tMWWT COMMENT WHAT THE WRITERS SAY I Caadeaeed Editorial References From North Carolina Newspapers Polit ical aad Otherwise Somehow we can't help but be lieve that Or. Cook has been there, Lioatonant Peary to the contrary. l notwithstanding. Spray News. The Euglish are justly afraid that the American* and Germane will beat theiu to the South Pole and the London uewspapers are expraaaing the public fears. The sum of $200,000 will probably be raiaod for the purpose of discover ing the South Pole. ID the mean time an American expedition will j be aottiug forth, and the rivalry ; will be keen Winston Journal The members of the (i. >. P I in this state feel that Mr. Tuft is "handing them a lemon" at every . turn. The best North Carolina offioe for which he has yet had a chauce to make an appointment went to a strong Democrat, and one of the beat offices, that of ccn sus supervisor in the tifth district, to a uominal Republican who has probably never s)>ent fifteen minutes working in the interest of his party. Winston Sentinel. The Montgomery Advertiser, i commenting on The (>bserver's, remarks about Speaker Cannon's immunity from pellagra notwith standing the great quautity of corn ' he eats, says it rather thinks the disease would encounter a snag if it should taokle him. The adver tiser is about right. If pellagra undertook a life and death etrug gle with that tough old codger it would uever be heard of again.— Charlotte Observer. Governor KtTCuin is up against a bard proposition. A man went on a defendant's bond after con- j viotion and pending au appeal. Before the case was heard the de-1 fendant died and of course did > not appear at court. A demand was motto on his bondsmen und j the tin judg'* stud the »••»I> re- H bef WBH in a pardon !>V Hie gov-! ernor which could be •••wily ob tained, but the attnmev geueri I advises that the defendant is not I "within the jurisdiction of the BUY YOUR SHO E S FROM JONES & GENTRY I ' \ * I J. A. JONES. .1 JI'LE 1 ENTRY. It has been given up that we still lead all others in low prices on good shoes. If you will visit our store we will prove to you that shoes are not so high as others tell you they are. Don't buy until you see our shoes and get our prices. Then you will know for yourself. Here are some prices on solid leather, home made shoes: Men's top sole $1.50 and $1.75. Women's $1.25 and $1.40. Boys' $1.25 and $1.40. Children's 90 cts. and $l.OO. We also handle Johnson, Jamestown, Elkin, Jenkins, Mendenhall, and all kinds of fine shoes. Yours for business, JOKES & GENTRY, WINSTON, N. C. State" and m governor pardon him. I'm* next step will j be to get ii special act passed by j the next legislature. Greensboro t Record. When a guard at a convict camp shoots and fatally wounds or kills .jin escaping prisoner, a lot of condemnation is heaped upon the head of the guard, but what arc you going to do about it f When tliis question is put to the average citizen he says the guards should use good judgment and exercise tact in controlling the men: that he is supposed to use iiis gun only when alwolutely necessary. That's the trouble. So few have the judgment to know when it is absolutely neccs sHry t » use a gun. The trouble is the guard is a "misHt." He is not suited to the job, and there is only one of two ways to remedy the evil. One is to have the guards throw away their guns and, take chnnces on the convicts escaping, and the other and better way is to pick men suited to the job.and pay them wages enough to make it wmth while t give the proposition constant and careful consideration. Spray News Mandamus For Ncar-Bccr License. Wadesboro Messenger. An application for licence to ; sell near-beer in Monroe was made to Sheriff (irittin last week by Mr. J. D. Parker which lie refused,l A mandamus proceeding was then i brought before Judge Adams to compel the sheriff to issue the license. Judge Adams heard the case last night at Wadesboro but ; has not announced his decision. Monroe Journal. 20th. The case referred to above was argued in chambers before Judge Adams Monday night. Mr. A. M Stack, of Monroe, representing Sheriff (iritlith and Mr. J J Parker, also of Monroe, the pe titioner Jml'/e Adams t>iok the papers in »h. but will u>t render a l isioi> until next week Not a minute should be hist 1 when a cljihl diows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain's Cough Kcincih i;i\un as soon as the child beciiincj, I arse, or even after the ct i|«\ r.'Ugh appears, will pro wi.i tin 1 attact. Solil by all' Dealers. Correspondent Sugfeats Tlftt Every Township Have > Demonstrator of Its Own. Kilitor Reporter: In tln* lust Lasuo of the Danbury i Reporter I notice tin article in | regard ti> Stokes comity having a demonstrator of its own and 1 would say that such is needed us tin* average farmer don't know how to raise corn or anything else hut tobacco Now Mr, Farmer i just keep this moving and we will learn something about how to farm ifnd will learn something about how to make corn for even less than twenty cents per bushel on our poorest laud in less than ten years without using stuble manure or commercial fertilizer of any kind, all you have to do' is to sow crimson clover and cow peas. I PAY YOUR TAXES FOR YEAR 1009 l will meet the taxpayers of Stokes county for the purpose of j collecting their taxes for the your l'.lOU, ut the following times and places. to.wit : I.AWSONVIM.i:, Moiulii.v. Oi iolier l>>. ItMKK I'll ANTI st i•. Ttirsilii.v. " 111, " iti VI N't i'l't i.N'S s. 11 . i .1. I». t 's Stoiv i. Weilncwlfiy. " Jii. " riNNAt !.l . TliiirHlu.v. " -'I. " KlNti. I rl.lti.v. •• 22. " tAI'KI.LA. Siil urtlity. •• " \VI l.siiN sS I t Molll;(\. •• Si, " tiKIS.M ANTON. Tiit'Ktlu.v. " L'ti, •• W AI.NI'T t'o\ 11. Wetliicmln.v, " J", " ■MI 1.1.AI:I>. Tliurxil.-iy, •• 2s, •• jsANMV 111 Mi! K. i.l I'. Sli.lton'* Sn.ivi, ITltln.v, " -11, " MANltritY, Siitiii'ilny. " .'III. •' 1 liopo tlu> people will meet nui ut the above times ami places and pny their tuxes. This September I*, l'.K)'.i. Respectfully, C. M. .lON lis. Sheriff. If 7 'v. ! TO* i\ * a f,rliiiz. r contains ' . 'r WwiSp u'nmonia hi different fnriAs, twno | i |Hs,low, some, 10 provide g. adual '*'.7" , BUI and continual fooJ to the plant from star', to maturity. There is one fertilizer that does this —one / / that is Nature's own provision for wheat crop—one / jwhich contains ingredients that the chemists have (vy never been able to put into fertilizer. It is genuine *"v ! ° IJ V'V x\ Peruvian Guano Old farmers of Virginia and the Carolina's recall the Wjl splendid crops grown with Peruvian Guano years ago. No fertilizer discovered has ever equaled it lor producing * enormous yields. Your land probably needs junt such a soil improver. Order one or two tons and compare the results with those from any commercial fertilizer. Write for prices, and full information. Agencies still open in some localities. * Peruvian Guano Corporation, Richmond, Va. Charleston, S. C. Style and Comfort go together in every ggjCCY Just as iniptntunt ai attractive lines and design, are easy riding and comfortable heats and cushions. You'll find both style and comfort in all buggies, unrreys and driving wagons made by Studebaker. Moreover, the fact thutall Studebaker vehicles are very easy riding insures comfort for your hone, too. There's nothing better than the Studebaker. Come in and look over the line on our floor. ' I'oit MAI.K MY S. H. VENABLE 220 West Main Street Pilot Mt., N. C. (also carry a full and com plete line of Buggies, ' Surries, Phaetons, Wagons and Harness of all kinds at rea sonable prices. it a*t worked it to *Wth, it it | just like a man that find a Hoe fit horse and quit feeding it hut Jiept on working it until he had alrtoost worked it to death tluen he had to feed it the best feed that he could Iget and it is the same way with our land, we have almost worked it to death and wo ftiust .feed it the best we can get. Von must get humus in your land and tho way to do it is to sow'"crimson clover or cow peas or you can put i wheat straw on and turn it under, till it will Bprout clover seed. This is the way R. 1\ McAnally has doubled his corn crop this year. He has corn stalks with seven ears on them. Can the noted corn grower of Stokes county beat it y Now. I would suggest that every township have a demonstrator of its own. | |)(>(>\VO()i) HILL. SPRING AND SUMMER North Carolina Mountains "The Land of the Sky" ;• "The Sapphire Country" Scenery Unparalleled Beautitul At Any Season And Particularly So At This Time Sunt horn liuilway opnrntes Through Train, witli ( Vmclitm and , Parlor Car, Iml ween (iuldnhoro and Aslu'villo, JJ. C, via Knlt'tab. Durham, (irnenshoro and. SaliH • •ury, on following schedule : i N 1 >. -I. Xo. j»2 Oil il,v Ivimli iii Time Diillv I i l.'i a. ill. I.v. i iiililhlioi'o Ar. s,:iu p m vIS a. ni. I.v. Umli'lkli Ar. ti.:iopt» ii. ni. I.v, I >ii rtiain Ar.i.Vi'i p m 1 I J.'lnp. ill l.v.ircciiKtioroAi-:i.10 pni •J .">n p. in. I.v. Siillmliiii'v Ar. 1.1.*, piu :i.."»0 p. in. I.v. SwiteHvllle Ar. IJ. l."> pin Mil p. in. Ar. New toil I.v. 11.2.1 ain p. in. Ar. Hickory 1.v.'11.02« m ."•.."h'l p. in. Ar. Morirauton I.v 10.21 a in •l.:ft p. m. Ar. Marlon l.v.HMoa in 5.1." p. ill. Ar. Awlievllle I.v. S.IHI II 111 oilier Convenient aurt Through Oar Arranxeiai>ntH Round Trip Summer Tourlat Tickets will be on Sale May 15, 1909. I'or inforinatlon a* to farcH, Me lied uli'H, etc., cull on any Agent of tlilh 'oinpany, or the umlei'Ml^neil U. L. VERNON, D. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. J. H. WOOD, 1). P. A., Ashevilie, N. O. R. H. DaBUTTS, T. P. A , Raleigh, N. 0. Headquarters for HARNESS, BRtDLES, SADDLES, WHIPS, LAPROBES, Etc. The Largest and Best Line of Buggies, Car riages, Hacks, Phae tons, &c. in North Carolina. ill Kinds Pepairin; Solkiled BAPTIZING NEXT SUNDAY. Near Oak Grove Personals From' Madison Route 3. Madison Route 15, Sept. 20. — j ()nly nliout one-half of the tohac-, co crop has been saved. There will be it baptizing near j Oak Grove Church next Sunday morning, after which there will be preaching at II o'clock. Can didates for baptism are Misses! Mary and Hattie Joyce. Among those who entered Prof. Smith's school at Danbury from! this section recently, are Misses Cora Young and Lemma- Duncan, i Messrs. Anderson Duncan and Roller Mitchell. Miss Florence Yates spoilt Sat urday night with Miss Ada Pow ers. Mr. R. W, Joyce and sister, Miss Mary, spent Sunday with Miss Lillian Johusou. Mr. C. T. Joyce, Jr., spent Sun day in the Reed Creek vicinity. What's the attraction, Miss Ida V j Rev. Clyde filled his regular appointment at Bethesda Sunday. , HLCK RIBBON. For Sale. Xioe 'l-rooin cottage, good well, garden, young orchard, good barn or stable 20x110, 12 feet high, shelter and corn crib, and other conveniencies, with one and ono quarter acres land, located at Dillard, N. C. Good community and healthful location. Call on Mr. J. Wilson Mitchell at Dillard, and see the property and tho terms of him or the undersigned at Madison. This property must be sold within 5O davs, so please don't delay in making your appli cation. or yon wiH miss a good bargain. Buildings were all put up in HK).'i-4, an I aro now in good condition. A. J. ESSEX. I Suffering Ladies 1 ■ are urged to follow the example of thousands oil ■ their sisters and take Cardui. Cardui is a non-B ■ mineral, non-intoxicating medicine for .women. It I I is for sick, weak ladies, with sick female organs. "CARDUI I It WUI Help You " I It is a genuine, curative medicine, that builds I 9up the female system and relieves femalepain. S Mrs. M. A. St. Clair, of Eskdale, W. iVa., writes: I J "Before taking Oardui, I had given up all hope of H i getting well. I had suffered for 3 years witn my H ■left side and was confined to my bed, so I took Oardui, H m and now Cardui has about cured my female trouble." I ft AT ALL DBTO STORM M HOW TO KILL MUSKRATS. Correspondent Wishes to Know • Plan to Rid His Plantation of Corn-Destroyers—News of Camp bell! i Campbell, Sept. 19. jMr. Kditur: . I'lease allow mo apace iu your I paper for a few lines from this ; section. j People are very busy cutting and curing tobacco. The crops art* cut off smaller than common I by so much dry weather. W. T. MoretieM will move to i his new homo on Big Snow Creek next week. I would thank some one to tell mo through the good Old Re porter a good remedy for killing muskrats. They are destroying lots of corn for me and others on our bottom land. And what is a certain cure for the mango on a dog? There are a good many from this J section expecting to attend the fair at Winston iu October. Mr. John More field lost a nice ! young cow the past week. FARMER BOY. At Union Hill Friday Nifht. The Reporter is requested to announce that Rev. VV. H. Wilson i will preach at Union Hill Friday , night of this week. 'iTr--*- i; £ , Chamberlain's Colin, Cholera i 1 and Diarrhoea Remedy is today I! the best known medicine in use.- for tho relief and cure of bowor i complaints. It cures grippitq-. - diarrhoea, dysentery, and , 1 be taken at the first nnnatn^ looseness of the bowelß. It wv I equally valuable for children and adults. It always cures. Sold by all Dealers.

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