THE DANBURY REPORTER. MLUME XXXIX. I ISLAND LOCAL RANCH OF THE UNION land Farm Lands Riae In On Account of Greater it In Farming—Bigger Crops to Be Planted. Buck Island local of the s' Union is one of the n the\county. A Repor i was talking with Mr. lson, a member, Monday m that he has never seen i big improvement in f in his section of the as has taken place since lion began to get in its and especially since )emonstration has been nin the county. Every taking a new interest in vork, more corn and and less tobacco are be inted. and with this has large rise in the price ues of land. Mr. Nelson tat last year increased acreages were put out, it the coming year will a much g*eater grain r than last year. Suck Island local is made number of earnest, har -3 workers, who meet ly, not alone to discuss > get bigger prices for , but the subject of more ic farming is discussed, swer plans of planting, ;ing and gathering, which ig great things for the (land farms. Public Speaking. David H. Blair and Hon. , Bynum will address the on the issues of the day, at, uie Stokes County Fair at King, on Monday, Oct. 19, 1910, at noon. Everybody invited. JOHN M. MOREHEAD. For all kinds Terra-Cotta and well tubing, see E. P. Newsum, King, N. C. 12octlt The Big Stokes County Fair KING, N. c. OCTOBER 18, 19 and 20, 1910 T Of course you have seen a magnet draw needles to it. Well, that's the way the Big Stokes County Fair is now drawing the attention and will later draw the attendance of the good people in Stokes and adjoining counties. October 18th to 20th are three great days that everybody is looking forward to with pleasure. This Will Be the Greatest Fair Ever Held In Stokes County / ; FINE EXHIBITS BALLOON ASCENSION EACH DAY MERRY-GO-ROUND GRAND DISPLAY OF MERCHANDISE SHOOTING GALLERIES AMUSEMENT DEVISES OF VARIOUS STYLES AND CONSTRUCTION Take three days off and see this fair. The best opportunity of the season to see a good time. Premiums in all departments are larger and better. Everyone expects to meet you at the Stokes County Fair. Excursion rates on all trains and special stops opposite Fair Grounds. Admission Fees 25c., Children 15c. . ' For further informstion sod premium lists address \ WILL RTKEIGER. Secretary, - - KING, N. C, I r • 71 '• THE BIG ASSOCIATION. •h * ! , I ■ Next Saturday, Sunday and Monday —Crowds Expected to Be Large. The Primitive Baptist Asso ciation begins at North View next Saturday, and will con tinue for three days, embracing Sunday and Monday. From all reports and indications the crowd in attendance will be a reeord breaker. On account of the bridge here being torn down and repairing, a good ford has been arranged right under the bridge, but all persons who do not care to ford the stream, can go around via the Seven Island ford or the Buck Island; bridge, which is only a little farther. The Winston Fair the Best Ever Before—W A. Nelson Sells Load of Primings at Good Price- Messrs. W. A. Nelson, Aug mon Nelson and F. E. Nelson, and many other Stokes citizens returning last week from the Winston Fair say that the occa sion was the most successful that it has ever been before. The crowd was unusually large, the exhibits fine, and the attractions of unusual interest. Mr. W. A. Nelson says the fireworks alone were easily worth the cost of the trip. While in Winston Mr. Nelson sold a load of primings, which averaged him 11 cents. He is one of the finest tobacco raisers in the county, and 1 makes good stuff, but he says ihe was not expecting such a j good price for his primings. ; He was very well pleased. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, j has become famous for its cures :of coughs, colds, croup and in jfiuenza. Try it when in need. It contains no harmful substance 1 and always gives prompt relief. »Sold by all dealers. DANBURY, N. C., OCTOBER 12, 1910. mm POST CARDS PRESS STARTS .ON LONG RUN Reporter Job Department Handling • Big Order—Pretty Pott Cards Find Ready Sale. The Reporter's job press has started on a long run. One hundred thousand poet cards will be printed, the work of which will consume many days. Since the first specimens of the pretty local views came from the press the cards have sold fast, and the supply is hard to be kept up with the demand. | Orders have come by mail not \ only from all nearby points but I from many western States, i notably Oregon, Texas, Ohio, 'California, Kansas, and other places. Former residents of Stokes, j seeing the advertising in the ; Reporter, have readily respond-j 1 ed. The cards are sent postpaid; anywhere at 3 for 5 cents, stamps or coin taken. The same price is charged at the office. Get Ready f»r the Fair. The Stok"S County Fair is getting very close, please get your poultry ready, and bring them out on Monday, as the Judge will be here ready to judge them Tuesday morning. We want a nice display of birds this time, so everybody bring your poultry, let the fudge tell you with the score card what you have. If you have the best you should be proud, and if not the best this time try next year to beat. Get your coops ready and come on. Wishing to see you all, • - S. L. PULLIAM, Manager. 12octlt Underwear for men, women and children. L. R. COE. THE SAVING HABIT WILL MAKE OUR COUNTY RICH Now That the Tobacco Crop is Be ing Marketed, and Everybody Will Have Some Money, Start That Bank Account. The time for marketing the tobacco crop for 1910 is here, and soon every person will have money. The habit of each year laying aside a portion of the year's earnings against the coming of sickness, old age or adversity, is the safe-guard of our people. In a few years a ; bank account grows fast, and j ; homes mAy be purchased by the I surplus accumulated, or other; life plans realized. We pay 4 per cent interest compounded quarterly, your j money with us drawing interest ' from day of deposit to the day ;of withdrawal, and you all the | time have the privilege of get ! ting your money back any time ! you want it. Start your account today, and j Ibe independent. Don't wait j till you get a large amount.- jWe receive deposits from SI.OO j upwards. BANK OF STOKES COUNTY. M. T. CHILTON, Pres. N. E. PEPPER, Cashier at; Danbury. O. N. PETREE, Cashier at; Walnut Cove. ; | Big Fox Hunt. Messrs. Hamp Turpin, Dixie Nunn, Joe Jones, Will Nelson and other citizens of Quaker Gap engaged in a big fox hunt \ Monday morning. They went • iout about daylight with nine' hounds and captured a large, grey by sun rise, after quite an exciting chase. . ■ • j The pleasant purgative effectj experienced by all who use. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver i Tablets, and the healthy condi tion of the body and mind which I they create, makes one feel joy i ful. Sold by all dealers. NEWS OF SMITH. Messrs. G. W. Hart and Wm. Overby 111 With Typhoid—Rev. D. A. Binkiey Holding Protracted Meet ing at Aaron Church. Smith, Oct. 3.—Mr. G. W. Hart, who has been ill with typhoid fever, is improving. Mrs. S. A. Hall is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bernard, of Peter's Creek, Va. Mr. William Overby is very low with typhoid fever. Miss Lenice Hall, of Stuart Route 1, is visiting friends and relatives in this neighborhood. Rev. D. A. Binkiey is holding a protracted meeting at Aaron church this week. Mr. Frank Moore, Jr., of Louisiana, is visiting his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Moore. Mrs. Betsy Ann Hall returned home yesterday from a two weeks visit to her daughter, Mrs. Pink Boyles. The farmers are most done cutting and curing tobacco. Announcement. To the Democrats of Stokes Cunty : At the last county Democratic convention I was nominated for the office of County Commis sioner, and while I highly ap preciate the honor conferred up on me by my party, it will be impossible for me to accept the 5 nomination on account of my ill • health and the fact that my ed ucation is such that I could not i properly fill the place if elected. Thanking you again for the , honor rind hoping that you will select a better fitted man for the ! place, I am. Yours truly, WM. M. WATTS. All kinds watch repairing. E. P. Newsum, King, N. C. 12octlt The State Lihrwy No. 2,010 COUNTY CANDIDATES MAKING ROUNDS THIS WEEK The Office Seekers Are Meeting With Rather Small Crowds, As the People Are Very Busy 0* Their Farms And Not Studying Politics. The canvass of the county candidates was formally opened at Lawsonville Monday, before a small crowd. People are very busy finishing the saving of the tobacco crop, and preparing for grain sowing, and are not much interested in politics. The candidates all merely an - nounced themselves, except Mr. Fagg and Dr. Hill, the legis lative candidates, who spoke at considerable length. Mr. Fagg came first, and was armed with a mass of literature, data and notes. He warmly attacked the Democratic State administration, speaking for more than an hour. Dr. Hill, the Democratic can didate, in a speech of about half an hour, defended his party well, and won favorable comment from many of those present. The candidates enioyed an ex cellent dinner spread at the hos pitable home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sheppard. Yesterday the candidates spoke at Francisco, today they hold forth at Wright's Store, to morrow at J. D. George's Store, Friday at Pinnacle, Saturday at Capella. then skip a week, be ginning again on Monday. Oct. 24 at Wilson's Store. Sweet Milk Wanted - We want 8 gallons of good ; fresh sweet milk delivered at our refreshment stand at North View Baptist church early next Satur day morning, the first day of the Association. We also want 15 I gallons on Sunday and 6 gallons •on Monday. Will pay 20 cents a I gallon for the milk. HARTMAN & MOREFIELD. Trunks, suit cases, telescopes and satchels. L. R. COE.