KNJOYABLE EVENING Misses Mary Taylor and Nellie Joyce Entertain In Honor Of Visiting Young Ladies. Misses Mary Taylor and Nellie Joyce entertained Thursday a item i ion in honor of Misses Heeceand Folger, who were visit ing I». V . T. .1. Folg-r. Tin* quests Wer. • received on the , beautiful lawn at tin- Taylor home, lee cream and Nabisco, wafers were .served. After lea\ • the crowd took a walk to the bridge and then home after spending a ver\ pleasant time. Those present were Mi SSt'S Annie Folger, Stella Koece, Frances Hamlin, Sadie IVtree. lo>ie Pepper Annie I'.lair A,vines Martin (irace lay lor, Nellie Joyce. Mary Joyce, Uaynor Joyce. Mrs. .1. 1). Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs. Uov King, Dr. W. 1.. Met'an less. K. I'. i Pepper. ('dell Jones. Tom l'etree, Hubert loyce and Paul Taylor. A sprained an!\le mav as a rule he cured in from three te four days hy applying i hamhtrlain's Liniment and observing the directions with each hot He. For sale by all dealers. BOYLES BROTHERS! j Largest Clothiers in | the Carolinas.... | i WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. AND REIDSVILLE. N. C. 111 1 n—— bb—bmbbe —^ anß'S 8 QMimfflffißX: f * C.'X3 viTHH fwMMMIMHIIMMWi^W^BHWj| TUa -onj>knsi:i> stath.MU.nt m- | | STOCKHOLDERS AND I I nl nl nt Th e Bank of U " IkCCTOKS: J ®f? k of 1 Stokes Cor tntv fl —= I VTA 1/AC* I /r/il ft VJ | 1 .• i-ETREK ,i:j:mant.»x | | OIUIYCo 1 | '",'N A S I I AS KKNDKHKI) TO THE COItl'O) I I MuIIEKIELU ?.wUhhu.. I fniinh; sioxattiikci," siiTmsi? 'All. »> COM Mis- I I liraa :Ni,v I ■ WULillly -■■■ -_L»— KSS AIMIII. IJVia I I SK M NU..,:. I ■ W 0^ J »JW'IW | I i..VA'SI >N. V W'V.HI 1.. I S Loans. . ... #n«r».i;ii».sil I i"l»ilitI IM. - \YATKIN> -\V, v i -"••vi:. I I ()\enimfts }im" K ■ Wvi i SI \TF \ii, I I Furniture and Fixtures ;s . \ | | SAMUEL W. H AIUST>N Mvn-nivv I I ~ APRIL 912 ~~~ I I 6 I N ' ' v 1 ■ 1 We invite the i account of evorv man, \vo=- man and c d . 1 _ terest - Mild of Stokes county. In- I at aid on certificates of deposit I 4 per cent., compounded I | Officers: | I every 3 months. Check M. T. CHUTBN. President. W books furnished tree. All U II 0. N. PETREE. Cashier. N. E. PEPPER, Cashier. 1 business intrusted to | | j | Offices— Danbury and Walnut Cove. j u s i s absolutel> confidential. ._-jj.ii.imi ■ ' iwrmii — .jaiiunm anil w hvangelist In Winston-Salem Preach ing Under Difficulties. It they think to scare me, they have misled their man. I have been awakened at the dead hour of nijrht t > face as many as :>u angry men armeil to the teeth, and I've never yet run." Thus spoke Kvangelist \V. , W. Smith to those whosurround •■d him on the corner, where he , stood yesterday in long coat, silk hat and kid glflves advertis ing his revival now in progress in West Salem. The strenuous remark came in answer to those citizens who ordered him to drag down his t -nt and get away, hecaus •. as they claim, lit* is a nuisance in the community, in that he uses in-! v-wit lan guage while preaching especial-, ly w hen he refers to it her min i inters in Winston-salem. i-"«»u«'Ki» ro ri:\r. However, the liev, Mr. Smith v.a.- lorccd to b'aul down '»is tent and move yesterdax !»>• the unanimous request of the people who lived on the block where th« tent was situated. Hut the Fvangelut didn't move far IHB I'ANHLRV KEPOKTHK just a hlock and a half away, where it is said one of thos** enthusiastic over the revival pulled down the fence in front yard in order that the tent might bo put up. The fnt is now situated on ireen street, and the e van in list says he is as good as business at the same old stand, and that the meeting wiil continue through out this week and perhaps lon- , ger. "I am nraismir the Lord, the harder the persecution the greater the meeting." declared the evangelist yesterday. And it is said that one of the promin ent citizens of the city went to the preacher yesterday ;nd told him he should not lack for funds to continue his meeting. ntt'STs MI VII 111 ci.eTlli.s. The evangelist wn not daunt-. Ed in the least by the order nf land own« i> that he remove h;s tent from Mroad street yest> r dav. /!• immediately secured, the Hi-w location, had (lis force se* to Word hauling down the 'ent, and then donned his street clothes—a long Prince Albert silk beavt r ;>".d kid gloves av.d proceeded to JTLmlon's corner. He always adntns his In pi i;i fi*>'iir,> with tli»'.s>' c'>thes when he appears on the crowded, sUvts to advertise lus meeting , lint when h>-starts *o histrnt to preach he puts ■ n j,j s fjjrh'.mir' clrthes a shorter c »at, sr.;* hal, and leaves his han Is glove'ies Ihe evangelist is being assist ed .n the meeting by l!ev. (i. L.Jones, a loesi evangelist. win has fallen givatly in love wirh the tent revivalist sirve hueat: -'. Hev. Mr. Jones lea*ls the sing- 1 in.~, assisted by Mrs. Smith at theorem Thi* local evanireiist is a younvr man ami was swept into set sice hy the meeting re cently in Southside, \vh*n it is saiil "trees were Mown down that had never been blown f»«»- fore. Must any thing y i'i .ant. Movies M>'ivant i!«• Co. , Wheat Pretty Good At Camji!).'! Other Items Campbell, l ine 17. Wheat is better in this community th,\n most people • bought it was iti - injur to b I ' hink there will be a very ?■" • >* 1 yield. Owing t'i t}:■ very drv weatlu r tobacco ts not doinir much I I OSJ Mc' St' 11 f| v'' i" I I "i|i i'l'i t] I • are very ifv 1 'he wa.-'on con tinues. tvt'\ •i" • s Mai '' ti preache i •lit Or.k li; L S • ! a >. i. li. !.• ,k "■ ent u\. r .i \' r gin in th* • -1 week on /.isiee-s Rev. I' \. Oakley till pr ich •at Stnlt 1 -t ; i ircb first S;n ■lav >•-, ,1 .'. Health - r. j-n> 1 m t hi:- .•■>mmunit> - w Mr. C 11 S» ;tb wtvi >. Stone''jst w .>»i |i isoi. s. joF KIN'IS The w» or lav " o timt • the oliin'ic -m !'.-•( (inc sixth the est ill {'iir ;i. •'\v ilavs .*i!*■• W. K. IV.t *" i { MAK KS !!IK \ \T!oN CASi'. The t.i ..! list t' :•••. Tost' :i . 1-ourth f.l:.|y ?:•«*«.* lr:'t an ty. Set ii\'« •!' ; i J, hoWe' s the on.!. . healing bv Mccklen's * - -a Salve, . thousand-,. •• s';;V,.|-,.,i m burns. br.jise> wounds or e.N-.!..sio;T ps i id'iis ','cevs v. ema soiv !i;is or :~ K - ;jT , .i,.,,.,' .' ffuStS. t Vade Mtcurn. Vade Mecum. June 17. One ' of the most de.'i^iitful social events of the season was the ' annual opening lance at \ ado 1 Mecum Springs S.uui'da.\ ni-j-ht. •June I*i It wa- ; ronounced by those who are in p .sition to know to be the mot j.s njr and enjoyable e.- fit of t}- :,:i ii ever had at thi- popular r- -• •' t , The -icca>ion wa.- .vi :l p an.. 1 and e\orvthing was in readitu s upon th arrival i the v -ts l'he spacious ball rmm wa- in, the he.-l condition an 1 ample seats were arranged ar>und tl.';, four walls. Mr, ?uid \|,s n 11 a! i • *... \vho have the tnangement of the i spring* f if t!. : s -••a- : . the v cipients "I many concrit j !".i 1..'.- a t hi. ii plr.- mi'. • i.d success!" .1 ■ ;>•" '•* i ; I"' .:« everj indication t.'-.i tin- - a- n will be a success 1 .1 one in «?v» r> particulai for Mi- llanvli i- a ■..•1". pleasant 1 ; !.. >f n. •. \ears expeiii 'iv in conducting bont'ding h."'.- -. It vas .-timated that t!;ere v.ere not It -.- than one bundre ' . at the op. 1,,; I ail repr.-s.ntiii-' various si'cti ns "I thi• countr... Music was furnished by the V::.!e i .!!■ re I e-tra . »i: i* • • • '.-J • i 'at " c;i net ai.d vi !in. r. I led 1 v Mi ('! .- lie imau,, ! i'ilot M ::i»n:■.. Ihe nili-oc was of thi.• • i ■ order and was . i;i'jhl> i| ; . it. i and com; i- I !''• Utei I (iV t: • la:'. c'r . 'fne i nice I '.to..'. ! ith 'a . abated inter. -• il the t'amii: U' ' strains .if I* • Sweet II >: ie J i-i mira!e.-l * •: y datv-'rs •: k theneP- Appr-'a ■ ■ of tn;«ll.i■ i ll \n' --J this. preset.t 1" ' > ti« i! at. d in tie ■ v Page 7 mention th* * following: Mes-rs ■I. K. McHaniol Taillias- I la.: ("has. I'.. Redman. i ; '• »*i. \'a.: K'.y-ton, i'osjc k -,, Sam llaymiiv, K. I >i . ton I)i I!. A. i n Mi-.M'.v liia Mit.-h 1 !l i ».'tt \ i lik. M . rt!i Sn ith. Sad;, llurrell. Mr.-. W. A IV W tit* t licdman. Art In. I .•%. Mi.-.-- Ruth lii'.lman. Mr- S ! 11:11. t|' I'jlot Mountain. Mi-- - »\' and-I »lin M',iv!irM U S Mai tin. 1.. \V Marshall. M - Topsi»- liil a Urooksic ai • i .1 M tit ikld. Hi W"st!l"ld: I*i« l ' 11. John-ii. Mr.- I' I! ili,-,. I'oWell 1 Ik.iv, Pinnacle:«l hi" Clark. Moore'.- S|»ri?n - 1. Y\ 1'11ri•*!I. In;•: Roy Il..rr> II I>»• ii. I! M "lvfioltl. Spai llanvll, Mi, l; II Mi.r. ,1m Vade Meeuin: Mrs. -I W. Daniel. hi' Winston-Sal i:i. Mi K..y II llanvll. 11pop. lai' clerk. 'I: i much ' '.vatl it.ak i. tii" occasion a plea>ai,t mi. lor all. ■I W I»A N1 i*]l i 1 ' Hi I'.VS THIS .' We otl'er >ne II tndreil • illui l.'. v.a; 1 : ,1 a:. • c »}' ' - h caini'!"■ > .r>•'! !>' ",iI - I 'atarrh • 'ure K. I • 11! ,\ I. Y iv ill.. I'oli 1 .. ) We. th" un l T.-;.rned, havr know n i - ' I. i 'i>"M".v for tin last 15 '. a:an,l li"!i■ .»• I.:" per Urt!> honorable in all lii.M-i> > transactions, and financially aide !•, carrv oit anv «»l»li.'a't,ins h\ Ju- Jiinn WAI !dN«i ' KINS AN \ MAUN'I.\. Wliol* -a 1 " i >ru rjrists. Toledo. * > Half- 'ai-u'i'!! »"';iv i> ta*«'n mterrally, actin/ :;ivctl\ H""' i!,.- i ■ >,„ I aim niuc-.s surtax's ot !!;>• sv-t .in T- siiiv.onial> - m t'ree. Price, 7>c. per bottle, ri Id 1..' all Druggists. Take Hall's Family 1 'ii!s for c,i ation ' -. ' M■ r *' in

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