VOLUME X COLRT IN SB-.-M Vtl'V HI.AW STATE POCK'.T W; 1 Lilcly C "mil S.' • - c!ay Many .'ion* *j V. t 1 13c Dispr-ssii of Judge bar,: Makes Favorable Ii re- ion Proceed':!;:; of iho fmrl. '!he s; •"•■ tern "i t cii ninai court c.nv» nod ..iundav with Ji:«I;-v i'. A. Da:de!s pro s; .ing, and, although no time* lu.s been lost. the heavy d"ekct is still far from i•:;i;iii.i-.lml at this writing (Thursday.) Wuite a number of prisoners in jail art 1 yet to 1 >«• tried, as well a large numbe rof ouer.eler.s who. are out under bond. CK-ik of the Court M. T. Chilton thinks that it will mpiire until Satur day to finish the docket. As we go to press the case »>t Ham Fry and John I'iuett, char/,-d with opt rat i: g an illicit !isti!l r>. is in progress and will probaoly consume mest of the aft -m >n. Judge Daniels lr ; made a very favoiable impivsston on our people by I.is thoroughness and his disposition to deal out justice to ail who come before him. lb is kind and con siderate, yet he is firm in his decision*. Ilis honor's clutr: e to tie jur.\ was a mo.-.. i-acel lent exposition of tii ■ law. It is nenlless to say that »S - licitor Graves i-- fully sustaini." ; his reputation of making i; way of the transgressor hard. Though no very important cases have come up yet. much favora ble comnu-nt has been heard on his ell'orts in a number of those tried. Cases disposed of up to the hour of our going to press are as follows: State v. Joe Martin Davis, colored, larceny, 1 cases, guilty. Judgment four months on road. State v. Oilie Sally and L. R. Coe, all'ray. guilty. Judgment suspended on payment, of the cost. State v. Henry Yates, a. d. w., guilty. Judgment lined slO,llO and cost. State v. Henry McDaniel, a. d. w., guiitv. Judgment sus pended on payment of cost. State v. Winburn Nelson, injury to stock, not guilty. Slate v. I Aim Lawson, bigamy, not guilty. State v. John Ziglar, nuisance, not guilty. State v. Seaton Marsh, injury to property, guilty. Prayer for judgment cot.tinned upon pay ment Of C 'St. State v. W. L. Ilwirston ana Geo. Wilson, altiay, both guilty. Judgment as to llairston, lined fP'U.OO and half cost: As to Wilson, fined tf-oJK) and half cost. Slate v. Jas. W. Corn, unlaw ful manufacture of liquor, : guilty. Judgment fined £1,000.00 and the cost. State v. J.mah Chapman, re tiiling. four cases, guilty in all. Judgment fined £50.00 and cost. State v. Yirgii Jcssup, retail ing, two cases, guilty. Judg ment suspended on payment of cost. State v. John Ziglar, retailing, three cases, guilty. .Judgment fined $25.0" s:r. t cotf. State v. Jim Smith and Mu;v Builen, f. and a., guilty. Judg ment pending. State v. Green Drown, retail ing, guilty. Judgment four months on road. State v. Yirgii Simmons, colored, a. d. w., two cases, guilty. Judgment pending. State v. Virgil Simmons, colored, c. a. n., guilty. Judg ment pending. , AHHESITB MONDAY! J A .'i.S I.* i,'UU •I. Gives Bci.d oi 5300 lox His Ap [ccrai.ee Iki'ort. L. S. ComtiibKoii tr At Winstuu-Salem June 25th On the Ciijrf'.fc of Mr.ku'it Wliis i.: y Jatt'i s \\. ' urn, ■ ! • ainpb d Route 1, was arrested in Dan-i bury on Monday bv Deputy | Marshall G, A. Carroll, of Wins ton-Salem, on the charge of c >h duclir.g an illicit distillery. Mr. Corn gave bond in the sum of &JOO.OO for his appearance before | a U. S. Commissioner at Wir.s ton-Salem on June 25th. Il will be recalled that Mr. ('orn was already under In md f r : distilling, having been tried on tlie charge before Justice of the Peace E. C Sheppard in January of tin.-. year and bound over to court. He was tried in this case in the Superior ceurt here yesterday, and, as will be seen by the court proceedings, was found guilty and lined £l,t)oo.( ; ii and the c >sl. Mr. Corn is among th • we iesv citizens >f hi ; secti >n of th • county, owning several hundred acres of excellent land, which is worth probably &oti,oi;o or v ln,- c.oo. Mo.' Ashely llcrnj Very HI At IjlCJKsborO. Raleigh, May 7. People of Raleigh are greatly distressed over the critical illness of Hon. Ashely Home at Greensboro. He was here Monday forenoon preparing ft r his trip to the Confederate reunion to which he was bound when the paralytic stroke came on. As chairman of the building commission for the erection of the new state administration building he had special matters to attend to yes terday before he started on his Macon trip. He complained somewhat to friends but insisted that he was well able to under take the journey to Macon. Carnc Hcie After S'.clics Prisoners An osl'cer from Rockingham county arrived here yesterday and will carry back with him the prisoners sentenced at the pre sent term of court to the Rock ingham county roads. It is not known at this writing how mar.v will be given road sentences. | Wil! Camp Ag;dn At Piedmont Springs. Winston Journal, ,'hh. Piedmont Springs will again be the location for the boys summer camp and Ph.vsicial 1 % Director Sebring of the Y. M. C. A. has fixed the time for June 5-15 inclusive. This place is an ; ideal camping spot for a summer outing, and the boys who are to participate, will, of course, be glad that it has been chosen as the piace for their recreation. Those who intend to attend the camping trip should give their names to Mr. Sebring at once. Rev. Samra Smith, who has just completed a couiso at Mars Hill College, will pcoach at Mt. Olive Baptist church next Sunday at 11 o'clock A. M. i State v. Luz James and W. !M. Flynt, Jr., a. d. w., both i guilty. Judgment pending. ! State v. Hayes Flinn and Cora Eaton, f. and a., guilty. Judgment pending. State v. Everett Lackey, a. d. w., guilty. Judgment pending. State v. Wyatt Lawson, keep , ing bawdy house, not guilty. DANBL'KY, N. C., >\/ ; PIEDMONT SEASOA LARCH CRO'.V 1)S V. !1 ?V. i!" 1 Two Contest Purtiis C'Kiiiiv, f"' the 1'0;,..kr Fcsort From Old li—eJ-.- iitgham Thurston's SplcndiJ Hand t/t R;c!:n'?>nd I ' ,;' d i-jr the I' u:n:ncr College Hesii Coaling Early. i TV.e season i.i i'i..\:;iont Spring- - -will oj..>n e.n .Juiie 15. A most successful s .mm t i ■ o> pected. Airangem nts have b.'i n made with Thurston's hand, of Ricimiond. \a., to furnish mvtfic for the season. This orchestra is comptsseii of high class musicians. The lead ing violinist play.' i last wint-T at the JelTerson Hotel, Rich mond. giving entire satisfac tion. A n'lml.-er of improvements will be made in the hotel's s>m vice. The \v;.:er- iipi ly will ho ■ tioubVd. v. hi!e t i'.e ; el: system wiii h• • ' amp'.;lied. A large • ' • expected, i >n ihe lift' n* sixtientii of Juno the I' ' ■ Review will • ■ la i"i>\-. 'arty o' fr m "teen to twenty young ladies, w■. 'lapei'oi-e. i: i a : her , of friends ace rn;•ur..\ing. 1.a.-t ■ y ;.r the lv \ iev's crowd of ""irl scouts" ell .(.•»:! .eiiiselv, 'si well, and ti.e eec.ision \. ;;- i s "eh ai' ''iglit, I sue 'ess, li r" it w:s easy to arrange an .:! • r . out;!:g to the p'i ular resort, lit ■ young ladie* will be acc :n --panied by Mr. and Mrs, Oliver, aed by a nr. nber of others. Among the R view's party « f 1 giri C 'litesta'.its a"e t!te follow ing : Miss Dessie Howard. lVlhani. Miss L itlie M ...ran, Rutfin. R ' P ' ) I , if. Miss Sue Chandler. Ruilin. Mrs. J. C. DeLancey. Mc- Leatisville. Sallie Mrrtin. Mavoilan. : R. I'. D. Miss Janie Fcrreli. Rufrin, R. 1 F. D. Miss Sallie Carroll. Reidsville R. F. 1). Miss Flossie Sparks. Reids ville. R. F. I). o. ! Miss Ila Pritchett. Reidsville. Miss Emma Smothers, Madi son, R. F. D. Miss Ruih D irton. Reidsville. Miss Aldine Pleasants. Reids ville. Miss Nellie Dailev, Reidsville. Mis-s Nellie Thacker, Reids ville. Miss Theresa Key, Reidsville. 1 The Madison Herald is also running a voting contest in which ti number of the attractive i and popular young ladies of ; Madison and vicinity will win 1 trips to Piedmont in July. The Reporter will print a list of the > Herald's contestants soon, i All the cottages at the spiings •' will probably be occupied early. ) Among the first who will arrive . | will be Mr. J. 11. Prather and ; I family, of Mt. Airy, and Mr. H. IM. Saunders and family, of . 1 Winston. These are expected • within a few days. ESCAPES AN T AWFUL FATE. ; A thousand tongues could not express the gratitude of Mrs. .1. E. Cox, of Joilet, 111,, for her wonderful deliverance from an awful fate. "Typhoid pneumo nia had left me with a dreadful cough," she writes, "Sometimes I had such awful coughing spells I thought I would die. I could , get no help from doctor's treat ment or other medicines till 1 used Dr. King's New Discovery. I Hut I owe my life to this won , derful remedy for I scarcely cough at all now." Quick and safe, its the most reliable of all throat and lung medicines. Every bottle guaranteed. 50c ' and SI.OO. Trial bottle free at | all druggists. SUJtVcY COMPLETED FOR ROAD ELECTION WHEAT CROP 15AD GKi lIV RIGHTS 01 WAY A /"list 1 u:!!e-»>t Route Secured Iyr S .kes i lit .) th Turnpil.e No Gr ! .-s c:: Survey More Hian It-.;: an 1 One Half Per Cent. Tile oft S s-For syth turn', ike, 11*.> m !:.*,• Ruck Island ■! « . Dan river, lour it:i:• >i; \i. of l •{•nbury, to l:.' l'o: - ■ tii f ! J- Lilp. lias l.» C' I C> Jii eel. JiMvl li.es,; iniere.-t' i. in th ■ 1 :;ildi; gof the road arc now at securing .1, ... .. i no t .js..' ■ - Tlie n t' secure ! f 'i - the r> .d is a l.u: atie, has n i grade* on i; i • re than four and one ;..t | r c! t . !ii 1* lite di-i: '.ev has be -n c.-tisider iis»!y shi. t> r.ed in r.tos nlaces, the rout trom Meadows i" VVal* nut love .-ei' ■ nit air . line. Ti.eli a" F ;•!*' *r. R. ') 1 .. wi: ; • -at. the work in chttrg", deserves ' PUieh c. e' t | • .l.li. h;; ; ei.oi 's ; HIV;,;. . t. i • ite, whieh i • 1 v. 1 . , v. • .'e. lie e .. . ; i • If • c i. | • i.• i \\. r.. V> . . til): ; e«. : five \\. I'-cdy Ci ... i.ei.i Carrie' . i y . f j ]• ■ Cauule. v.'a«> w;;s ki!!e«l r. f.-w days hy a frei 'lit train ;*.t Harper, >•. V:,., v. r • st nt to King Tuesday where the burial • took pla*e yes* - lay. Mr. Caudle was in theemp' >y of th * No: W railroau at thenm > of itis death. He was 80 years >ll an 1 1 *;tves a - wife and five cleld.r n who are at San ford. N. . The body was, ■ accompanied by Messrs. E. il. i and I-. 0. Caudle, brothers of • the deceased. J ! ■ f:\ apjjelisl .Morgan l.ce S'urke, \\ht» will assist in the rtN vnl ' nitHMif'Es to he in IVi nf.i. • . A\. I:, church June Kth. " i Death of Mr. Jackson Smith. . ! f' Mr. Jackson Smith, who I resides near Ciermanton on the farm of Mrs. W. C. Mattl.ews, died Saturday at the age of 7f> years and was buried at I'almyra church Monday. The deceased leaves a wife and several sons and daughters to mourn his , death. He was a good citizen. .' Stokes S.y a ins Gold McJa! Mr. Samra Smith, of King ' Route 2, won a handsome gold I medal at the commencement exercises of Mars Hill College - last week. The medal is offered by the colk ire each year for the J best debatoi and it is considered quite an honor to win it. c t You can save a little on most everything at Butner's store. CITIZENS SIGVJNG PI'TITh, 1 . • Jitter G, p ! i/viihitip * i C ii2«:ly Co.ii "jivsoncrs i•) Aiiow 1 1: cr.i • o Vot i- on a v\ .! - Io r Pet . oil !tl I* '\7; v ii)p i >!' • - u-inyr t signers to give them an election Oil a O.i I iw.t.il is> ie for; oou roitds in that to.vn.-i.:; . it is understood that enough, signers have been secured to insure tiie election and the coun ty commissioners will be tiskedj to e*all tiie same at their he u meeting on tiie first Monday in •lane. Dr. R. li. More-field. .Mr. Will Mo,.;v and i tier citizens ol U inker (iap township wi re here ..ionday in ti.e i:.tt.rest oi'the r. a I matter I w-iv as.-uivd '•> t: c-ni.ei- ion. is tltat the lion wo i! e e-ai !e-1 as soon ; as: 'iicient number of \«>ters -iimed the • ti* urns. \ FIENDS' QUARTERLY MEETING. i.v!J At •?.. 1.1 C.rarc'i i.;st ' • J.'.r !>\ \ s lleniy. Westfu 10, . a', i'. Most people : eld thr i anting crnr : • tie crop now anted is far ahead of last ■ ..r s. V\ heat in tl seetiidi i - also piomit ing. Tiie i'rier.ds h.eai their regular i •artefl;. mi-ei:n-e at this jiiace 1..-; Sund; y. 'i h*. > e was a large e "o\vd ir attendance on Suii'.lay, •■•ho listened wry atteiitive'ly t" tin- sermons rend"re Ibyß- k, I »r. S nith of ti •• 15a; t.Vi church : nd iievs. Wi.i*ten and Picket of the home church. I'p to th.is date they have i employed no pastor at the' 1 Baptist church. Messrs Dan. Robert and Luther Inman and Elbert Pell I attended the ball game at Rig Creek last Saturday. Mr. Gaston Christian has accepted a pu;-it:on as agent for Mr. S. P. Christian during the 1 fertilizer season. Mr. Oscar McDaniel called on Miss Loline Sunday. For the benefit of the girls who would like to know 1 will say that Tar Heel Charlie has moved to Pinnacle and would be glad to hear from them. Pine Hall. Pine Hall. May 4. Miss Vir ginia Smith, of Madison, has been visiting Miss Effie Hlack well this week. Misses Nell and Mamie Flynn 1 attended the commencement at Madison last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Flynn, of Summerfielel, visited their parents here last Sunday. Mr. Tuiner Sho:kley, travel ing salesman for Morris Co., was here Monday. Mrs. G. M. Creakman is on the sie'k list this week. .Mr. Mebane Paris, of Be-lew's Creek, was a visitor here this week. Mrs. J. C. Flynn went to .Mad ison to visit her daughter Mrs. E. P. CabiH this week. Miss Anna Rierson, id' Madi son, is visiting Mrs. Grover Rierson this week. Miss Viola Creakman spent I Friday night with Miss Nellie Griffith. BLUE JAY. . Mr. Will Overby, of Meadows I: Route 1, who was here yesterday, I reported that he killed a large rattlesnake near his home last I week. This is the first one of the season. • HESSIAN FLY'.i D A )LY WORK Reports iir.r.i Fvcry Svclion 01 Ifce County Say IV.MKct Is Dae Crop ..ay he J.. - ,tirt!v Pts'.rov td. No-.VS C'« •!:)"-■ fr,:>l section • »•; icn .nty v.at in,nr. Tile II -i.n Uy, ri:--:. and otl.-T ev.:s h'.tve d in.- thoir I work, and it i- fea;v 1 thai th.- crop will not average ./J per cent. ' Mr. ('. I . \\ hitf. of King. re ports vvh 'at g»t•! in th its 'ction. i;but A. E. S(;iith"!M and T. V. Size mo re say the ;•:.•! 1 is going i to be very poor in their respective neighborhood. .Mr. IJ. A. Overby. I cf the western part of the coun ty, reports a .-orry outlook. Likewise in m;.ny ncighWh uds • the prospects are very bad. Hut I the fruit crop i rospects were were it wv better, and ii.i!v»s signs i. ; ,l the'V vvill b- the ■ largest y ieid of u >p!os, p ;.ehes. pears. plums, gra.-os. etc.. v.u fti'* many \ e irs. COUNTY FATHFRS !!.F ~ Full I ! > i. :, rd In Attendance v'.ui \'er\ i.ittlc Busincs Fran sc'.cd Two Road Petitions Postp .n. J Until Next Meeting. The cnir.ty com ;s : , >r* 1 v. - n r«';;a!ar nv nthly ?• 0 n at t!it» cnii't Louse Monday, a ■ full board t>eing pres mt. A i etition asking i»r a change in tho Lynchburg road in Quaker Gap tt-w.ish'p, between Coving ton's :-■* re an ! Rock House church, was prt. ; ent.d to the ' board. The petition will be advertised and the b >ard will consider it at next meeting. Citizens of Sauratown town ship also presented a i etition asking that a new road bo laid out in the neighborhood of L. A. ' Koth rock's. This petition will : also bo advertised and the board will consider it at next meeting. The above were about the .only matters coming before the board for consideration, aside from paving a few promiscuous 1 claims against the county. News Items From Oak Grove. ; Oak Grove, May 7. -We are ■ sorry to learn that Mr. T. W. Gentry's riding horse got hurt last Monday week. We are glad to learn that fertilizer is down so the poor people can buy as well as the • rich. S-2-2 is £1.70 at King. Rev. Simmons, of Yade Meeum, filled his regular appointment at 1 Olive Grove Saturday and Sun -1 day. There was a large crowd present. We are glad to learn that the 1 people of Yadkin township are making arrangements to hold an election to issue bonds for the • purpose of buildng a sand-clay road through Yadkin township. ' We think this isoi.eof the grand est moves that has ever been offered for the upbuilding of our county. Mr. G. A. Jones is hawk-hunt ing and talking good roads. Mr. Wade H. Hoyles, who has been confined to his room for five weeks, is slowiy improving. Mr. li. L. Hoyles went out to see the girls last Sunday. 1 SCRIRRLER. a Good Roads Election June 4 th. The Rockingham county com s missioners met in extra session , at Wentworth Wednesday and e called a good roads election for t June. 4th. A new registration e was ordered for this special elec tion. 2.( S7