NEWS OF CAMPBELL DEATH OF VIOLA HAWKINS The Littte Daughter of Mr. _ and Mrs. G. W. Hawkins—Farming On a 800m —Wheat Crops Good, And the Stork Busy. Campbell, May 22.—News has just been received here of the death of Viola, the little daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Haw kins, formerly of Sandy Ridge, now of Glen St. Mary, Florida. The little body is now on the way home for burial, and is ex pected to arrive tomorrow at Madison and will be brought to Sandy Ridge. The stricken family have the heartfelt sym pathy of their many relatives and friends in this section, who only wish they could be with them to comfort them in this, their darkest hour. May the all-wise Father help them to bear up under this great afflic tion, is the prayer in the hearts of all their loved ones Sat home. Rev. J. A. Joyce filled his reg ular appointment at Oak Ridge Saturday and Sunday, preaching excellent sermons to large crowds. Mr. Decatur Hutcherson has accepted a position at Tarboro, N. C., to which place he will shortly remove his family. It is with many regrets that we see our good people leaving the coun ty. Now and then we see this item : "Farmers are behind with their work etc." It is not the case in this section. Farming seems to be on a boom. More new barns and dwellings have " ' i ■' I The Bank of Stokes County SOLICITS THE ACCOUNTS OF EVERY MAN, WO | MAN AND CHILD OF STOKES COUNTY. * ! Interest paid at the rate of 4 per cent, from the day ! of deposit to the day of withdrawal, if allowed to i j I stay 6 months. 1 tSSSS^IBS 1 Any amount large or small taken==start a bank 1! j account today. It may be the beginning- of your I success in life. I N. E. PEPPER, 1 M _ _ m| _ 1 0. N. PETREE. Cashier at M. X. OHILTOiN, PrCSiddlt. Cashier at DANBURX- WALNUT COVE. 4 wmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmummmmmmmmKmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... * ,■ . • ' ■ . : J ' • .1 News of Madison Route 3. Madison, May 15. —We are having some dry weather down in this section. People are busy planting corn in this section. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Joyce visited at Mr. Pid Sheppard's last Sunday. Miss Delia Martin visited Misses Mary and Hattie Joyce last Saturday and Sunday. There was preaching at Knowl Hurst last Sunday with a large crowd in attendance. Miss Jessie Webster, of Mad ison, is spending a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Sue Wall. Misses Mary and Hattie Joyce, Delia, Nannie and Claudie Mar tin visited Miss Mabel and Bryan Gann last Sunday night. Mrs. Pollie Wall, of Ayersville, who has been ill for some time, died last Saturday night. Mr. Will Rhodes, of Sandy Ridge, called on Miss Claudie Lewis last Sunday evening. Mr. Sam Wall called to see Miss Rob Joyce Sunday. Miss Cora Joyce visited Misses Claudie and Lemma Vernon last Saturday and Sunday. been built and repaired than ever before. Wheat crops are good. Corn is up and some are working it, and gardens are flourishing. The fruit crop, however, will not be abundant. But the good ladies canned and preserved enough to last year for two years. The stork has been busy in our section, having left a dozen or more babies scattered around. The latest arrivals are a boy at W. S. Snider,s and a girl at W. S. Steele's. THE DANBURY REPORTER COULDN'T COOK A MEAL ■■ » i « The Trouble Mrs. Buchanan Had, And How She Finally Over came It With Cardul Liverpool, W. Va.— Mrs. N. J. Buchanan writes from this place: "1 suffered for three years with womanly troubles, and had such pains I thought I would die. I could not stand up long enough to cook a meal. I would work a little, and then have to sit down. At last. I had to be in bed half the time. My husband read a Cardul advertise ment that described almost the way I felt, so I sent for some Cardul. After taking It, I began to get better right away. Now, I am cured, and I am very grateful, Indeed, for what Cardul has done for me. I shall always praise It" Cardul is a woman's tonic —a strengthening remedy for women, especially for women, from perfectly harmless, vegetable ingredients. That's the reason for its GO years of success. It will pay you to test It for yourself. H. B.— Write to: Ladle*' Advliory Dept., Chiitut iiooia Medicine Co., Chattanooca, Tenn . for Special Instructions, and 64-pase book. "Home Treat men lor Women." teat In plain wrapper, on request. On complaint of her husband, Mr. Isaac Bullen, that he feared personal injury at the hands of his wife, Mrs. Betsy Bullen, who, he alleges, is insane, the woman was locked up in jail here last week and will probably be sent to the asylum at Morgan ton. j Is there anything in all this world that is of more importance to you than good digestion? Food must be eaten to sustain life and must be digested and converted into blood. When the digestion fails the whole body suffers. Chamberlain's Tablets are a rational and reliable cure indigestion. They increase the flow of bile, purify the blood, strengthen the stomach, and tone up the whole digestive apparatus to natural and healthy action. For sale by all dealers. Subscribe for the REPORER. In an open letter Chief Justice Walter Clark, of the North Carolina Supreme Court, an i nounces his candidacy for the United States Senate, making the contest a four cornered one with himself, Senator Simmons, ex-Gov. Ay cock and Governor Kitchen as the contestants. Notice. Having duly qualified as ex ecutor of the last will and testa ment of Parmelia B. Dodson deceased, all persons owing said estate are hereby requested to come forward and make im mediate settlement of the same and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly authenticated for payment on or before the Ist day of June 1912 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Sandy Ridge, N. C., May 20, 191 L J. H. ELLINGTON, Ex. of Parmelia B. Dodson dec'd. J. D. Humphreys att'y for Ex. Notice. I hereby forbid any one feed ing, hiring or harboring my son, who left home April the 20th, going in the direction of Rocky Mount, Va., in company with Arch Dillard, colored, who lives at Wadesboro. My son is chunky, 16 years old and his color is dark brown and any one who will arrest him and notify me I will pay all ex pences for same. WILL SHUFF, (col.) King, N. C., Route 1. Notice. All persons having claims against the public school fund will please present such claims to the county Board of Educa tion on Monday, June 5, as this will be the last meeting for this school year. J. T. SMITH, Sec'y Bd. Ed. A BURGLAR'S AWFUL DEED May not paralyze a hsme so completely as a mother's long illness. But Dr. King's New Life Pills are a splendid remedy for women. "The give me Wonderful benefit in constipation and female trouble," wrote Mrs. M. C. Dunlap, Leadill, Tenn. If ailing, try teem 25c at all Drug gests. J. A. PAYN Meat The place to _ _ find nice *>t fresh meats I T ICJI of all kinds. I want to buy ail the Calves I can get. Will pay the high est cash prices. White folks, give a call, I will appreciate your business, and will treat you right. J. A. Payne Walnut Cove, - N. Carolina. I "I X I HAVE JUST OPENED UP A \ V NICE LINE OF M V SPRING AND SUMMER > I DRY GOODS AND SHOES 1 % And will sell them at the very lowest prices possible. M M Come in and see them for yourself. % V Highest market prices paid for M W country produce. V r. E. Nelson ) News has been received here of the death of Mrs. Stephen Ashby at her home near Cape 11a Thursday night of last week. 3.15 was aged bout 74 years, and had been ill for several years with an affection of the lungs. Mrs. Ashby is survived by a husband, but no children. The interment was made on Satur day. Page 7