Page 4 CALENDAR Spring Term 1912 OK THE SUPERIOR COURT OF STOKFS COUNTY Mis Honor F. A. Daniels, Judge Presiding. Monday, May 13, 1912. J. D. 11. John A. Burton, 25 vs. J. \V. H. Leander B. Bennett and wife, Annie Bennett, and James L. Bennett. Folger and Folcrer, Robert A. Cook. N. 0. P. 32 vs. W. F. Carter. Sarah Cook. j. i). h Walnut Cove Mer. Co. 21 vs. W. W. K. J. C. W all. j D H B. F. Pulliam, i 8 vs. N. 0. P. V. R. Smith. NOP. A. T. Rothrqck, J. D. H. 23 vs. Joyce, W. B. & W. • Norfolk & Western Rail- way Co. J. W. H. Roy Benton. 36 vs. N. O. P. Joel A. Hicks. Rogers & Fulton, Robert Lindsay, 37 vs. N. o. P. Raleigh Satterfield. Tuesday, May 14, 1912. J. W. H. J . F. Pepper. 22 vs. j. D. H. W. T. Choate & T. W. Tilley trading as Choate J. W. H. John J. Sheppard, 15 vs. J. D. H. Epp Lawson, Gabe Hawkins. N. 0. Petree, R. W..George, 2 vs. King, Watson & Buxton, J. D. H. J. H. Covington. N. 0. P. A. L. Stephenson. 8 vs. J. D. H. A. P. Stephenson. W. R. Johnson. W. T. Pulliam, 11 vs. J. p. H. E. 0. Caudle. j. w. H. J. W. Caudle et al, 31 vs. J. D. H. V. T. Grabbs. N. 0. P. Wednesday, May 12th, 1912. N. 0. P. J- Watt Hutchens, 30 vs. J. D. H. Dr. J. H. Ellington admr. of J. H. Hutchens. J. W. H. and B. &W, G. W. Barker admr. of J. A. Barker, 34 vs. WB & W Joyce and N. 0. P Norfolk & Western Rail way Co. C. 0. M. J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co. 17 vs. N. 0. P. Charles R. Wall, Taylor Price. Finley & Hendren, Setzer Brothers, J. D. H 27 vs. S. P. G. The Bard Lumber and Mfg. Co NOP W. T Pulliam and wife, Emma Pulliam, 35 vs J D H. E. O. Caudle. MOTION DOCKET. _____ Watson, Buxton & Watson, Petree. Jas. Rierson and W. W. King. 1 vs. Z. V. Robertson et al. J. D. Humphreys. James M. Neal. 3 . vs. Petree, Glidewell. Joe W. Coffer. Humphreys, Manly & Hendren. James R. Rierson et al 4 vs. King, Petree. J. C. Wall et al .......... Carter. W. P. Smith. 5 vs. N. O. Petree. Henry Copeny et al J. D. Humpreys. Dr. J. H. Ellington, admr. of J. Banner Martin. 6 vs. | King, Watson, Buxton & Watson. J. Walter Joyce and wife N. 0. P., Humphreys and Sharp. Hattie A. Joyce et al N. 0. Petree. C. H. Lunsford, R. L. Bennett. 7 vs. J. D. Humphreys. J. C. Tillotson. J. D. H., G. & M., S. C. Foddrill and others. ' 9 vs. W. B. & W. G. W. Foddrill et al. Patterson. John V. Marshall. 10 - vs. W. B. & W. and N. 0. P. H. A. Morris, J. H. Morris. C. 0. M. W. Lash, coL 12 % vi. N. 0. P. J. w: Pell M. & H., J. D. H. John W. Johnson 13 vs. Burvvell & Cansler for Ins. Co. The Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. J. W. H. for admr. and A. J. Fagg, admr. pf V. t. Eaton. J. D. H. Wm. H. Carroll. 14 vs. N. 0. P. Gideon Ferguson. W. W. K. M. & 11. vs. 16 _ E. 0. Caudle. 19 vs.. Seaton W estmoreland. King. W. B. & W. Walter Gibson et al. vs. E. B. J. & N. O. P. James W. Pell et al. ————————— N. 0 P. The Bank of Stokes J. D- H. County. 24 vs James Ingram N. O P. M. T. Chilton. W. B. & W. 26 vs. J. A- Barringer. T- S- Groome I J. D. H. Frank Mabe. 28 vs. N. 0- P- Powell Sands. W. B. & W. J. D. H. Mrs. Mary L. L. Hartman 29 vs. N. 0. P- Robert W- Simmons. J. D. H. J- R. Smith et al 33 vs. J. W. H John Williams, Frank Cardwell. Cases not reached on the day set for trial, will be taken up on the next or succeeding days in their order. Motions will be heard at any time at the convenience of the court. This April 9, 1912. M. T. CHILTON, Clerk Superior Court. WESLEY EDWARDS DID HE VISIT STOKES COUNTY Man Filling His Description Passes Through Rural Hall, Germanton and Walnut Cove Detective Thinks It Was Him. Germanton, April 10—Con siderable interest and excite ment has prevailed here since Saturday over the report that a man answering the description j of Wesley Edwards passed j through Germanton last Friday, j going to Walnut Cove, where he ! secured a lunch, hired a team J and drove to Pine Hall. The man supposed to have been Edwards was in Rural Hall Friday morning and secur ed breakfast at the hotel. He told parties that he had walked thirty miles. Those who saw the visitor say that he looked haggard and very much fatigu ed. After breakfast he went, to the 'ivery stable and asked i for a driver and a fast team to take him to Walnut Cove. He paid for the team and the man was driven via Germanton. Reaching Walnut Cove he stopped at the hotel and told the the keeper that he could not wait for dinner. A lunch was prepared for the man. He then secured a team and driver from Mr. Reid Joyce. An old colored man drove the team to Pine Hall. He says that the white man asked him not to drive via the depot in Walnut Cove as there, might be somebody there he would not want to see. Detective D. C. Baldwin came to Walnut Cove early Sun day morning. He was joined there later the same morning by a member of the detective force from Mt, Airy. They spent the day there making investigation. On the train to Mt. Airy Sunday night Mr. Balwin stated that; the description furnished him of• the stranger at Rural Hall and j Walnut Cove Friday was a pretty good one of Wesley Edwards, though he was inclined to believe that the party might have been i endeavoring to work a scheme j to induce the detectives to leave Carroll county, by getting a re port in circulation that Allen and Edwards had been seen at various points in this State. Mr- William L. Hairs ton, of Walnut Cove, was in town to» day, THE DANBURY REPORTER Announcement. Danbury, N. C., April 10. To the Republicans of Stokes County : I hereby announce myself a candidate for Register of Deeds of Stokes county on the Republi can ticket subject to the action of the Republican convention. THOS. S. PETREE. 700 = Sample Hats - 700 JUST RECEIVED including all the latest shapes and colors at money saving prices. All 55c. hats, sample prices 40c. " SI.OO " " " 65c. " $1.50-$1.75 hats " " SI.OO " 2.00 hats, sample " 1.50 " 2.00-3.00 " " 1.85 " 4.00 stetsons, just COME AND GET THE PICK, NO TWO ALIKE Yours for business, BOYLES MERCANTILE CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR HATS AND FINE SHOES* KING, N. C. .. , is Personal Notes Reported From Rural Hall Section. Rural Hall, April 9 —Mr and Mrs- Joe T. Westmoreland spent Saturday and Sunday in Dalton visiting their parents, returning home Monr' v morning. Mr. J. Adam Guinn was here | Friday afternoon between trains jen route to Mt. Airy to spend j Easter. | Miss Victora Wall, depot agent |at Summerfield, spent Friday ' here. Mr. and Mrs A C Wall, of Winston-Salem, spent Easter Monday with parents here. Messrs. Ellis E. Shore and Postmaster Vest spent Monday in Winston-Salem Mr. and Mr 3. William Wall left Saturday morning for Rock ford to spend a few days with parents. Miss Pearl Wall is spending a few days in Pilot Mountain visiting Misses Myrtle and Beatrice Simmons. Mr. W. H. Tuttle, of Winston- Salem, spent Monday with his parents on Route 2. Rev. S. G. Sutton filled his regular appointment at Corinth Sunday. Several of our young people spent Easter Monday in Don naha. Mrs. Claude Kiser, of Greens boro, is spending a few days here with her parents. RANOESAND KITCHEN UTENSILS can always be purchased to the best advantage at our store. If you are starting housekeeping you should not fail to examine our stock and prices. If you are already established you will find here many things you need. The Washington range we sell at $26.50 is something every housekeeper will appreciate. W. 0. CROTTS, Cor. 6th and Liberty Stsf, Winston, N. C. Hunting Preserve Iu Graham County- George Moore, a wealthy cap italist of Detroit, Mich., has leased a tract of land in Graham county, containing 1,600 acres, from the Whiting Manufacturing Company, and is engaged in stocking the property with wild ; game of all kinds, which has ; been purchased in various parts of the world. Mr. Moore will maintain a large hunting • serve on the property and will spend a great deal of time at the place hunting with friends who will visit him. A large club house has been constructed and a great deal of work has been done within the past few weeks in getting the land ready for the j stock which will be placed on it. The property is admirably situat ed for a hunting preserve, tak ing in the Hooper Bald moun tain and being traversed by numerous streams, which will furnish plenty of water for the animals and for the convenience of the hunters. Party Goes To Pine Hall On Fishinf Trip. A happy party of young people left here this afternoon on the N. &W. train for Pine Hall, for an outing. They carried with them the necessary parapherna lia for fishing in the Chisman mill pond. The jolly picnickers were chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Austin Burk. The party was composed of Misses Nina Hester, Aline May Hamilton, Ollie Hastings, Helen Keith, Bertha Hall and Daisy Jenkins; Messrs. A. F. Gunn, Milton Cash, Isaac and Ellis Ashburn, Douglas Peterson and Bernie Stewart - Winston Sentinel, 9th. Messrs. J. G. Priddy and J. J. Stephens, of Meadows, were here today.