THE 1 JANBURY REPORTER. voLUMti XI OAK GROVE ITEMS I.ARGE CPOP OF TOBACCO Being Planted «eo. Smith's Cherry Tree l.ures the Girls —Olive Grove S. S. Progressing. Oak tir. >v.\ .Mini? •'! The health »f the people in this sec ti >n is good at this writing and e - . ryhody i- i'";ttinjr in good I .• at W'ick. !'■ •l»ai*i'> planting is nearly i . r. which we think there is a larger i'l'iiji than usual. From i l inks ■!' thi- j »r«-> nt wheat • it' titer '- not :i shower - thr stra will In* about a -i. 'ft as tin- bread. A lit of ii.«• lirst planting of tobacco and i' Hi is Iti-iiiy piaatt d over. We hear a lot of «• ■•niplain; ahoiit the butfs dest roving tin- potato, cu c .mber and .atermelon situs. W have discovered a rented \ \.! .h will de-troy them. Tin* !'• : edy l- lli'.'. lai.ea IlilMU.'e i : tobacco and molasses and s. • Inkle i'. !* tiie vines and it ■l.; destp . thi .in ::o I . in'ites. IV. it and r. results. Mr. 11, h. I, ■g. o: Pianac, !;• .te li. I.a • put a Jihoi. • in his I ,—e, || ,- ■ i. : i.. I. .ni :i lamp the !i> ' ivrht after put t• . iii t!.• pi. .t •hi !iii•>- .itues v.'cl'e >■ i hail liis wite to.d !;•. in h|n\v (I' " lam; whiei. b- did and ii lie • ■ t ti \. ihl In• in -tr •11 a ■• w. !• t !.' !' • • A 11. M•. N. > : lb- ' ■ ■ "!•' I.' . i.; a !ar ' a' i'ao.i' s IM IP h; - t ' •'■ - ■ 1 p a '• • • nt t.oha 11. . S: 1 .- i • 'ai'i.eii .iii .i ten-sting !V: ;.i■«i mi !;.'l . v mea at (':i Vt «i» • c.a ,!', :. Mr. Wi > i at' : ,- r'l.. :11v his tobacco pbnt aiiit ••• .'Ting t hem v. i! ii st i aiii orc-r t hat Ie \ 11! ha\« plants ear.y it■ xt sprine. MisseS I t!.• J 111 »!• I'.i \vai'-> '.•iii'. ..' Mi 1 1 U. Sli.itii ' • ii any II« ■a- a i.i' ' chirr .ti i i b ...• - t'ul' tin' Cie : In- I" lie'. I - t.. '. • hill i IM '!•' "' ' ill' cherries ' ha*, t :i-• • d > bin. 'I i• 11|;. i- ',r »ve Sunday si'li >1 progressing nicely un i|i'i j tii>- >■' and .'i.a?i• • i:i• at . : its 11 Mr. 11. 11. Smith. Supt . ::i .Miss Ftozella lloy ies, Si'i' i u-; .... a ia! fern.i: Iter on roil. s« i.iiru.i:::. !,. c. i, i i..; ;)' i \*.G! ;> Shi "In .. 1 ; i' ' i ' li C \s iP.iius Ar lie.i lie 1 it Mr. I:, i. I ;tt! . .. Vadi.::i tu\vns!iip, :• ;m'i :iiill*•• i• yoiir.i.r tanner and a . t■ • m citi. *n. has iiecoii;'- mi'ti' a 11\ -•• -i'.i m;j t. i. Last I'll iisda\ niornii'i'; during injjr an msaae lit ii ■ shot aim kil I'd hi-- !i' iniicli cu.v, wort! s;,ti. |p. • i'.i l.i- fan i!.* h" \va K'i>i o ! s | .in'e! liuii'in,j Hearing tin r. port a «ui. i: was foiin i ihat M'. I la..'; killed hi- COW. His mini! iri> l.een atl'ec:.' ! at ir r\ai • i'O;- son e 1:1 :. t.-. Coi.iinv i • i i.l ...ut O.i im 17t.i ,-\ letter ie e-i .luli-i I' «)i,>-ei. K.I t.M I.;' :he Ueiiis>i!le Kevi. w. a.his' 1 - tiia. h and Mrs. (tlivi-r will arrive at Piedmont un tin- I.:h nis' . ne coinpanied hy his contest pait uf a 11.imil>er ui the accompli.-..ed and attracti- e yonu ■: ladies u' UuckiiiKliain. who will spend two weeks at Piedmont. i'aivlie I c cl'ee ! N ' cent-. A . E. Burner. .1. H. I'RATHER DIES PASShD AT MOUNT AI K Y harly Sunday Morning. After An illness oi Several Weeks The Interment from the Home Mon day Afternoon. Mr. .Jesse 11. i'ratiier died at In- home ia Mi. Airy earl;. Sun day morning, after an illness • i' several weeks. Tile news l'eachi'd relatives at I'anhury Sunday eveninyraliout six o'clock, owintr to some unaccountable delay .n the delivery of the telegram. At his death Mr. l'ratla r was surrounded hy his wife. chihlren and several friend.-. He had been in declin ing health for sonie months, and recently an attack of a urip so ajryravated a chronic stomach trouble that h« was jj-natly weakened. However his con dition was not considered so serin;.s until a feu days before his .leal;.. The funeral ceremony v.a i*.inducted from '.lie home Mon day afternoon at i: 1 oVo.-k b> the pasn !• ' : ihe Mt. .\i: M. 1,. ( h'.ici.. le-.. Mr. \\. > I'l.e service \er touclmy, aial wa attetideii . a ho packed v.;': 11.. naii'. s!riciieii fti«'ii'is i fil'.e ili-ceased. I li.- il.i'a ir- \\ i r l.ea ;t i P.. . and tilled an • .nt:»room. »iu ■ ! th ' pi'i'ttii ih .'.i;." - v\a -. ,i i. the X:.' onal !' .r.>it « mpai.s. • • -c: ir. I'ratla r .'.as I'll -l'l' !' ivj :• -I'll', d a'. at. . •aI. .. arch. aoove - -. ■ -. ai, i..any (.ti • . Pea .t;i u . .-! I ill'! .'i . i;: I: •. e--ion 1.. ii.. ■.I'O " 'I ti ' i' 1.-est I .1 I iM Ml. A.r;. ..I!• -'.la i \ v aii'i i • oi»'C i'i v. i.icn t iiei i. .i.-l: i a.- 11 - *:• .. .i• -.• 11 i 'rath r was a.uei! •> ;• r-. !>' n 0:.',!.- i.inl . iia> . Ill' I- s r\ ''l :•> !.:• '.'.Ml . tV. O nil ./:i;i I-. .:. . t •'. oSi I - )[:. l' v...- a joW.-iP.. -p.I!. 11. t hi* b'SSII » ii.eo; 'I Ai; .. ai •; .• as oi. oi ti.-' c:ia : kl.'l'." to toWla 11. a. a a>». i ;os. .. . . .-d v. i:l. evei". I' a I'Mer. ri.-e N'l'Veii a- ilia 1 'I several .'.ears, and linallj tiei*iiii'it re i'loci|o i IP tii!e.' man> ■i: iii >n.- ■; hoa. rai ii 11 us! At la- n.iitii 1., was \ a'e I'i'i'Si lent i : tit lia:.!» ' i Alt. Air>, i re.salent o: Hi • N.• 11 i.i.l 1' ui n tun- t.. . a:ul a liirectui i.t Ihe ilana oi ii\es t•. and o: the huiiti li. 11.11.:.. ii.- had ac c'lin.ilati i*. ,i i' *.: ''i table fm - t iae. ai.d was o!|. ... liif weaitli ii . i men of S.I'i'.v i oaiit\. lie was a man ••: exceptional bilsila ss juityiii.i lit. iiliil \\;is always successinl in I.!- tnisiiu ss ia-a.s. lb was oi jrreat aliabili t\ i f temperament, ami nail tin* habit oi ever I lokint: oi. the h:'!/i:t -ule. hasily approaci.- able, ililhtlleds l'l llsidel'i'il him t!.v r 11 a. r.o. ami went to him i..r ills- private and p'litk' i!t eds of charity are only known to those who knew him best. \\ liiie awaiting interment a |ioiT \ clad man a.-M o admit tai ce to bis bit• r. ami mi ■ ! - i.' li.e ca.sket tile poor lei i iw v.i pi .say inn " I'hi- was the !ie:-t ;'l 'enil 1 had ill tile World, lie always heiied »ne to raise a crop. Now he is /one ainl I I;;ii Ihe ruined, la the passing oi «lesse 11. I'ratlu i Ait Any i .se- hi i It i'e mo.-i luisii.. ss man, the churcl. one ol its most enthusiastic and eilective laborers. hi the darketu d home, where the irreparable l ss i.- mt st deep ly lclt, Ins pliu e I - .in never lie tilled. DANBLkY, N. C., JIM: 5, lo|_>. RL'RAL HALL ITEMS KX-SHERIFF R J PFTREE And Others Make Talks On Special Tax For Schools Personals Rural Hall. Junel. A petition j is in circulation in an to, have a macadam road nuilt from! the old Piedmont I'ark out I v Marvin church. Winston, to this town. This a most direct route to and from the Twin-City, it beinjr much shorter than other routes, saving perhaps two miles. It is wished that the route will be constructed. Kx-Sheritr U. .1. I'etree. of ierinant-n. Supt. Hayes of the hiidren's Home. Winston-Salem, and others, made excellent ad dresses i m the ipiestion of "Special Tax for Schools." iri the K iral llali hiyii sciiotd auditorium Wednesday nijfht. Their addresses were well r-'Ceivetl. There Was a vry 1.1.1 si/..- ero.vd proM-nt. This 1111.-s tioii 11* - -hool tax i beinjr he.'e. i t ie!a;s .'r. ' iiistav i -i as, who lives soiiu four 11: ii• • - ; i'. her.', ar • vrael to learn that b- ,- ;• r« atly ved from a. attack • spasn odic inusi't.air ('■atractioii of the limbs wi.ich i • s :||| led T.ii'Sllay l "11 ill v Tiie Scutlicin Railway ollicial car s ■: off hi iv Tuesday evening. !'. - ' . ;ps in : his p ,rt tin divis.- . 1,.;'. Ms' ai i" • d from M Air... ("ol i,.-iirj."i 1.. I.i ck. county ••. .- ii'er, i : W j.stt i . came tii ' t. . \i"i ; rail. Thursday e . .-Mill' ' ' \ l-'.t ...ti .t - in- 1 :-inl- ..-r a wh. Mr. .'. A. I > illci:n. Ihe Sn hei'. Kailway's p «:■ bcommissary, wiii • i- i,.-. a I, i-a". 'd here for si me '::i.e v. .th. ihet-xtra t'orci'. left \\ edtu Mia; for Greensboro, v.!i »'e -A,:. A ». . 1111•« !■ - I. I -iaj.' '- li ■!.;' and ■ i sp. i- isi i i .1 . time \\ ii.sion r:.-' S:.' ,r lay •-\ t .. . an 1 i,: :: : T- -■ 11; . : • ... Mi. U 1. r-i r"- bah' REVIVAL SERVICES EVAN;" 1.1.15T M. i SIAPKi. 1o Pt. h i. St: ics of Mcs' 1 r At K I'. Church Here Next Tuesday hvervliody Cordially Invited to At tend. oi Nt w Vol k. wi 1 he>rin a si-res o; meetings at the M. 1.. ciiurch lie I'i • next lleshiy iiielii In these protracted sei vices thi I!vaiicelisi w ill be assist* d hy Pa-tor I. .1. Kol-r. This Iv,aii'.n li-t iaehly recom meiiiieti as having • xperiem'.-, v li-i j iii-r ii'. ami earnestness an-: b..- had sjilendi i r. salts in bad ii".r soil's to t I.i ist and h ~1 ill -. ~ in faith. The pa-tors \ w i i|'i> I n't'! iai Ce bM. II i .i wo! kt-r. t hot'oi:,' liiy cu. - secrat 'd to the work t ! Siiviiu sit: is and it is felt by the church interests •I'anbui that ;;11 at pimi wi:! m-suit Ir- m I is lah..i s ill tills I he nieetitie' here will c. i>- tinue u days. | rohahly lonj. r er. Ai earnest invitation is extend ed to all people of nl. dcnotniiiii 11«ins to attend the services faithfullv an I assis' m niakine them a success. lin i'e is iai real iiee! of anyone he ill; t I'ol bit .1 W '.! 1; ••• list ipat ion. ('h.imberlain's Tiibiets will • a ise iii, i.oreeabli movement of the biwels without any un pliiisii.t effect. (live them a trial. For sale hy all dealers. ! WHEAT CROP FAILS IT'S BAD OVF.R IN YADKIN I Corn Crop a Poor Stand fruit Also Short Items and Personals From King Kiim' .lime Wheat crops are reported halt oil. Too much rain ir. • ar.y -; r cause- rust i! to ruin i;. The corn crop ha- a \er\ pi or stand, lioodmarr. farmers art plowing ti>- land and plantinv* i over. . Not more than a ha!:'crop f | fruit owinjr to the th pi st de stroying the apj I -s. 1 his - -i-t.on is biissed w:th >rood ht iilrh. scarce!;, any sick ■ ness ar nd. Port into Mr. an i M.l. >. 1 Moreli . :. a bov. Mrs. Ann • 1 ral>s. tron. W in - stun, s- visiting iviati'-.-s in i Kiny. Don'! f «rv■ t the bi_- ic ■ ereaia - .-,i( per r.ext Saturday v th. A i full cor; - of trained jMrls wil: bt • it: the i.' er-'am rn- :i u. p!enty ■to wait ••!> ti " boy- \,w »M-ryho -. i" in at.'i havi '.rood ti::.• • l.iilVe crowd t in cted. I >o!.'t foi the ' • • ;.:old pi •. that is t be . :w>. away . >•• .ci :■ i an- : v.,-? it. All k Ml- lit p..,- MI'oR,.! !, 11W p..- ill!' -liJJ h our tl-'.. .1. peopie t ■. j a'... i\ r: ; 1 1 .■ Mr. Holh.ntl n.ade a ;!\: trip to i Sa' i-iliy • 'i.i 1 A Ne..- ■: .. v.- \, • ! ."• ! : ; ii -| . v. . 'nake a ne . >! - • Pi a' . I I 'l'l lis |'i • .! | . 1 c h"i! ■ Sin-day from llijrii Point. . ncc mpaniid I her cousins. Mi - - N. R.i i - ; H it chins. '! 're w i;i h i 'iii.dre!; - di. - . ;.1 I i'i' '.y next S.■ lay. .Vs. Lutiii-r Puniliiy and da ati r. M;-s R,.!. r-.m ;Vt»m • L'ii.t -ii visi'ed ; Kmj* >'.,n lay. Wnlki'd Pi stn rt Va. I■if y ei•. •• l:.-•!,. . . v. .« I Sa .'lies- - l; -bt ;!. i V.'!: Sleiiye d t iiprie-. ;,nt ; Y.a: Paseo b riell. |,assed • i i.i ijb ia 11,.".. 11, last Tii :r da ii a .i .i,'. " Stuart, \ a.. ' wi-- •• tile.'. i S'i:•.i tina . n i urn] h i \p- «iii• i.. "t } tUI ' 'l.'-T hop., within three ol io . weeks la ;, i'. rrif-.i v. it li , th- "i ii complete campii . u:it. i i o .-;st imj' i I e i"..i ie a!. ■ - - a - all acc- ssa: .s. The. .il wa -. the w hole way to Stuart, vi i..jr and com in/. Tb- \t :r-r nit" are son- of Mr b M Sli ; j.' and Mr .1. A. Pari MRS. SARAH PARIS!! Mrs. Sarah Parish was born An ust L". ls.'C. and died May L'l. IPPJ, aj-'et 1 years, !• months a,ui L! I days. Sin- pmfessi !rt - 111';> a w hen a jairlatid jeined the Mt tiiodist Pr- testant church. Si.i ied a faith, ful and consist e! : christian life. She was a di\"ted wife, bvinj;' mothi . ■ >iai a jrood neighbor and loved !iy ...I who km w her. Slie !e..\ts a •' sband. Mavid Parish, and i'i.-at children, four sons and fear daughters. They are Me-dailies (let il'.U'e Hill, tiid l'ar te I' .Jessie Payne an i Miss M lie Parish, Messrs. Troy, •h-nas. I.t s it* and Man in Parish. A sprained ankle may as a rule I be cured in from three to four f days by applyiiv. ('iiamberiain's Liniment and observing the i directions with each bottle. For sale by all dealers. COUNTY FATHERS IN SESSION HERE MONDAY Received and Paid For Bridge — Petitions- Presented lor Gor.d Roads Bond Election In Yadkin lounship. But No Aition Taken fin* count'.' commissioners for St -Kt s county nu-t iri the court house here Mondav They re ceived and paid for a new steel hriUKe which ha- recently been hii,i acre-- Mid 'reek near alnut c'ove, the old one having washed out some lew weeks ayo. The new bri.b'i was erected by the Yirjiitiia Mrid^ri'.V li'ojt i'o., • ' Poaiiok- . \ ii. Tiler-.- weiv a vr-io 1 many } eti tions presented to the board by 11.>■ citizens o! \ ;nikir. township asi iriv tor at electioti tor the pi.i'pose u! voting ;. bot;tl issue •ti the 11' ti) le of adixin tm\ i.- siiip 11,ryih•( 1 i'o;ids. I ,t there was - ii" a.'tioii tar.eii in the matter I'..:' son.l- reason ■•!• otia-r Then- I einy i■ ■ : .rt her b .si nes- r.f importanct t.'.t board ..'in.e ito !,,i et at."a': ' iit i;r-1 ■ Moiula . ii. 1n.;.. JL'LY 25'1il -1 II lii l)A\BlK , i AND WALNUT COVE Fanners' Institute- t>. Be Held In Stokes Count> Prominent .'ki; n A 5 e lalu s Depart men t !• -r M a - t : ;a'y n. : ; held ia ! 'an! ur. .u; .July h a'd at \'» a.a t '■ . 'la .-''ia ,\i'• 1. 1 1. I ! "-s w !.. v . info),!' ; ; p. ;. r, ■' mat a i liilde fi'i 1 , i ai. unus'! ~ lar.. attenoanei e. fin mi ls t I'.i.- ear ! i. s. iasl. ! ;:• - . v i.e.d at f'eat i ~t is. to tii. ."'tat ;.!, are \un I 'l'ests ol' e ■ ' . • N'ort . Carolina. Iv.ery tobacci yrowet and everv ci. ain v. hi a' i ii ra.-er Wi:! •! : It r • a'tend .nl- ti.i 1 ' .r ■■ tb Wit ! . ( ' \ . ".stit .'it II -1'- v. i- - i ai-.t i's oi' wide ; blee| lea i'i imr v. 1 v. n: ' i ti ■ .t :• pi.iii: ti. prim ipli s sciinti ; ti ■ fara.'fL' and t show the ta !. - ;.i t! -_•!,. rant tilivr oi tb- -i i. !.'i". t-i ak-- farminjr . .t a- w a ..i . • ;e;-art ~ na lit ii. c--!.r.i'Ct' • v\ it P. tiie.-e ; ii.stitu .-. ami many topics of iat. ns, t . t'.i ho h, ,d wil! be . i: .si - us--i i a i t t -■. -d," con a out alu I';ai i I'll' 1 ~riai-l ?' last:!'!'.- a AM V. ;:!,ir Bennett Mr Walter Peiineti of I »ar burv Pi>u'.i 1. was here yes'i :■ d.iy ;ml re j crops look: 1 v.-ry wt 11. es| eciall. tob;.ci">. I ■ lia\ m.v'planted about P,"ihi hi':- and says it is (loinj? line consider mir the dry weather. Mr. Pen in it ;s me am- n.'. th ■ hi s; n.rn ers ol In- neichbt i'i'. mil iitid a '.'oo-'. 111!•:' oi en >; - Ou.i.terl, Mri'tii';! .it Diita 11,.' ii v'uiarly t artt rly n.-f i ia.u of the M. K. cnarch will be I held at Helta next Saturday and ■ Sunday, onductetl l \ the Pas tor T. .1. l-'ol},'.'!'. The Pri sidin.' !',lder w ill proimbiy !u? pres-ent. Mr. I. H. Humphreys attend ed the t'onjrivssional Convention ' at (ireensboro last Wednesday. He was accompanied to (iiwus , boro by Mrs. Humphreys. - While away they visited fiiends and relatives in Rockingham. AT MOORE'S SPRINGS SATURDAY NIGHT JUNE FIRST A Dante That Will Long Be Re membered Had Good Music and Crowd Danced Til! Their lett Got Some Thin It whs some hhj ' u> shak ing when Thut iovely arni vrood i M'Kinv crowd of yiris and buys met a; Moore's Springs iast Satan ia\ weatmr c• ..! i* t j.ave been better tor the occasion and the crowd did not hesitate for a moment in take advantage of it. sjit*i dim.; thi' lies; part of the r.U'ht having what ynu might ca.. a regular ml Virginia lip >pie 1 iinvn Kvery I toy a:ul t gin who A'ent declare they had the loveliest time ever. Tile music fi;rr.i>heti iy Mr. i' arid his son could nut have been bitter, ami that is what it takes to have a good dance like the "i.t ; .:li-1 of. at ',] ore' .Springs .as! Saturday mght. In fact one : tellovv said that !.»• and lets m.urt ■ : the youngsters danced ' *M il feel were as thin as a zander's foot. S:i!: thi crowd war "t satisfied, s> tm ;. dec; ied t« i/iVe it ••..'!• r i >.• Sat .r iay • .Til x \> Hi AT CROP IMPROVING. I r.iv K th Goo ! Nev. «. From Smitli K 1.. Holt 2 uses a Hue ■l:lch Maddog Killed Sn.i - . May -'llu \\' i■ . ■ .r.v ;• • • now i■ t i■' 1 ' at 111 cadeii y ' :•» gr W : . to be .jcire it leivst ■li • 111. '• S 111 toni; r.'j aim i crow ? .i*t• ■?• :. It. ami Vrs. W li. Moure ' . - • - ■ tr:; Stuavt. Va . t i.i» Wi k 'j' i v. o. r in ' • ■•it* autoiiioi'i,. . Mi s.-rs. I'.arnaro-i weu in our • • ti' : ia.>t we« r. v. ; *ing in tlk ■ uiims Tutt II ! • p:.i iii i "o. \> c u i-:. im ry !'"•-> i d taK p.. '.!•». i ieel 11..". ': • ' v.i a; v i i ite !:• 'nie ■ :*• t lit .■ I.'. er I.:\» .. . • ; I • ..i i. .i 1 the ■ association at Spo ( ret k Sat - urda ami -am.a Messrs. Waitir .Martin aid 1 Walter i. w. r. -• ■■ \ passing ' t '::•*« i on ti.." \\ a> t" the aatior, Sat .rda Hope t: i* had a i io- t:i- Mr. !: I. II,.:. had tm mis l fortune to lose a line milch cow • a te>\ .i.i>s aj.'' 1 P; Invading iter ?i« H" \ • M. ii. i ' r.cKt tt aim 1 1 ress ■ W it a!..i d a maddog few :iys ago. It was a Strang dog a i piobaPiy had traveled for many miles. A 1.1! Al' YKAK K11». ! G Ross Working In the Interest ti! Co-Operative Farming Mr. 1. '• Koss. ol Locust Hi!. Farm, and Superintendent ■ : the (\»-i>perative demonstra tion work in the county, passed through town today on his way t i the eastern part ol tho c unity in tlie interest of the work. Mr. I-loss reports poor progress on the part of many of the demon strators. I his i> largely owing , to tin' late heavy rains which ' baked the uround hard, reniler inir it diilicnlt to carry out dem onstration instructions. There are about l!l demonstrators in thi county. Mr. Koss thinks that I>anhur\ township will i lead in the honors this time. It is estimated that the wheat . crop in Stokes iointy will be s something like one-fi urth short of an average. No. 2,091