' THE DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XXXIX. I WRECK AT COVE ENGINEER AND FIREMAN HURT Eafiaeer Loses Control of Enfine and Crashes Into Box Cars On Siding. Walnut Cove, Dec. 19.—Fire man H. C. Yates, of the N. & W. freight No. 85, was thrown thir- I" ty feet and very badly hurt, and Engineer J. W. Bloom was slightly scalded in a wreck here yesterday morning. When freight No. 85, of the N. & W., reached here the water supply was so nearly exhausted that the engines had to cut loose and run up to Dennis for water. 4 As they were returning, running backward, Engineer Bloom was trying to force water into the ■ boiler with an injector and so the ■ engine got the start of him as I they were coming down grade h into the Walnut Cove yard. The I engine jammed the tender of Mr. I Bloom's engine into the cars I which had been left on the siding B and crushed it to splinters. Mr. ■ Yates was thrown from the en ■ yine about thirty feet, wherejhe W lay unconscious till help came and ■he was carried to the station, ■ where Dr A. G. Jones, physician ■ for the N. & W., dressed; his ■wounds. Dr. Jones carried him ■to the N. & W. hospital at Roan- Boke yesterday evefting on No. 22. ■t is believed that Mr. Yates' will be fatal. Engineer was slightly scalded but Biot to the extent that he was un- Bable to work. Last night a wrecking force f from Roanoke came here and ■ cleared up the debris. K| North Carolina, H Stokes County, Sauratown Town -19 To whom it may concern : 9V This is to certify that on the ■ 14th day of December, 1910, H personally appeared before me ■ hi Walnut Cove, J. H. Fulton, H Hubbard Ferguson, J. W: New ly man and Thomas Hairs ton, and ■ after being duly sworn by me I as to the correctness of the (5) ■ five bushel tub used on Peter W. J| Hairston's farm for measuring ■ corn, say that they have seen It measured and that it is a correct measure, so say each A and all of them. Witness my hand and seal the £ay and date above mentioned. L. G. LEWIS, J. P. [Seal.] JCNDS WINTER'S TROUBLES. To many, winter is a season of trouble. The frost bitten toes and fingers, chapped hands and lips, chilblains, cold sores, red 4 and rough skins, prove this. But ~M such troubles fly before Bncklen's Arnica Salve. A trial convinces. G&atest healer of Burns, Boils, Piles, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Sprains. Only 25cat all Druggists NOTICE! ' I To Whom It May Concern : Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned, that applica- j tion will be made to the next ses sion of the General Assembly of North Carolina, for the passage ] «f an act amending the Charter of the town of Walnut Cove, : • Stokes County, N. C., by extend- j lag the corporate limits thereof, 1 qsd also amending said Charter te other respects. . ' This the 7th day of Dec., 1910. \ • J. WILL EAST, i When your feet are wet and L Mid, and/ your body chilled 1 through and through from ex- ] f [ bathe your feet in hot water be* J R fore going to bed, and you art j U alma* certain to ward off a i lEcL Mda by aU j 1 ■ 1 i DANBURY, N. C., DECEMBER 21, 1910. &L. *- wn trscti*. - ~'T r " 1 Mrs- Allen Improving—Kin| tfcZf HighlSchooTProiressint- j . IKing, N. C. Dec. 19.|| Mrs. G. M. Allen who has been right sick with typhoid is convalescent, also little Gladys Nicholson who has typhoid pneu monia. Mr. Overby the photographer will spend the winter at King, much to the delight of the people. Miss Grabbs, of S. F. C. is vacation with her parents.! Mrs. O. o.[Grabbs is visiting relativesjin Greensboro. IMrs.'B. L. Grabbs, of Winston, visited her parents the past week. Mrs E. H. Caudle and children, of Winston, are visiting in King. Mrs. Thomas Baker, of Ger manton Route 1, is visiting in King. Listen out for the wedding bells. The King High School will close Dec. 23, for Xmas. Prof. Bowman attended the teachers meeting Friday. King High School is progresf ing nicely with 175 enrolled King Baptist S. S. will have their entertainment on Monday night the 26. BOTH OF US. Dillard. Dillard, N. C., Dec. 19—Mr. Ashley Willis and sister Helen spent a night recently at Mr. C. A. Mitchell's. Dr. J. H. Ellington, of Sandy Ridge, was here Sunday. Mrs. Wesley Mitchell is better after several weeks' sickness. Messrs. Watt and G. F. Daniel of Pine Hall were here on busi ness Monday. Mr. F. M. Davidson went to Danbury Monday to qualify for J. P. for the next two years. The old veterans are all happy. Their Xmas presents (pensions), arrived last week. A. Notice. King, Nov. 2. All students above the 7th grade, of Stokes County, who are thinking of entering school for this year, should give special attention to the unexcelled oppor tunities offered by the State High School at King. The enrollment at present is 148 in all departments. High School 30. Board offered by the best families at $8 per month. For particulars address prin cipal High School. J. R. CAUDLE, Sec't State High School. NOTICE. All members of the Farmers Union of Hartman Local are re quested to attend a meeting of the union Dec. 31st, 1910, at 2 o'clock P. M., at Young's school house. Some important matters will come before the union. BANKS ON SURE THING NOW 4 'l'll never be without Dr. King's New Life Pills again," writes A. Schingeck, 647 Elm St, Buffalo, N. Y. "They cured me of chronic constipation when all others fail ed." Unequaled for Billiousness Jaundice. Indigestion, Headache, Chills, Malari and Debility. 25c at all Druggists. - v . '1 had been troubled with constipation for two years and tried, all the best physicians in Bristol . Tenn., arid thqy could do nothing for me," Writes Tkoi. E. Williams, Middleboro, *y» TWe packages *of- Cham beriain'f wWnach and , Liver Takfe* eared me," fwwtotm all dealers. YOUNG MAN MISSING f JOHN PALMER DISAPPEARS i Farmer of Brown Ntn. Believed i to Have Committed Suicide — i Search Being Made. A telephone message to the Reporter today announced that there is a good deal of excite ment in the Brown Mountain , 1 country over the disappearance of Mr. John Palmer, a young 1 man about 30 years of age, and r the possibility of his suicide. Mr. Palmer, who lived at the • northwest end of Brown Mt., . left home early Tuesday morn > ing, carrying a gun and an axe, t and failed to return home at night Today the neighbors • started a search for him, and ■ though the axe was found about - a mile from Mr. Palmer's home, i no sign of the missing man or the gun had .been discovered up r to noon, and the search is still in progress. 1 Mr. Palmar 'a said to have acted ratht-v strangely in one or i more instant s recently, and it is the opinion of the family and - friends that his mind may be affected and that he might have - taken his life. LOCAL ITEMS. Mr. J. E. Hutchens, of Peter's Creek, Va., will remove to Mt . Airy the first of next year and I engage in general merchandising. Mr. Jas. Martin, of Meadows, and W. C. Martin, of Moore's f j Springs, visited Danbury today. f • Surveyors are in Surry making i the first survey in an effort to ] 1 find the most desirable line for the new railroad from Mt Airy to Roanoke, Va. The line they j are now at work on starts at the „ Junction and goes up Ararat river for some distance. There are two other lines that will be considered before the road is lo cated, says the News. Mr. Milton Southern, of Ger man ton Route 1, told the Repor ter yesterday that many farmers of his neighborhood had killed t good-sized porkers recently, and ( that the people were getting in , much better fix with regard to I raising their home supplies. This is pleasing news, Mr. Southern. People who produce their sup plier are really independent. ( Tobacco may sell high or low, and they will live. But the man who depends on tobacco alone t will surely come to grief finan cially. You may go all over the county and wherever you find a farmer with money in the bank, you will find a farmer who buys mighty little meat and bread and daisy middlings. Christmas presents. Boyles 1 Mercantile Co. | MONEY! MONEY! i [ For Boys and Girls who will ' , sell a few of our brand new jewelry novelties. Write us to send you ten articles to sell at 10c. each, and when sold send us the SI.OO and we will send you i choice of a nice ring or a pair of scissors, We also give a 1 liberal cash commission to our ' ; regular agents. Write us to . send you these ten articles and ] i if you get along all right we will give you a regular agents : plan and put you where you can make some money. We . have a large assortment of prem iums, such as watches, low cut bracelets, razors, and etc., those we give our regular agents. ! Write today for goods and let' ♦ get acquainted. Wa are sure yoo will Uke our premiums, r.nd can help you make some money Um, Address, . iMtbera Novelty is. Bex Mi Isrwttk. N. C. ji ON KING ROUT# .2 MANY BIG PORKERS KILLED New Buildiajs Going Up Mr. Edwia Idol Sells Out aad Wilt Go West Quick Step S|lck holders Meet • t King Route 2. Dec. 19—The farmers of this section are in good spirits with plenty of meat, corn and wheat for another year. A lot olnuw buildings are go ing up on King Routes 1 and 2. Many fine porkers have been butchered the past week. Mr. S. K. Anderson killed two that tipped the beam at 826 ; I. G. Gentry one, 508; W. H. Boyles 3, 1,008 1-2; R. G. Gentry 3, 948; 1. B. Gentry 3, 820; Joe Boyles, 2. 723, arid many others that we haven't lpr»ed the weight. Mr. Edwin Idol, of King Route 2, { sold out hit property last Friday. Mr. Idol expects to leave with -his family next Mon day for Spokane, Washington. We wish Them a safe journey. The directors of the Farmers' Quickstep Telephone Co. held their meeting the 13th at which time there was a good number of lines and phones turned in to the company. The directors made some changes and connected the Olive Grove division to the switchboard at G. A. Jones' and it is giving good service. Mr. A. S. Marsh sold a load of tobacco last week for 22 1-2 a round. SCRIBBLER. LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS, Pjjpnacfs, N. C., Dec. 19. Dear Santa Claus : lam a girl twelve years old and weigh 116 pounds. Will you please bring me some apples, candy, oranges, bananas and cocoanuts. MARY M. COLLINS. Pinnacle, Dec. 19. Dear Santa Claus ; lam a little boy four years old. I have no brothers or any sisters and you bet I get lone some. Please bring me some candy, oranges, apples and a lit tle billy goat. Your little friend, ELMA COLLINS. King, Dec. IS. Dear Sant Claus : I will write you a little letter to let you know where I r.m. I live in West King. I want you to bring me a pop gun and a knife. I have a billy-goat. Please bring me a set of harness and a cart, so I can drive him. Bring me some car.-iy, apples, oranges, and if you have any other things for a little boy, bring them along. Your loving little l» y, RELA rULLLVM. NOTICE—The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Stokes County Fair Association v/ill be held at Kinpr on Saturday. .Tan. 1, 1911, ono o'clock P. M. WILL R. KIGER. Sec. CORD WOOD-CUTTERS-We have a largo boundary of wood we war.t cut in cord wood at once. R. P. JOYCE AND ROBT. A. PJEDGECOCK. Wlieti yuu have a cold get a bet tie of Chamlierlain's Cough liemedy. It will soon fix you up ali right, and will ward off any tendency toward pneumonia, t his remedy contain* no opium or ether nareotic and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult Sold by all dealers. • Xjnas. presents, aeady. fruits mm toy*. r , L. R. COS. . '.. .• . . ) BORN CORN GROWERS. The Boys of this State Have Made | Good ia the Corn Coatests. Raleigh, Dec. 9.—Reporting to • the annual session of the State t Board of Agriculture his work " director of the Farmers' In situte and Boys' Corn Club di s viiions, T. B. Parker shows, i 1,154 boys in 74 couuties contest ed in the crop just harvested, , the reports showing yields of . from 20 to 146.28 bushel to the , acre. The report makes public i the winners of the prizes in the , ten districts into which the State t was divided. This district is as follows : Eigth district —Clarence Cof ; fee, Caldwell, 87.59; Lee P. , Frans, Stokes, 87.2; W. Cary » Coffee, Caldwell, 86.34. The average yield for the con r tests the state over 58.75 bushels, r There were 83 boys obtaining ) yields of over 75 bushels, 33 boys . over 100 bushels ; ten boys over 130 bushels, and five boys over 140 bushels. 9 1 I THE PINNACLE HIGH SCHOOL i We are anxious that every per t son who is thinking about at > tending school this year learn > something of the advantages and » opportunities offered by the Fin » nacle High School. We offer the ] same opportunities as are offered by other State High Schools, f Any student who lives in Stokes i county, and can enter the eighth grade, may come without cost of tuition. You will not find your school expenses less at any scool than they will be here. Board and room rent, light, fuel, furnished for SB.OO per j month. It has been circulated through different parts of the county that students could not 3ecure board in the town. This is a mistake. Students can secure board in private families near the school buildin,'r. and there are several families who are anxious to take boarders. These houses are only i a short distance from the school r building. For those who wish to . work for board, there are oppor > tunities open to good, honest, . hard-working boys. This offer is for a limited number only, at the present time. We have a large and commo i dious building. conveniently | arranged in every way. There jis no ether school building in r Stokes county that is as large [ and so well equipped as the ,; school building here. All the ! i people are proud of their school ! building, and realize what a i J great benefit the school is to the community. The good j ladies of the town through the , association for the betterment of public schools, have present ed to the school 'a nice piano, and also have purchased some : new desks for the school. We : wish to extend to them our ': many thanks for these valuable 1 ! gifts to the school. ' i If there is any information i you wish in regard to the 1 school, we will gladly give you j the desired information. I Address | T. L REVELLE, Principal. Pinnacle, N. C. *! I Stock of Goods. Mill, Eaiiso. Etc For Sale. Attef Nov. 21, 1910, I will of-' fer mylentire stock of goods at: i cost Also my store house, gas ' olene engine and corn mill. I have about $5,000 worth of goods, i They must go regardless of cost i as I aim to move my business to Greensboro. Everybody that I [runs an account with me must eomsand settle their accounts St ones. Your friend. B. HUTCH EMI, PMwVCw*.?* ' '' v ' n-a-Uh—" 2.019 IN SURRY JAIL ■ f STOKES MEN FOR HOMICIDE F. G. Soothera and «Son Herrata Charted With Killiaf John Wall At Pilot Mt Last Friday. It was learned here Saturday that F. Gid Southern and his 14- year-old son, . Jlcrmon, engaged inja row Frkfctf with Southern's son-in-law, John H. Wall, in which the latter was stabbed, dying three hours later. The re port is that Southern and Wall were about to come to blows when Southern's son stepped be tween them and stabbed Wall over the heart with a knife. Another report says that though the boy struck Wall he had no knife, and it is said by some that the old man stabbed Wall. The father andjson were given a preliminary hearing on Satur day and bound over to the Surry county Superior court, and in de fault of bond were committed to jail at Dobson. F. G. Southern is a former cit izen of Stokes, and is well known here, having moved from this county to High Point a few years since and later to Pilot Mt The deceased who married Southern's daughter, was about 40 years of age, and both families lived in the same house. Sandy Ridge. Sandy Ridge. Dec. 16. Messrs. Editors : Will you please allow me space in your vauable paper for a few lines as I have not seen any thing from our neighborhood re cently. Mr. M. S. Steele is having erected anew chimney to his dwelling. People are very busy preparing for Xmas. The Smithtown school taught by Mr. E. H. Biggs, will have an appropriate Xmas entertainment on Thursday evening before Xmas at 1:30 o'clock, that being Dec. 22. The public is cordially invited. The school is progressing nice ly, they haveing on roll 72 and made an average of €0 the first month. Well my friends as Xmas is drawing nigh let us remember why we call it Xmas We call it Xmas because our Saviour was born at that time, so instead of seeking our own pleasure during Xmas, let's seek to please him who died that we might live. May God bless you all with a happy Xmas. SCHOOL BOY. Tax Collecttioaa Poor. Sheriff C. M. Jones has just completed his second round »f the county for the collection of the 1910 taxes and informs the Reporter that he collected less than $3,000 on both rounds. The Sheriff is very anxious for the people to pay up as the public school teachers will soon have to be paid, and other expenses met The State Treasurer is also call ing on the county for the State's share of the taxes. Dr. Joel Hill died at his home at Lexington last week. He had been in declining health for sev eral years. He spent a short while at Piedmont Springs last summer. The quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less the danger from pneumonia and other serious disease. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va., says : "I firmly believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the

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