'1 >***+* m* mm l WTOAHOOWIWMSNA—IM » \ I WNWIMW.' >♦»«..' \ *sm LI ♦>» •«*»«• -■«♦-• ••«'*'. -U • THE DANBORY REPORTER " ■ 11 A. I. —___ __—- VOLUME XXXIX. AT WALNNBT COVE > :.(. '■ s COALIHNETO BE DEVELOPED Jafca $. Fulton Op«M Grocery .1 Jtoi* Death of Mrs. Taylor Tilley-rEney Jinn Improving —OthjrNews. Walnut Cow, Jan. 85.-Mr. J. W. ffcptie, of Donnaha, who If an miner, is here rx fbr th| purpose of forming a compear and developing the , poal itfae Mir toWn. Mr. Ptynejttfcks the coal here is folly asjfbod as that mined in v. tpplnia, though he says It will to jpo.&nna gjgoolppstanoe to get good *uff visited oki il'-Y-' Mr. mior WleyVwtfedfed la Wiifph last Monday. Her bm-jht eat. o* met hers by the rstotivg|#tod carried oat to Mr. 'Ames Itywn's sad on Monday Was bOilM *t the family bury ing grounds. Funeral services Nrere conducted by Elder Fsgg. * Mr. pO. Watkins, of Ashe ville, wfll visit relatives in town week. Mr. Jeiin Fulton has opened up a first elass grocery store in * Mr. Dqdsoo's old stand. Mr. Thomas Rothrock has bfught out Mr. Jseoe Lawson's store and took charge this week. I Let everybody who wants a Iftln Walnut €ove come to the sale the 16th of Bsb., which Will be the last lots sold here uftless there is an administra tes sale some time in far diftant future." k ' Mr. Dennis Rierson, 17 years old, soa of the latf James Rier son, of Mt Airy, took the train here Monday for Missouri where i be goes to make his home with '/ Mr. Kney James,* one bf our merchants, has boon urtwwly for tbe last fifteen days with pneumonia, is slowly improv ltki» to. «f» Uwh, iraother or Mrt. Joha Burton', Is pp agatoafter a long illness, i Mr.w!#urton has aboat re- Wramrfrom a recent ißness. '* rw—- — rT] '' v jtoftlt?ei*t ThtSwd Ctn Day. .Be sire to attend the seed Corn meetings, as "Uncle Sam" tosend men from other! counties to hes*eloct jwur seed corn. The meeting at Dsnbury Will beheld on Friday, Jan. 2Kb,' snd the other at King on Satur day, 28th. Meetings open at ' IP o'clock A. M. r - •; Ijj V Ball Genu Sstordsy. ; Pine Log and Flat Shoal pul> Ite school baseball teams played* the first game of the season Saturday, The score was 2 and tta Fine Log team requests any public school team "I had been troubled with DAMAGE DOME BY MApDQG, Pijs Go Msd from Being Bitten By Same Dog Which Bit Cords Smith —Some Socisl Affairs st Brown Mt—Otber News Items. Brown Mtn., Jan. 22. Editors Reporter : I would be pleased to have space in your paper for a few remarks in regard to majidegs. Yesterday I visited the farm of Mr. T. Smith While there I saw some fine pigs biting and tearing up everything in naaeh. They ware bittea by the same dog that bit Mr. Smith's son, Curtis, who is now in Raleigh 'beta* treated. It Is awful to think of the expense caused by worthless dog. r , { ; .' We do not know what all wals bitten by this dog, and the pOo-' pie of fee** MtiW toe living in dread of getting bit by. a dog, or losing their stock, .-cows pod Pig*. Mr. Smith's eon writes that there are new eases constantly coming in. The number being treated in Raleigh now is eleven. One child just three years of age, and we are told the treat ment is very painful. Two 6t the finest porkers'in this neighborhood were killed last Tusaday by Mr. Wm. tin. One weighed abtylf the other 4tt). , The the yoong people by Mr. and Mrs. George Simmpns Friday nJsbfc >wat a grand success. There "was a large crowd present, and good music. Everybody danced until they wished to drnce no more that night, yet there were many sad hearts when the time ar rived to say good bye to the | kind rhd jolly host and hostess. The dance given at the home 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Tucker Saturday night was one- of the nicest ever given at Brown Mtn. The young people danced until A #1 ■JIIVJ&I 9UIcCW/t AJI VAiouwy their gratitudie to Tucker tor th* pleasure given 4l then, and expressed many wisfajs frobe entertained thefe again. ,'We know seme- gid|' who WnM like to live in juikt each a house as Mr. Tuckers, and they are patiently waiting for 1913. That is leap year, you know ? Mr, and J. T. George reached 1 hoqie Saturday, after spending a few days In Winston. They report a nice time. Mr. Curtis Smith is expected home Friday. We will be glad to see him in school again. HENRIETTA. OLD SOLDIER TORTURED. ''For years I suffered unspeak able torture from indigestion, constipation and liver trouble," wrote A. K. Smith, a war veter an at Erie. Pa., "but Dr. King's New Life Pills fixed me ill right. They're simply great" Try them for any stomach, tyrer or kidney trouble. Only 25c at all Druggists. 1 Tobacco it reported ;to te bringing fair prieee on tfefr Wto* ton market this week. w iw/'i :w DANBURY, N. C., JANUARY 25, mi. GIBSON-BO YL ES MARRIAGE ON KING ROUTE 1 Miss Martha Boyles Bacorns the Bridsof Mr. W- H. Gibson— Csremoay Pcforacd By ROY. P. Oliver. King, Jan. 25.—A beautiful wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Boyles on King Route 1, on last Sunday morning at 10 o'clbck A. M. when this accomp lished daughter, Miaa Martha, and Mr. % H. Gibson, of King State 1, were happily joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. The bride was handsoawly at tired in cream.colored silk, while the groom wore a kuit of blue. • The Attendants were Mr, C. R. Boyles, of King Boots 2, as bast man, with Miss Maggie Boyles, of King Roots sister the bride, as maid of honor, follow ed by Mr. T. C. Boyles, brother of thehrid* u.d Miss Ola Ham, and Mr. R. E. Gibson, brother of the groom, with Miss Lula Southern. The ceremony was was performed by Rev. P. Oliver, of King Roots L The couple Ore among oar moot prominent and popular ybttng people, and they have the best wishes of a large circle of friends and relatives for a long and happy life. ONE PRESENT. J. A. Uhraei Sell* M«rcaatit«_ Sas . IMM T* Mr. Tkoe. MraA ' Mr. Jesse A. Lawson, of Law son vi lie, who has conducted a mercantile business at Walnut Cove during the past year, sold | his business last week to Mr. Thoe. Rothrock, of Walnut Core, Mr. Lcwson will return to his home and devote his atten tion to the mercantile business | which lis has there. Mr. Roth- J : rock w|s until recently a large stockholder in the Walnut Cove Mercantile Co., but $ i* learned thath# has disposed/of file interest in tfrat .business. % .yr". . ■ . SMd(«f>Dsys For Stokn Ceeety. In citer to assist the farmers of Stokes county hi selecting their Wed corn, our State Agent# the Farmers' Co-opera? tive Demonstration Work haa set apart Friday and Saturday, Jan. 27 and 28, 1911, for ti* seed com meetings in the coun . ty. One meeting will be held in the court house at Dan bury, lon Friday, Jan. 27, and the 'other in the school house at King, on Saturday, Jan. 28. And we earnestly request all demonstration men, and the farmers generally, to attend these meetings and bring with them a few earo of their best corn. And be sure to get in promptly at 10 a. m. or earlier if possible, as it will take die day to get through the work. So again we insist that all our men get in early. Respectfully, W. A. PETREE, County Agent F. C. D. Work. SsleJaSasry 27,1911 ' We will-sell one Geiser saw mill outfit, one vanfe mill, one fan of cows and one horse for g&yfe'sra; property will be sold under a mortfati Place of sale will be Obey Doyle's saw mill place, SSL!SI* %J» «riF4MpylJociy H® fe'A 1 ***** *• c * •; WROTE /FETTER BEKORE KILUNG HIMSELF Alien Intended Drowning Hi lE self U Mill Pond, Bat Cat His Throat Before teaching There— Resided Near The State Lias. Campbell, Jan. 20. Editor Reporter: If you will allow me spaee I will tell something of the suicide of Mr. WHlie Allen. Mr. Allen resided near the Staile lino, just north of Camp bell, and wsajtosut 25 years of ago. He leaves a mother, with whan fce'tfves ofee brother and sistof. Ho. owned some but did aet leave a will. ,|bst beftfre tSking bis own UfOihe Wrote a letter ia which Ito satd tbat he bad gOtton farts fa-ooMs bat did not saghew er letter bo «aßsd its tfcitt-fiard lo mover on has and said be iatoaded to diMm himself in a paad nearby Sad that he weald Isave a sign oa the baak so his people weald know where to find bis body, but before reaching tbf pond hit eat his throat, dy ing in a sfcert time. Mr. Allee was well thought of and didn't have any enemies. Hh "i**ed by neighbors and friends. A FRIEND. \ {KQctr* Qtctid. mating of the Qaickstep- Telephone Co*, at Ring, aome dayssjnce, the fol lowing officers were elected: D. F. Tillotson. President; J. S. IK Pulliam, vice president; Directors, to serve one year, D. F. Tillotson, J. W. Mickey. J. S. D. Pulliam. N. S. Jones, T. M. Lawson, S. T. Butner and 3. R. Fulp. ' The reports of the officers were Very gratifying. The system j has been greatly extened during the past year and extends into adjoining counties, as well as ifcveiing a'good part of Stokes. M ; Sav* a Pasties el -Tear FTaiaji , On* of the most comfortable feelings in the world is to have a certificate of deposit irt the bank, growing larger while yon sleep and while you are awake. Interest takes no Sundays. Lay aside a portion of your earnings, be they ever so small. We pay 4 per cent, compounded every 3 months. Your money back when you want it BANK OF STOKES COUNTY. Mr. W. J. Byerly, of Mount Airy, spent last night here. He left today for Walnut Cove, ac companied by Messrs. M. T. Chilton and N. E. Pepper. They are attending a meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Stokes County at Walnut Cove today. DEATH Itf ROARING FIRE may not mult from the of fire bugs, butsevere burns are caused that make a quick need for Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the quickest, surest cure for burns, 'Wounds, bruises, boils and sons. It subdues inflanation. It kills DEATH AT SUMMERFIELD. Mra. Haley Wiaf** v Passes Awsy -Urates. Moving His News. \ Summerfield, N. C., Jan. 21. Dear Editors: Please allow me to ask the attention of your readers for a abort while. We have had a nice little snow this week. Mrs. Haley Winfrey, of Sum merfield, got badly burned laat Saturday and died Sunday at 6JO o'clock. She waa 80 odd years old. She leavee two daughters and 6 sons to mourn their loos. Mrs. Winfrey was a good woman and was loved by all who knew her. She will be greatly missed in this oommuni ty. ' Miss Naomie Moran returned to her home near Sanunerfleld teat Monday, after a two week's -visit to High Point We learn that there was a big fire in Mechanicsville recently. They think the fire was found by two of the Mechanicsville girls. That is the lateet news out Watch out girls you will need the fire company next time. Mr. Z. N. Moran is moving his saw mill this week. We hope he will have good luck dur ing his moving. Mr. John Rice, of Summer field, is going to move back to High Point in a short while. We bate to see him leave our sec tion. Mr. Willie Deboe, of Greens boro, is up visiting at his farm this week. M. C. M. Wes Sizeaere Hart By Trsia At RnrslHslL It is learned that Wes Size more, a Stokes man who has been in West Virginia for 'some time, was badly bruised and hurt by a moving train at Rural Hall yesterday. Sisemore, it is said, had just come in on the train I and Stepped in front of it while it was moving. He was knock ed down and dragged for some distance with the., result above stated. Biaai* Edwards Bittea By Msddotf At Piaaack Bennie, the young SOB of Mr. W. J. Spainhour, of Pinnacle, was recently bitten on the leg by a supposed m&ddog. Young Edwards was carried to Winaton and a madstone applied to the wound., lit stuck to the place thirty-two hours. SOLVES A DEEP MYSTERY. "I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart," wrote C. B. Rader, of Lewisburg, W. Va., "for the wonderful double benefit I got from Electric Bit ters, in curing me of both a se vere case of stomach trouble a;d of rheumatism, from which I had been an almost helpless suf ferer for ten years. It suited my case as though made just for me. M BV>r dyspepsia, indiges tion, jaundice and to rid the system of kidney poisons that; cause rheumatism, Etectric Bet ters has .DA eaual. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteedto satisfy Only 50c at all Drag : , • :T" ~ • . - -.:"?' V' IV™. • No. 2,023 3 STORES ROBBED MERCHANTS LOSE GOODS, ETC. TUIVM Broke Into Stores At Wstout Cove, Meaddwa tod Denait Saturday Night—No Cloe To Guilty Partiea. Some time Saturday night the stores of Messrs. Jacob Fulton, at Walnut Core, J. Wm. More field, at Meadows, and a merchant at Dennis, whose name we are unable to learn, were broken into by thieves and from each store a considerable quantity of goods wore stolon. It is learned that neither of the merchants were able to tell just how much their loos was, owing to the fact that the thieves carried such a variety of things. For instance, Mr. MoreAeld missed part of a box of tobacco, a pair of shoos, a pistol and other items. It is very probable that all of the stores were broken into by the same parties as it was all done the same night and it is only about 6or 7 miles between the storss. No clue to the guilty parties has been found at this time. Mr. Tfcoaaa Kotbrock Boras His Pocket Book Cootsiois| About $300.00. WhDo%|eeping his store at Walnut Cove Monday Mr. Thomas Rothroek dropped his pocket book and swept it out into the trash pile. Jhe trash was horned-end the pocket book and contents with it In it was $30.00 in money and about 92ft) in checks. Mr. Rothroek of course loses the money but will secure duplicates for the checks. Moral: Keep your money in the bank. Tom Rothroek is a depositor of the Bank of Stokes County, but let this much ac cumulate in his pocket, expect ing to make a deposit soon. Don't delay a day to put your money in the bank. Procras tination is dangerious. Pay by check. If a check gets burnt, the amount • can be recovered. If currency burns, it is gone forever—forever. Stockholders Meetings. Today the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of Stokes County will be held in the bank building at Walnut Cove. This evening at 8:00 o'clock the Farmers' and Com mercial Bank, of Rural Hall, will hold their annual meeting. Notke of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the copartnership formerly existing between us the under signed, L. M. McKinxie and Goo. H. CharlesL under the style or Arm of L. M. McKenzie & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent and the said business will in the future be carried on by said L. M. Mckenzie, who wiU accept and pay all the debts con tracted by the late partnership, i and all parties that are due the | firm above named are hereby directed to pay the same to L.M. McKinxie. German ton EC. This tho^ay^^. If* T ■* " . '* m'\ .j Dwbunr * T