THE DANBURY REPORTER. VOLUME XXXIX. NEWS OF OAK GROVE | A COPPERHEAD BITES LADY Mis* Rozella Boyle* Not Much Hurl By Snakebite—Miss Dora Eaton 111 —Items of Interest. Oak Grove, Sept 18. The farmers are now being visited by the fertilizer agents and are lay ing in their orders preparatory for another wheat crop. We can hear the sound of the huntsman's bugle at night which is a warning to the opposum who dweTTs in the forest, to be very careful not to venture too far from his home lest he should be captured. Look out for frost about the first old moon. The public shools will soon be gin and we should all try to start our children as soon as the school j begins. We should all remem ber that education is needed in all occupations in life. Miss Dora Eaton, daughter of Mr. F. M. Eaton, on Pinnacle Route 2, is very low with con sumption. Mr. C. H. Lunsford, of King Route 2, attended the county at Galax, Va., last week. Mr. I. B. Gentry, of King Route 2, came very near losing a barn of tobacco by fire one day j last week. Miss Rozella Boyles, daughter of Mr. C. C. Boyles, on Pinnacle Route, was bitten by a copper head one day last week while working in tobacco, but we are glad to know that she is doing fine now. , Mrs. Nealy Webster is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gentry and daughter, Margaret, of Mt j Airy, visited at the home of W.! H. Boyles on King Route 2 Satur day and Sunday, returning home Sunday evening. Mr. Gentry also visited his uncles, R. G. and I. B. Gentry. Their visit was short but was greatly enjoyed by all, it being his first visit to this section for many years. Mr. Gentry holds an honorable posi tion as superintendent of the Mantle and Table Furniture Co. at Mt. N. C. SCRIBBLER. LADIES' SKIRTS—Dodson & Company. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED. i I by local applications, as they! cannot recn the diseased por-j tion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and I that is by constitutional reme-! dies. Deafness is caused by an ; inflamed condition of the! mucous lining of the Eustachian' Tube. When this tube is in- • flamed you have a rumbling; sound or imperfect hearing, and, when it is entirely closed, Deaf ness is the result; and unless the inflamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will destroyed .forever; nine cases out of ten MB aused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condi tion of the mucous surface. We will give one Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. , F. J. CHjEJNEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio, i Sold by all Druggists, 75c. i Take Hall's Family Pills for; constipation. BOYB' CLOTHING $1.39 PER 1 Suit—Dodson & Co. y" Dr. B. W. Mebane, who is ; well known here, having been I pastor of the Presbyterian church ! at Danbury at one timer is forced to give up his wwk on ac obuntof ill health. He ii at present located at Hawfields, N. C.. whei* he has been pastor of IDEAL COUNTRY LIFE. Comfort of Home Makes for Happi ness and Success Did you ever think. Mr. Far mer, that all your planning and working and saving, your efforts to raise large crops and acquire more money, have for their one great aim the making of a bet ter, a more attractive, a cheer fuler, a happier home ? asks the Progressive Farmer. For this, after all, you plow and sow and reap, that you and your wife and your children may have a better place in which to live may find in it more of beauty and brightness.and com fort. There may be some folks who wish to acquire property for the mere sake of possession—simply to have and to hold and feel that it is theirs; but we do not believe that many of our readers belong to this class. We think instead that mV>st of you who read this, while you fully ap preciate our efforts to help you make more money, realize that if the money thus madf does not contribute to the comfort and well-being of those you love it is j after all worth very little to you. ! The home is the great thing, and a poor home and a good j farmer do not go together, i This is why we urge each and every one of you to add to his home just -Jis much of beauty and convenience as is possible. It is only justice to your wife that she have just as many helps toward making her work indoors easy and pleasant as you have in doing your work on the farm. It is no more than the absolute ; right of your children to grow jup under the most favorable ! conditions and among the most healthful and inspiring surround ings which you are able to pro vide for them. And it is not more than you owe yourself that you make your home a place to which you are always glad to go, one attractive to the eye, restful to the body, inspir ing to the mind and comforting to the heart. This is the sort of home which we believe every one of our readers is entitled to and which j all might have. Of course, none j of you can have things just as he j would; but we believe you will j find it a money-making propos ition as well as a source of the [deepest and truest satisfaction to have your house painted; to make the grounds about it just as attractive as your means and J time will allow; to see that the surrounding are healthful; to provide your wife the labor-sav ing equipment she needs and save her just as much work as possible; to put in as soon as you can a water supply and bath room; to spend a little for books and pictures and music and handsome serviceable furnirute. We believe, let us repeat, that it will pay you, merely as a finan cial proposition, to do these things; but even if it does not you should do them just the same, for is this not after all, what you are trying to make money for ?—Selected. CALICO, 5 CENTS PER YARD —Dodson & Co. NOT A WORD OF SCANDAL marred the call of a neighbor on Mrs. W, P. Spangh, of Manville, Wyo., who said: 4 'she told me Dr. King's New Life Pills had cured her of obstinate kidney trouble, and made her feel like a new woman.'' Easy, but sure remedy for stomach, liver and kidney trouble. Only 25c at all Druggists. > SHOES FROM 40c PER PAIR PrtXtl Wi i"»i i'i »• if ii t&t, >; DANBURY, N. C. t SEPTEMBER 20, !9!!. MANY TEACHERS TOOK EXAMINATION LAST WEEK No Shortage of Teachers This Year —Names of Some of Those Who Stood the Examination. Supt. of Public Schools J. T. Smith conducted an examination of applicants for positions in the public schools of Stokes county last Friday and Saturday. Quite a number of young men and women took the examination, which was held in the public school building at this place. It looks now like there will be no shortage of teachers this year. Among those took the examination last week were the following : Miss Mflud Petree. " Ruth Pringle. " Roxie Taylor. " Hattie Smith. " Jessie Vaughn, j « " Lillie Hutcherson. " Maud Smith. " Beatrice Pik". " Lillie Covir. .; „ " Agnes .1. " Sadie 1 -..-ee. " Berchij Duiiiap. " Clemmie Smith. I " Lelia Martin. " Mary Sue Willis. " Minnie H. Roberts. " Louella Fulp. ! * Myrtle Smith. " Minnie Glidewell. " Sadie Pringle. " Myrtle Neal. " Irene Fulton. " Mary Jessup. 44 Etta Ayers. " Delia Stewart. " Mary Martin. " Delia Boyles. " Lucy Lackey. " Annie McAnally. " Effie Gentry. " Bessie Moore. " Maud Neal. , " Mary Moser 44 Ossie Pike " Annie MiSore. 44 Bessie Moore. Mrs. Jennie Flinchum. " Covie Smith. Mr. Komer Moore. " Luther Sizemore. " R. L. Boyles. " H. E. Carter. " A. S. Francis. " W. M. Fulp. 44 D. 0. Slate. 44 E. C. Gann. 44 Chas. W. Hutchens. 4 * E. H. Biggs. 44 Dan Lynch. 44 Maud Neal. 44 Eugene Ray. 44 C. B. Boyles. 44 J. H. Cromer. ' 44 "0. M. Bennett. 44 R. H. Mitchell, Jr. 44 J. T. Beasiey. 44 J. C. Johnson. 44 F. S. Lynch. 4 4 J. N. Young. SUIT CASES $1.20 EACH- Dodson & Co. FORCED TO LEAVE HOME. Every year a large number of ! of poor sufferers, whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs, are urged to go to another cli mate. But this is costly and not always sure. There's a bet ter way. Let Dr. King's New Discovery cure you at home. 44 1t cured meof lung trouble," writes W. R Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., 4 'when all else failed and I gained 47 pounds in weight Its surely the king of all cough and lung euros.' Thousands owe their lives and health to it It's positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Asthma, Croup—all Throat and Lung troubles. 60c & SI.OO. Trial bottle free at all Druggists. Mr. Julius 0. Young, of the Reporter offiee, spent Monday and Tuesday it Winstonon business. A WATER SYSTEM BEING AGITATED FOR DANBURY Question of Bringing Water To Village From A Bold Spring On North Side of Mountain Being Discussed By Citiiens. The question of installing a water system in Danbury is be ing agitated by some of our citizens. About one and a half miles west of town on the north side of the mountain and at an eleva tion of 150 or 200 feet there is an unusually bold spring, and the woric of bringing this water to the village would be a compara tively easy matter. To the progressive citizen who will bring this water here it will mean a good per cent, of interest on the money invested and to the residents of the village it will mean the. greatest convenience and luxury that they could possibly have. The county would of course install water in the court house and jail, where it is very much needed, and almost or quite every family, both white and colored, would use the water. Another good feature of this water supply would be the fire protection it would afford. The pressure would be sufficient to throw a stream of water much higher than any building in town... BOYS' OVERCOATS-DODSON & Co. Bean .Stringings and Wedding Bells —Brown Mtn. Items Mt., Sept. 19.—The peorle are most done pulling fodder. Mr. J. D. George gave the young people a bean stringing last Friday night. All reported a nice time. Think the wedding bells will soon ring in Brown Mtn. as Mr. Fim East colls on Miss Mattie Tilley right often. Mr. Grover Smith called to see Miss Annie Hutchens on White Hall street Friday. Mr. Lespie George will leave for Winston next Sunday where he will enter school. Misses Annie Martin and An nie Hutchens; Messrs. John Mar tin and Willie Ray visited Miss Emma Sunday even ing. Misses Kate and Lula Smith had a bean stringing Wednes night. Among those who were present were Misses Annie Mar tin, Annie Hutchens and Etta Smith; Messrs. John and Jim Martin, Tom, Dick and Drudy Smith, Charlie Martin, Grover and Dixie Smith, Fletcher George and Rector Tilley. BLUE EYES. MEN'S GLOVES—DODSON & Co. NO NEED TO STOP WORK When your doctor orders you stop work, it staggers you. ,4 I can't" you say. You know you are weak, run-down and failing in health, day by day, but you must work as long as you can stand. What you need is Electric Bitters to give tone, strength and vigor to your system, to prevent break down and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing when Electric Bitters; will benefit you from the first: dose. Thousands bless them for i thei glorious health and strength. ! Try them. Every bottle is guar anteed to satisfy. Only 50c at all Druggists. N Mr. J. Spot Taylor visited Walnut Cave yesterday on bus iness ooooerning the Farmers' Union Dry Prisery, of which ha Is ouMial manaoir. Rights of the Autr>«»"• , ■•• , xjnwqvi J Some of the au .„..c loiks complain that in traveling the public highways, decently and in order, in the peace of God and the state, they are not infrequ ently held by teamsters who hold the middle of the road and refuse to permit them to pass, and the automobile man is thus delayed and inconvenienced where the road is not wide enough for him to get around the team. In view of these circumstances and con ditions the automobile folks ask the Landmark to print Section 14 of the state automobile law, which is as follows: Section 14. If a vehicle drawn iby a horse or horses or other j draft animals or a motor vehicle lbe overtaken by any motor ve j hide, and the person in charge of such motor vehicle expresses ; a desire to pass, it shall be the | duty of the driver of any vehicle or motor vehicle so overtaken as aforesaid to turn either to the right or to the left of the center of the wrought or traveled por tion of the highway and give the person so making the request an opportunity to pass ; but, in pass ing, the person in charge of such j motor vehicle and other male oc- I cupants thereof over the age of ; fifteen years shall give such as sistance as they are able to the occupant or occupants of the vehicle they are passing if as sistance is asked, and in thus' passing the chauffeurs, drivers; or operators shall use all due care to avoid accidents." Having never failed aforetime \ to say what it thought of auto-1 i mobile drivers who disregard the' rights of others, the Landmark j is willing to print the law to j show that these people have! some rights in the premises. Of j course the teamsters who refuse to give the road have more than likely been irritated by the smart automobile drivers who dash up behind them and blow for them to get out of the way in a form and manner which intim ates that the teamster has no business there and is a trespass er on the track. It just natural ly riles a man for somebody to run up behind him and peremp torily order him to get out of the way. There is a proper way to do these things and all automo bile owners should not be made to suffer because a few play smart. Teamsters should remember, too, that automobiles have the same right to the road as any other vehicle and they are not excusable for acting ugly or violating the law because a few automobile drivers show an utter lack of good sense and good man ners— Statesville Landmark. | Rev. C. W. Glidewell Removes to Madison Route Three. I Rev. C. W. Glidewell was here ! Friday on his way to Brown Mt., where he preached Sunday. Mr. ! Glidewell has recently removed to his farm on Madison Route 3, after having resided at Walnut Cove for some months. He will engage in farming. Mr. Glide well requests the Reporter to 1 announce that persons wishing to write him will please take ; note of the change and address j their letters accordingly. As usuaUy treated, a sprained ankle wiJK disable a man for three or four weeks, but by applying Chamberlain's Liniment freely as soon as the injury is received, and observing the directions with each bottle, a cure can be effected in from two to four days. For sale by all No. 20,53 MEETING ON 31th PRESIDENT NUNN CALLS IT OFF Th« Regular Quarterly Meeting Of The Farmers' Union Will Not Bt Held—Executive Committee Of the Union Urged To Attend Meet ing Called By Mr. Taylor Next Saturday, 23rd. The Reporter received a tele phone message yesterday from President R. L. Nunn, of the v Stokes County Farmers' Union, in which he requests us to an nounce that the regular quarterly meeting of the Union will not be held on Sept. 30, as announced by him in the last issue of this paper. He also asked us to also state that the executive commit tee of the Union is urgently re quested to meet with the stock holders and directors of the dry prizery here Saturday. President Nunn has just re turned home from a trip to Rockingham county in the in terest of the Union. He will be in Danbury Saturday at the meet ing called by Pres. Taylor, of the dry prizery. FULL LINE OF DRESS GOODS —Dodson & Co. Farmers Busy Saving Tobacco — Another Accident On the Dan gerous Rords. Westfield Route 1, Sept. 19. Farmers are very busy cutting and curing tobacco in this sec tion. The crop is some better than expected at one time, but yet there is not much more than half crop. Mr. L. W. McKinney, who has had a very bad attack of typhoid fever, is some better at this writing. Mr. W. W. Boles, of Winston, called on Miss Lizzie Coffer last Sunday. Rev. R. L. Doggett filled his regular appointment at Vade Mecum last Sunday. While returning from Moore's Springs last Sunday afternoon Mr. Boyles' buggy ran into a hole and turned over. The mule became frightened and ran a considerable distance, dragging Mr. Boyles and Miss Coffer. They were bruised up some, but not serious. Hope they will soon recover. Mr. J. S. Morefield has return ed from Baltimore where he has i been to purchase his fall and j winter goods. 'LADIES' UNDERWEAR- Dodson & Co. i Walnut Cove Defeats German ton. In a very slow and one-sided game on Walnut Cove diamond ! Saturday, Sept. 16th. Walnut : Cove ball team defeated the Germanton in a score of 22 to 0. The game was featured by heavy hitting of the entire Wal nut Cove bunch, resulting as a Merry-go-round. It was rumor ed on the grounds about the time they started that if Ger manton should win the game they were going to claim the honors of the championship of the county. They have not been beaten but once during the season. The home bunch tight ened up and not but one of the Germanton guys seen the second safely. Score by innings : R H E Walnut Cove, 22 26 2 Germanton, 0 16 PLAYER. HATS FROM 35 CENTS UP- Dodson & Co. DIGESTION AND ASSIMILA TION. It is not the quantity of food taken but the amount digested and assimilated that gives strength and vitality to the sys tem. Chamberlain's StoßUtctMUld Liver and unable them to per form their functions naturaUy. For sale by all dealers.