SOLDIERS' DAY DATE SOON TO BE FIXED ' For the Annual Reunion of the Stokes County Ex-Confederate Soldiers—Chapter of Daughter* of k Confederacy to Be Organized ■ Before long the date for the annual re-union of the ex-Con federate soldiers of Stokes coun- i ty will be set, and the program of ceremonies arranged. Com mandant W. W. King has regu : /uurly organized the camp, and it is now a part of the State organ isation. a* At the next reunion a Chap ter of Daughters of the Confed eracy will be organized for the 'county, and a movement begun to raise funds to build a monu ment to the Stokes Confederate dead. Due announcement will be made in the Reporter of the date and program of the reunion. 7 f Obituary. William Thomas Smith, son of G. W. and Susan Smith, died March 6, 1911, aged 33 years and 1 day. In life he was an obedient son, a kind and loving husband and father, loved by all who knew jjaim. Last August he made a /profession of faith in Christ and was baptized into the member ship of Oak Ridge Baptist Church. During his last sickness he v continually exhorted his rela tives and friends to seek Christ assuring them that only in His service would they find "rest for the troubled soul." He often told his dear wife and people to weep not, for he feared not to die, only sorrowing that he must leave his loved ones, but always advised them to put their trust in God and meet him in a better world. A wife, two . small sons, father, mother, one ' sister, two brothers and many other relatives and friends are left to mourn their loss. He was laid to rest at the family » burial ground, beside little Ola I May, his daughter who died a year ago, and we hope that they can now sing together the sweet songs she loved around the great white throne. One by one earth's ties are broken, 4 As we see our love decay, ' And the hopes so fondly cherish ed, Brighten but to pass away. One by one our hopes grow brighter, As we near the shining shore. For we know across the river, Wait the loved ones gone be fore. A FRIEND. 5 TO CURE SORE BUNIONS • 2 Treatment Marvelouily Quick for c • Thla and All Foot Troubles. • "Dissolve two tables poonfuls of Calo etdo compound in a basin of hot water; ■oak the feet in this for full fifteen BlDUtes, gently massaging the sore parts. (Less time will not give doslred remits.) Repeal this each ulght until cure is permanent." All pain and Inflammation Is drawn out instantly and J the bunion #oon is reduced *£ to normal size. Corns and callouses can be peeled w right off and will stay off. \ AA} Sore, tender feet and • vk.Or' BnM> "J r - aweaty feet need but a few treaatments. A twenty-five cent package of Caloclde la usually aufflclent to put the worst i f«et in fine condition. - Cakxide ia no longer confined to only the doctors' oaa. Any druggist haa it in stock or Will quickly get it from his whole sale bouse. This will pr?ve a wel item to persona who have been v*ia}y tryinr to cure their foot troubles with IneffectivAableta and foot powders. y TO CAMP AT PIEDMONT Large Party of Members of Wins ton-Salem Young Men's Christian Association Coming July 3rd. Mr. Spring, director of athle tics in the Y. M. C. A., Winston- Salem, spent the day at Pied mont Springs Thursday. The object of Mr. Spring's visit was to make arrangements for the "annual camping trip" of the Y. M. C. A. boys of Winston- Salem. This was Mr.Spring's first visit to Piedmont and he was very much pleased with the place. The number of young men who will come along is not known but there will be quite a number of them. They expect to ar rive at Piedmont about July 3rd. J. M. Howell, a popular drug gist of Greensburg, Ky., says, We use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in our own household and know it is excellent. For sale by all dealers. Salem College Completes $300,000 Endowment. Winston-Salem, May 24.—An endowment fund of $300,000 has just been raised for Salem college, the oldest educational institution for women in the south, according to the announce ment made by President Howard Rondthaler at the commencement exercises today. The general education board of New York city gave SIOO,OOO of the amount, while Andrew Carnegie was the next largest donor, givings2s,ooo. For soreness of the muscles whether it duced by violent exercise or injury Chamberlain's Liniment is excellent. This Liniment is also highly esteemed for the relief it affords in cases rheumatism. Sold by all deal ers. Mrs. Mary A. Martin. Mrs. Mary A. Martin was born November 10, 1833, departed this life May 14, 1911, aged 77 years 6 months, and 3 days; was baptised into the fellowship of the Ayersville Baptist church Sunday, August 10,1902, by Rev. J. B. Johnson of which she lived a consistent member until death called her away. A loved one from us has gone. She will be greatly missed in the home, the church and the community. She leaves three children, five grand-children and three great grandchildren, a large niynber of relatives and friends to mourn their loss, but we believe our loss -is Heaven's gain. Her body was laid to rest in the family grave yard. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. T. J. Glenn and the writer. The large congregation that gathered at the funeral and the grave showed the high esteem in which Sister Martin was held. M&y this providence of God be the means of drawing us all closer to Him who doeth all things well and may we all be prepared to meet her in Heaven where parting is no more, and sorrow never comes. J. A. JOYCE CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitution diseas, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh cure lis taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quick medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in* the country for years and is a regular pre scription. It is composed of the ; best tonics known, combined j with the best blood purifiers, ac ! ting directly on the mucous sur , faces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & co., Props., i Toledo, Ohio, i Sold by Druggists, price 75c i Toke Hill's Family Pills for constipation. THE DANBURY REPORTER DO GHOSTS HANT SWAMPS. No Never. Its foolsh td fear a fancied evil, when there are dead ly perils to guard against in swamps and marshes, bayous and lowlands. These are the malaria germs that causes ague, chills and fever, weakness, aches in the bones and muscles and may induce deadly typhoid. But Electric Bitters destroys and casts out these vicious germs from the blood. "Three bottles drove all the malaria from my system, wrote Wm. Fretwell, of Lucama, N. C., "and I've had fine health every sinse." Use this safe, remedy only. 50c at. all druggests. H. L. Bcckardltt W. H. Beckardlte BECKERDITE& BECKERDITE Attorneys and Counselors at Law. .At Collections a Specialty. " Tise Building. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. DR. R. A. FRY, Dentist, Office in Bank Building. PILOT MTN., N. C. JOHN D. HUMPHREYS, Attorney-at-Law, DANBURY, N. C. Prompt attention to all business entrusted. Will practice in ali State oourts. J. W. H.\LL, Attorney -at- Law, DANBURY, N. C. Willpractice in all courts, both State and Federal. Office over Martin's store. W. READE JOHNSON Attorney-at-Law. Masonic Temple. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Will practice in both State and Federal Courts. CHAS. 0. McMICMABL, J. E. SAINTSINO, Wentworth. Reldavllle. M'MICHAEL & SAINTSINO, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Practice in State and Federal Courts. All business given prompt attention. Cbas. O. Mc- Miobael will be iu Madison on Saturdays, at his old office over tbe post office. R. R. ROGERS J. I. FULTON ROGERS & FULTON, LAWYERS. Offices Jones Building, Liberty St. Winston-Salem, N. C. R. R. Rogers will be in Walnut Cove on the first and third Tues days in each month. DR. H. V. HORTON, Dentist, Is now back in his old location, corner 3rd and Main Streets, Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. building. t WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Rooms: 301, 302, 303. DR. THOMAS W. DAVIS. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office 405-7 Masonic Temple, Winston - Salem. N. C. Hours : 9to 12:30, 2to 4 am! by appointment. REID P. JOYCE, Liveryman, WALNUT COVE, N. C. Good Safe Teams and Careful Drivers. PETREE, EAST & CO., Real Estate and Rental Agents, WALNUT COVE, N. C. ISOM AND JAMES, Liverymen, Good teams and careful drivers. Walnut Cove, N. C. DONALD. D. HAWKINS Attorney-at-Law 4th Floor Wachovia Bank Building, Collections a Specialty. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. BLANKS n MAIL POSTPAID: Deeds, 25c per dozen. Deeds in Trust, 25c per dozen. Chattle Mortgages, 10c per dozen. All kinds of printing done in latest style at the lowest price. Samples and prices sent for the asking. DANBURY REPORTER, Danbury, N. C. •••••••• • •••• •••••• { BLUE BLUE • f • W We mean BLUE SERGE SUITS, for men, 0 A young nen and boys. Absolutely the lar- A gest shipment of fine BLUE SERGE SUITS, w ever brought to Winston-Salem. 9 w These were purchased in a large deal, and we 0 £ guarantee every suit to be from 15 to 25 per A cent, cheaper than the regular price. Suppose you give them a look. • • • BOYLES BROS. COMPANY • £ WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. 5 f LEADER WAREHOUSE J Wants to sell the remainder of your crop of tobacco. If you have ever sold with us, we feel sure you will continue to do so; if you have never sold at the Leader, try us with the balance of your crop and we will convince you that tobacco brings more money on the Leader Warehouse floor than anywhere else on earth. • We are anxious for your last load because we believe it will mean all of your next year's crop for us. We believe it to your in terest to sell as early as posssible. Your friends, 5 LEADER WAREHOUSE, WINSTON, N. C. 2 r .I, Advertise in the RERORTER and watch the results. Page 3

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