THE DANBURY REPORTER - : ~ 1 . - ■VOLUME XXXVIII. LLEY'S COMET TO BE SPLENDID SPECTACLE Wt\ ■ - L - K.h Now Visible With Telescope In Testern Evening Sky But Can ' Mt Be Seen With Naked Eye Un til About April 1st —Will Attain !v £ Greatest Brilliancy Latter f Part of May. * rcT'lnita issue of Jan. Bth the American has an in teresting article on the much-dis ouesed Halley's comet, which iB . paid to now be visible, with a • telescope, in the western evening •>ky. It is stated that the comet . will first be visible to the naked I '4yp about April Ist, when it will rise jqst before dawn. After this ' time the earth and the oomet will , approach each other and the latter will greatly increase in brilliancy. Continuing, that paper says: t About April 20th it will pass its « nearest point to the sun, and on Mly 18th will again disappear in the sun's rays—this time, however, * pss&ing in the front of the great 4 luminary. It is predicted that v the # nucleus w ; .!I cross the sun's »•' disk about five minutes of a de ' gree from its center, thus fnrnish ■l ing an opportunity to obseive 1" wbetber the nucleus is opaque to the sun's rays. . The transit will not be visible [ in the United States as it will oc ( cur after sunset here. !h|p On the pfght of May 18tb the * tsrtb and comet will rush past Sj|ph other and the earth will pro .• bably sweep through the tail of the comet. After May 18th the 1 ' .comet will attain its maximum of * splendor in the evening sky, and in k few days thereafter its glory will rapidly fade. NeWs Items and Personals From Pilot Mt. • Pilot Mt., Jan. 10.—Miss *, nie Harrell left Sunday for Win ston, where she expects to take a position HS bookkeeper for Mr. Williams, about sixteen miles from Winston. Misses Lillian Johnson, and' Mary and Ola Wall spent Sunday j in King and report a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Reid gave i a party Friday night in honor of their neice, Miss Maggie Miller. Those present were, Misses Irene , Simpson, Ida Mitchell. Aunie| Redman, Ola Wall, Mollie Biatt, Clara Sinyre, Victoria Lawrence, Mamie and Ethel Snow, Myrtle Smith, Maud Kirkman and Geor gia Simmons, Messrs. Isaac Law-j rence, Viricon Royston Charlie Redman, Edgar Warren Smith, Conrad Samuel, and Walter Redman, John Kirkman, Will Cox and dim Dunmau. Mr. Clyde Beamer, of Mt. Airy, called on Miss Lizzie Johnson Sunday. Mrs. O. N. Swansou is very siok we are sorry to note. Mr. John Kirkman returned from Winston Friday. A number of our oitizens have' had a chance for the smallpox. A few of our town people visit ed at Mr. Edmond St >ne's Satur day night. Miss Ila Davis, of Dobson, is hero trying to get up a musio class. Ske ia progressing nicely. . Mra. Wall left today to vist at King. Pell, of Winston, was a calfor In town Saturday and Sun PETER S CREEK WEDDINGS. Mr. Jess Lawson and Miss Bettie Collins and Mr. Charlie Ovcrby and Miss Flora Collins —Other Items. Peter's Creek, Ya., Jf.n. >— Well, here we are again turning over a new leaf, making a fresh start into the new year, leaving behind lis all the mistakes of the past. The holidays was celebrated quiet and everybody enjoyed a good time in our community. Mr. Walter Martin, of Mt. Airy, spent Christmas with his parents, returning Tuesday. Mr. George Jefferson, of VVins ton-Salern, spent the holidays with friends and relatives. Mr. Daniel Jefferson, of Algo ma, West Va., speut the holidays with his parents, returning last Monday accompanied by Mr. Reid Bcasley. Mr. Jim Collins left for Colo rado last Monday. Mr. Ellis Beasley, of R muoke, Va., spent the holiday with friends and relatives here. Among the Christmas weddings in our vicinity were M-. Jess Lawson to Miss Bettie C ilins. Mr. Charlie Overby and Miss Flora Collins, and we think there is some more who will soon de part their single life. Our Union is growing every meeting. Mr. Mason Wright, of Rocky Ford, Colo., is visiting friends and relatives here. RAIDING BILL. Mrs. Delisba Kington. Sandy Ridge. Jan 10. Editors Reporter : Will yon giro us space in your paper to speak a few words in memory of our departed friend, Mrs. Delisha Kington. She was born May 15, 18.J0, and died Deo. 13, 1909, making her stay on earth 79 years, f> months and 28 dajs She was married to VVni. H. King ton Nov. 27, 1851. To this union six children were horn, four boys and two girls, all of whom survive. She leaves 37 grandchildren. 7 great grandchildren. I)pside9 a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Her disease was a throat and lung trouble, from which she suffered much during i the Inst six months, but wa* con ! fined to her bed only a few weeks She bore her sufferings with great patience, often remarked that she ! was ready and willing to go. She 'told her children not to grieve ! after her for she was going to rest. Jin her last days she wanted to hear 6inging and would often sing while her friends were singing for her. She also wanted to hear preaching. Elders l'riddy and Mabe preached for her which she enjoyed very much. She had no ble traits of character. She was a good mother and kind to her neighbors and was loved and re spected by all that knew her. All that kind hands and loving hearts coold do was done, but nothing could stay the oold hand of death We think she left good evidence that she is now enjoying that sweet rest prepared by Him for His people. The funeral services were condnoted by Elder Collins, after which she was laid to rest in the family burying ground near Buffalo church. 'Tis but the voioe that Jesus sends To call his own above And whispers o'er the weeping friends 'Tis all the fruits of love. k A FRIEND ?Tbe family of Mr. J. S. Taylor bave moved from the hotel into their bandsomerresidence. Mr. N. E. Pepper spent Mon DANBURY, N. C., JA TAX MONEY NEEDED LESS THAN ONE-FIFTH PAID IN Sheriff Jones Says the People Are j Unusually Slow In Paying Taxes This Year—Books Will Be Placed ' In Hands of Deputies Maich 15th. As will be seen from his ad vertisement nt another place in' this issue Sheriff C. M. Jones has made appointments for his third I tax round since the lDO'.t taxes; became due. The law only're- j quires him to maki two rounds! during tlie year, but owing to j !the fact that the taxes are veryH much needed he is giving the! people plenty of opportunities to pay up. The State wants its part lof the taxes and the county's money is very much needed to | pay school teachers, current ex penses of the county and to pny I off the court house and jail bonds. I which will ba due April Ist. Mr. Jones says that after March j 15th the books will tie placed in j 1 1he hands of li.s leputies with j instructions ♦'■iu the taxes be j collected imn.e liately, and that if I anyone has co.t to pay he can blame only himself. L ss than one-fifth of the taxes have been collected up to this time. Stoneville. Stoneville Route 1. Jan 10.— Valley Field school taught by Mr. Glenn McCollum, has been the best we h&ve had for a long time. Hope it will continue so. Miss Viola Terrell, who has been visiting relatives near Stone ville, returned to her home Fri day accompanied by her cousins, Mr. Richard and Miss Isabell j Terrell. i There was a party at Mr. Edd ! I Carter's Monday nieht. Large' ! crowd present and all had a nice | time, There was an opossum dinner i«tMr. R. S. Alcorn's Thursday.! j Those present were Misses Viola Terrell, Shelton, of Stokes, ! Isabell and Emma Terrell, Bettie j and Minnie Alcorn. Messrs. Sam i and Isaac Terrell. Troy Shelton. i Sam Carter and Willie and Rich- J aril Terrell. Mr. Willie Cox and Miss Min-j nie Alcorn were visitors of Miss! Emma Terrell Sunday. Mr. Ham Mabe, of Greensboro. | has been visiting his brother. Mr. Jesse Mabe, near Deep Springs. Mr. Noel and Miss Martha j Snyder, who have been working at Greensburo, have returned to! their home. ! There was a party at Mr. W. J. j ! Terrell's Wednesday night, given j in honor of their neice. Missi Viola Terrell, who has been visit-1 ing them. Those present were | Misses Edna, Clara and Rhoda j Pharis, Essie, Daisy and Allie i Carter, Viola Fulp and Bettie and ! Minnie Alcorn, Messrs. Tom, Edd j I and Willie Cox, Cleve Lewis, I Davie Carter, Glenn McCollum, John and Wiley Fulp, Joe Peat Doyle and Charlie and Phonao Pharis. , Miss Bettie Alcorn spent the day with Misa Opal Allen Sunday. Mies Allen accompanied her home and spent the night. Mr. Glenn McCollum spent the j night at Mr. J. R. Alcorn's Sun-! day. Miss Kate Joyce, who has been visiting her friend, Miss Clara Pharis, returned to her home in Roanoke, Va., a few days since. Mr. Willie Terrell, who is work ing in Mayodan, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Terrell. Mr. N S. Cardwell and friends, of Burlingtom, been up on a hunting Taoation. They have re turned to their homes. tWO SCHOOL GIRLS. NUARY 12, 1910. VADE MECUM SOLD MR. W. H. REID THE PURCHASER The Popular Watering Place Brings j $5,479 —Sale Subject To Confirm-' ation of the Court —Hotel To Be j Opened Next Season. The A ade Mecuin Springs prop- j I orty. of about ;54) acres 'of land and containing a three-j I story hotel building and a num- 1 her of cottages, was sold at public ; j auction atft lie court house door: in Winston Monday by Mr. A. F. j Moses, trustee. It is learned that while the bidding at the sale was lively it was confined to only a few bid ders. Mr. W. H. Reid. who re sides on the property, was the highest bidder and the property j went to hill:. The consideration was S">.47'.t. The property was \ owned by the Yade Mecuin 1 Springs Company, which some time since went into bankruptcy, and the property was sold under order of the court. The sale of the property will be subject to the confirmation of the court. Mr. Reid has been operating the store and farm at Yade j Mecuin and it is announced that he will open the hotel for guests! next season. I Sandy Ridge Route I. Sandy Ridge Route 1, Jan. 10. —Rev. D. A. Binkley filled his regular appointment at Delta Sun day. Quite a large crowd attended. Mr. Abe Hawkins and Miss ( Mable I'ringle were united in mar- j riage last Sunday by Mr. C. D. j Smith. Miss Lottie Hawkins is visiting! friends and relatives at Donnaha this week. Gilbert, the little son of Rev.; and Mrs. J. A. Joyce, has been right sick for a few days Hope he will soon be out again. Mr. J. W. Murphy, who has; been suffering with blood poison.! l is improving, we are glad to note. Mr. Z. Y. Martin and daughter, i Miss Ludie, Mr. ahd Mrs. George 1 Kallarn, Mr. Jim Ziglar and sister. Miss Nealy. visited at Mr. G. Wal ter Hawkins' Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Jarve Martin vis. | ited friends at Domiaha last week. Mr. E. K. Vernon went to Mad | ison last week with a load of to bacco. PRETTY GIRL. Whitsett. Wbitsett, Jan. tl. j Editors Reporter : School opened here last Wed nesday with an unusual number of students Finest opening in j INH ny jears at the beginning of I the spring. After a joint meeting lin the Chapel Friday afternoon, iwe all went to the society halln l where we took up the regular ! society work. I After a few rough icy days last week we are having some fine weather. The farmers in this section are very busy preparing for another crop. There is no tobacco raised in this section, as the land is unfit for tobacco. LITTLE BROWN JUG. Germanton Route 1. Germanton Route 1, Jan. H. — * | The school nt Friendship is pro- j gressing nicely. The farmers of this section are doing a lot of plowing this winter. Mr. W. H. Webster is building a fine house. Mr. P. J. Bennett is the contractor and will complete it soon. RED BIRD, Mr. John Tillotaon and family, who live near Walnut Cove, are repotted ill with smallpox. KING ROUTE TWO. Excitement Over Smallpox—Slate Sawmill to Be Moved From Mt. View to Point Near Oak Grove — Personals. King, Jan 10.—There is a lot of excitement over smallpox in this section at present which iB said to he very thick. Several cases have been reported, and quite a number have been vacci nated. Mr. R. H Sn *it li. who has had typhoid fever for some time, is able to be out again. The doctor has also dismissed Mrs. James Boyles, who has been confined to her bed for seven weeks. Mr. D. T. Rutledge, who been suffering with rheumatism for several days, is reported improv ing. Mr. W. H. Slate and Bros., of Mt. View, are expected to move their new saw mill on King Route 2, near Oak (irove, iti t he future. 1 The Farmers Quick Step Tele phone Co. held their annual meeting at King Jan. lith. and elected officers for the New Year. Misses Etlie Gentry and Hattie Smith and Messrs. R. L. and T C. Boyles left the past week to enter school at Boonville. It seems that young people are interested in an education. Mr. N. I. Boyles is spending several days with his cousin, W. W. Boyles in Roanoke, Ya. SCRIBBLER. DANBURY, FEBRUARY 5. Local of the Farmers Union to , Meet. « Sandy Ridge, Jan. 10.—The locals of the Stokes County Farmers Educational aud Co operative I nion of America will please elect a full delegation to meet at the court-house in Dan bury 011 Saturday Feb. sth 11110, this being our first regular quar terly meeting for the year: the full force of officials will be installed, hoping all elected officers will be present and to expedite business on the iito, I ask all elected county officers to meet at Dan bury Friday night Feb. Ith to transact some important official business. We will on Saturday elect a county business agent and as all the officials are installed we will no doubt have a brief speech | from each one and will be the I most interesting meeting we have yet had. Come one ami all with your delegates. Yours fraternally, L. A. AM US. L'res. Co. Union. Sandy Ridge Items. Sandy Ridge, Jan. 4.—The school opened at Sandy Ridge to day. Miss Fannie Hawkins, of Stuart, Ya., is visiting her father at this place. Dr. Thomas Hawkins, of Rich mond, Va , visited his home here during Christmas. He and his brother returned to Richmond the 2nd. Messrs. Joseph and Peter Payne visited their aunt, Mrs. F. Haw kius, during Christmas Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin and Miss Lot tie Hawkins visited at Donnnha this week. MARIK Mt. View Institute Suspends On Account of Smallpox. Mt. View Institute, at Mizpah.! was suspended this week on! account of the prevalence of! smalljtox in that section of the county. The school will not likely l open again this season. FROM SUPT. SMITH SCHOOLS WILL NOT BE CLOSED Reports Being Circulated Over tbe County that the Public Schools Would Be Suspended On Account of Smallpox Are Untrue—People Requested to Keep Their Children In School. Danhury. X. January 10 Ti the Public Sclioc l Teachers : As smallpox is scattered over the county and various reports are circulated as to the county school authorities closing the schools and forcing the people to have their children vaccinated. I take this opportunity to say that no school in the county will lie closed, ex cept for non attendance. See sec tion 11 «>I Public School Law 1909. It would be a great deal better if the people would have their children vaccinated, and every teacher would be vaccinated, too. but the school authorities will not attempt to force anybody to be vaccinated as this matter is en tirely with the lioarcl of Health and Health otficer. I urge every teacher to visit the people as much as possible and ask them to continue sending their children to school, for if the schools have to close, it will be an irreparable luss to the children of Stokes county. Dr. Xeal, 1 understand, has vaccinated all persons who have been exposed to the disease, and the probability is that the worst of the epidemic is over. Trusting that the schools can continue. I am. Yours very sincerely, J. T. SMITH, County Supt. Schools. Sandy Ridge Route I, Sandy Kiilge Route 1, Jan. 10— The wheat crop is looting some better since the snow a few weeks ago. Miss Sarah Ward, who has been i ill for some time, is no better we are sorry to sty, Miss Dora Ward, who has been down with rheumatism for some time, is improving. Mr. O. C East is looking sad. Cheer up. old boy. don't look so sad. Our school is progressing niceh with Mr. J. A. Leak and Miss Lilla Hawkins as teachers. BUE JAY Bovles Bros., of Winston-Salem. Buy Out Shore Mercantile Co. at Ring. Hiivies Bros., of Winston-Salem, have bought out the Shore Mercantile Company at King. Mr. Ollie Boyles will remove to King with his family and will take charge of the business. Mr. Fred E. Shore, of King, who has taken an interest aud is to be in j charge of the gents' furnishing department at Buyles Bros , will move to Winston-Salem this week. ; Taylor Hotel Changes Management. The Taylor Hotel here, owned by Mr. J. Spot Taylor, has been leased to Mrs. W. H. Flinchum, of Piedmont. Mrs. Flinchum moved into the hotel yesterday and took charge, Mr. Taylor and family moving into their resi lience. Mrs. Flinchum had icharge of the Piedmont Springs : Hotel last season. Card cf Thanks. Sandy Ridge Route 1, Jan. IP. Mr. Editor . We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindnesa shown us during mother's sickness and death. MR. & MRS. E. ii. KINGTON. No. 1,971