W- i'iip- Page 2 PLEASANT OCCASION OAK GROVE SCHOOL CLOSES Mr. Isley and Miss Gentry Had Pre pared Excellent Program—Enter tainments Also At Private Homes. King, March 6—The Oak Grove School on King Route 2 taught by Mr. Isley, of Guilford county, assisted by Miss Emma Gentry, of King Route 2, came to a close last Saturday with a nice entertainment. Owing to i the fact that it was a busy time 1 with the farmers, the attendance, was not very large. The enter-1 prising teachers had spent a great deal of time and gone to much trouble to get up the ex cellent program. The exercises; consisted principally of dialogues and rec'tations, lasting in all about 5 hours. The porch of thb school building was used as a stage, having been nicely deco-1 rated with cedar and evergreens, j A string band occupied one cor ner of the stage, and rendered lively music. One hour was given at noon for dinner, which was served in picnic style. Probably the most interesting feature of the entertainment and the one that attracted the most attention was the Darkies' Fes tibule at Big Bethel Church and the dispelling of Big Jim, which held the crowd spellbound for about one hour. The singing by the school was especially good. It was a delightful scene at the 1 close when the girls and young ladies came on the stage and sang "Nearer, My God. To Thee." The music for the oc casion was furnished by the Redman String Band, which was first class. After the close of the school exercises in the evening Mr. R. G. Gentry, of King Route 2. ..rave a musical entertainment on last Saturday night at his home in honor of his son Mr. J. J. Gentry of Winston-Salem. Mu sic was furnished by the McGee 5: Redman String Band. Mr. Gentry furnished the attendance with plenty of apples and cider, which was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Boyles. of King Ronte 2, gave for the en 'oyment of the young people of this community a nice party Saturday night in which quite a number of young people were engaged. The crowd arrived at 6:30 o'clock and after spending several hours in amusing them selves in playing many fireside games, which lasted until 10, o'clock, Mrs. Boyles brought in | a cake in which was placed a! ring and thimble, and as the say- j ing*goes, the one cuttinr nearest, the ring, the first to get married, ' and the one cutting nearest the i thimble, never to get married, ' and Miss Mattie Lunsford hap- j pened to be the lucky person. | Excellent music, which added i much to the enjoyment of the j young people, was furnished by j Messrs. H. C. Gordon, D. C. Browder and Darius Eaton. SCRIBBLER, j Center tables and bed springs. Boyles Mercantile Co. i Sunday shirts. Boyles Mer- 1 cantile Co. •••••••• • • • • • •••••• i BLUE BLUE | # • nsmgc We mean BLUE SERQE SUITS, for men, l§| #voung nen and boys. Absolutely the lar= gest shipment of fine BLUE SERGE SUITS, ® 0 ever brought to Winston=Salem. (JH 0 These were purchased in a large deal, and we • guarantee every suit to be from 15 to 25 per a cent, cheaper than the regular price. ™ 5 Suppose you give them a look. ® • • • BOYLES BROS. COMPANY • X WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. 2 Germanton Route 1. German ton Route 1, March 6. On last Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowman gave an apron party in honor .of their sisters, Miss Nannie and Ellen Fowler. Those present were Messrs. Tom Tuttle, Carl White, Ernest Fowler, Walter Bow man, Jack Wall, Joe Hampton, Joe Wall, Walter Martin, Hiram Tuttle; Misses Susie and Ida Bowman, Nealie and Laura Tuttle, Nannie, Primmie and . Ellen Fowler; Mrs. Florence i Tuttle and Mrs. Joe Bowman. ; After spending the hours so ! pleasantly, the jolly crowd ! extended their appreciation of the gathering to Mr. and Mrs. Bowman, and then departed I for their respective homes. Mr. Harry Slate, of Pinnacle, ! visited relatives on Germanton Route 1 last Saturday and Sun day. | Listen out for the wedding | bells to ring down at Mr. Bill j Baker's about Easter. I 'Tis a fine boy at Mr. Bud I Baker's. SCAT. Victory Claimed By Default. King. N. C., March 1. Messrs. Editors : Will you allow us space in your paper to say that we who were to have met the represent atives of the Pinnacle High School in joint debate, on the question of Capital Punishment, this coming week, think it strange that such, debate should have been postponed for a year by those who challenged us for such a contest, and we would like to suggest to the public that whoever makes such a challenge again mean business. We claim the victory to be ours. A. S. FRANCIS. C. W. HUTCIIINS. M. B. NEAL. The new county of Avery makes the one hundredth county in North Carolina. Here's wishing it well and that it will rise above the pauparj class from the start,—if not. it should never have been created. The latter can be said of Hoke, also created by the present General Assembly, it being the ninety-ninth coun ty, Avery being constituted at a later date in the session. Mr. H. A. Blair continues to • improve. He has had a severe I siege of rheumatism. KILLS A MURDERER. A merciless murderer is Ap ! pendicitis with many victims, | but Dr. King's New Life Pills j kill it by prevention. They ! gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that | clogging that invites appendici ! tis, curing Constipation, Head ache, Billiousness, Chills, 25c at all Druggists. Bureaus. Boyles Mercantile Co. THE DANBURY REPORTER PRETTY MARRIAGE ; I GRAHAM-PETREE WEDNESDAY ' ' Mr. William Robert Graham, of Win ' i ston-Salem, Leads Miss Maggie , Blum Petree To The Altar—Will Live In Winston-Salem. i German ton, March 6—Last > I Wednesday, March 1, there was t a beautiful marriage at Oakland i j Farm, the home of Mr. and Mrs. ! I'R. J. Petree, on Germanton ' | Route 1. In the presence of a : ! large nnmber of guests both > | from the country and from near ' by towns. Miss Maggie Blum, f the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Petree, was united to Mr. I William Robert Graham, of \Y in ston-Salem. During the sweet strains of "The Flower Song." 1 rendered by Miss Minnie Blum, ■ and Mendelsohn's wedding march, by Miss Maud Petree, ; : the bride's sister, the happy | I couple, preceded by little Robert and Ruth Petree, as ribbon j 1 bearers, and Mr. Gilbert Petree and Miss Harriet Ross, marched into the spacious and beautifully decorated parlor, and there amid , many relatives and friends the . ceremony was performed by the Rev. D. H. Petree, of La Grange, ' N. C. After congratulations by the guests, the wedding party ' I repaired to the dining hall. ( where a bountiful supply of de- . licious refreshments was served. The parlor was beautifully deco rated with ferns, white hya- ■ cinths, white carnations and ' sweet peas, and the color scheme ' of green and white was carried ' out both in the parlor and dining II hall. The bride was beautifully (attired in white embroidered '! batiste, and carried a lovely bou 'quetof white hyacinths, white' 1 carnations and maiden ferns. The maid of honor was attired in a lovely pink embroidered ba tiste. The presents were beau tiful and numerous, and beto kened the high esteem in which . the young couple are regarded. The bride is well known to hun- j 1 dreds of readers of the Reporter. ; Her fine traits of character and 1 lovely, sweet disposition have > won friends to her by the score. • She is a graduate of Salem Acad emy, has taught in the public 1 schools, and also in the High ' School here, and no more popu ' lar or more competent teacher could be found than she. The . i groom holds a responsible posi . | tion in the office of Taylor Bros., 1 ' of Winston, and is a young man of the highest character and the brightest promise. J After the ceremony and after ! refreshments had been served to our hearts' content, and after an hour or so of social life, the guests began to leave for their respective homes, and the happy "; couple left for the train, leaving ' many tears behind them, board ing the train amid showers of rice, flowers and old shoes. They will make Winston-Salem i their future home. I ! Mr. Will Alley, of Hartman, has been confined to his room at home for some time with illness, but his many friends will be pleased to know that he ; is a pood deal better, though he is yet sick. A Memory of P B. Oakley. In memory of P. B. Oakley, son of J. W. and S. B. Oakley, of Spencer, Va., who died at Bandy, Va. in Tazweil county on Dec. 27, 1910. Oil! holy muse, (roiu tli.v wu-ml book, Inspire my soul foxing in noted devine. In soothing strains, to heal the heart* Of sorrowing ones still in this vale confined. Oh! may I weave a jrarland bright. To deck the brow of the departed one. To portray in breathing thoughts and burning words. The virtues of dear I'ete. Two little children near his heart. As nature seems to bind O! Lord a father to tliein be. And keep them from nil harm. His loving wife—don't grieve for him. Neither lament nor mourn. For he shall with his Jesus be. When thou art left alone. While he can never come to thee. Let not this grieve thy heart. For you can shortly go to him, Where you will never part. The son stiH lives and when The trumpet sounds to wake The sleeping millions beneath the ground. The voice will wake the the sleeping dust with glory in the sound. Then weep no more dear ones, For know he's too pure for this. On angels wings have wafted. To a world of endless bliss. We loved him. yes we loved him, But angels loved him more. They have sweetly called him To Jordan's shining shore. When the death anj>eJ came to summon him, To that undiscovered country far away. Death had no sting, the grave no victory. For he soared to the realm of day. We miss him, yes, we miss him. His loving looks so gentle and mild, Hut his spirit brightly beams in glory. Now a shining star of day Dear dying friend, than hast found a calm respose. Sweet relief from every earthy pain. Though • Mi earth we see thy face no In ilctiwu we will meet auain. ONK WHO LOVF.D HIM. NOTICE R. C. and S. C. Rhode Island Red eggs for sale. Price SI.OO per setting of 15. Special prices on large ammounts. R. L. NUNN. Westfield, N. C. Attention Customers. We have some special bargains for you in winter and spring weight clothing and pants. These are lots we have sold out except a suit or two of a kind, and in order to close these lots out, will sell them for less than cost. Also have a lot of shoes and oxfords to close out at a sacrifice. Our new stock for spring can't be beat. It's the best we ever bought for the price. Remem ber we carry an up-to-date line of general furnishings. Can please you and will make it to your interest to see us for what you need in our line. LEWIS & SIMMONS, Pilot Mtn., N. C. ; i Dress Goods. Bevies Mercr.n-, tile Co. Boys suits. Eoyles Mercan- j : tile Co. Lime and Cement. Boyles j Mercantile Co. Wire stretchers. Boyles Mer cantile Co. - If you have trouble in getting rid of your cold you may know that you are not treating it prop | erly. There is no reason why a cold should hang on for weeks and it will not if you take Cham iberlain's Cough Remedy, j For sale by all dealers. Blanks For Sale. | i Blank Land Deeds 25c. dozen, j Deeds in Trust 25c. dozen, Chat tel Mortgages oc. dozen, Land Posters oc. dozen. Postage paid by us. Address DANBURY REPORTER, DANBURY, N. C. W. F. BOWLES Offers For the Next Two Weeks : Calico, 5c per yard, IPercal, 8c per yard, Bleach, 8c per yard, White Goods for Waist, cheap, $1 Pants for 75c, 50c Shirts for 35c, Underwear and Blankets at cost $4 Shoes and Slippers for $2. Your friend W. F. BOWLES Walnut Cove, N. C. I SHIP YOUR PRODUCE I _ T0 I GRAVELY & COMPANY Commission Merchants g DANVILLE, VA. References furnished on application. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. R. R. ROCiERS J. I. FULTON ROGERS & FULTON, LAWYERS. Offices Jones Building, Liberty St. Winston-Salem, N. C. JOHN R. JONES Attorney - at - Law NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. General practice in nilStatecourts. Prompt attentiou to buHlnens. DR. THOMAS W. DAVIS. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office 405-7 Masonic Temple, Winston - Salem. N. C. Hours : Hto 12:30, 2to 4 and by appointment. REID P. JOYCE, Liveryman/ WALNUT COVE, N. C. Good Safe Teams and Careful Drivers. - DR. R. A. FRY, Dentist, i Office in Bank Building, i PILOT MTN., N. C. • tm | | I 1 f Wood's Trade Mark | Clover j Grass Seeds j be»t qualities obtainable j Sow Clover and Grass seeds in March on your fall-sown Wheat or other grain crops. I "Wood's Crop tells the ad- Special" vantages of these seedings, and gives prices and seasonable infor mation each month about all Farm seeds. ''Wood's Crop Special'' and 1 Descriptive Seed Catalog mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS j Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney-at-Law, DANBURY, N. C. Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in all State courts. \V. Ken fie .loliiiHon. Kretl M. Pni'rish. j JOHNSON & PARRISH, Attorneys and Counsellors At-Law. Masonic Temple. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Will practice in both State and Federal Courts. ! CHAS. O. McMICHAEL. J. E. SAINTSINO, Wentworth. Reldsville. M'MICHAEL & SAINTSING, Attorneys ami Counsellors at Law, Practice i'i State Bnd Federal 'Courts. All business given i prompt attention. Cbns. O. Mo- I Michael will be in Madison on I Saturdays, at his old office over It lie p st office PETREE, EAST & CO., ' | Real Estate and Rental Agents, WALNUT COVE, N. C. § King of Externals I I Stands supreme under J I every test. Feel sc-1 I cure, keep Go wans in I | (lie home. Gowans al- 5 ways conquers Croup jl and Pncusconi:i and j your doctor iiDSJiils. ( j Uoivano l'repurniio.i n .).••• K. v* n, my chihl when it wu.s iicspci,i!i lit with Pneumonia Immeiliatily utter tint secnnil niiplicitt ion my phyeiei/tn culled Hint ftmlinff ro ftrout ini improvement nrtlereil it* continuance. The chihl tv.cnvereil rapidly. i .J.tl h('K LKJlritffHi." 024 East Si. Allegheny, /'«. BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOV.K All Urnltliali SI. SOo. 2>lt. COWAN MEDICAL CO.. DUNHAM, N. C. Guirantiod. ind monij rifuntfad kf join Dra||lsl

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