Page 2 Santa Claus Letters From the Little Folks. Dan bury, N. C.. Dec. 16. Dear Santa Claus : lam a small girl, but my wants are many. I would like some flower vases, box of station ary. some candy, oranges and nuts. Your devoted friend, ANNIE CAMPELL. Dan bury, N. C., Dec. 22. Deal* Santa Claus : I "am taking the pleasure to write you a letter. I will tell you what I want you to bring Xmas. I want you to bring me a doll, a l l tea set. some candy, oranges and anything that you can spare me. Good by Santa. LILLIE CAMPBELL. Walnut Cove, Route 5, Dec. 9. i Dear Reporter: As I haven't written in a long I time. I thought I would write 1 again. Well it is most Christmas and ; I guess Santa Claus is getting ; up his toys for the little boys j and girls. lam going hunting Christmas with papa. lam ex- i pecting a nice time. Papa gave \ me a rifle for a birth day pres ent. It costs4.oo dollars and it am goina to try it Christmas on I j birds and rabbits. , Your friend, BURTON B. GRIFFIN, j; Smith, Dec. 15. I, Dear Reporter : |, As my desk mate is writing I will write too. His name is McHone. My teacher's name is Miss Susie Grogan. She is a fine teacher. My studies are selling, granimer, history, geography, arithmetic. I have a sheppard dog, his name is Shep. He will run the children. 1 have missed 4 days fromii school. I will ask a riddle : What is it that runs and never walks; has a tongue and can't talk. Your friend, P. ERASTUS BURGE. Mothers we have suits forj your boys. I V... mmmm We are glad to announce to our friends that J *CK mmmmm HILL is now back with us for the balance of the season. He will be on every sale and will nive hi* personal attention to each pile of your tobacco and see that every pile brings the top market price. Mr. Hill has been a famer all his life and is now, and he & knows how to sympathize with the farmers. He is* «t recognized as one of the besj judges of tobacco in the State, and this enables him to be a great hel,» to sou - in selling your tobacco. If you have sold with us, you will come again; if tj you have not, don't put it off any longer, for you are - ft losing money. Bring us your NEXT LOAD and you |j will be pleased with your sale. Jack Hill is buying { a lot of tobacco and is the most liberal buyer on the market. He wants a large quantity of good wrap pers and is paying high prices for them. He is no | stranger to the farmers of this section, as he has £ been on the Winston market for 19 years and has helped to bring about the best accommodations that the farmers have ever had in Winston. The far mers'interest is first with him, his own next. He will always meet you with a smile and a kind word that is natural with him. Sales at the Leader are averaging high and our en tire sales for several days during November were around $12.00 per hundred average and for some days the average was around $13.00 per hundred. . Our first sale days for December are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Come to see us. Your friends, LEADER WAREHOUSE. * / W.i. % '•« '■* * r w v*: !•': V v Danbury, N. C. Dec. 16. Dear Santa Claus : I am a small gir;l but I want a big Xmas. I like dolls, tea sets, little beds, chairs, lots of candy, oranges and nuts. Your friend, TRUDIE NUNN. i Danbury, N. C., Dec. 16. My dear Santa : Do you know what I want ? Well, I will tell you. A doll, a toy bed, chairs, a pair of gloves, a nice warm toboggin and a little bit of candy. Remember me Your little friend, LILLIE YOUNG. Danbury, N. C., Dec. 16. Dear Old Santa : I want a lot for Xmas. I have been a good boy and believe you will bring me something nice. I would like an auto wagon, a horn; a toy train, some candy, oranges and nuts. I am your little friend, JAMES JOYCE. Winston Salem, N. C., Dec. 19. Dear Santa Claus : I will write you a few lines and tell you what I want you to bring me. I want you to bring me some oranges, apples and candy. My little sister said bring her a doll that can open and shut its eyes and some oranges, apples and candy. Good by Santa, MARY CROMER. Walnut Cove, N. C., Dec. 17. Dear Santa Claus : I will write you a letter to tell you what I want you to bring mo. Bring me a doll that will open and shut its eyes, a bed for the doll to sleep on, some oranges, apples, candy and a cocoanut. I have two little sisters, bring them something too. Bring n"e a ring. Your little friend, PEARL MAY ISOM. | Cups and Saucers 2£c a set. i Boyles Mercantile Co. Nt. Airy District Stewards Meeting At Walnut Cove. Walnut Cove, Dec. 16.—The district stewards' conference of the Mt. Airy district, M. E. Church, South, which convened at Walnut Cove Tuesday, ad-i journed Wednesday evening after | a very successful session. Rev.! R. M. Taylor, of Mt. Airy, who i ! is presiding elder of this district, j 1 dispensed with several of importance, among which was the final settlement between the churches at Germanton and the. Walnut Cove circuit in regard to ! the parsonage at this place, Ger- i manton being allowed a propor tional part of the estimated rents for the last five vears. Several splendid sermons were preached during this conference. Range Contest closes Dec. 31, (ask.) Boyles Mercantile Co. j j Boys Knee Pant Suits. Boyles Mercantile Co. Furniture. Boyles Mercantile i Co. 50 Per Cent Better I » *1 have used less than one bottle of Cardui," writes I Mrs. Gertrude Ward, of Rushville, Neb., "and am feeling ■ fifty per cent better than when I began taking it B "Before taking Cardui, I had suffered with female ■ trouble, for eight years. My greatest trouble was irregu- ■ larity. I also suffered with severe pains, every month, ■ but now I am greatly improved and will recommend Car- H dui to all my suffering friends." I i CARDUI J 4B ■ The Woman's Tonic I The rare medicinal herbs of Cardui ire imported by H ; the manufacturers direct from Europe and are not to be ■ : found n any other medicine. . . ■ These ingredients arc what give Cardui its superiority, ■ , as a female inedieine and tonic, over any other medicine. ra For over 50 years Cardui has been the favorite worn- ■ an's medicine. The ladies like it, because it is so easy ■ { to take so gentle, so sate, so reliable in its results, and ■ thev have faith in its curative tonic powers, because of ■ i the thousands of other tadies it has helped. Try it today. I Writ* to- Udiet* Advisory Oept.. ChittMoow Medicine Co Ch«tt«oofOTeni. I for SftciaJ Instructions, and 64-paie book. "Home Treatment lor Women, tent tree. | : t THE DANBURY REPORTER SAVED FROM AWFUL DEATH How an appaling calamity in his family was prevented is told by A. D. McDonald, of Fayette ville, N.C. R. F. D. No. 8. "My sister had consumption," he writes, "she was very thin and pale, had no appetite and seemed I to grow weaker every day, as all I remedies failed, till Dr. King's New Discovery was tried, and so completely cured her, that she has not been troubled with a cough since. Its the best med icine lever saw or heard of." For coughs, colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhage or bronchial troubles, it has no equal. 50c, SI.OO. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all Druggists. fkIB.LTHECOUOM' I aho CUREthe LUMPS ! wmiDILKING'S riIWDISCOWRY ncnssu ! MP Alt THROAT AND LUNCiaOUBtIsS \G{/A/?A/Vr££D S/\T/SFACrOf>y I I rtCNSY REFUNDED. f I j Post Cards of Local Scenery Now Ready At the Reporter fl»fice. ! There is no prettier scenery! !in the world than the hill coun j try of Stokes county. A num- 1 j ber of excellent views have re j cently been made on post cards jat the Reporter office, including i pictures of Moore's Knob, Cas jcade. Pilot Mt., Bridge Across the Dan and Landscape, Dodd's Mill at Danbury, Stokes County I Court House and Piedmont Springs Hotel. Price postpaid to any address, 3 for 5 cents. Same price at the office. REPORTER. Danbury, N. C. If you contemplate the pur-j chase of a diamond it will pay! you to see A. J. Essex, Madi- j son's up-to-date Jeweler. | About 700 sample hats 40 to 1.85. Boyles Mercantile Co. i ' i GOWANS' I | 1 King of Externals j • \Sells itself wherever' i ! [introduced Imitators; i ! [have tried to imitate, x i ! k and substitution has;' j been attempted Bu. ' j » ones GO WANS fl!w \ Gowansfor I ! and congestion. ! It hi vfn us III";/'nrt h> r+"n:n- ' I moml How,ins Pm/i 'V" '>'!•: f r 1 r Intlitmnmiion, .» ui' //.•• | throat ii nil ctwsi. , ISV* h.\ ; >!•: f fiuWitrt* f'nriir.tllon tit.- t:r »,r X'ffufl lll'll HfVtr" hinl A . . \ I bURUNU iOS DUUHV. j 1 ttnriitigfoH, X. ( . I BUY Ta-QAY! HA¥E IT l*>HE NOtfE | Ail Or.«*Ul. »1. Soi S.««. 1 (lIWM MS6MU 1 . CO.. a ! ui ■ iT 'i t i rr'aar.:;^.^j| '■an i.-w ' • I" IIOR"" 11 IS nuLCSg M We have just received a big lot of ## EXTRA GOOD HORSES AND MULES •• •# If you need any Stock we can certainly w wm suit you in Price and Quality. S COME TO SEE OUR STOCK B !& We will be glad to show you what we S have. You'll find them at our old stand M I# SMOAK & M'REARY N §§ No. 227 Church Street, ZZ || WINSTON-SALEfl^^^jj I DODSON & CO. I | WALNUT COVE, N. C. J I Carry everything kept in a first Z I class store. Men's and Boys 1 # | Clothing, Overcoats, Sweat- Z I ers, Shoes for Men, Women # and Children, Hats and Caps Z | for Men and Boys, Ladies # | Dress Goods of all descrip- Z I tions, a complete line of heavy 9 » and fancy Groceries. We Z * make a specialty of Buying 9 | and are always in position Z I to meet competition. Come 9 | to see us. Z * Walnut Cove Roller Mills. We only run Mill 5 days out of each wekk T but do not run on Thursday. We have a large custom grinding but want more, and we guarantee to please every one. So you people who are not in the habit of coming to us will please come and try us. If we don't please you come back and » tell us. We sell flour, meal, chop, bran and corn and buy wheat. Yours for more business, JOHN R. LACKEY WALNUT COVE, N. C. ! Saw Mills * and \ Wood Working I Machinery $ ; 1 For the best lines built, at ji right prices, don't buy till \ yQU see # * T. J. THORE WESTFIELD, N. C. «• . . ' . • ; .. . - * ______ i i;. - J. ■ .