THE DANBURY REPORTER. VOLUMK XI fiABE TITTLE HI : RT LIGHTNING'S WORK HIS HORSF. FELL WITH HIM DAMAGING STROKF. SUNDAY News and Personals Of Interest Re ported By Correspondent On Wal nut Cove Route Walnut Cove Route 1. .hint'2l. The farmers an* about through cutting' wheat. They report the wheat sorry this time. Martha, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Covington, is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Anna Holes spent Sunday night with her aunt. Mrs. Nan nie Tuttle. Messrs. Perry and Jesse (iritiin, of Rural Hall, visited at their grandmother's. Mrs. Mary Tatum, near Wilson's Store. Sun day. Mi >SI'S Hessio and Katherine Smith visited at Mr. Rul'us Smith's Saturday and Sunday. They report a good time. (iues.- Mr. 1-'. S. Ross will sport the girls now, lie has bought him a new buggy. Miss Pauline Smith and little (ili'Ssie. 'it' Walnut Cove Route 1. visited Miss Liane Smith on Germanton Route 1 Saturday night. Messrs. R. S. and S. W. Smith went t" see their best girls Stin day. They reported the r wis very muddy on their return home. The Scutllertown and Rose Hud hall teams are expecting to cross bats "H Scutllertown ground Saturday. 20th. Mr. I'. S. Ilcss Mil sisters. Misses Harriette and Martha, attended preaching at Friend ship Sunday morning. Mrs. Kanni" Tatum an 1 son, Charlie, visite 1 her mother. Mrs. T. .1. Tuttle. Saturday and Sun day. Miss I'earl Lewis visited Miss I'earl Blaylock Sunday night. Among those that visited at Mr. I. W. Fowler's Sunday were t Mrs. I.aura White and little son, Walter. Mrs. Fountain Hlayloek and children. Mrs. Janie Jones and children. Mr. Cain- Tut tie's horse fell with him about two weeks ago. He h is not been able to do any work since. He is improving some now. There was a goo 1 crowd at I'altu.vra church last Sunday at Sunday School. j Rev. Roth rock preached at; Chatiin school house Sunday morning. Miss I'earl Lewis is expecting to spend the summer with her 1 grandmother, Mrs. A. M. Lewis. Mr. Gaston Tuttle and family visited at Mr. Gabe Tuttlo's Su " tay - (iI'KSS WHO. Mad boxes. Hoy.' - Mercantile Co. MoVKO.N N'D-V' says a policeman t" a re. i crowd, and whacks he.ids it it don't. ' Move on now." says tin big. harsh mineral pills to bowt I coiigestiol .ind suflering fdl lowing. I'r. Kings New Lite Pills don't bulldoze the bowels. Tiny gently persuade them to right action, and health follows. 2">c at all druggists. Parched coll'ee IS 1 cvnts. W . F. Hutner. Dwelling Of Mr. Matt Robertson OJ[ Lawsonville Struck and Shattered Several Persons Seriously Shocked- During the electrical storm : Sunday evening lightningsttuck the residence of M r. Matt son at Lawsonville. doing con siderable damage, and nearly killing a number of persons. -Mr. Robertson, who is one of the leading citizens and farmers of Peter's Creek, lives in a beau tiful house. A number of friends and neighbors, mostly young folks, were visiting his family when the storm came up The Reporter's informant says that a a crowd of children and young people, some 11 in number were playing thimble in the room when the bolt descended upon the house. Mr. Gilmer Nelson was knocked inset-s;: .e. and for a while it was thougnt he would die. He had to be hauled home in a buggy the following day, and is still sutl'er inir severely with the shock. Little Llsie Sheppard. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Siieppard. was also badly stunned by the lightning. A good deal of Furniture was torn up by the lightning, and the building con siderably injured, though it did not take tire. The wonder is that no one was killed. Rest binder twine. v 1-2 cts. I'-..vies Mercantile C . STRUCK WITH ROCK J P. SMITH BADLY HURT Fierce Fight With Jim Nelson at Smithtown a Few Days Ago Whiskey Wagons Depredating In Northern Stokes News reaches the Reporter of I a desperate tight on Sunday, June 1"). between James P. Smith and Jas. Nelson, on Camp bell Route 1. in the neighbor hood known as Smithtown. The facts as reported to this paper are as follows; A whiskey wagon was dealing out firewater in tl.e neighl orhood, and several persons wi re around drinking. A dispute between Smith and I Nelson resulted in a light in •which Smith cut Nelson with a ! knife, and Nelson knocked out i one of Smith's teeth with a j knife. Then Nelson picked up ! a rock, weighing several pounds and struck Smith on the temple with it. Smith falling and lying unconscious for iio minutes. Smith was bidlv hurt, and it is feared P. is mind is a fleeted from the injury. Kntertai nment At Bethesda. Tiie ladies of the Methodist church will give a lawn party and entertainment at Hethesda church on Madison Route Saturday night, June 20th, for the Ik nelif of tin church. Ad mission fee 10c. F. very body cordially invited. I Fancy dress ginghams at I 15- S cents. W. E. Butner. DANBLKY, IS. C., JI M; 20. I«>i > GERMANTON DEATH PIEDMONT SPRINGS WHEAT IS HALF OFF KING HAPPENINGS MRS. MARTHA WESTMORELAND GUESTS ARECOM ING I N CROP SERIOUSLY SHORT HARVESTING ALMOST OVER Passes At the Age Of H6 Party Of P Germanton People Coming to Piedmont Triday. 28th Other Items. Germanton. June 21 Mrs. Martha Westmoreland died at her home near here the 2Mrd i r aged s f'> years. Two sons sur- . vive. Messrs. Walter and Joe t Westmoreland, who were with ! her when the end came. Mrs. j $ Westmoreland was a consistent member of the M. K. church | seventy-two years. Miss Mabel MeKen/.ie is vri ' the sick list this week. I'r. and Mrs. \\. H. Bynum ; and little daughter. MarvlVs- 1, I ton. and Miss Fli/.a Sue Poin- i ( dexter attended the funeral!' services Thio's .... of Mr. Philip ' Hooe at \\ ai town. ( Mr. Ose;n N. Petree, id' N\ai" I • ;t Cove, passed through tow n' | yesterday to \isit his father, ! Mr. 11. J. Petree. I Messrs. R. i. Heck and K. J. Styers left last week for Haiti more to visit Mr. St vers* son.', Mr. Saw Styers. They will ! a'so attend the Democratic Con- venfion while there. Miss Corinne Tucker left for : her home in Rutlin Tuesday. I Miss Tucker leaves many friends here who regret her departure. Mr. and Mrs. Chap I'odtn hcimer entertained the Dancing Club last week. Delicious re-h fresliments were served and all report a most pleasant even ing. Mr. John (i. Fuiton. the Stokes Wholesale t'roceryman, is in town today. Mrs. (j re wet*, of Washington, N. C., and Mr. John 11. Whor ton, of Clemmens, spent the week end with their aunts, Misses Mollie and Ollie Hill. Little Jessie Carson, who lias been light sick, is well again. i Mr. H. Mcliee and family spent Sunday with Mr. W. R. Petree. Mrs. R. L. Tuttle. Miss Mabel Mckenzie, Messrs. James H. Hill, Gilbert Petree. Herbert Kurfees and J. Styers and others, members of the Lancing Club, are planning a trip to Piedmont Springs Friday the 2Sth. S. M. Narrowly Escaped Drowning. Robert, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Spot Taylor, nar rowly escaped drowning Thurs day d" last week. A crowd of youngsters were swimming in the I'an, w hen Hob got tieyond his depth am! sank. But for the timely assistance of Paul Young, a companion, the all'air might have tei minuted seriously. When your child has whooping cough be careful to keep tin cough loose and expectoration easy by giving Chamberlain's Cough Retm d.v asniuv be requir ed This remedy will also liquify the tough mucus and make it is easier to expectorate. It has bet i! used successfully in many epidemics and safe anil sure. For sale by all dealers. Wood mowers, rakes, repairs. Ke ; ger's store. i Many Reservations for July and August \ M C. A. Boys Issue Camp Paper Called "Whipporwill Whistle' Hne Music of the Orchestra New guests continue to ar rive at Piedmont Springs daily Among the late arrivals are the foll«.wit . Mrs. M. Galloway, of Madi-j son: Mrs. Thos. M. Meade, of I Greetis\iiie, N ('.: Miss Annie L. Stuitf . of Stoneville: Mr. and Mrs. Fr-d Watson. Mrs J. H. Vaughr. Jr., and Klli«> Watsot. and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Saunders, of Winston-Salem: Mr John R. Lackey and family, of Walnut Cove; Messrs. K. W. York in Sidney Aldeti. John McAlister. Fred Pearce. Garden Cruden. Glenn Wyrick. Oscar William- Felix Lrackman, Robt. Pearce. Robt. Fra/ier. Lacy McAlister, Luvis Schenck. Percy Hawkins. Benjamin Glenn, of Greensboro; Mr. and Mrs. John 'i'. Simj s in, Fdizabeth Simpson James and William Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. B. F Roberts, of Winston; Mr. and Mrs. John T. Oliv'i of Reidsville; Miss ( handler, of Rutlin: Mis> Bessie Howard, of Pel ham: Miss Lottie Morgan. Rutlin: Miss • itiisy Richardson, of Snow Hill: Herbert Thurston, of Richmond. Ya.. L. C. Wires, of Herkimer. New York: Miss Harris, Buffalo. N. Y . Lindsay K'lington. of Reidsville: J. M. Hi l ':, of Germanton: L. A. Woodruff, of Kerr ersville, and many others. A large crowd of Y. M. C. A. boys from Greensboro are in camp at the Springs now. and are having the time of their lives. The young men are good 1 looking, gentlemanly fellows, and are very popular with the i guests at the resort The camp, which is in charge of Mr F.. W. Yeivin, Secretary of the Greens bi n Association, has been named Whipporwill Camp, apropos of the large number of whippor will that gather around the tent- at night and lull the boys to seep with their wood nielodv. Th members are issab -r a camp paper which is called tlie Whip porwill Whistle, in which is recorded all the news of the camp, the days happenings, th » fishing and hunting exploits, etc. The b >ys w ill be in camp until sometime in July. They are enjoying the healthful and interesting outdoor life immen sely The hotel nianagi rs have booked reservations tor a larg. l crowd of -sts for July and August, and the indications point to i veil a more successful season at tlie pepulai rose it \\:• .- last year. lii ■ music at Piedmont this ;ison is said l>v in my to be superior even to that of last ye;.; - I'nder the direction of of Mr. L. C. Wires, who is ably assisted by Miss Harris, of Buf falo. N. Y.« an I Mr. Herbert Thurston, of Richmond, the Mr J A Southern's Estimate Mr i Southern One Of the County's Best Wheat Growers Mr. J. Alex Southern, of Ger manton Route 1. was in town a ; few days ago, and tin Reporter ; interviewed him with regard to the wheat crop, which is report ed short from every -«i-t i >n of j the county. Mr. Southern, who jis one of the county's biggest wheat growers, owning a large, farm which is peculiarly adapted to the growth of the cereal, gives it as his opinion that there will be less than half a crop of 'wheat harvested. The great shortage is attributed to the wet weather of the winter and spring, which caused rust, and to the destiuctivi Hessian fly. which got in its work to an un usual extent on the present crop. As early as last court, which was the tir-t of May. Mr. South-, ern predicted the shortage, and he sees no reason to change lis figures. Come and investigate. Boyles Mercantile '■ >. Miss Vivian Ganti Dead News :s receive! here that Miss Vivian Gann. of Sandy Ridge Route j. ir d> ad. which will be learned with sincere re gret by her many friends. Miss Gann was the accomplished young daughter of Mr. A. J. Gann. She was one of the pop ular public school teachers of . the county. Big lot cultivators. Boyles Mercantile Co. Win. P Sharp Monument Co to Erect Handsome Memorial to Mr J E. Shelton. A very aristic and appropriate monument to mark the grave of Mr. -I F. Shelton is being built by the Wm. I'. Sharp Monument ■ |C>., of Winston-Salem. Two cow s for sale. J Walter Tuttle. King. N. ('.. Route 1 mu>:c is indeed of a very high order. Below is given a recent 1 program of an evening's music which is new every dav. the orchestra having more than "00 p.ecesof tin- latest productions of the best music writers of the day. The program f Jiows 1. Overture "King Mvdns" Kili-nberg. 2. "i'eleeia" Frantzen. "In The Shadows" Fun k. I. "Angel Serenade" Braga. "> llumor.'sque I'vorak. INTI\IiM!SS|t »N. • Intermezzo Klegantoe J. (Hl'enbach. Mi;M i:TTI \NI> UMMIKOI.I.K. 7. Selection from "The Spring Maid" Keinhardt. >. "Son,' to the Fv» ningStar" Wagn r Win». Women and Song" Waltz S'.iauss. 10. Kais ; - Frederick March ' Carl F'reidman. No. 2.094 Crops Are Looking Good —Serious Accident Happens t. Kufus Nev>- som ltems and Personals. King. -Junt- 21. Harvesting is almost over ani wheat no good, about one fourth crop, but plen ty of straw. All growing crops are now catching up and one of the best prospects fur a good crop in general that has been in several years and fine seasons through out the country. Almost a water spout here Sunday after noon, causing all small streams to get past fording for a while. Miss Kmma Hutchins went to Winston shopping today. Mr. J. W. Spainhower has gone to the Springs a while f r his health. Mrs. Lillian Neal. front Wash ington. I). ('.. is spending a few weeks with her parents here. Mrs. Kdgar Spainhower spent Friday at Mr. •' W. Spair.- hower s. going u> her father's. Mr. Shultz, at I'altun Friday night. Mr. I'. W. (iunter is going to Oklahoma on a visit to see his brother. Mr. John Stuart was a wel come visitor in our city today. Mrs. -lue Turner has been very .-K'k with appt ndicitus. Mr. I I!. Stone, who has l»een very sick for some time, is no better, we are sorry to say. A serious accident happened to Mr. Hufus Newsom by a reaper while cutting 1 wheat, sticking a needle through his linger. K very body is working on full time in the furniture factory. All the merchants are busy as a bee here. Mr. Luther IN-tree is very sick with typhoid fever. Listen, one more big ice cream supper to be pulled otf here on dul\ Ith. Commencing at 7 o'clock sharp al! kinds nice pre sents to be given away to good looking ladies and a nice present given to the ugliest boy on the ground. »ood music furnished b\ King string band, also a big balloon ascension, and one of the most daring parachute leaps ever been made in mini!. K very body come. l>on't fail or you will miss a grand time Miss Klsie llrabs and Mr. Les ter l'ulliam attended preaching at Friendship Sunday, also Mr. Joel Holland and Mr. Aliic. the eye doctor. A. K. Big lot slippers, 1-2 price Boyles Mercantile Co. Kach age of our lives has its jovs. Old people should he hap py. and they will be if Chamber lains Tablets are taken to strengthen the digestion and keep the bowels regular. These tablets are mild and gentle in their action and especially suit able for people of middle age and older. For sale by all deal ers. Save money on the rubber roofing you need. \V. E. But ner.

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