PROTECTION ASKED OF OFFICERS OF THE LAW! Blockading and Retailing Going On Near Smith in Upper Part of Stokes, Which Interferes With Public Worship—Appeal to Stokes Authorities. Hartman, Aug. 29. Editor Reporter: I have been requested by the good Christian people along the State line to write a few lines to your paper against the liquor wagons that are doing business in the upper parts of Stokes. There is some blockading also. The people ask for protection through your paper to the officers of the law. There are from one to two loads of liquor every Saturday and Sunday doing business up and down the State Line road, and the people say they cannot have any preaching hardly for the drunkenness around, and they want some of the officers to at tend along the State Line roads every Saturday and Sunday near Smith, N. C.,- and they said they did not want their names to it, but you can use my name if you i wish to. I Yours respectfully, A. T. OVERBY. j Photographs of all sizes and! the latest styles for the next ten I days at the Arkansas Novelty i Photo Rig, Hartman, N. C. Shoes and dress goods a specialty. Boyles Mercantile j Co. This is an age of steel and the "CASE" is the only Steel Separator, with Steel Attachments built. To be up to date you must buy steel. Our Big 20-Bar Cylinder Steel Separator is built not only of the best material with most rigid construction but is weather and Fire Proof, has the most con cave and grate surface, highest deck room and greatest capacity for fast and good threshing. Ours is the Biggest and Best Equipped Engine and Thresher Factory in the world with the Biggest and Best Class of Trade. "CASE Engines" are composite "power plants" with boilers designed from experience along modern lines, guaranteed to furnish an abundance of dry steam and develop continuously their rated horse power with less fuel and water than the out of date, bulky, inefficient combinations (that by compari son well may be termed "refrigerator plants") still being offered to the trade by some competitors as "new departures." For detailed information, call on, write, or phone, (Bell phone.) R. E. GIBSON, Local Salesman, KINO, N. C. DEMONSTRATION CORN Mr. W. P Ray's Patch Exciting Won der and Enthusiasm —The Com missioners Urged .to Appropriate For the Extension of the Work. Mr. W. P. Ray has the thanks of the Reporter for a number of the finest tomatoes we have seen this year. Mr. Ray is one of our best farmers. He' says his "demonstration" acre of corn is looking beautiful, and will yield handsomely. There is a freak stalk in the patch which many have viewed with curiosity. It is a forked stalk. The plant runs up about four feet and then prongs, each branch being 1 well developed and each bearing an ear of corn. Mr. Ray planted 18 inches apart, rows 44 feet between, harrowed twice and cultivated four times. He has fertilized but lightly. On 180 stalks, 320 ears were counted. Mr. Ray says the number who will try the improved plan of corn growing next year is large. The people are enthusiastic over it, and want the commissioners to be sure to appropriate for the extension of the work in the county. Lost Lap Robe. I lost a heavy lap robe, black on one side and black and tan color on the other with a horse head stamped on same. Lost be tween Capella and .Moore's Springs on or about the 22nd or 23rd of August. Finder will please notify or return to P. A. Smith, Rural Hall, N. C., who will pay any expense attached. 31aug2w "iggvgaß DEMOCRATIC RALLY AT SPRAY NEXT MONDAY Governor Kitchin and Major Sted man to Speak—Big Procession, Brass Band and Picnic. Leaksville, N. C., Aug. 31. Plans are being perfected for the greatest Democratic rally ever conducted in Rockingham county to be held at Spray on Labor Day, September sth. Governor W. W. Kitchin and Major Chas. M. Stedman, can didate for Congress, will make their first speeches of the cam paign on this occasion, and both will make what can be termed "key note" speeches of the | campaign. The citizens of j Leaksville township under the i leadership of Dr. J. B. Ray, 1 chairman of the precinct exe i eutive committee, are planning ;to entertain an enormous crowd of people. | It is probable that Governor Kitchin and Major Stedman will go to Spray from Reidsville, i leaving that point at 8 o'clock and arriving at Spray at 10:30. There will be a mammoth pro fession from Reidsville to accom pany them. Processions from .Madison and Stoneville will also .join the Reidsville parly and a brass band will enliven the occa sion with patriotic airs. If weather conditions are favorable the speaking will he in the park, if there is rain ample tjuarters under shelter j will be provided. I The citizens of Leaksville township invite the people gen erally to attend this important meeting and participate in the exercises of the day. Come and bring your dinner and spend the day and see that your neighbor comes also and brings his dinner. J. T. OLIVER. Error Corrected. In the article regarding the Farmers' Co-operative Demon istration work, published in the last issue of the Reporter, by Mr. W. A. Petree, an error occurred with reference to the number of men engaged as agents in the work. It should have been 375, instead of 275. The mistake was typographical. Dysentery is a dangerous dis ease but can be cured. Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has been suc cessfully used in nine epidemics of dysentery. It has never been known to fail. It is equally val uable for children and adults, and when reduced with water and sweetened, it is pleasant to take. Sold by all dealers. Mr. H. H. Reid, of Danbury Route 1. was here today on his way to Winston. Window curtains 3t) cts. Boyles Mercantile Co. A complete line. Boyles Mercantile Co. CHAS. O. Mc.MICHABL, J. E. SAINTSING, Wentworth. Reidsville. M'MICHAEL & SAINTSINCi, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Practice in State nnd Federal Courts. All business given prompt attention. Clias. (). Mo- Michael will he in Madison on Saturdays, at his old office over the post office. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, Danbury, - - - N. C Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. DR. THOMAS W. DAVIS. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office 405-7 Masonic Temple, Winston - Salem. N. C. Hours: 9to 12:30, 2to 4 and by appointment. W. READE JOHNSON Attorney-at-Law Masonic Temple. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Will practice in all Stokes courts. JOHN R. JONES . Attorney - at - Law NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C. (ieneral practice in allSlatecourtH. Prompt attention to ltiiHineHi*. NOTK'K. Haviny this day duly «iti;i 1 iIU-I as administrator the estate of Mm. A. .1. Jewell, dec'd. all persons indebted to said estate are requested tu eonie forward anil make imniedi ate settlement of the same, and all persons holding claims ayainst said estate are hereby notified to present tli" same to me duly authenticated for payment on or before the Ist day of Sept. IMII, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their payment. Danhury, N.C., Itoutel. Anu°. ... 1!»10. W.C. MAin :. Adm'r of Mrs. A. J. Jewell. .1. I>. Humphreys, att'y. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervoua prostration and female weaknesaea they are the supreme remedy, aa thousand* have testified. FOR KIDNEY.LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it ia the beat medicine ever told over a druggist'a counter. Bargains In Farms! We are offering some excellent bargains in farms in Stokes county. If you want to buy or sell a farm write us or come to see us We will make the deal for you. Petree, East & Co. Real Estate Agents, WALNUT COVE, N. C. OFFICE IN BANK BUILDING. Sale of Valuable Lands ! j dy virtue of a decree of the j Superior 'ourl of Stokes County, j rendered on t lie L'Otli il;i,v of .Inly, j lino, in tin- special pi'i•«■•••>!|iiiu- en titled "T. I!. Knijilit, admiiiistrutur ! de bonis iioii of \V. 1,, Fnllin auniiist I Win. T. Fallin and c. i. McMichnel, I iiiardinn," I will expose to public I sale, to the highest bidder for cash, upon the premises in Stokes County, ;at the dwelling house where Uolie'rt IJ. M.l rtin. eolored, now lives, in | deliver Island Township. int one o'clock p. in., on Sat urdny, Septenilier the :'rd, I'.dO. n large body of very valuable hind, lying partly in Stokes, nnd partly in Rockingham County, deserilied mid | hounded IIS follows : "First—A tract containing W!» j acres more or less, in Rockingham Cotintv. N. C., on the waters of ! South deaver Island Creek, known !as the "Nat Foy" place, and con veyed by.l. M. Vaughn. Commiss ioner. to \V. L. Fnllin, on the l.'itli | day of August. I SS ~. and hounded as j follows: degiiining ut a red oak on the South side of the Iron Works lload, ! in doekiiigham County line, running | North •>4 poles to pointers. dog i wood, I'leasant Webster's corner, j thence Fast two hundred poles to a stake. .1. 11. CardweH's corner. [ tlienee Southward with Card well's ! line, one hundred and forty poles to 'a post oak hush on th* South side !of the Iron Works road, thence .North-Westerly with said road as it I meanders to the lirst station. I Second— A tract containing L'I'II acres, more or less, and being the | same-tract deserilied in a deed from j Frank I'. Webster and wife, to W, i 1,. Fallin, recorded in the olllce of ] the Register of Heeds for Stokes I County, in dook No. L'ti, page 170, situate in Stokes County, and ! bounded as follows : deginning at 1 a red oak in the county line and on ! the North side of the Iron Works Itoad. North Hii poles to a dogwood, | North 1U degrees West. 17 : '> poles to a J stake, thence |West 21s poles to I sour wood near the large rocks : thence South tit' poles to a black oak | stump at the fork of the road, thence with the Iron Works I torn] as it meanders, to the lirst station. ! Third—A tract containing 21l' lucres, more or less, and being the | same tract conveyed by deed from j Daniel It. Webster and wife to W. I IJ. Fallin. recorded in the office of the lt«»gistcr of Deeds for Stokes County, in dook No. -11, page 47-1, and hounded as follows: deginning at a large surwood, near two large rocks. North ls4 poles to a pine on the South side of road, thence with said road as it meanders, Iso poles to the creek, thence down said creek as it mean ders to a stake on corner of said creek and corner of W. I'. Dalton's line, South 10 degrees Fast. 4-"> poles to a stake, thence West '-'ls poles to the .beginning." The above land will be cut up into smaller tracts between this date,! and the day of sale, and plats of t said smaller tracts ready for in spection on day of sale, and will be sold in said smaller tracts, and then as a whole, to ascertain in which . way it will bring the liest price. ANNOUNCEMENTI Wa/nuf (2oue School lYa/ne/t dove, (8., Opens September sth, 79J0. &or any information write 5/?rof. 5. (B. £ftyer/y, "Walnut (Sove, (B. | Any person to purchase !am Ml farms will 1«• well tt ;i t t*nl (lie si I le. ! This t lie Jill li tliiv of .1 nlv.'liilO. T. Is. K Mi HIT, | Ailuir. ile I Minis noit of \V. L. I'allin, deed. X. t». I'etree. Allv. I I ' Notice of Sal« of Real Estate. | l!y virtue of the authority eon jtiiined fuji decree of the Superior Court of Stokes County, rendered j on t lie i£ir] day of .Inly. lulu, in the special proceeding entitled .1, !•', j NCWKOIII Adiuinistrator of John \\\ WwKoni ayalnst M. .1. Xcwsiuu and | others, the undersigned adminis j trator of the said John \V. Xcwsom ! Will expose to plildic sale to the highest liidder for cash at ihelate resilience of the said John W. New son! in Stokes county, on Saturday, i t lie Ill| h of Septenilier. IMIO, at the ! hour of 1J o'clock, Mone tract of j land of the said John \V. Xcwsom, j deceased, consisting,' of mix acres, i adjoining the lands of tin- heirs of | \V. M. I.oyd and l„. 10. tirahhs and ! others, hounded as follows, viz: l>c;'inninu a two Mack oaks in 1 l>. X. Daiton's i now \V. 15. lOat oil's I. line marked A. and runs north on I his line Jten chains, crossing small j lira lie li to old corner black oak I j lira libs' line twelve chains to post | onk, thence South .in decrees lOast \to the lieainniny corner containing,' I six acres, lie the same more or less. I The rents for the year of lulu will lie reserved and will not pass with the land, and possession of the land will lie turned over to purchaser in the fall of the present year, after the present clops are gathered in. This the pith day of Anjc. I'.ilO. J. F. XIOWSOM, Adnir. W. U10Al)K JoHXSOX, Atty. XOTH'IO. Having this day duly |ualilied as administrator upon the estate of |« ieorji'e J. Shelton, deceased, notice is lieivliy to all persons hold ing claims a«ain*t said estate to present the same duly authenticated for payment on or before the 15th day of August. 1011, or this notice will lie pleaded in liar of their re covery. and all persons indebted to said estate are notified to make im mediate payment of the same. Campbell. X. ('., Itoute 1, August Mh. UHO i. 15. siiioi/rox, Adm'r of George !. Shelton. .1. I>. Humphreys atty. Page 5