Page 6 FAST LIVING. Death R;ite of Persons Over Forty Is Increasing. While it encouraging to note that the death rate in the I'nited Stat.-s has decreased about lior cent since an\ com pact ' c>" that might lie caused by t stat 'it the leatit rat'• « 1 I't.v : . viva- i rai r:a!'\ in that t. a: t .v itr i-stijrat- is •' t c.. .1 re ca-tii I .' ■ , , ;n exj lanation ami - . »v 'e tubet 1 so on. ji. • 11f it it »' >• * tbt l :i . .oiul H >. «t !•»'»» i '.•tiiili'in i how to decrease mortality i• t" adults above torty years of age comes up strongaml i: sistant. Various reasons are assigned the heavy death rate among the middle-aged. It is generally held, according to a recent medical disseration, that one of the most potent causes >t this evil is too fast living. The ten dency of the times to maintain a strenuous, luxurious existence, iemanding highly seasoned foods and excess of alcoholic drinks, and mad pleasures is changed with the responsibility largely of the great number of deaths from alcoholic diseases. There must come a day when the people of these United States will have to pause and look about taking an inventory of how they live and hnv they should not live. The average American, it seems, must abandon a career of luxurious living, and hie himself back to the simple customs of his forefathers, should he prefer to • There Will be no Tobacco J • Sales on the Winston Market | • During the Months of June and July • H—y HH ® On account of the fact that so few buyers are on the sales during ® the summer months and believing it to be for the best interests of % Sthe farmer as well as the market, it has been unanimously decided to suspend sales on our market during the months of June and July. A We urge all the farmers to sell what tobacco they have on hand 2 during the month of May. M • = S The warehouses will be open all the summer as Z usual to take care of their friends and patrons. 0 MNNtNM*MHM«HMNNNHNMMN« ! Tobacco Board of Trade: • By F. A. COLEMAN, President. t | Z. T. BYNUM, Secretary. | BOND ELECTION. ; Rockingham County to Vote on Big Issue For Good Roads. Wentworth, May 2. Tho board of commissioners of Rock ingham county, in session hero j yesterday, ordered an election to bo held Juno I to permit tin volt r '.■» pass on tho qiu stion of iss'ii.'.; S'iiHI.OOO Worth of bi iu'.s for permanent roadbttilding in Rica . .■ham county. A | t!;•."!! coi;taiiiin-.r oxer !,- 7 0 names of v tors asking tor said election was liled with tlij rd Noted Case Settled Hal gh. May 1. Tilt S i; romo Co .rt > stains tho ele ction of Ceorge W. Flynt, Demo crat, as sheritV of Forsyth co'in ty in the suit contesting 11iolec ti 'ii brought by D. A. Jones, Re: ;l lican candidate, two years ago. The opinion was delivered this afternoon and linds no error in the trial below where the evidence was that Flynt had a majority of 1J votes over his Republican opponent. There never was a time when people appreciated the real merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy more than now. This is shown by the increase in sales and voluntary testimonials from persons who have t»een cured by it. If you or your children are troubled with a cough or cold give it a trial and become ac quainted with its good qualities. For sale by all dealers. Mr. John V. Phillips, of Dal ton. was here yesterday on his way home from a visit to his farm on Snow Creek. live less tiut live longer. The candle must be burned only at one end. to make the chance greater for a robust and healthy old age. THIS DANISURY REPORTER BE A ■ BdL iJSj IIS THE BEST IN THE >5 WORLD I because it is made of fc the purest and best in- E predion ts, because i fi | contains more lu alin \ ■ ■ strengthening and lip £ building mate! ial tliu.i H any other Lmulsion, on 1 a « because it is a perfect U I product of a scientific 'j | ally perfect process. 0 •} Doctors the world over Lj recognize jScoti's Emulsion! Los the Standard prepa- | ration of Cod Liver Oil. I am. i>Ki » Francisco. Francisco. May 1. There was a bad accident happened rear Francisco last Sunday morning, when Harmie Coin, Mr. Abe (Join's infant, got badly burned. Miss Emma Hudson is spend ing a fortnight with her grand father, Mr. Jeil' Coin. There was a chopping at Mr. Walter Ray's Tuesday. Those who visited Miss Tabi tha Jetl'erson Sunday were Miss Emma Hudson, Messrs. David Coin. Bynum and Willie Bryant. Silas Tucker, Willie Poore, Willie Shelton and Calvin Fry. Mr. Willie Shelton traded three calves for a talking ma chine last Saturday. They organized a Sunday school over at the academy the ! 4th Sunday. CUESS WHO. Bcttie Ann Bunker Write; To MOSSY Bill. Rocky Blutf, N. C., >?."> W. Liberty St. Mr. Mossy Bill. t Cod bless you. dear, l'or answer ing my advertisement, for 1 think you will suit me tip top. When I read your letter it just c tme in my mind you was the very little boy 1 wanted. Al though 1 never did fancy white hair but I new r will stand back on that account, as blacking i* or, l\ 3 cents a box. Now, dear, I will "• t promise voli 1 v. ill do all the plowing, for I am not use to an o\. Pap keeps a blind mule i' r us girls to plow. Oh. my. did I ever think when 1 advertised 1 would marry a hoy with a big •> acre farm and a tine little log cabin on it. Nov, darling, 1 had rather you wouldn't sell that pig, to have pictures made: I had rather you would sell two of your cats, as one cat will be all that i> needed to catch the rats in that little house. Vou asked me for my photo ( and lam sorry to say I haven't j had any made in 50 years except ma had a family group of lis all made last summer. Vou just ' wait and after we are married we will have one taken together. I distinctly remember seeing you at a dance one night at grandpap Bunker's and have longed to meet you. \ou have won my whole heart anil what more could you do. I cannot imagine any happiness for mv self in the future without you. , Now. dear, you said you was getting old and feeble. I don't know what makes you talk that j way, for you are just -1 years | I older than I am and I feel as j young as any sixteen-year-old girl. I will close. Answer real soon and tell me all the news. Lovingly, BETTIE ANN BUNKER. Remember Your Eyesight. Do Your Eyes Water? Do You Suffer With Headaches? IF SO Or® iVleifczer, The well known Optician. who has been in Madi son ami Majodan for the past live months, is now in Walnut Cove for the next few days. This Celebrated German Optician is now his headquarters at the Colden Utile Dm*: Store, and will examine the eyes of all who come F rcc of Charge Dr. Melt/.er is a Graduate Optician of Germany, holds State License from the North Carolina Board of Optometry, has an experience seventeen years as an Optician. He has been in Madison and Mayodan for the past live months, in which time he has fitted with glasses many of the best citizens, all of whom are well pleased with his services. I>r. Meltzer can be found at the Golden Rule Drug Store for the next few days, and will be glad to examine vour eyes absolutely FREE OF CHARGE. REMEMBER You will be under no obligation to give an order for glasses unless it is your wish to do so. FURTHER, all Glasses fitted are GUARANTEED to give absolute satisfaction. If it is inconvenient for you to come, write or phone me if you need anything for your eyes and I will call at vour home at your convenience. DR. MELTZER, Golden Rule Drug Store, Walnut Cove, N. C. References as to Dr. Meltzer's Skill and Ability may be obtained from the following well known Doc tors: Dr. R. G. Tuttle, M. D., Walnut Cove, N. C.; Dr. Matheson, M. D., Madison, N. C.; Dr. Roach, D. D. S., Madison, N. C.: Dr. L. Robertson, M. D.. Dr. H. B. McKnight. M. D., and Dr. Wm. B. Lewis, M. D. Wood mowers, rakes, repairs. It will pay you to visit my Ketger's store. 1 bargain counter. W. E> Butner.