Page 4 1910 TOBACCO CROP TIME TO PREPARE TO PRICE IT Farmers' Union Does Not Want To Hurt American Tobacco Com pany But Means To Price Tobacco Above Cost of Production. Editor Reporter : Allow me space in your val uable paper that we may make a few suggestions to the tobaoco growers. First, we will say that merely organizing will never be of any benefit unless some action is taken in behalf of their interest. The farmers should now begin to pre(>are to price the crop raised in 19110, just as they would any thing else they have to sell, as all farmers should do. And we see no way except in the installing of storage houses so their tobacco can be dried and then insured. There will be no trouble in get ting money on the same, if any one should want it. The differ ent Farmers' Unions should begin to act now, if they expect to con trol the prices of the tobacco crop raised in 11M0. If each man in every county would take stock in a storage house to be establish ed in that county, there will be no trouble in taking care of and contracting the prices of the crop raised in 1910. So begin to act now if you expect to be benefited! by your organizations. Nearly every business except the farmers ; have organized into Unions and are being benefited by the same, 1 RS they have put their organiza tion into effect. But it is be-! lieved by a few farmers that the intentions of the Farmers Union is to drive the American Tobacco Company out of business by legi-1 station, or in some other way, which is a mistake. The I'nion has no intention of hurting the American Tobacco Company ori any industry that is doing an honest business, and why should the farmers want to drive the Tqjbacco Trust out of business when they are buying three-1 fonrths of the tobacco raised, and the farmer about two- j thirds of the actual cost of raising i | There Is morT| | to a Fertilizer | B than Analyses D H" The mere mixing of materials to obtain analy sis requires no special knowledge. The value M of a fertilizer lies in the source from which the ]■; plant food is obtained. Each ingredient in n Royster goods is selected with a view of supplying U the plant from sprouting if until harvest. The plant II is not ove fed at one m time and starved at an il other. Twenty-five Q years experience goes with N every bag. TRADE MARK B N M fICeiSTCRCD ■ Q Sold by reliable dealers throughoul U the South. B F. S. Royster Guano Co. U H NORFOLK, VA. H it, which is more than they should expect, for the Trust has the power under the present con ditions to pay them one-third of the actual' cost or less if desired. Now, when you hear any member of the Farmers' Union advocating driving the American Tobacco Company or any other honest in dustry out of business by legisla tion or any other way you mark down that that fellow knows very little about the intention of the Farmers' Union. The farmers have sense enough to know that anything raised on the farm 1 above what we can consume is : worthless, if we should not have a market for the same. The main intention of the Union as we understand it, is to price their tobacco so as to realize something above the actual cost of production. Now, when labor was worth 40 cents per day, meat sc. per pound, corn 50 cts. per bushel, wheat 7."> cts. per bushel, the mule to cultivate the land $75.00, the land which the crop was grown on worth from to $5 per acre, the cost of raising tobacco then was estimated at ST per hundred, and now with meat at 15 cents, corn $l.OO, wheat $1 50, the mule $2OO. labor $l.X) per day, land from $2O to $:>() j>er acre, where is the farmers protit at it or 10 cents per pound. The intelligent farm er can see plainly that "he is left several dollars in the sale of every one hundred pounds raised. So begin now to prepare if we expect to realize anything from the l'.tlO crop above the actual cost of raising E. M. F. Fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism is simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheuma tism. neither of which require any internal treatment. All that is needed to afford relief is the free application of Chamberlain's Lini ment. Give it a trial. You are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. Sold by all dealers. If you want to buy, sell or reut real estate write Petree, East & Co., real estate agents at Walnut Cove. They will make the deal for you. THE DANBURY REPORTER VOIDING BELLS TO RING. Listefl For Them at Ayersville— Mrs. Jennie Amos 111—Change In Store Management—Other News of Sandy Ridfe Route 2. I •Sandy Ridge Route 2, March 21. -—During the recent fair weather, farmers of this section have been ! putting in good time at work. Wheat is looking fairly well in this section. Misses Lydia and Lilla Martin spent Friday with Mrs. Minnie Price on Madison Route 3. i Mrs. Mollie Hennis and Miss Cooper, of Winston-Salem, visit ed relatives in this section lately. Rev. J. H. Robertson will preach at Mt. Herman next Sun day in the afternoon. V Miss Guthrie Vaden, of Ayers ville, will leave this week for Greensboro where she will accept a positiou as waitress in the McAdoo hotel Mrs. Jennie Amos is ill with something like rheumatism. Mrs. Maggie Shaffer is also in very feeble health, we are sorry to note. Mr. Peddy Shaffer has pur chased Mr. Art Amos' interest in the store at Buffalo which was formerly owned by Amos & Amos. Mr. Charles Joyce has accepted a position at Roanoke. Ya. v Mrs. Sallie Dalton is visiting at Mr. John Price's near Mnyo dau. She reports her sister, Mrs. J. T. Rat ledge, who has been ill for some time, not much improv ed. Mr. and Mrs. James Hennis visited relatives at Buffalo Sun day. It is reported that the wedding bells will ring over near Ayers ville Easter. The writer extends congratulations and best wishes in advance to the happy couple. Mrs. Louvie Kallam is expect ing her sister. Miss Lilla Hawk ins. to visit her soon. J Mr. Robert Vernon has gone to West Ya., to seek employment. Mr. Tom Kallaur had the mis fortune to lose a heifer lately. Mr. Awbrey Vaden and family spent Sunday at Mr. John Fer guson's. v Miss Rachel Moore was at Buffalo Saturday trying to get up a subscription school. Miss Maggie Gunter and Mr. W. E. Willie attended Sunday School at Delta Sunday. Mr. George Collins is right sick with lagrippe. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Vernon visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Hardin Joyce Sunday. LEO. ON KING ROUTE 1 Death of An Infant—Mr. S. P. Ben nett and Family Move Into Their New Residence -Other News. King Route 1, March 18.—The people of this community are right inuch behind with their work. Mr 9. D. M. Tuttlo is right ill at this writing. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Lunsford died Thursday and was buried Saturduy at Mt. Olive church. Miss Mauiie (iravitt went to Winston last week to have dental work done. Mr. J. T. Johnson went to Win-; ston this week with tobacco. Mr. S. P. Bennett and family have moved into their nice new dwelling. Mr. Paul Johnson and sister*, Misses Nellie and Effie, spent i Saturday and Sunday of last week with friends and relatives near Dalton. Miss Derie Tuttle, of Walnut Cove, is spending some time with her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Tuttle on King Route 1. Mrs. S. P. Bennett is contem plating giving the young people of this communi y a sociable right soon. i Little Miss Thelma Johnson; was the guest of little Misses Sy hie and Berni ie Bennett Sunday p. m. * m There will be preaching at Mt. Olive the fourth Saturday and Sunday by the pasto Rev. Henry A. Sheets. ELVA. I LOCAL ITEMS. Gardening is i'm i»rVr uith some of the Danbury eitize s. Mr. W. T. Redman, of G.-rniiii ton Route 1, was here Moiidiy. Mr. J.C. Wall, of Walnut Cove Route visited Danbury la't Friday. Mr. A. J. Gann, of Sandy Ridge Route 2, visited Danbury Monday. Mr. J. I). Humphreys visited Winston-Salem Thursday, return ing Friday. Messrs. J. M. and R. W. Shel ton spent a short while here on business Monday. Mr. Jesse Doyle, of Saudy Ridge, has arrived here to enter the school of Prof. J. T. Smith. Rev. D. A. Binkley filled his regular appointment at the M. B. church here Sunday night. Farmers report a remarkable improvement in the condition of the growing wheat crop recently. Messrs. R. B. Hart and J. L. Tilley, of Smith, spent Friday night here guests of Dr. W. C. Slate. Mr. M. T. Chilton and Dr. W. C. Slate attended the funeral of Mr. James Slate at Mi/pah Friday. Mr. W. H. Flinchurn, of Pied mont Springs, spent Saturday night here with his family at ttie Taylor Hotel Sheriff C. M. Joues returned from his last tax rounds Saturday. He will now place the books in the hands of his deputies. The Danbury Load Farmer's I'nion initiated seven new mem bers Saturday night. The next meeting will be held Saturday night, April 2nd. Next Sunday is Easter. It' the weather proves fair, large crowds are expecting to visit Piedmont. Moore's Knob, the cascades and other places of interest about the mountain. Mr. H. A. Blair went to Sandy Ridge Sunday, returning Sunday night accompanied by Mrs. Blair, who has been visiting her rel atives, the family of Mr. Geo. Ziglar, at Sandy Ridge. Miss Mary Taylor is expected to visit relatives here Easter from Guilford College, where she is a student. She will come via Rural Hall, and may possibly be accompauied by Miss (irace Taylor, of Winston-Salem. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are safe, sure and reliable, and have been praised by thousands of women who have been restored to health through their gentle aid and curative pro perties. Sold by all dealers. i - - JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, Danbury, - - * N. C Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. J.T. Heobow. S.E.Hall. J. W. hall Ben bow, Hall & Hall, Attorneys and Counselors-at-Law, DANBURY, N. C. Money to loan for a reasonable time on good security. CHAS. O. McMICHAEL. J. E. SAINTSINU, Wantworth. Kcldavlllc. M'MICHAEL * SAINTSING, ; Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Practice in State and Federal Courts. All business given prompt attention. Chas. O. Mc- Micbael will be in Madison on Saturdays, at his old office over the post office. JOHN R. JONES Attorney - at - Law NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C. j (ieneral practice In allStatecourtn. I Prompt attention to IMIHIIICKH. ~ DR. THOMAS W. DAVIS. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office 405-7 Masonic Temple, Winston - Salem. N. C. Hour*: 9to 12:30, 2to 4 and i t>y appointment. Improves tho flavor Hiraj^ mMm BAKING M A D V KItTI SKM KNT KOii BIDS I'dll Till: Bl IKDINti Ol' STICK I. TItKSTI.KS AM) TIIK KKI'AIK INC OK TIIK CItKSKXT STKKL SPANS OK TIIK ItltllMiKS \« UOSS I).\X KIVKIt AT DAX BCUY AM) AT HAIItSTOX'S KoliD. IN STOKKS ("OI'NTY. N. Notice is hereby gl vcn to all per siiiis concerned. i li;ii sealed bids will In* received liy \V. ('. Slate, Register , of Heeds and Kx Otlicio Clerk of tin* l.oard >f • oiiiinissloners of Stokes Colinty. N. ill liis office ill Dan bury. .it aii> ilnu'froin this date. up to till' hour >f (WO o'clock |>. 111.. May 2nd. I'.UH. whi'ii ami where the same will In- opened :iiiil considered for ilm> I'oiisiriii'tioii ami erection, of steel trestles or approaches to tin* prrsi'iil si I'd bridge across Dan iUver ai liiiiiluiry, N. and also fur tin' repairing of the present steel , spun with steel sleepers it ml stwl side-rails lor llif w hi ill- of said bridge iiml ttvstli's; tin' s.'iiil inntlt* .'ire it I tout feet long on i lit' West side iiml iiliout 7" fi'i't long on tin' Knst side of said bridge, and tin' present spun is iiho'il I.'iT'j ft■ i lony: and iilso for i In' const riirt ion iiml eree lion of a steel trestle on t lit' South | side of llii- present bridge across Dan ISiver. ill Il.iirsioil's ford, iiml j nlso for the repairing of the present | spun with steel sleeper# and I side-rails, s.-iiil iri'stle is aliout .'MI or 4ti fit'i loiiy, iiml Ihe present span Is i iiliout 1-0 feel long. Clans and speeilirillions for said trestles or approaches and repair work will! be made known by making impiiry ill said otlicc. llairstoil's ford bridge is located aliout four utiles iiml ilu* Danbury bridge iiliout ten miles from the Kaiiwav station at Walnut Cove, N. C. The said Hoard of Commissioners reserve the right to reject any iiml all ot said hids. By order of the Board, this March "ill. I'.llO. W. C. SKATK. Register of Deeds and Kx Officio Clerk of the Board of County Com missioners. of Si okes County. N. C. N't iTli'K: North Carolinn. SI i ikes l i>ll iily- In the Matter of Mrs. .1. M. liriffin. i widow i William i . Bennett and l.iilie Beimeli, nuiiiori liy their next friend. Kxpartc By viri lie of an order of 1 lie Super ior Court of Stokes County, appoin ing me coinniissioiier to sell the lands as set out in ilie petition in t hcaliove cut it led cause. I will sell lo tiie highest bidder, on the premises for cash, the following described real estate, on the 4th. day of April, I'.ilu. at - o'clock C. M. living and being in Stokes County, and* adjoining the lands of William Bennett. \\ .1. Moore, and others and bounded as follows viz : Begin ning on a Stone in William Bennett's corner on the street. runs west :100 feet with William Bennett's line to a stake, thence north with K. W. Culler's line I'.KI feel to a stake near a hickory, Moore's line, thence east'.Mi feet to a slake in Moore's line, thence south lin feet toil stake, thence east i!il-l feel with the grave yard line lo a stone in the street line, thence south 70 feet to the beginning containing*, acre more or less. Second tract of laud lying and be ing in Stokes Count .v. and being in the town of Ciuuiiclc. N. C.. lying on the old Hockford Koad. ami bound ed as follows viz: Beginning on a stone in the edge of the Hollow Koad. William Bennett's corner, runs west lietween the two houses :!i"i feet toil stake, Iheiice south 7."i feet to II stake, thence east :t&"i feet toa stone in the edge of the Hollow itoad. thence north with said road 7."i feet to the beginning containing •«, acre more or less. .MilIN 11. .lONKS, Attorney and Coinniissioiier. Notice Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Nathaniel Bowles, deceased, notice is here by given to all porsons holding claims against said estate to pre sent them to me for jiayment, duly authenticated, on or by the sth day of March, l'.ill, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted lo said estate are respect fully requested to make imme diate settlement. This the 28th day of Feb. 1910 J. T. BOWLKS, Ad Dir., P. O. Mizpnh, N, 0. N. 0. Tetree, Atty. STATK OF NORTH CAROLINA UICPAKTMKST OK STATE. ( EKTIFICATE OK PISBOU'TIOX. To All to Whom These Presents May Come—Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated rec ord of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Johnson Fulton Lumber Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated in the town of Walnut Cove, County of Stokes, State of North Carolina (K. A. Johnson being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has com plied with the requirements of Chapter 21. Revisal of 11105, en titled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. BRYAN GRIMES. Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said cor poration did. on the 2d day of Feb ruary, 1010, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the pro ceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof. I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Raleigh, this 2d dav of February, A, D. lit 10. .1. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. NOTICE ! North Carolina. I ill The Superior Stokes County. | Court. I'. K. Muggins. | May Term, liiiii. I.iicy Duggins. | The Defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled > as above has been commenced in the , Superior Court of St okes County for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce, by the plaintiff against said defendant: and the said defendant will further take notice that she is rcipiircd to appear at the next Civil Term of the said Court of said Coun ty to lie held on the tenth Monday after the lirst Monday hi March, 1910, |at the Court House in said County, In Diiniiury, North Carolina, and ! answer or demur to the complulnt of the plaintiff in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for I the relief demanded in said corn i plaint. This .">ih day of March, 111111. M. T. CHILTON, Clerk Superior Court. Notice. Having qualified as administrator j with the will annexed of L. V. i Sands, deceased, notice is hereby ! given to all persons holding claims against the estate of K. K. Siinds.Au - present tlieni to me for payment, I dnly nntlientlented, on otyby the \ •JiUli day of Feb. 1011, or tMis notice will lie pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make int t " mediate settlement. This thciith day of Kelt., DUO. W. .1. SANDS, Administrator with I the will annexed. Cost Office, Dnn j bury, N. C., Route 1. I N. O. Cctree, Attt.v. For Sale. A fine farm of 75 acres l\ miles from Madison, N. C., and miles from Intelligence. About 15 acres in fine creek bottoms, and I most of the remainder 2nd bottom, i 1 Land capable of the highest de velopment. No buildings on the place but one new tobacco barn. Nice lot of saw timber, and plenty of firewood. Will be sold very *4. reasonably for cash. For further particulars, REV. 8. S. OLIVER, King's Mt., N. C.

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