THE DANBURY REPORTER. VOLUME XXXVIII. DANBURY, N. C., JANUARY 19, 1910. N o. 1,972 DEATHS AT COVE MUCH SICKNESS IS REPORTED Nr. William Welch, • Daughter of Mr. Frank Marshall, and Mr. Jno. W. Gibson Answer the Summons. Mr. J. Wesley Morefield Buys Property in Walnut Cove —Per- sonals and Items of Interest. Walnut Cove, Jan. 15).—The pale horse has been passing through our community for sev jd days claiming his toll. Mr. William Welch, who lived *three miles north of town, died of paralysis Friday night, aged MO years. Saturday, Mr. Frank Marshall, who lives three miles southeast of town, lost a little daughter with] pneumonia. His wife is also very ill with the same disease. Truly alHictions never come alone. Mr. John W. Gibson, our oldest citizen, died Saturday evening of heart disease. Wo will miss his familiar form going in and out among us. He seemed to boa very devout Christian. He never missed a service at his church, j night or day. unless prevented by sickness. We extend sympathy to the widow and five orphan children. He was buried at Salem Chapel Sunday evening at 3 o'olock. Mr. L. G. Lewis has pneu-l monia and is right eick. Mr. James Southern, who lives one mile north of town, is right sick with pneumonia. We have only one case of small pox in town now. Glad to see Miss Cora Fulton out after a siege with lagrippe. Mr. Cabbell Hairston, Sr., has! gone to Florida to spend the winter. Miss Nina Bailey is with her 1 aunt in Greensboro for a month. Mr. J. Wesley Morefield has bought a vacant lot from Mr. j Jacob Fulton down near tho Mercantile store and intends j building a store house thereon and open up a store. Wo hope V some old day to have him aud his family move here. Elder Fagg will preach in the Junior Hall next Sunday evening at 3 o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend. We will have services in the Junior Hall monthly by the Methodists, Christians and Prim itive Baptists. Old Uncle' Armistend Bailey, who lives 3 miles north of town, died Friday of dropsy. He was ninety years old. He was an honest old-time southern darkey, and was respected by the white people. He leaves a good landed estate. Onr school is doing nicely with a large attendance. Mr. Perrv Napier passed through town Monday on his way to Roanoke to live. Mr. William Morefield, from Guilford College, was up last week visiting his daughters. Mr. Will Bowles has commenc ed work on his nice residence on Summit Avenue. Mr. Lewellyn, from Winston, haß moved hero to open up a bottling works in Eney James' lantiA store room. He moved his famW in Mrs. Freeman's resi-' dene.! on Summit Avenue. § Dr. James Smith's wif»\ of J'ilot Mt.. is on the road to re covery after a very serious opera tion some three weeks ago. Well, I have just had our health j officer to vaccinate me and I think that is the only sensible thing to do, and do hope that all, the citizens of the oounty will g, tV*nd by our health .officer and him stamp out this disease, Bfg£l|tonly way to do it is to IBlS* sleeve and be vaoci- NEWS OF CAPELLA. Farmers Getting Down to Work Since Christmas —Fox Hunting. Capella, Jan. 15.—The holidays passed off quietly in our little village. lam glad to say that not one person did I see drunk during the entire week. This speaks well for prohibition. Farmers are getting down to work and seem determined to make this their banner year for corn. They will however not forget tobacco in tho meantime. We have heard very much of smallpox for the last few days, but think the excitement has about subsided. Messrs. R. B. Tuttle. S. 1). Hall, Boss Hall and R. R. Boyles will go to Winston Monday with to ] bacco. Yadkin township can boa9t of j its champion fox hunters, Messrs. Will Eaton, John Smith, John Wos Wall and others. They have a splendid lot of dogs, and I certainly have had some line I races. On the 3rd of this month they caught a grey fox, and on ; the 13th caught a largo red fox. :They report the mountain'; full of 1 tho sly fleet-footed animals. Rev. E. E. Moore has taken charge of the work at Capella Christian church, and will preach | there every Ist Sunday. He is a very entertaining speaker, and we wish for him much success in his 1 new field. OLD Rl T BE. Capella, Jan. 17.--Mr. aud Mrs. ! Watt Robertson visited her mother ! Saturday and Sunday. Miss Genie Tedder spent the ; past week with her sister, Mrs. Pete Smith. Mr. W. H. Webster expects to complete his dwelling next week. Mr. Eddie Bennett, who has been going to school at Boone i ville, came home Saturday on ac count of vaccination. Miss Bessie Boyles visited her aunt. Miss Dora King, Sunday. Mr. Grover Hall has just re turned from Mr. Will Moser's where he has been spending a few days. Mr. Franklin Hall, who has been spending several weeks with his friend Mr. Tom Simmons, is expected home soon. Messrs. R. B. Tuttle, Coy Hall and Eddie Bennet called at Mr. J. C. Tedder's Sunday P. M. Mr. S. L." '•Eaton is right ill with lagrippe. Missos Fannie Tedder and Nan nie Boggs spent Wednesday night and Thursday with Miss Dora King. Mr. Jackson Overby is spend ing a few days in Capella. Misses Alice and Elsie Robert son visited Misses Genie and Anna Tedder Saturday and Sun day. Mr. Gorrell Hall, who has been sick for some time, is improving. Mr. Cicero Watts visited Mr. S. S. D. Hall Sunday. Mr. Coy Bennett has moved to Mr. Will Moser's. Messrs. Luther and Dewitt Slate called ou Misses Mamie ard Claudia Gravitt Sunday. KATE. Notice. I wish to say that I have sold my interest in tho lirui of L. j M. McKinzie & Co, to my part ner, Mr. R. L. Tuttle, and that I will not be conneoied with the firm any louger. I havo been; very successful in the mercantile ! business here and I desire to sincerely thank my friends for the ! liberal patronage they have given me during the number of years I have been dealing with them. L. M. McKINZIE Germanton, N. C„ Jan. 19, 1910. k,i -.. suii.. . 1 DIED OF TYPHOID MR. HAMP TUTTLE PASSES Mr. Ernest Tuttle is Quite Sick. Farmers Are Busy Burning Plantbeds —Other News of Wal nut Cove Route 1. Walnut Cove Route 1, Jan. 17. —The farmers are busy burning plant beds. There WRS a singing at Mr, S. j L. Smith's Saturday night. | Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chat man, Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Retledge and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Chat man visited at Mr. S. L. Smith's Sun day. Miss Delia Boles visited Miss Pearlie Blaylock Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. Hamp Tuttle died at his home of typhoid fever Saturday morning. Mr. Tuttle leaves a wife and eight children to mourn his death besides his mother and brothers aud sisters. Mr. Arch Smith is on the sick list at this writing Mrs. Lora Grci-u and children visited at Mr -I. A. Tatum's Sun day. Mr. Tom Tatum and sistei Miss Ella, of Germanton, visited j their grandmother. Mrs. Mary | Tatum, Sunday, Mr. Gaston Tuttle and family visited at Mr. Jap Tuttle's Satur day night and Sunday. Messrs Cicero White and Oscar Green have gone into the crosstie business. Mrs. Fountain Blaylock visited her mother, Mrs J. E. Boles, Saturday night. Mr. R. C. Allen visited at Mr. J J. S Chatman's Saturday night. Mr. John R. Smith and family visited their daughter, Mrs. N. V.; Meadows, Sundny. Mrs. Elizabeth Hicks is visiting | her grand daughter, Mrs. J. N. j Young, this week. Miss Katharine Smith visited | her brother, Mr. W. H. Smith, ; near Germanton, last week. Mr. Abbert Boles was seen going down towards Walnut Cove 'Sunday evening. Guess he was | going to seo Miss Emma Riersou. Mrs. Iza Rierson visited her | brother Mr. E. W. Young, of j Winston, last week. Also she ! visited her sister, Mrs. Emma j Tuttle, near Germanton. I Mrs. Anna Boles visited at Mrs. .1, Boles' Sunday evening. Mr. Rothroek filled his regular appointment at Palmyra Sunday | morning Mr. Ernest Tuttle, son of Mr. j and Mrs. Hamp Tuttle, is quite ! ill. we art! sorry to note. ERA. A Visitor From the Far West. I Mr. L. C. Davis, of Portland, Oregon, is here on a visit to his people, and was shaking hands with his scores of friends in Dan bury this week. He has beeii| absent in the far west for four 1 years. Clint says Oregon is a great State. He would not f®r any consideration live in this i country again. Portland is a city !of 250,(XX) people. Clint has been to see Prof. W. B. Harris several times during the psst two or three years. The Prof, with Homer, his son, tends over 300 acrea of land. On this immense farm every foot is in cultivation. The land produces from 25 to 50 bushels per acre of wheat. Prof. Harris bought 100 acres at SSO per acre, and could sell now at $125.00 per acre, or $150.00. In tho West, Clint says, every thing is Union. The farmers price their ovrn stuff, and what ever the organization lists pro daots at, that is what you must pay. Clint will spend two weeks with relative*. D. P. REID WRITES OF HIS SMALLPOX EXPERIENCE Replies to "Old Timer," Who Had Letter In Last Issue of the Re porter Thinks He Contracted Disease In Walnut Cove. Dillard. Jan lti. Editors Reporter : i Please allow me space in your; paper to reply to " )ld Timer." 1 1 saw in last week's issue where j he said there was no smallpox in | Walnut Cove an,l never had been. : , 1 wish to tell the people that I i caught a bad case of smallpox I thgre for I hadn't been out any- j j where else to catch it. It came; I very near killing me. 1 was down ! four weeks, and am not. able to I work now. I think I caught it i I from Mr. Joe Allen. He was' | walking the streets there when he | ought to hnve been in the pest [ house and a guard over him if he jdicln'; have judgment enough to stay in off the street. Such peo | pie as "Old Timer"' are the cause of it being scattered all over the county, thinking they know I more than the doctors. At that time we had no county physician.! Dr. Wilson, from Madison, de serves the credit of stopping it. j He came up here and vaccinated I my family and all that had been j exposed to it, so no one caught it from me. If the people of Wal-' nut Cove don't believe that I hail' the smallpox, ask Dr. Fulp. Will close, wishing all of the readers of the Reporter a happy and prosperous New Year. Respectfully, D. P. REID. Guilty Pair Flees to Patrick. I j Tom Tilley and Sadie Manuel 1 i eloped to Patrick county, Va., | last Tuesday night from this j place. Tilley is a married man, I and leaves a wife and several! children here. The Manuel j woman is a young widow, wife of the late Little Pleas Manuel, i She carried her children along. | Tho pair are said to be living I together near Stuart as man and wife. It is reported that Tilley and his paramour had already lived with relation to each other in such manner as to violate the rales of common neighborhood decency. If their sojourn here had been longer prolonged, a vigilance committee would proba bly have waited upon them. The i woman is said to be in n condition which will early necessitate the i services of a physician. The man Tilley enjoys the reputation of being a vvife-stealer. He is charged with breaking up ni«>ro tliau one marital contract, and once eloped vith a half-white uegress from Danbury. He has served terms in jail aid on the , road. ! The Patrick authorities when 'apprised of the character of their ! guests, will doubtless take imme-. 1 diate action. It is stated that the father of the Manuel woman. Win. Mounce. j of this place, will swear out a warrant for Tilley. ; Danbury Route 1. Danbury Route 1, Jan. 10— People in this section are burning plant beds, anil preparing for another crop of tobacco. Mr. llohe Throckmorton and family, of llartman, visited in the Campbell section Saturday and Sunday. Miss Trudie Reid. of Danbury Route 1, paid relatives and friends on Campbell Route 1 a visit Saturday. Mr. G. G. fc'helton, of Camp bell Route 1, is on the sick list, | we are sorry to ijote. BILL BAILEY. SMALLPOX SCARE OVER. Vaccination Very Successful At Westfield Other Interesting Notes. Westfield, N. C„ Jan. 17, 15110. —The smallpox scare here is now about over; we only have one case, that of Mr. Howard Payne. The other members of the family have been vaccinated and the doctor says that auothor case will hardly | break out. Being vaccinated will ! sure keep it off for it has been | plainly proven here in this family. S. P. Christian and wife, !R. K. Simmons and wife. Dr. J. T. Smith and wife and Mrs. Alice j Lowe attended tje burial services jof Mrs. O. N. Swanson at Pilot j ; Mtn. last week. Mrs. Swanson j was one of our schoolmates and ; iwe all felt sad indeed to learn of j her death. She leaves a husband j and five children, the youngest ' being just two months. Messrs S. T. Sheltou and Raney Simmons brought in an-, ( other fox last week. Come on. Brown Mountain boys, wake up. we have tho dogs that know how it is done. Mr. L. L. Lowe spent part of last week in Winston-Salem. !He reports tobacco selling well | and advises his farmer friends to ! put what they have ready on the j market at once. | Rev. R. W. George passed ! through our town last Sunday en | route to Pine Ridge to preach. Mr. George is Pastor at that place ; and generally goes. He doesn't I mind the weather like some peo ple. Mr. R. W. Neal was a visitor at our town yesterday. Mr. Neal tells us that he is making arrange ments to start South with a drove of stock next week, j Miss Ruby Lowe left last Wed i nesday for Thoinasville where she I entered school for the remainder j of the term. ; The Westfield Graded School i will open on the 24th of January,; after a three weeks' vacation on j account of smallpox. Mr. E. F. Inman spent part of last week in Winston looking : after his interest in some tobac ! CO. Mr. S. P. Christian's little j children have both been right ! sick for a few days, but are now lon the mend. Miss Ethel Simmons and i Raney also attended tho burial at Pilot last week. TIIK OWL. Yadkin Road Meeting. The board of road supervisors of Yadkin township will meet at King. Saturday, Feb. 12. at 10 A. 'M. for the purpose of consulting the condition of the public roads in said township. The overseers ;of the said roads will please meet promptly and report to said board us required by law. • This Jan. 17. P.'IO. J. H. COVINGTON, Chairman of Board. Car Load of Plantbed Guano. I have just received a car load shipment of plant bed guano. : Prices right. L. M. Mi KEN/.IE, Germnnto:), N. C. Wanted. I A good farm. Will pay cash Write me at Pinnacle. N. C. WILLIAM H. BOYLES. I Rev. D. A. Bink'ey has been.' right sick the past few days, but we are glad to know he is out a^ain. Mr. J Spot Taylor lest a good! mule Saturday. It was kicked by I I another mule, breaking its leg,! and had to be killed. RAILROAD COMING SECOND PROJECT ON TAP The Surry-Stokes-Rockingham De velopment Company to Build Electric Line From Draper, via Leaksville, Spray, Stoneville, Sandy Ridge Danbury and to i Mt. Airy. I)r. Francis J, rle (iiers and ! Mrs. tie (iiers. of New York city, accompanied by Messrs, Lewis j awl others of Stoueville, were in Danbury yesterday and held a l meeting nt the McCanless hotel i looking to the building of an j electric railway from Rockingham, j through Stokes and to Surry, nt lan early date. Dr. de Giers, speaking to audience composed of i a number of the most influential ! citizens of the place, stated that he is a railroad promoter of New York, and is connected with , Clarence M. Smith A: Co.. of t>4 Wall St., New York, finance brokers. The proposed electric line is to run from Draper, via Leaksville. Spray, Stoneville. Sandy Ridge and J >anbury to Mount Airy. Work of surveying the line is to be started this week. While not looking for local capi tal, the Dr. was anxious for local citizens of influence to interest , themselves in the project to the extent of a few shares at SIOO.OO each. He exhibited a list pur- I porting to be subscriptions of stock from about 25 citizens of 1 Stoneville, each taking from one ; to five shares. It was eminently desirable, Dr. de Giers explained, that the road should have the moral support of the section to be traversed. The financial support was secondary, as the few hundred or thousands which he could enlist here would not be a drop in the bucket when |it came to building the road, and would only be used to defray the ; expenses mainly of the survey and to show to the eastern capital ists who build the road that home people are interested. The Danbury people assured | the Doctor that their moral sup. I port and influence should not be withheld, but that his railroad | would be welcomed with much pleasure. It was felt quite sure that the right of way could be | obtained. Regarding the sub scriptions for stock at -SIOO.OO per ishare, they requested a little time in which to give the sub ject thought, when they would invest as liberally us their limit ed means would permit, and their calm and safe judgment direct. The Dr. and his party left Tuesday afternoon for Mt. Airy, followed by tfie best wishes of all our people. Snow Hill Singing School Closes. Campbell. .lan. 10. —The sing ing school closed at Snow Hill Sunday with a large crowd pre sent. The school was conducted by Mr Anderson Carter, of Sandv j Ridge. K very body seemed to be j pleased with his work. Services were conducted at |Snow Hill Sunday by IJev. R L Wall, of Sandy Ridge Route 1. Notice to the Public. After the first day of Feb.. 1910, 'the Walnut Cove Roller Mills will 'only run fourdavs of e«ch week. Thedaxsthe mill will run will be Momla.y ami Tuesday and Friday and Saturday. I hope the people will learn the days and come when the mill is runniiin, 1 appreciate the patronage the people have given me the past year. If you come to my mill 1 will treat you anil guarantee satisfaction, 1 wish you every one a prosperous new year. JOHN R. f-iACKEY, ()wner and Proprietor.