or any other dangerous j material whatever. . H). The decision of an awarding judge or committee shall be final, and no ap]>ea! will be considered. 17. No animal will he permitted in the arena unless enterod for compotition in the class at the time of being shown. 1 18. In classes when young stock are shown against older ones, the attention of the judge or awarding committee will be called to the disparity, and due consideration will be given iu making the award. 151. Tho Association reserves the privilege of declaring on premiums or |>ostponiiig the fair on aocount of the weather or other sufficient - cause. 20. No entrance fees charged in any department, but ten per cent, of all cash premiums retained by the Association. 21. The premiums are desig nated by ribbons, blue for first, red for seoond, white for third. 22. When not otherwise speci fied three judges shall be seleoted, two of whom shall act, and the third one to act aB referee in case of a disagreement. ... 23. No premiums will be award ed when the exhibit is unworthy though there be no competition. 24. Any person entering any protect against any award made by anf judge or committee, for feits all rights to any premiums that might be allowed them. 25. The Executive Committee ! reserve the right to name the number of judges that shall serve irt any depart men t. ; 2ft. Admiskion Fees—Adults 26 cents; Children (between 6 i and 12 years) 15 cents, j 27. No peddling or selling of Any jtind nor -the distribution of allowed on the grounds and in the buildings without permission from the Manager. THE DANBURY REPORTER. ROCKINGHAN NEWS. Storage Idea Running High, and Unless the Rockinjham Farmers Get Better Prices the Bulk of Their Crop Will Be Stored Intelligence Items. Intelligence, Sept. 20. —As (he weather is getting cooler and the nights longer, our people art' be ginning to hunt 'possums, and they say they are plentiful. One former Stokes county hoy informs the writer that lie has caught 11 of the smilers this fall and that they had both size and fat. Messrs. Long had a brunswick stew at the tobacco barn Friday night and had quite a nice crowd and plenty of fun. Mr. Seth Paschal purchased a nice buggy yesterday of Mr. 101- bert Knight, agent for J. H. Hampton Buggy Co. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Paschal spent i today at Mr. T. J. Gann's. Mr. A. M. Bailey was here a abort while today, and said that he will enter school at Oak Ridge | September &7th. Mr. I). M. Garni is in school at Lenksville-Spray Institute, and says he likes thesohool tine. Mr. K. J. Newman lost a mule a few days ago. Mrs. W. W. Sharp and Miss Tildie Fields are on the sick list at present. Some tobacco is being sold from this section, and the farmers say it is not selling as well as a year ago. Mr. A. J. Mann sold some primings in Madison Thursday for sB.2i> per hundred. Mr. John Barnes, the County Organizer, organized a lodge here September 11th. Tho storage idea is running high here, and unless the farmers get better prices, the bulk of the present crop will be stored. Miss Annie Lou Pasohal is vis iting relatives and friends in Greensboro this week. $lOO RKWARD $lOO. The readers of this paper will be tdeased to learn that there is at east one dreaded disease that science has been able to euro in all its stagea, and that is Catarrh. > Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only j positive cure now known to the ! medical fraternity. Carurrh being la cons'Jtutionai disease, requires a i constitutional treatment. Hall's : Catarrh Cure ia taken internally, ! acting directly upon the blood and | mucous surfaces of the system, I thereby destroying the foundation of the diaeaae, ana giving the pa tient atrenpth by building up the donstitntion and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have BO inuoh faith in its curative n»rs that they offer One Huu- Dollars for any caso that it fails to cure. Send for Hat of tes timonials. Address F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by a'l Druggists, 75c. Take li« u Family Pills for constipation. For Sale By Petree, Fast & Co. 100 acres on Big ('reek adjoin ing A. I). Dodd and others, known as the Amur Tilley place. Good buildings. Corn For Sale. J. M. Nance, at the ('alter place near I'ine Hull, has nice corn to sell at 81 00 per bushel. ] 7 sep 1 t Beef Cattle Wanted—Will buy, or will exchange milk cows for them. Will also buy calves from i to S weeks old. if fat. Z. H. MORAN. Meadows Route 1 3 aug 2 mo. JOHN R. JONES Attorney - at - Law WINSTON, N. C. ticncral practice In ullStatccourts. Collection of 4-|;il iiim n K|MH'llllt,V. I Prompt nttcniioii to business. | otllcc with 11. t>. Sapp. for. Ith! anil l.lhcrt.v. | Hell I'ltonc No. T-H. I J.T. Hcnlxjw. S. K. Hall. J. W. Hall Benbow, Hall & Hall, Attorneys andCounsclors-al, DANBURY, N. C. Money to loan for a reasonable j time on good security. JOHN 1). HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, Danbury, • • - N. C Prompt attention toall business entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. DR. THOMAS W. DAVIS. : Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat. OHico 40A-7 Masonic Temple, Winston - Salem. N. C. Hours : Hto 12:.'!(), 2to I and by appointment. DR. R. (i. TUTTLR, Physician and Surgeon. WALNUT COVE, N. C. : Office in Old I'ostoffice Building. Calls answered promptly, night or day. jCOMMINSIONKK'N S.\l,K OK |,.\M> l».v virtue of an order of the Su |M»rlor Court of Stokes count.v. urnn- TEIL mi the 1 111 ilay of .lime. I'.NI'.I, the undersigned will offer for sale at the Court Mouse iloor la Dantiury. N. on Monday. the STtli day of Septeui lier. IWMI. t lie following vahiahle real cxtntc lielonglllg to tin- ••stale of the late .1. A. Hitting: said sale lielng made for the purpose of partition anions the heirs of the sahl .1. A. I*.lt tint. A lot situated at I'lediiiout Springs, fronting on Cascade Avenue .Vl feet and of that width running back feet, liouildeil liy l.ot No. hi conveyed to .lolin A. Oiltner and l.ot No. -44 conveyed to P. Is. Johnson. Terms of Male —One-third cash, one third In six months, and the remain ing one-third In twelve months. Interest on deferred payments. Title reserved until deferred pay ments are made. This Aug. 17, lliWi. W. A. WHITAKER, Com. A Family Carriage, IS^RREV When you liitch up y»ur team on Sunday afternoon to take your family for a drive you can tike pride in the turnout if it's a Studebaker Surrey you are riding in. Studebaker Surreys ure made in many styles: with straight or eut-uiuler sills, and with either canopy or extension tops —all | very stylish, attractive and servicea ble vehicles. If we haven't a style in stock that ' suits you we can get it for /Oil in short 1 •rder. Kolt SALK ItY S. H. VENABLE 220 West Main Street 1 Pilot JVMm'N. C. ' I also carry a full and com pelete line of liuggies, Surries, Phaetons, Wajfons, and Har ness, of all kinds. > at reasonable I prices. SAIK»»r V A LI'A It Ll'. I A KM I.AM>. ll,v virtue uf n decree of the Super lori'mirt rendered by M. T. Chilton, ,j('. S. (' the Special I'roeeeillugs | eiitllled "Mrs. Anna Smith widow uf I I'eter Nmlth dee'd mid others vs. , John Smith and David Smith" ;ij>- | pointing the undersigned .-I Com missioner to make Mile of I In* herein after described lauds I will sell at ptllille ailetliili to the highest bidder for cash at t lie court house door In the (own of Danbiir.v. N. \, on the Ist day of Noveinlwr liMiii, a certain tract or parcel of land situate lying! and being in the county of Stokes anil State of North Carolina and , more particularly described and de fined as follows to wit: Itcgiunlng t at pointers t lay ton's and Itlersou's corner, now known as the Poor House trad corner, runs North on ;I he I'oor I louse t raet line tin poles | to Itlersou's old corner. West on the ,|lMerson old line I'.ti poles to a stake I Lewis 11 ick's corner Soul It on Hick's Hue 11(1 poles to a stake thence Kast '| on Alex Hampton's Inter Holding's > line 2t!o poles to ii | tine Itu liner's old' curlier, ihence North on Jerry Mar ' tin's | now Seal's 11lit*) Jito poles to "!a dogwood thence Kast on said line 1118(1 poles to a white oak Martin'* , I former corner, thence North H pities j P •to n stake In John 'layton's ndw ' I'oor House line, thence West on i 1 said line and crossing road l-tn pules to the licginnliig containing i'H .".-I acres save and except Mli acres sold i off hy I'eter Smith to .1. Dot lllcks. j for boundaries see Itook No. L's page ' L'l" In olllec of licglstcr of Deeds! Stokes Co., N. ('. ami til', acres sold I I j off to icorge T. Martin for liounda- 1 rles see Hook No. :tI pages I7lt nud ; 4su In said otliee. For boundaries to I the whole tract tieforc any wmerut ' . j off see Itook No. I'L' page 11(7 in said ! olllce, deed from iilupltcll to Peter iSinittl. The lands not sold off a noiint to 101K acres more or less.' iThlsls good land with good Inf -1 provemeuts in good neighborhood. Sale subject tocoiiflrtUNttou oft 'ourt. 1 ' | This :';lrd day of Sept. I!KKi. JOHN D. HITMPHKEYB, I Commissioner. SALK OK VALIAHLK KAIt.M. i It.v authority of n decree of the Superior Court of Stokes county, rendered Ity.M. T. flilllou. C. S. C., lu theS|HH'lal Proceedings entitled "D. W. Stall het al vs. Mary K. Ha vis et al" appointing the undersigned a commissioner to make sole of the hereinafter ilescrlltcd lands. I will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door In the town of Duuliury, N. C„ on the Ist day of November, limit. the following described lands to Wit:' A certain tract of land 1 situate lying nnfl ltetng In Stokes Co. v «' on HnnJUvcr and Snow Creek, Mi''Uilim 11. 1., ids of Johii' ' Tay lor .mil o|.it iud ii in uiu No. .'in t lie 11 i \ i-, i • hi oi i he i,i, .i .i 'i men I ».'l \ls del e.l*'' I U 111. Ii ■ wan assluiied i' (let h.i ul .I: not ■ Wfft)- |ofA. J. Smith lor recoid ui .. lilcb, | and for full description Including lioundaries, refereiu • hereunto inside to Itook No, i£! pay .'o |, ,>kJ' of Deeds lu the olllee oi Hie l.i .itt |of lleeds of Stokes * oiiat\ '- I The said tract of .'and i-ontali .!,'tetw more or less, ha extra toil I Itlver and Creek bottom luud jjoii ' It. and good heavy timber on upland ! portion.•-nilil ls an extra valuable j trad of land. The luud may be iffercd for sale In two or more lots, ••lid then all 11 iget her to ascertain by | which method a greater price can lie ! obtained, and the bid which lagrent ier being reported to Court for cou i Urination or otherwise, the Maid sale i I icing subject to t lie confirmation of i I he Court. J Tills l!'ld day of Sept. Will. J. I*. lIHMPNKEYB, Commissioner. LAND SALIC. I Ity virtue of n decree of the Su perior Court of Stokes county, ren dered by M. T. Chilton. C. S. (',, lu the Special I'roceedlngs eutttled "Joel V. Holland by hlsguardlaii Dr. ' i.l. \V. Slate vs. Charles (1. Holland" appointing the undersigned a coin- I'mlsslouer to ninke sale of the herein after descrllwd lands l will sell at public auction to the bidder for cash on the preiutafH vn the Ititli iluyofOcL. lflfttt, ths following de- Horllied real estate lieglnulng at a liceclnui the w|iht .Sank of u small branch, rutin, wsfr.Ml cliulus and til links to rv fine at a ridge road, tlieutf' with a North course, * cit». and 14 ll#ks to a stake, thence \Ve«,t ."i clins. stake South -chains to a ro'k ptle tn the old line,, _ thence West chiilns to pointers, t hence North !• chains nud N"> links to a while oak thence Kast L chains to a post oak at the road tlience wiili ilie meanders of the road u North east. coprse Hi chains to u stump thence Kast I!N{ chains to '■pointers, thence South 11 degrees Kast chains to u red oak at a branch, tlieiice down '-the branch us It niciindcrs 47 cluilYis to a small j dream•tlieneetip thedrcun North 1"> j chains to the lM'gliuilug. containing !KI ucres more or less, lands that formerly belotiited to J. j 11. Carroll.'. Hardy, Holland others. See deed from lliutoji Hol land to .lite) V. Holland and Ctmrles |.ll. Holland, recorded- lu Book 41, pngeLllvWu office of Ke^lstel-of Deeds 1 Stokes'younty>N. ti. Luqd may l>« tA'ohl liw 4 w+t lots anil' tlien all to igether t«» ♦jwe#ftah| «wldeli .brings I greatel' prfi'e. Sale Bulijeift' 'to con lU'inatloii of the Court. An guardian of Joel Y. Holland who becomes 21 ■Vwt«'«tfl.v rtitSp.jrfgra from ' would Im> wilting to ar rangements to lend on the land as security tlint portion coming tahliu. " day of 190® J. W. SLATE, Commissioner. J. V. Humphreys, Atty.

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