■ • j r I | , The State Library THE DANBURY REPORTER. VOLUME XXXIX. IMPORTANT MEETING | FOR NEXT SATURDAY •1 ' l|ie Farmers' Institute and the Women's Institute. to Be Held Here--Attractive Programs For Both— H V " Large Crowd Expected. kr Next Saturday marks the date of one of the most important M% meetings for the year at the county-seat- the Farmers' Institute and Women's Institute. While these two gatherings will act in ■ unison ancl with mutual co-operation, yet each is a separate and R | distinct organization. While the Farmers' Institute will be in Rumsession in the main auditorium of the court house, it is the request ■Jlßpf Mr. I. G. Ross and the other leading farmers that the grand ■Mpry and other rooms below be reserved Sor the use of the ladies, both sessions may be held simultaneously. H Below follow programs for both meetings : ■I PROGRAM OF FARMERS' INSTITUTE. WH Morning session will open at 10 o'clock, and afternoon session at for discussion : ■NH'Soil Improvement"—Frank Blackford. ■ "Plant Diseases" —Dr. F. L. Stevens. AFTERNOON. "Tobacco Culture" —Frank Blackford. "Crop Rotation; Legumes"—T. F. Parker. | " "Some Preventable Diseases"—Dr. F. L. Stevens. Boys' Corn Club contest explained. "Opening of question box and discussion. ! Appointment of committee. ' Director T. B. Parker sends the following message to the Stokes explanatory: To the Farmers of the County : „ B. ' The above program is given to indicate the nature of the Insti ll tute, but it may be changed or added to as those present desire. A question box will also be open, into which all are invited to put ;■ * such questions as they desire discussed. A large number of in jf telligent questions means an interesting Institute, and special at tention will be given to this feature. The Farmers' Institutes are held for the benefit of the farmers, I if and none but strictly farming questions will be discussed. It is, j :X therefore, especially desired that a large attendance of farmers' I and their families be secured, and to this end you are urged to be present and to induce your neighbors to do the same. Bring a pencil and blank book in which to take notes. y A premium of one dollar will be awarded for the best five ears of com exhibited. The five ears exhibited must be of one variety, j r ~ uniform in shape, size and color. Mixed corn or mixed varieties ( will not be allowed to compete for the premium. The exhibitor ynust be able to give as far as possible, the ,pame of the variety, yts productivity, yield per acre, and whether grown on upland or lowland. This offer is made solely with the view of studying corn h and the comparing of different varieties. PROGRAM OF WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. i> *** Morning session will open at 10 o'clock, and afternoon session at J / 1:30. Subjects for discussion : "Saving steps; the Prevention of Diseases; Home Nursing, etc.; Go-operation in the Farm home"—Mrs. F. L. Stevens. The appointment of committee. -»J Opening of question box and discussion. Joint meeting of Men's and Women's Institutes at 3:30. Director T. B. Parker sends the following explanatory message to the ladies; To the Women in the Farm Homes of the County: It i M the purpose of the Department to make these Institutes of ' value to you in your daily duties and home life. Come put and help lis to accomplish this purpose by letting us know what you \ want, that we may send lecturers to the next Institute who will gfve you the kind of talks you want. These Institutes are yours | and you can make out of them what you will. We will you to make a success of them if you will let us. Bring a pencil and tablet, so as to take notes during the Insti- i p." tute. y A premium of one dollar will be awarded for the best loaf of I v lightbread baked and exhibited by a woman or girl living on the Cjpnhberlain's Stomach and Mecklenburg leads all the j II Ut*ir Tablets gently stimulate counties in the State in the num- j Pfe' the Bver and bowels to expel >er automobiles registered; 1* poisonous matter, clean* tho m ■ * j having 100 and more are: Guil m with 135 188; f Sold by air Deal- Forßyth , with 105 J IS - The Stokes County Sunday registered undqr titer state auto | School Convention will meet in mobile law, tWentyjthree coun i Dan bury oa Saturday, August ties, however, haVing no ma ; jm. chines,at iH I ? | DANBURY, N. C., JULY 20, 1910. STOCKHOLDERS MEET i TO DISCUSS DRY PRIZERY The Stokes County Farmers' Un^on Warehouse Company to Be Organ ized Here Next Saturday—All Persons Interested Urged to Be Present. The stockholders, of the Stokes County Farmers' Union Warehouse Company will meet here next Saturday, July 23, 1910, at 9:30 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of examining the finances of the concern, electing V directors and officers, and arranging details looking to the ; erection of a dry prizery at an ejtrly date. Through an accident, the list of appointments in the county of Rev. C. W. Glidewell. the Union 1 organizer and orator, was omit ted from the lust issue .of the Reporter. Consequently, Mr. Glidewell e. Usd not fill a num ber of important appointments. However, representatives from the locals that were not visited are expected to be conferred l with by Mr. Glidewell between this date and next Saturday's meeting. Mr. Glidewell re quests the Reporter to urge that every person who is interested in the dry prizery come to Dan bury next Saturday without fail. I I Democratic Convention. A convention of the Demo | cratic Party of Stokes County is I hereby called to meet in Dan bury on Saturday, the 27th day |of August, 1910, at 12 o'clock ! M., for the purpose of nominat ing a candidate for the House of j Representatives, Sheriff, Clerk of the Superior Court, Register 'of Deeds, Treasurer, three coun ty commissioners, coroner, and to elect delegates to the Sena torial convention for this dis trict, and to transact such other business as may properly come before it. The Dem. Ex. Com., ef Stokes county, is hereby call ed to meet at said time and place. This July 16th, 1910. J. H. ELLINGTON, Chmn. Dem. Ex. Com. Stokes Co. Mixpah. Mizpah, July 20. Mr. Editor: Please allow me , ain your valuable paper for a few lines. Crops are looking fine in this section. There was an ice cream sup per at Mr. J. T. Carroll's Satur day evening. There was a large crowd there, j . Misses May Bell Smith and j Rosa Carroll, and Mr. Latimer Neal, of Mizpah Route 1, are attending the Institute at Dan bury. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Holland visited at Mr. J. T. Carroll's I Sunday afternoon, j There will an ice cream sup | per at Mr., H. A. Fulp's Satur | day night. ♦ PATIENCE. •The reunion of the old ex~ Confederate soldiers will be held on Saturday, August 6th. 20 yards good calico IQT 76c. L. R. Coe. NEALORMABE-WHO? THE FIGHT FOR TREASURER Saturday's Republican Primaries Show the Meadows Man Leading in the Contest, With Mabe a Close Second, and Some Unia structed Delegations—Republican Convention For Next Saturday: Will Tell the Tale. In the Republican primaries, held last Saturday, the onlyi contest of interest was that be tween the candidates for Treas urer, and according to the re-j ports received by local poli-1 ticians—all precincts being | heard from except Pine Hall, j Francisco and Mitchell's—G. W.' Neal received 24 of the instruct- j ed vote. There are 73 votes in the convention, and Neal lacked a fraction over 12 being a win ner. But W. M. Mabe, of Dan bury Route 1, is only about 5 votes behind Neal, and some of the precincts unheard from may put a different light on the re turns. King laid no instructions except for "the strongest man." Boyles and Germanton will both be divided. Some predict that : Neal will win on first ballot at the convention to be held Sat -1 urday, while others prophesy j 1 that later developments will bring Mabe, Tilley and Tuttle ; into the balance, and that the' contest will be close and inter-! 1 eating between these four. J Other candidates whose names 1 were before the primaries are as follows : R. H. R. C. W. Sisk, T. S. Petree and others. There will be no opposition in the convention to be renomina tion of Chilton for Clerk, and J Jones for Sheriff or Slate for j Register, but it is expected there i will be new nominations for one or more commissioners, Mr. A. J. Fagg, of Danbury, being mentioned for a place on the board. For the Lower House, the name of Mr. Chap Bodenheimer will probably be put be fore the convention, while the friends of Messrs. Luther Lowe of Westfield, and R. P. Glide well, of Meadows, are urging them respectively for Treasurer. ' A Voter" Suggests Mr. Bodea heimer For Representative. The name of Mr. Chap Boden heimer, business agent of the Farmers'.Union, is before the people and being voted for in the primaries to represent the people of Stokes county in the next Legislature. If elected much good to the farming in terests might be accomplished. -A VOTER. « Pinnacle Route 2. Pinnacle Route 2, July 11.— There was a large crowd at Brim's church Sunday. There was a baptizing and a good old able sermon preached by Mr. Wooten of Winston-Salem. He will hold a protracted meet ing to begin the second Sunday |in August Everybody is in | vited to come. , ! : ; The picnic and grand rally of the Stokes county Farmers' Union will 4m Held at Danbury .on Saturday, July 90th. , 11 ■ • , ■s''£ :■ TEACHERS' INSTITUTE DOING GOOD WORK Professors Howell and Smith and Miss Lindsay Con scientious and Earnest Laborers in the Cause of Education--Considerable Addition to the Ranks of the Attendants This Week—A Splendid Looking Crowd. i The Stokes County Teachers' Institute, which has been in session here since the 11th inst., and will adjourn at the end of two weeks, next Saturday, is doing some good work. Prof. ; Harry Howell, of High Point, leading in this special training for the teachers, is in love with his work, and when you see a -person with this faculty, you see things done. He has been here twice, counting this time, has become acquainted with many of our ; peculiar conditions, has learned the teachers' greatest needs, and | they have learned him. Thus, enabled to work in harmony, I both are benefitted to that extent which might be expressed by ! saying this is the most profitable institute yet held. Of course j withoutlhe valuable help of County Superintendent Smith not nearly Iso much could be accomplished. Professor Smith knows his teachers, and all about them, and is always at hand to aid any one who needs help. Miss Lindsay, who is a specialist in one or two branches of the institute work, is a most important assistant, and with her halp the work moves along with system, precision and effectiveness. Miss Lindsay, during this her first visit to the county, has won many strong friendships which will endure, i It is not the desire of the Reporter to throw bouquets to the good looking body of teacher-students, but' is constrained to say ' that our teachers will compare favorably with any county's teach ers in the State. We would not be guilty of making the aa>- sertion that the ranks are filled with veterans who have done valiant service in the great fight against ignorance, but it is true that the discipline and loyalty shown by these young men and j young women would do credit to those who are battle-scarred in the noble cause of education. There are youth, beauty, intelligence ; and character, and from the gallery one is proud to look on the I teachers of Stokes county. The corrected list of teachers in attendance this week follows : WALNUT COVE. Miss Harriet Ross, Route 1. " Annie Kate Jones. , " Louella Fulp, Route 2. ! Mr. E. C. Byerly. DILLARD. • ! Miss Mary Sue Willis. * - t j " Berta Ward. " Minnie Roberts. ; " Alice Davidson. " Lemma Duncan. PINNACLE. * Miss Dora Wall. I Mr. C. F. Boyles. . DALTON. 1 Miss Ruby Hamm. , * WESTFIELD, Miss Phebe Tilley. j " Daisy Dearmin. -f* 'KING. Miss Wilmeta Smith. T Mr. 0. L. Pulliam. % * PINE HALL. , . Miss Effie Blackwell. i " Beulah Neal. " s " Maud Neal. DANBURY. Miss Blanche Pepper. " Virgie Martin. f " Bertha Binkley. Mr. G. C. Davis. " C. E. Davis. SAXON. . , j Miss Mae Wall. ... ; Mr. R. H. Mitchell, Jr. AYER3VILLE. J Miss Lelia Martin. MAYODAN. Miss Agnes Smith. " Minnie Crews. SMITH. Miss Lizzie Moore. " Rachel Moore. " Ossie Pike. SANDY RIDGE. • > Miss Ethel Pringle. " Nealy Rakestraw. " Lilla D. Hawkins. Mr. E. H. Biggs. GERMANTON. Miss Maud Petree. Mr. L. JB. Neal, Route 1. Mr. Willie Smith, Route 1. - & MEADOWS. Mias Minnie Glidewell. Mrs. Lizzie Easter. c Mr. Andrew Smith. CAMPBELL. Miss Roxie Taylor. Mr. John A. Leak. •' j MIZPAH. Miss Hessie Carroll. % Rosa CarrolL » 1 RED SHOALS. ? • Miss Lizzie Adkins. M ■. Bessie Fagg. .4 - _ FRANCISCO. , M iss Clsnwue v . El ■ MrTWalter George. " • ✓ J ; BELEWS CREEK. • v f ' Mrs. Sm«n A. Jons*. r , ; : ;i v, '■ ' • ... .a, ««L. No. 1,998

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