Heart Disease Almost Fatal to Young Girl "My daughter, when thirteen years old. was stricken with heart trouble. She was so bad we had to place her fbcd near a window so she could get *y\ her breath. One M doctor 'Poor child, she Is likely to fall dead any J» nj) time.' A friend told mo Dr. Miles' gmf Heart Remedy had cured her father. so I tried It. and /9j\ Klv began to lm fcgpßfl prove. She took /(W&y 14 K re,,t many bot ties, but she Is 'f' spared to me to day, a fat, rosy cheeked plrl. No one can Imagine the confidence I have In Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy." A. R. CANON, Worth, Mo. The unbounded confidence Mr. Canon has in Dr. Miles' Heart Rem edy is shared by thousands of others who know its value from experience. Many heart disorders yield to treatment, if the treatment is right. If you are bothered with short breath, fainting spells, swell ing of feet or ankles, pains about the heart and shoulder blades, pal pitation, weak and hungry spells, you should begin using Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy at once. Profit by the experience of others while you may. Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy I* sold and guaranteed by all druggist*. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. 4 BIILDINOTHE HOME THE START IS IN THE HEART The Place that Character Fills — Obedience, Truthfulness, Purity. Pinnacle Route 2, March 24. Messrs. Editors: Please allow me a little space in your paper to speak a few words on the subject of home and home making. How many of us have taken into considera tion the word home and what home really is. It is a small word but has a lot in it. Where does home begin? In the heart. Some one may think that a strange place for home, but I think it is plain enough. Sup pose a young man starts out in the world for himself. Of course he sees he can't do anything by himself. He wants him a nice home. What is the first thing in consideration of this home? It is true he can buy some land, stock and tools and build him a nice house and yet it is not home complete. Then he wants him a wife. He looks around and finds the woman of his choice, one he can love, honor and cherish. Their hearts of course are plighted together. Now where is home. Where is her place in life. Hasn't she promised to make him a home. This she will do if she means to be true to him and he to her, then be confidential one toward the other. Now with the neces- ROYSTER FERTILIZER HITS THE SPOT EVERY TIME 11 ~ FS.ft. *1 The explanation is simple;theyare flf J ftmdeiyflh the greatest c ! every ingredient has to p a test of our own laboratories; a a theres notiit or miss aboutßoyster 1 Fertilizers. 1 Sdd $y Reliable Dealers Everywhere R! ill s F.S.ROYSTER GUANO CO.# // 1 Sales Offices MI /// Norfolk Va. TarboroN.C. Columbia SC. jji Baltimore Md. Montgomery Ala. ** Macon Ga. Colinnbus 6a. saries of life around them they are beginning to make a home. Who is responsible for this home making? Are we fathers and mothers of today not responsible for it to some extent. Of course we are not. Some one will say why no we have nothing to do with that. It is like planting an orchard. Suppose we plant trees in order that our children may have plenty of fruits of all kinds we should try to get good trees, plant them, well tend them, bring them up in good cultiva tion and the result would be good fruit. After all this the proper cultivation and all there will be some trees that are not very profitable after all. The same will apply in our raising up our children to make these homes. It is our duty to teach them and bring them up in the proper cultivation or as near it as we \ know how this by first teaching them obedience, truthfulness, I and purity. These three with the fear of God in their heart are the foundation of character. To :ry to form a character with any one of these left out is like build j ing a house with one of the ;corners unsupported if we do. ' this. So far as we have the; ability to do and some of them i fall short of being what we have | | tried to make out of them we! can say: I think I did my part. :So you see we must begin at : home to make other homes and this is not done very successful' : if we allow our children to do as they please at ten or twelve ars I old and I think there is too much |of this done this day and time. Of course we have quite a lot of snares and temptations to battle with but I think if every true hearted mother with syoo.l hard horse sense would just come to gether and say we are not going to be enticed and led off by them there could be more permanent homes in the future than there is at the present. I mean the farming class of people—country people some times—you will find those in the country around towns too much taken up with town to suit their occupation in life. Of course I am not prejudiced towards town at all. We have to have towns and if it were not for us farming people where would the town be? But let us try to live independ ent of town in a sense. When this is done and not until then, we will have a class of level headed, broad minded farmers then town will be worth more and the farmer twice as much. Then you will not see so many young men hanging around town wanting a job of most any thing to earn a little money. But instead they will be at home with plenty around them and THE DANBURY REPORTER they can be studying to be masters of the soils, then with a kind and loving mother and father, with brothers and sisters combined should all in one family agree. Mother should be a home maker for her family and prepare her girls as they come up in life to be home mak ers for some nice young man. I say a nice man, a gentleman, for if they are trained up in the right way with obedience and truthfulness, kind and pleasant with her fortune in her face some gentleman will come after her to make him a home. She will not have to run herself down and disgrace herself to marry. The day is here that there is a demand for all ambi tious energetic young ladies. Now we will see how it would look in another picture. Sup pose the fathers and mothers of today just let their children go does not pay any attention to educate them or try to teach them anything at home—just let them drag around. Of course a child doesn't know what he has to have to go through in this world, so if some one does not try to teach him and show him where he is and what he wants he will be left in desperate con dition when he comes to man hood. We see enough of this in our day and time. So let us as mothers and ho~>- irakers, real ize that this ; j.v. bj our never failing duty ;ry to make our generation betur and set the example for generations to come, to be upbuilding and not degrad ing. 1 could write on, one thing gives room for another, but as this is my first attempt I won't worry the reader too lung. MRS. F. W. YEN ABLE. NOTICE: iln viiiy; duly qualified as admiuls trut'ir ii]>ut the estate of Win. M lleatll. deceased. in it ice is hereby ffivt'ii l o nil persons 11r>I,|iiiu" claims against tin- said Win. M. Heath, to present them ti> mi' for payment, duly authenticated, on or liy tlie Ist day of April. l!li:>, or tiiis notice will lie pleaded iu liar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby respectfully requested to make immediate pay ment to me. This tile I'litli da.v of March. 1912. S. 1,. HOLLAND, Ad'iur. I'. O. Mlzpah. N. c., Route 1. X. (). l'etree, Att.v. for Adinr. NOTICE. Having ]ualltlel as HdinlnlstratorH upon the estate of J. E. Sheltou. deceased, all persons Indebted to the estate of J. E. Sheltou aie hereby uotliied to please come forward and make Immediate settlement, und all persuing holding claims against the estate of said deceased to pleatte prwueut t hum to tu for payment,duly autUwnilcattMl oil or liefore the 28th day iif Fub. 1 Wl:f, or this notice will l>e pleaded In liar of their recovery. Tills the isth day of Feb. 1912. WILLIE T. SHELTON, WATT HI.'TCHEKSON, Adni'rs of .1. E. Shelton, dee'd. Aiblress: WillieT. Sheltou, Sandy ltldi;w, N. C. Watt Hutcherson, Winston-Salem, N. C. State of North Car. I In the Su- Stokes County. | perior Thos. V. Grouse, | Court, Executor of George I Before the H. Crouse, deceased, | Clerk. Plaintiff, against | Order for Leanna Spainhower, I Publica and others, Defen- I tion of dants. I notice to I non resi- I dent de- I fendants. In the above entitled action, it appearing to the Court upon affidavit filed that Leanna Spain hower, widow of Virgil Spain hower, deceased, Emily Crouse and her husband, S. B. Crouse, Solomon Spainhower, husband of Amanda Spainhower, deceas ed, and the heirs at law of said Amanda Spainhower, deceased, to wit : Arthur Spainhower, Alice Sande and her hosband, Fred Sande, Minnie Vinson and her husband, Lewis Vinson, Samuel Spainhower, BettieTeas c'.ale and her husband, James Teasdale, Minnie Sande and her husband, George Sande, and also W. H. Crouse. a child of I. W. Crouse, deceased, part of the defendants in said action, are non residents of ihe State of North Carolina, and can not after due diligence, be found therein, and can not be per sonally served with process, and are necessary parties to this action, the same being an action for the sale of the lands belong ing to the estate of George H. Crouse, for assets to pay debts, and for distribution under the will of said George H. Crouse : It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication of notice be made for four successive weeks in the Dan bury Reporter, a newspaper published in Dan bury, Stokes county, N. C., notifying all of said non resi dent defendants to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes county, N. C., in Dan bury, on or by the 30th day of April. 1912, and answer or demur to the petition now on file in said cause: and let said defendants take notice that if they fail to appear and answer or demur to said petition on or by the said 30th diiy of April, 1912. the petition will be heard ex parte as to them, and the relief therein prayed for granted. This the 26th day of March 1912. M. T. CHILTON, Clerk Superior Court, Stokes County, N. C. N. 0. Petree, Atty. for Plff. State of North Carolina, Stokes County, In the Superior Court. Spring Term, 1012. Notice and Order of Publication. W. S. Tllley, Plaintiff, Vs. Rosella Tllley, Defendant. I'pon affidavit Hied In the above entitled cause, the name being a suit for alwolute divorce from tlw bonds of matrimony heretofore existing lietween the plaintiff and defendant. It Is ordered that notice l>e published to the said defendant for four aucvesslve weeks In the Dan bury Reporter, a newspaper pub lished In the town of Danbury, Stokes County, North Carolina, notifying the said defendant Rosella Tllley to l»e and ap|>ear before the Judge of our Superior Court at a Court to be held for the County of Stojces av the Court Ho«*e at Dan bury on the 10th Monday after tin-first Monday In March. 11(12. and answer the complaint which Is deposited In the office of the Clerk of tlie Su perior court of said county within the lirst three days of the "eriu, and let the said defendant, Rosella Tllley take notice that If she fulls toapjiear and answer or demur to the sold complaint within that term, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the mmplulut and the cost of this action to taxed by the Clerk. Herein fall not. Given under my hand and seal on this the 22ml day of Feb. 11*12. M. T. CHILTON, Clerk Superior ('ourt, ('unity. .1. l>. liuniphivys, Att.v. for flit. NOTICE OF SALE. My virtue of an authority conveyed In a certain deed of trnst executed to C. C. Campbell, trustee, by John Owens and Theule, his wife, on the 25th day of Nov.. I'JIO, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes county, N. C., In book of mortgages No. 51 page 754 and thei conditions therein not having been' compiled with, at the request of the I holder thereof I, C. C. Campbell, Trustee, will sell for cash to the! highest bidder at the residence of I Joint Owens, on the premises of saiil lands in Stokes County, N. ('., I at 12 o'clock m. on Saturday, April, 27. 1012, the following described real estate situated In Stokes county, N. C., in Quaker (lap township and described as follows : Adjoining the lands of Peter Slate, Thompson Rogers and others and bounded as follow: Beginning at a small persimmon bush running due West to Peter Slate's line, thence with his line to Clemmon Dearinjn's corner, thence with his line to Thompson Roger's line, thence with his line to Bob Ward's corner, thence with Ills line to the lieglnning, containing 25 acres more or less. Tills March 20th, 1912. C. C. CAMPBELL, ! Trustee. State of North I In the Super- Carolina, | ior Court | Stokes County, | Before the S. P. Grogan, Clerk Plff. vs. Wm. Smith, Dee K. Smith, John Smith, Mrs. Louisa Brown and husband, Hub Brown, Mrs. Bulah Moore and husband, J. G. Moore, Mrs. Rilla Sheppard and husband, Z. R. Sheppard, Mrs. j Perlie Smith and husband, Wel don Smith, Virgil Smith, Harvey ; Smith, Lester Smith, Fred Smith, Wheeler Smith, Mrs. Lennis L. New and husband, I George New, Jesse 0. Smith, Mrs. Ruth Robertson and hus band, L. W. Robertson, Bessie D. Smith and Hester B. Smith, Defendants. It appearing to the court by petition filed in the cause and ! the affidavit hereto annexed and filed herein, that a cause of action exists in favor of the peti tioners herein and against the defendant herein the same be ing a special proceeding to sell , about 104 acres of land lying in Snow Creek Township, Stokes county, N. C., adjoining the lands of James Smith, James Taylor and others, which lands formerly belonged to Dar- I ian Smith and John P. Smith and which now belongs to L. P. Grogan and heirs at law of John P. Smith, and the proceeding is for the purpose of selling j the land and dividing the money j arising from the sale thereof ! instead of the land itself. It : also appearing by said affidavit , that Jesse O. Smith, Bessie D. Smith, Mrs. Lennis L. New and husband, George New are non residents of the State of North Carolina and after due diligence cannot be found therein and caniiot be served with process in the ordinary way, and are necessary parties to this pro ceeding. It is therefore ordered 1 by the court that notice be served ; upon the said nonresident deft's. by a publication thereof for four successive weeks in the Danbury Reporter, a newspaper published in Danbury, Stokes County N. j C., notifying the said defendants :of this action and the said , defendants, Mrs. Lennis L. New j and husband. George New, | Bessie D. Smith and Jesse O. ! Smith take notice of they fail to answer or demur to petition which is filed in this cause on or before the 6th day of April, 1912 that the relief will be granted as prayed for therein. Done at office in Danbury on 6th day March, 1912. M. T. CHILTON, Clerk Superior Court, O'l'iCE OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE. By virtue of a decree of the Sup erior Court of Stokes county, N. C , entered in the Special proceeding In the case entitled, "Lulu Ray and her husband R. T. Ray against J. Reld Forest and others," the un derelgned commUeloners will ex pose to public sale to the highest bidder for canh, at the court house door In the town of Danbury, N. C.. Saturday, April 20th, 1012, at the hour of one o'clock p. iu., a tract of land In Stokes County, which be longed to Samuel M. Forest deceas ed, nnd descrlt)ed In a deed from Sally Forest and James M. Forest to Samuel M. Forest, recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Stokes County, N. C., In Book No. 42, panes 184 and 185, dated March 12th, 1000. Bounded as follows:—Beginning at a poplar, north 47 poles to pts., west 00 poles to pts., north 80 poles to pts„ north so degrees east, ll.s poles to the fork of a branch and bunch of willows, north down the branch 50 degrees eaet, to ti chest nut. 2« poles, north, 70 degrees east, 20 poles to a locust on the bank of the branch, south, 00 degrees east, 8 poles to a l>eiid In said branch, north, 78 degrees east, 27 poles pac ing by a spring to gum pt«., south 40 degrees west, 1« poles to the old line, south 100 poles passing by a red oak In a Hold, to red oak corner, east 180 poles to a post oak. south 00 poles to a post oak corner mark ed with the letter "B" on the east side of the Danbury road, west 252 pedes to the beginning, containing I*4 acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of Forest, R. W. George, and others. Saving and excepting from the above boundary. 02 acres thereof, deeded by Samuel M. Fitpplu to James Forest's wife and children. The rents on said tract for tin year 1012, to go to the purchaser of the land, but possession of the land Itself not to be given until the crop for the year 1012 Is matured. The above tract of land is valua ble and persons desiring to purchase a good farm should see the land, and attend the sale. This the lltli day of March, 1012. .1. D. HIM I'll REVS,,, X. o PET REE. Coinr s. P. W. Gunter, PROFESSIONAL BARBER King, N. C. All kinds first class barber work done. Barber shop open at all hours. LAND SALE. j By virtue of the power of sale con- I tained in « certain deed of trust ex ecuted 011 the I.lth day of March. I 1911, to the undersigned trustee to nee are the payment of a note for :?4aT.Ki and interest to \Y. L. McCan less and a note of $12.1.n0 due to -\V. Multe which last named note has been assigned to the Hank of Stokes county, which deed of trust appears | of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County, X. C., in book Xo. .hi, page .15 and default liav -1 ing iieen made in the payment of said notes and the same now being due i ami unpaid, and request having been | made liv the holders of said notes to me to sell saiil lands to satisfy the terms of said deed of trust, I will in accordance with the terms, stipula tions and conditions contained in | said deed of trust sell at public auc tion to tiie highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the town |of DaulMiry, X. c. on Monday the I --11« I day of April. 191:!. the'lands | conveyed in said deed of trust. ; which are described as follows to 1 wit: A certain tract of land lving ami lieing in Stokes County ami ! more particularly described and I delined as follows to wit: j Ist tract; beginning at an apple tree at Xewt. Stephens' corner, thence north 10 decrees East on his i line l.» chains to his corner, poin ters, thence north .*»u decrees east j:!(»)(, chains to a stake on the west . bank of the Heil Shoals road which leads from E. C. Shcppard's store to j Jewell's thence south 2:i decrees i Kast along said road as it meanders 14chains to a mulberry on the west bank of said road thence in about a south west direction chains to a I poplar at the Henry ISulliu Spring, | thence down the branch which runs out from said spring in a general south west direction to a poplar on the cast bank of said branch in Lee Smith's line near Moses I'. Cnlliii's ami Lee Smith's corner, thence west oiil.ee Smith's and Moses 11.I 1 . Bul- I jin's line to the beginning contain- I lug about acres more or less ad- I joining the lands Xewt. Stephens. .Moses i\ Htillin and others. Also two other tracts of land, one of ' which contains K, of one acre and : one about 1' 1-1' acres, for boundaries of the l-i' nerc, and 2 1-2 acre tracts and for full description of same re ference is hereunto made to deed [ from L. K. Malic and wife t• \Y. c. Mabe. which dii'd bears date of Dec. 2.'! rd. I'.'lil, and appears of record ia the oliice nf the Register of Deeds of Stokes County. X. C. in book No .*.4 page .1(11. This IMb dav of March', lull'. .1. D. 111'MPI IH K YS. Trustee. NOTICE UK LAND SALE. By virtue of a de ree* of the Su perior ( oiirt of Stokes County, rendered in the special proceeding entitled "Nancy F Dodsoti and others against Hcssic Davidson and others," on the 29th day of Keliv. 11112, appointing the undersigned *a commissioner for the purpose. I will expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash, upon the premises in Stokes County, on Thursday, April 11th. 11)12. Nt the hour of one o'clock p. in., a tract of land in Snow Creek Township, Stokes County. X. C„ bounded on the West by' lands of .Icrry Dodson, on the North by the land of T. J. (iann, on the Kast by the lands of (Jeo. (iriffin and on the South by the lands of X. H. Duggins, containing Ml acres, more or less, and being the tract of land described lathe will of John Preston,(deceased, recorded in the office of the Clerk of theSuperlor Court of Stokes Coun ty. N. ('., in Will Hook No, (!, pages ti' etc., which was devised for life to Clarkcy T. Preston, with remain der for life to I'eriuella U. Dodson, with remainder In fee to certain of the children of said Pemielln B. Dodson, reference to said will being hereunto made. This the 4th day of March. 1912 X. (). PETItEE Commissioner. NOTICE ! Having duly qualified as executor of the last will and testament of S. .1. Lawrence, deceased, notice Is hereby Riven to all persons holding claims against the estate of r.aid deceased, to present them to me for payment, duly authenticated, on or by the 20th day of Keb.. I'll:!, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate are hereby respectfully requested to make Immediate pay ment. This the 14th dav of Feb., 1912. It. 11. L. SMITH, j Executor of S. .1. Lawrence. I'. O. Kranclsco. N. C„ Route 2 I X. (). Petree, Attv. for Ex. ; NOTICE. Having duly qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Peter K. Overby, dtreased. notice is hereby given to all persons hold ing claims against the estate of the said Peter K. Overby, to present them to me for payment, duly I authenticated, on or by the Ist day 11>f April. 191.'!, or tills notice will lie ! pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate are I respectfully requested to make iin mediate settlement of same with ! me. ! Tills the 14 dav of Mar. 1911, K. K. OVKRHY. Kxecutor of I'. K. Overby. Post Iffiee, Stuart Va.. Route's. I X. O. Pet ree. Att.v. for Ex. NOTICK ! Ha vlng duly qualified as executor of the last will ami testament of William Lash, colored, deceased, I notice is hereby given to all persona j holding claims against the estate of the said William Lash, colored, to present them to the undersigned I for payment, duly authenticated, on or before the 20th day of Feb., 1191:!. or this notice will be pleaded •In bar of their recovery. All persons | Indebted to said estate are hereby i requested to make immediate pay ment. Tills the 14th day of Feb., 1912. •I. T. LYNCH, Executor of Wm. Lash, Col. P. O. Pilot Mtn., N. C., Route 1 N. o. I'etree, Atty. for Ex. Page 3