ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made fromßoyalCrapeCreamofTartar NO ALUM V NO LIME PHOBPHATE AT PETERS' CKEEK MUCH NEWS OF INTEREST Messrs. Samuel Blancett and John Frans, Confederate Soldiers, Ser iously 111 —School To Close With Entertainment Young People Given a Dance. Peter's Creek, Va., March 4. —As I haven't seen any news from this section for quite a while will write a short letter. The people are very much be hind with their farm work. But very little work has been done with the exception of burning plant beds. Mr. Willie Lawson, who was accidentally shot several weeks ago, is improving nicely and is able to get out again by using his crutches. Messrs. Samuel Blancett and John Francis, two of the oldest men of our community, they both being old confederate sol diers, are confined to their beds, their condition being very serious. Our section is being well sup plied with telephones. Messrs. W. W. Leak and Eugene Smith have recently put in new ones, while there are many others in the neighborhood preparing for a new line. The Sandy Creek school, taught by Miss Eunice Lipscomb, closed last Wednesday. Miss Lipscomb will return to her home in Nottaway Co. after a few days visit. Mr. R. R. Collins gave the young people of the section a nice dance last Wednesday night, which was enjoyed by all present. Our school girls here seem to be very attractive as the Big Creek boys call right often, es pecially the Frans Bros. Miss Jettie Collins spent last Thursday night with Miss Lillie Leak. Miss Dora Padgett has re turned home after a three week's visit in Danville, Va. The school will close at this place Saturday, March 23rd, with an entertainment. Prof. J. T. Smith will deliver the literary address and a very interesting program will be rendered by the school. JACK AND JOE. Testimony For the Sand-Clay Road From Guilford. Guilford's roads in the future will be sand-clay. This quality of road will be built almost en tirely in the country. Such roads may be built at not more than one-third of the cost of the macadam roads and are believed to be more useful and durable. Sand-clay will be used almost entirely in future road building ! and repairing, and in the course of a few years, if the system is J worked out as planned, Guilford's entire network of good roads will ! be of this material. Not only j will the new road be built of I sand-clay, but the macadam roads will probably be resurfaced with sand-clay, which will make an excellent surface for the rock already down on the macadam roads.—Greensboro News. Many sufferers from rheuma tism have been surprised and delighted with the prompt relief afforded by applying Chamber lain's Liniment. Not one case of rheumantism in ten requires any internal treatment whatever. This liniment is for sale by all dealers. FIGHTING SMALLPOX. The Relative Merits of Quarantine and Vaccination. Smallpox is no longer quaran tined under State laws. For merly, all contagious diseases were combatted by means of quarantine. Smallpox was never successfully wiped out by quar antine. It has been entirely abolished in whole nations by means of vaccination. Below are compared THE RELATIVE MERITS of these two methods of com batting smallpox. Quarantine aims to prevent those having smallpox from coming into con tact with, and possibly infecting others. This is only valuable after the disease has been diagnosed. Bear in mind that smallpox is contagious from the very first symptoms of the dis ease. Vaccinated persons exposed to smallpox, either before or after the disease has been re cognized. Vaccination gives every protection afforded by quarantine and gives it better. In short, quarantine only closes the stable after the horse is stolen, while vaccination locks the door before he is stolen. THE RELATIVE DISADVANTAGES. Rigid quarantine (and that is the only quarantine that is quarantine) protects only during the period of quarantining. Vacci nation protects for from five to fifteen years or longer. Mild cases of smallpox are frequently mistaken for chicken pox or measles. Such mild cases may transmit the disease in its most virulent form. These mild cases are rarely promptly safeguarded b y quarantine. Vaccination absolutely protects against all kinds of smallpox at all times. Quarantine is unjust because the expense of quarantine is paid by the taxpayers and as a rule they constitute the vaccinated population of a community, who neither need nor derive any protection from quarantine. Vaccination incurs no expense upon the unvaccinated. It af fords them much protection, however, by preventing the vaccinated from propagating the disease. The annual loss to the State from smallpox is approximately $200,000. A rigid quarantine is estimated to cost the taxpayers an additional SIOO,OOO a year. The latter amount alone would be more than enough to vacci nate the entire population every five years. Then there would be no more smallpox or quaran tine. Hi3tory bears out this statement. Quarantine ever fos ters smallpox, as it lends a false sense of security and thereby encourages a n unvaccinated population. In view of all this evidence, any city or county that so desires may quarantine small smallpox. If they deem it wise they may even quarantine head ache or rheumatism. On the other hand, they may also have general vaccination just as easily. Which will we have? # TO MOTHERS-AND OTHERS. You can use Bucklen's Arnica Salve to cure children of eczema, rashes, tetter, chafings, scaly and crusted humors, as well as their accidental injuries,—cuts, burns, bruses, etc., with perfect safety. Nothing else heals so quickly. For boils, ulcers, old, running or fever sores or piles it has no equal. 25 cts at all Drug gists. . 1 THE BANBURY REPORTER The Bank b the' Safest Place to Keep Money. The Bank is the place to keep your money always. You hard ly ever pick up a newspaper without noticing where some body has been lifted out of their hard-earned money. Sometimes while carrying a wad in your pocket, it slips out and is go le before you know it. Keeping your money in an old trunk or chest in the house is dangerous. It causes thieves and burglars to lay for you, and sometimes they will take life and burn property to cover their tracks. The Bank of Stokes County will pay you interest on your money from the day you put it in to the day you take it out. Four per cent every 3 months. GLORIOUS NEWS comes from Dr. J. T. Curtiss, Dwight, Kan. He writes: "I not only have cured bad cases of eczema in my patients with Electric Bitters, but also cured myself by them of the same dis ease. I feel sure they will bene fit any case of eczema." This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is a most effective blood purifier. Its an excellent remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ul cers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Price 50 cts. Satisfaction guar anteed by all Druggists. Child Seriously Burned. The one-year-old infant of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boyles, on King Route 1, fell into the fire Friday and was seriously burned about the face and arms. Mr. Burnie Culler, who has been attending school at the A. & M. College in Raleigh, returned to Danbury Thursday. Postcard Scenery, Twenty-five cents stamps silver will bring you a dozen of the prettiest post cards you ever looked at, printed on fine glazed cardboard, in various colors, the following views: Cascade. Moore's Knob, scene on Dan riv er, Dan river bridge at Danbury, Piedmont Springs Hotel, Court House at Danbury. Suitable for framing or keep ing, or for mailing to your friends. Every person who lives in Stokes county, and every per son who ever lived in the county, or who has friends in the coun ty, should own an assortment of these beautiful cards. Two for five cents, or 25 cents for dozen—mailed postpaid to any address in the United States. REPORTER, Danbury, N. C. SIOO REWARD SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only postive cu*e now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beipg a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its cura tive powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. FOR SALE—24O acres of valu able farm land. 30 acres good creek bottom, good buildings, good watter, good pasture, de sirably located on public road 5 miles north-west of Madison. Suitable for all crops. For furth er particulars address 6mch4t A. G. MARTIN, Madison, N. C. Route 3. FOR SALE! A VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT Size rooms, four 16x16, one 18x20, hall 6 ft wide. Good long front pourch, back pourch and pantry, lot 99x200, good barn 10x20, good well and young orchard situated in the most desirable part of town. Right between two good churches and high school in 3 minutes walk of either. Terms one-half down the remainder in 6 months. See me . at once for a bargain. C. H. MARSHALL, WALNUT COVE, N. C. Let Us Help You= New Farms For Old! Dynamite and all blasting material for subsoiling, removing stumps, rocks, ditching, tree planting, etc.. Having accepted the sole agency for handling the Dupont Powder Co.'s line at this point, places us in position to offer our trade the following attractive prices on all orders for the next 30 days. Red Cross extra 25 per cent strength for subsoiling, tree planting, etc. 7 3-4 cents stick. Red Cross extra 40 per cent strengh for rock, stumps, boulders, etc., 8 1-3 cents stick. Red Cross extra 60 per cent, strength for ditching, etc., 103-8 stick. Instruction booklets on the use of dyna mite furnished on application. R. T. BECK HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENTS. Germanton, N. Carolina. Shoes! Shoes!! | " * If you want HIGH- GRADE SHOES at t0 vis 't the SHOE at *lB Liberty / When in Winston on Business or Pleasure, Call at O'HANLON'S DRUG STORE. If you are in need of anything in the drug line. Always the largest stock of drugs in Winston to select from. Also the greatest assort ment of PERFUMES, TOIL* ET ARTICLES, HAIRBRUSH ES and bristle goods. O'HANLON'S Is the place to buy. \ Page 3 You judge a man not by what he promises to do, but by what he has done. That is the only true test Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy judged by this standard has no superior. People everywhere speak of it in the highest terms of praise. For sale by all deal ers. We often wonder what law yers would do for a living if there actually was a fool killer. The House Wife's- Only real satisfaction will come through the preparation of mealß on a BUCK'S STOVE or RANGE. We have the agency for this line world's known Stoves and Ranges. We also carry a com plete line of HOUSE FURNISHINGS. When you are in need of any thing in this line it will be to your interest to call and see us. Williard & Ader Furniture Co. 511 Trade St., Winston, N.C. After October Ist we will be in the building now oc cupied by Boyles Bros. Co. THE VEHICLE HOSPITAL 219 Church St, Winston, N. C., rear Zinzendorf Hotel AreT prepared to do the best VEHICLE REPAIRING, PAINTING, TRIM MING, and RUBBER g TIRE WORK in this B partfof the State and M want your busi- 3 ness Cranford j * Snyder j] Laffargue PIA NO Excells in Purity of Tone and Durability of Construction. Catalogue Free- Write Department S. R. J. BOWEN & BRO. Winston-Satan, N. C. We carrv a complete line of Edison Phonographs and Re cords. - Write for catalogue of new records.

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