ir»w »w?» - THE DANBURY REPORTER T • ' VOLUME XXXIX. STOKESFOR STEDMAN «■ DELEGATES APPOINTED' Stokes County Democrats Held Convention Here Saturday New Executive Committee For County —Question of Holding Primary Discussed. Stokes county Democrats met In convention at the court hpuse here Saturday for the purpose of ele r * :r >r delegates to the . r 'and Judicial /inventions. The attendance *• at the convention was good,, considerable interest being manifested in the contest be tween the friends of Major C. M. Stedman and ex-Judge E. ( B. Jones, two of the candidates for Congress. Soon after going into session a vote was taken on the candidates for congress, re sulting as follows: Stedman 13 2-10 Jones 8 6-10 Royster 1-10 Mebane The delegates were instructed to cast the Stokes vote in the Congressional convention at Greensboro as above. Delegates and alternates to the Congressional convention were elected as follows : Delegates : Alternates : Mc. D. Boyd, E. W. Culler, Watt Hutchens, J. T. Martin. J. N. Young. J. C. Wall Geo. W. Smith. D. F.Tillotson, j • J. D. George. J. T. Smith. 0. L. Pulliam, Oscar Caudle. Luther Mitchell, Sterling James. Frank Robertson. R. F. Ray, I J. W. Mitchell. J. H. Mitchell, J. R. Forest, E. C. Sheppard. N. E. Pepper. W. A. Southern, W. W. King. Joseph Whiten, S. C. Hill, E. J. Styers. S. P. Christian, J. Y. Phillips. Dr. A. G. Jones, H. R. Burton. W. M. Chisman, T. A. Dalton, Jno. A. Burton, Dr. J. L. Haynes L. M. McKenzie, P. H. Linville, j D. R. Joyce, J. H. Ellington. I Dr. W. H. Bynum, Dr. E. Fulp, j W. A. Sullivan, J. V. Marshall, M. D. Linville, W. E. Willis. A motion was made and car ried that the above delegates to the Congressional convention be, made delegates to the State and Judicial conventions. A vote was taken for Supreme Court Justioes and resulted as follows: i Manning 5.86 Alton .15 Uttastrueted 1.00 ? Total, 7:00 > A new executive committee the county was elected by £ convention as follows : P|» Hall—J. C. Frans. ajjftdy Ridge-W. E. Willis. Mpmanton—L. M. McKenzie N. E. Pepper. Mgicisco— R. E. Smith. Mhell-B. Frank Mitchell. VNifcut Cove—H. R. Burton. ; Kh#-B. F. Pulliam. Covtafton's School House—R. W. IHU. Boytos'-D. F. lillotson. Wilton's Store-J. N. Young. FiqeAian-P. H. Linville. , lAfMftville-J. S. Whitten. jijtiestion of whether cr j MR. GLIDEWELL WRITES |ls Suffering With Throat Troublej and Could Not Fill Appoint ments. In a letter to the Reporter 1 from County Organizer C. W. Glidewell, of the Farmers' Un ion, he requests us to state that the reason he has not filled the appointments he recently made was that his throat has been in such a condition that he was un able to speak, and that his physican adv'ised him to rest. However, he hopes to be able to address the people at the following times and places: j Stewart's School House. Mon day, July 11th. Meadows School House, Tues -1 day, l'2th. Pine Log School House. 13th. Mt. View, 14th. Moore's Springs, 15th. Speaking will begin at each appointment at 2 o'clock. The appointments appearing else where in this paper are void. Oak Grove f j Oak Grove, June 27.—There is a lot of sickness in this section at this writing. Mostly la- J grippe and fever. Mrs. M. T. Wilson, who has | been down with grip and fever, is so she can sit up again. Mr. D. Hamm, who took a back-set from fever, is some l>etter, we ait* glad to note. Messrs. Eugene Pepper and J. ;D. Cardwell, of Danbury, were! visitors at Mr. G. W.Smith's 1 I 1 'on last Saturday. Judging from ! 1 the look and appearance of Mr. Joe Cardwell. we think he is on i the matrimonial campaign this year. Mr. A. S. Marsh, of Pinnacle, j while working in his field one 1 day last week, found what he j thought to be a lamphrey eel.' | Mr. Marsh was somewhat ex- j : cited, and when he had killed it j ! he found it to be a very large j rattlesnake with 14 rattles The stork visited Mr. W, S. Rierson's one day last week and left him a fine daughter. ' SCRIBBLER. I J.T.Johnson For Trust ret. King, July 4. 1910. Mr. Editor: 1 The Democrats of Yadkin | township have decided to put up Mr. J. T. Johnson, of Yadkin Township, for treasurer of Stokes county. Mr. Johnson is a popular man, and has been; loyal to his party and we think he is a man capable of filling the I office. He is a strong Demo crat with a host of Republican j friends. Messrs. D. F. Tillotson, G. A.' Jones, G. W. Smith and T. B. j Smith, of this section, attended the convention at Danbury on last Saturday in the interest of Mr. Stedman for. Congress. They report a jolly good time and a quiet and interesting , convention. , SCRIBBLER. , The Farmers' Union claims a membership of three million. | not Stokes should hold a primary waa discussed but no action was taken. • \ DANBURY, N. C., JULY 6, 1910. COURT JURORS! FOR SEPTEMBER TERM 1910 1 County Commissioners Held Regular I Monthly Session at Court House Monday—To Meet Again Next Monday and Revise Tax List. The county commissioners were in regular monthly session 1 at the court house Monday. The drawing of jurors for the fall term of Stokes Superior 1 court, paying a small number of | claims against the county and i granting a few releases from taxes constituted the business coming before the board. The commissioners will meet 1 again next Monday in special session for the purpose of revis ing the tax list. Jurors for the fall criminal j and civil terms of Stokes court ! were drawn as follows : JURORS FOR CRIMINAL TERM. G. P. Bis..: J. D. George. T. F. Newsom. R. T. Lynch, R. J. Petree, W. W. Leake. J. H. ! Lawson, Joel Sheppard. C. W. Til ley, J. P. Lewis. N. H. Nel ! son, G. W. Hunt, J. W. Heath, ! W. P. Smith, F. M. Amos, R. A. Wall, A. H. Martin. P. L. I Young. R. L. Pratt. W. C'. : Smith. W. H. Tuttle. W. A. jOverby, J. D. Smith. J. W. j Ward. J. W. Riser. S. P. Mar-! tin. Hub Rhodes. G. F. Daniels, !R. A. Newsom. Eli Nelson. W. jY. Gordon. L. V. (ioin, John 'Sands. J. S. Whitten. S. H. ' Steele. W. R. Mitchell. JI'RORS FOR CIVIL TERM. W. A. Covington, W. M. j Peebles. M. C'. Lawson, Joe W.! Neal. P. P. Johnson, D. F. Duggins, A. B. Boles. J. W. | ; Ijambert, R. R. Roberts. G. T. Martin. J. R. Morefield, J. M.' | Venable, J. J. Moser, H. S | Greene, S. F. Fulk, J. W. More ! field, W. S. Crews, J. A. Adkins., William Sechrist, Jno. W. Priddy, i S. H. Fagg, Gabriel Moore, N. | S. Boyles. C. A. Meadows. The criminal term of court will convene on Sept. 26th and hold one week, while the civil term will be held the week fol lowing. , I Sunday School Convention. Pine Hall, July 2. —The Beaver j Island township Sunday School Convention is called to meet at Davis Chapel on Saturday, the 13th day of August at 10. All the ; Sunday Schools in the township are re guested to prepare their j program and be out in full force and let's have a good time. J. C. FLINN, Chairman. Announcement iTo the Republicans of Stokes County. After thanking you for your loyal support two years ago f request that you place my name j before the precinct primaries and the county convention for nomination to the House for a second term. This July sth, 1910. JAMES M. FAGG. I" • If vou want to buy or sell real 1 estate see E. P. Newsum, King, 1 N. C. He sells dirt PINNACLE NEWS! ICE CREAM SUPPER JULY 9 Given For Benefit' of the M E.! Church Young People Visit i Pilot Mt. and Vade Mecum —! Personals. Pinnacle. July 4. Quite a number of people attended the Woman's Home Missionary an-' tiual meeting at Pinnacle M. E. church. South. Miss Annie Scott, of Greens 11toro. is the guest of Miss Dora Wall this week. Miss Mattie King was the guest of Miss Georgia Roles Sun ! day. Among those who took a I pleasure trip to Vade Mecum ' Sunday were: Misses Vallie King, Grace Wall and Minnie 1 Culler. Messrs. Ollie Boles, J Clarence Snider and Jim King. Those who spent the day on the Pilot Mountain were Misses Delia and Lillie Davis. Messrs. Garfield Smith and Nathaniel Jones. Mr. T. Roberson. of Perch, was as usual looking after his devotional interest at Mr. Ed wards' Sunday. Misses Hampton and Eva Has sel are the guests of Miss Lillie Bell Smoak this week. Mr. Bert Clark was a visitor I to Pinnacle Saturday and Sun day. Therell. be an k iT'.un. sypper at the Eltenezer church .of Pinnacle July !'th. Every- I body cordially invited. The proceeds will go for the benefit iof the M. E. church. South. ANNIE. A Bright and Promising Stokes County Boy. County Commissioner T. M. Lawson. of Pinnacle Route 2. who was here Monday, was ac compained by his young son Robert Turner. Robert is des tined to be one of the future financiers of the county and State. He is only about 10 or 12 years old, yet already has some thing over SIOO.OO in the Bank. Robert is a close observer, 1 ; keeps his eyes open in the world, and knows the power of money, j He is a typical son of his daddy. [The Bank of Stokes County I prizes very highly among its depositors Robert Turner Law son. Marriage Licenses- Register of Deeds Slate recent ly issued marriage licenses to the following couples: Brice Robertson to Jennie Sapp. Will Moss to Edna Wilson. Democratic Executive Committee Called To Meet. 1 A meeting of the Democratic I Executive Committee of Stokes County is hereby called for Sat urday, July 16th, 1910, at Dan bury. This July 6, 1910. J. H. ELLINGTON. Chairman. The names of the newly appointed executive committee appear elsewhere in the Re porter. TEACHERS" INSTITUTE | Begins Monday With Prof Harry j Howell and Miss Lindsay as Con-1 ductors—Will Continue Two Weeks. ' The teachers' institute for! 1 Stokes will open in the court I house at Danbury next Mondav 1 • I 1 morning with Prof. Harry I Howell and Miss Lindsay in charge. Prof. Howell is Supt. of the graded school at High 1 Point, while Miss Lindsay is a j lady institute conductor of State reputation, and the institute, | bids fair to be one of much 1 profit to the teachers of the ;county. All public school teachers who ! expect to teach in Stokes are re- ; | quired to attend the institute, i which will continue for two ! weeks, and the indications at i present are that the attendance | 1 will be large. 1 i Death of Miss Addie Biggs —Mr. Sherman Steele Improving. Campbell. July 1.- Miss Addie ! Biggs died Wednesday June 22. at 9 o'clock p. m. She had been sick for quite a while but l>ore her sufferings patiently and was, | always cheerful. During her last hours she often talked of 1 ; heaven and would ask various I members of her family to come and go with her to that happy 1 ; home. The interment was made |at Oak Ridge church, burial j services were conducted by Rev. J. A. Joyce, and a large crowd of j friends and relatives were pre sent. The floral offering were many, attesting the high esteem jin which she was held. We i shall miss her from the church ! and Sunday school but we !>e-' lieve she is now enjoying the! pleasures of that heaven ofj | which she spoke so often, i Mr. Sherman Steele is quite! sick at present. His many' friends hope that he may be | i speedily restored to health. I Three physicians have been in attendance, and last reports were that he was somewhat im .;proved. NO NOMINATION YET ' MAJOR STEDMAN LEADING BY GOOD VOTE s i Convention at Greensboro Fails So Far to Nominate I a Candidate For Congress, After Being In Session ! Twenty-Four Hours. ' i ' A long distance telephone message from Greensboro this (Wed nesday) afternoon at three o'clock stated that the Congressional 1 convention which has been in session there since yesterday at 3 3 o'clock, P. M., had so far failed to nominate a candidate for ! ; Congress. The convention adjourned today at 2:00 o'clock after more than one hundred ballots had been taken, and the last one, which was taken just before adjourning for dinner, stood as follows : Stedman, 148 } Jones, 99 Royster, 97 Mebane, 63 The first ballot taken yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock was as follows : Stedman, 147.02, ' Jones, 104.34, Royster, 93.85, Mebane, 61.29. 1 It requires 204 votes to effect a nomination, the total vote being |407. No. 1,996 TO BE HELD JULY 27 INSTITUTE FOR FARMERS Will Be Conducted By Prof. T. B. Parker in Court House at Dan bury Institute For Women Will Also Be Held At Same Time— | Large Attendance Desired. Raleigh. July 1. 1910. Editor Dan bury Reporter : There will he a Farmers' Institute at Dan bury on Wednes day. .July 27th. 1 shall thank you very much to call the atten tion of your farmer readers to the importance of attending the I institute. There will be held in connection with the Farmers' Institute a Women's Institute presided over by Mrs. F. L. Stevens. Women's Institutes are not an experiment, but are j regarded by those who are most 1 familiar with them of even more ! importance than the institutes for men. It is at the womens' I institute that home conditions are discussed and improvements suggested that tend to the bet ter health of the family and to other conditions that will-mean ■ better country homes for our children. The uplift in the I home is the first thing necessary to bring about contentment and prosperity on the farm. At the Women's Institutes we are offering a premium of SI.OO for the l)est loaf of bread baked and exhibited by a girl or woman living on the farm. Thanking you in advance for your kindness in publishing a notice of the institutes. I am. Yours very truly, T. B. PARKER, j Director of Farmers' Institutes. , Notice. | • All teachers.who have books ' belonging to the teachers' | library, are hereby notified to bring them in on or before the first day of the institute. Trusting to see all of the . teachers at the institute. J. T. SMITH, Co. Supt.

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