THE DANBURY REPORTER- VOLUME XI . GIRL CONTESTANTS MAY COMF. TO PIEDMONT Under the Peculiar Circumstances. Young Ladies F.lected to a Week's Outing at Morehead. May Choose 1 Piedmont Springs. Where (hey Arc Offered Two Weeks Anoin mcdation. The cunt*-st party oi eight young ladies, together with their chape rone. who wi re elected by [ the patrons of the R porter for; a wiek's trip t>> the •( -an this, sumir.i-r. maj possibly -pend tin tion and outir.i: at I'icirn>nt j Sj ri: y- instead of eastern N*>rth' Can.'ina The young Indus v. I. iVt •!» cti ii in !.t I'virt i op:: laii; . eonte.-t la: " !'• • :nh r w, r« i'"M ... - Mi- sc.- bit Mui'i \lllli I , j* Ma'.' *- Mais. I'•: :• i ti"V Tu. i Xante \ lit' ( ■ ...: l A' ri.- K • • n.t (•! :*].* : ii :• Mr-:. I» ; . •" M'. : ■. - '1 ■ • i ->i ! .iln i>: t . is r i i:li".i mI i. • ! • »• i■: 1 ladte-. Mi- - lan . . :. tie ci. -i I t 111- ell I'M. and •• j '■ |i('t 11 ..I 111 -in will a - ■ f i ' . -:.l'titl tl'.l t' «« •:!.«•» -• : 11. P« 1 I ■ - 1 '• " ■ . ■\: •:'! i *' t : • I: v. • n li.l 1.. : • :• r It I • w- •! I : a-; •• j t ;b, > • if ron ill ■ ci ■; ii I. I 'i> !: At i>t I .el* li . ...'.l the I '• , that li. I.' 'f.: S'K*. i. v.'eli . i bet P. : So Clival: K I iff t!.i> \v» t.. u t •a. 1; »: k trirls n*t|i -in tl oir |lt a- 1 re lit tin matt- • Ya '-l r:.' ■ • :.• had 1 •€•*■*; made for th» star: : • Mori-lit a.l th- Ml. • f AitguM. the Ri porter beir.p i r-patv,! t" carry out its cor.tract P 1 the letter with thf vming !a«!i« l'.til it is th«»'i"_rht hi view of the circumstances that probably ill the jri rls would prefer Piedmont to the resort on the coast, as the accommodation at Piedmont is eijual t• any resort in eastern "■* W.rth Carolina. Accordingly, the proposititin is made to change the trip for the whole party. ' and two weeks' accommodation will he given each of ihi- kiHs jj and the chaperone at Piedm int, as against only one week at Morehead. and when the I fact shall have been considered, that two days of the trip to t Mori head must he taken upin| the travel to and from the resort, i j leaving only five day to he spent there, it is almost certain that all the girls will choose Pied mont. However, the matter is left entirely to th.' contestants' ■' choice, and all who w:sh to go to Morehead may go there, and all who prefer Piedmont may go to the latter n ace i ■ All of th ' friends of the young i■ ladies in the county whom) /> the Reporter has dicussed the matter with, consider wlioj weeks at Piedmont better than 1 one week at Morehead. It is hoped to settle the matter by the ne\t issue of the Uepor-• ter so that the readers of the Reporter may be informed about it. If the girls decide to come • to Piedmont, 1 will be set as: the date for their arrival, or if j any f them decide t" cotne, earlit r. it will be entirely satis factory to the management. Farmers On Sandv Ridge Route 1 Busy l aying By Crops and Threshing Wheat Other Items. Sandy liidge Route 1. July L>. . Farmers are busy laying their crips by and threshing wheat. Lite a crowd attended the ice cream supper at Prestonville 'Saturday night. Revs. Oakley and Smith con ducted services at Helta Sunday in the absence of Pastor Folger. Mr. .lames Jackson and two children, of Stoneville. visited Mr. Jackson's sister. Mrs. \Y. T. Ward, Satunkn night and Sunday. Mr. )V. J. Jacks n soent Satin ' lay nil ht :ii Mr. W T Ward's, i Miss Ut. { ',K Lee Ka«t \i ited i Misses Wil'ie and 1 1 -n\ Ward Suiiiltty Mi. at: i Mi-. I N Ward v isiti i at Mr. Jat -1 • • - i' - Send;. Mrs ( . I'. IMine..n i- i-it;:.; Ite: - naught r. Mi-. ilardii. V :i l .. • M-:e! M>• i i -n: spent >::iMi ■ lr. I Male' t o .!• M a ! v - .1 ;. v. N I' .1\ • | ' ' i 'ti ■ i r : i i. l ■ b ' . j. i V v 111 \. i. | lease aI '• -| . > n v. . duahli pa i fet .: I w w n!s froni tl i- s. iti .. I Wl. ' ', tl ■ Wfle . i. \ 111 s . ■ .■i.! \. \- el lis ii::. r and • n .* Wi I• );i ill ll I ibii ai-d it - ti tt-• >. t'itt v.. fall tar Ik I hi. I i! • ii: I 'i. i V. .!, - • ■ P tiiiai. t! wi j.:.•• «i |■ t' pie. Sot' 'l'll 'S Wl l i l I" i 11111' i' 1. and pa> eli>se tittei tion t> what I ' ; I'e; ,'i.l . - .llil tl he f.skusit are christian-. wh\ \ es. Is siu'e to tile ..nsWer. but tin i l'i üble ' - is as soon as we ieave the v'lairch v\.- .I,'eil II loi'get ill! the ~1" U'.'li i r .-.'ii'!. L i i P.rt" i that ihete is a sapi'i .. i bei: ■_ I'l.e:i is lat i>ae or iwo an and heie i! it prays and but u n\erj few who asks the Lord to bless !iis meals. Now we have a J uada> School over here at one oj nur churches and at that Sur.dav School there is nut a prayer oifere.l or a word i 1 instria'tiotis at all. but when it comes to talking about each other and politics 1 tell you it is something. There is not many families who are on gtnxl terms with each other, but when they pi to the church they try to make the world Indieve that they,are alright. They are wolves m sheep clothing. You cannot hear anything much but slang and gossip, tan some one tell what will become of such people when the) are called from time to eternity. Accord ing to the teaching .if the Bible , they will be eternally lost, i Why some of those people who . claim to be religious will go up |on communion days and take I the Lord's supper just as though they were the best ones. Now ' with such hatred and malice in their hearts what are they doing? They are according to the Bible eating and drinking damnation to their own souls, and it looks like the more we are preached to the worse we get. I)o we ever expect any good to be accomplished at the present rate of things and the way people are living and doing !So main people are mad with each other and will say s.» many harsh things about each other, and at this rate of things and . the way we are living ami doing i will true religion ever prosper ? It seems that there is none good. Judge a tree by its fruits. Now this old world cannot stand long, being divided like it is. , Now let's all try to lay aside all sins and live better lives in the future than we are now liv ing, then we can meet our neighbor with a smile instead of. ; a frown. May the Lord help ius all to do better and live' I better with each other is tht praverof your unworthy servant. H. W\ Y. DANBURY, N. C., Jl/L\ 17. \*>\> M.WILLIAM TIiTTLE | PASSES NKAR GtRMAN'TON Crops blessed With Good Seasons Red Bank Has the Champion Ball Team. (Jermanton. July 10. Child ren's day was a success at Corinth church. The children rendered a line program and a good collection was taken up for forii-'n missii'tis. Mis* Ruth l'i vers, of Rocky Mt., Ya.. has been visiting Misa Maud Petree. ' | W i ai • it . to learn of the death i Y-r. Li.!;. Turde who dii.. iit Ii - 1.. ' : tie: I .!' (i> rraar.• t. J;'';. !it Mr P. I Sava.v visited at . , f \ !. Rut: •: i!. * 'i.i i .. : ' ■ V; • CI . u... • r. j ' ' s • • ' . ' \ . , 1 v 1 -. : ait :• ; tifu! .. . j .■ . R ■ ' . !!:•:! Rotn 1 is ding • few i ';. | ! •tu - I -1 \ i-rs. i>t iii 11 ;ii IS H ! . : I. \ i , •vi ! re'.il •■...• b.i I-!. ... i- i. ! Wall. ' Wt ~' I t' ".i : ... 1 wi' 1 >• i'iu: :r.-. .w. • ■ i.i'.iir.a ai I.i:d t i • : i- ; L. d Lai I. I:a> the chaMoion i>;.l t• -:r11. 11 -■> are thinkitij. i f M.'.'itinr Andersi.n anil hpi.rt .anLurv to c oin t vet and eres* '..".1s wii! tiieni. Miss Iris ( riii: pier spent Sat .rday nigisi v.'. "., her par tits .it i'li!!ti',.«'ii I- arm, returning Siiii !a\ t tin Twin I'itv Train ing School. Mr, (ierthriiie rews and wife, of Lla.. are se nding the summer with Mr. Crews' father. Rev. R W . Crews, on (Jerman ton Route 1. Mrs. Cordie Brown, who has been visiting her sister. Mrs. Luther Kdmonds, returned to her home Sunday. SAM. Big lot rock salt. Boyles Mer cantile Co. I Preaching Hour Changed. (Jermanton Route 1. July 13. i I tear Reporter: ou will please announce in your paper that by consent of pastor K. W. Turner the preach ing hour for the fourth Saturday in July at Friendship Baptist church is changed from 3 o'clock tu R;M p. m.. change being made so the people can attend the Meadows township Sunday School convention at (Jermanton and return to church meeting. Pastor Turner requests a large attendance at Friendship, as we have a very important meeting at this time. Yours truly, G. T. BAKKR. During the summer months mothers of young children! should watch for any unnatural' looseness of the bowels. When, given prompt attention at this, time serious trouble may l>e| 'avoided. Chamberlain's Colic,, Cholera and Piarrhoe 1 Remedy can always le depeiic. 'd upon. For s tie hv all dealers. : IN OLD ROCKINGHAM NEWS HEMS Of IMLRF.ST , Principally In and Around Madison . As Collected bv Fditor Mcisen- | hamcr Pitsid s , tr,'«r clev *r post master. Mr. Tlv -. P. N -winan I is also an amateur farmer, lb was exhibiting on the streets i fuesdtn i'iorni:.g a corn stalk 1 which niea.->jr."l e\a. tlv 1-1 teet. which was rrown in 1;: garden, i'r.»: 11 .' isj .-an lb.(•». I .ciu". ejicyc ' edt.'i of varitJ aiid s iinir> jnturmation. | I said that it b >at ar.ythir g thiTt he I ; 1....! i • • a i: i. ' ' I -i■r R S . . t ,• • ' . , . "1 ■ . ! - til.'"' .... . 1' I ' ' I lt>l ' ' 1 ■ " . , I i i n ; ..ii , hipiai' i'l'.itt'- ;'"'.r.'.pkir vir« 'bv gave »,;• tic. . I v-t. 1 t•;at ! I • r. • s,-, i j '\. ■ - i'. ' l' ' * t ? :. r I .... ■ v\. ii.-- • I'tH '•• !. I S»I !•. m!;-'- ' ■ ! ■ i .' i. -a e II 1 ' ' >h!« • ~ I'.t ,~i»? , i■' it. - i 'ft ' li'.i.- iiddi• 'ii ihe U k - -. i -lie t ' ;. mi". .eh. \ ■ ' ra. t 11 i 'ii.•w i,i » Comer's ("naj.M-1 ti; • l>rd • Stinda ■ in ,lul\ it:-: a-t • t \ug'.i as fir -t i , t > ; .il. R. A . |l W ! -oil, iit' I ll'f. t.sbol'i •. v> ill. as-ist he pastor. Rev. I B. lohrsi ii, of Walnut Cove. Dr. J T. Taylor spent Sun-; day r RaL igh with his six brothei s and sister.- wh » ai\ ill with typhoid fever. We are glad t' say that all are improv ing as nicely as possible. Otiif rs from Madison Tuesday evening raidi J a section of country a few miles west of Madisi n in search »f a blockade still bat failed to find it. They have it clue as t > the operators, we Ii am, and expect to nab them sooner or later. It. is said that several stills have been in (operation near Madison within the past month or so, but the officers are now getting into action and they will have to! seek taller timber. Mr. IL Iv lrvin. of Stoneville Route 1. was in the city yester-j day on business. He informs us that he will leave about the 2."> th . day o'' this month for Thomas ville, ' it., to take charge of a large kennt l of bird dogs belong ing t i Jno. F. Archbold, thej Standard 'MI magnate. Mr. Irvin is one of he best dog trainers in the entire country and has been training Mr. Arcli bold's dogs on his large preserve in Mayo township for years. His family will join him tit I Thomasville this fall. Farmers' Institutes wt I be held i'. the county at th • follow inii-iii san ! plac .-: Rtill'm. ! Min ay, Ju... 2-: Bethany,! Pine Hail Pine lln 11. J i!\ 1,". Mr. and Mrs. .!. S. (Jantare visiting their parents at Stoki-sdale this week. Miss Addle Pearson, of Madi son, i-- visiting Mr-. (Irover Rjers • t♦:ls wii k. Mr. mil Mr- W M. Lans. nf Bi'le'A - ' reek, were v tsitiirs here last- Week. Mr and Mr- Harry Will iams. of Reidsville, h:i\'e been the g'lest- nf Dr. and Mrs J. L. Mr Turner I'.iackweli went o W instei . ,(• b ,»ini Ml I S. t iailt. 11', d": .'• |h - i tor lure, is taking his vacation at Mr. Harr\ I'arL '-N i' :ra! 1 t'l i; Mr- ;. I: -a ,»- ad v ~ ! ;.s I" ... I a «!.. U: ■r - ' I. | j ! « : 1' ' '. ' d t !.-• t. !' 1 •.. : i r• i' i-li * j*: l i i > T.l • \ \ I >» e( iril Si I. I 1 1 • 21. i i 1 ' wi! : a■-i • V'i v\ i . - | • ' • • • • • ' il. b 'i|ii i > I j . [. 11 .I - i . " " i!> a i ■ r r t" • .a- ' a " "s A. tmm i of -*• i i ! " t! .11 ■: y ; wo :.: ... .IV til*. : I- f I', lr e. vb . > l o 1 p.v i' ■ .! ' aiit I. ihi se . P It - \ ~-' • • .. fe i-l ::'-i is w.'ii ; of IV. is ti-,. -•. Pr | .-ct f..r aii l o ai.d tobacco - "-i in ttiis si ■ tion tnere has In i: tor yeiirs Tin following left Surniav for a two week's o ring t:t P- dim nt Springs Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sprimrs arul s..r, of ('harlotUa t Missis Minnie (Jentrv and Min nie ar d Annie King, of Roanoke, I and Mr Yv'ade (Jentrv. Miss Mary Hunter Bethel, a daughter of Maj. Jas. W. Bethel, of this county, was married this week tu Mr. Russell Ford, of New York. Miss Bethel had! just returned from a European trip of several months, and the! marriage was unexpected by her friends in this county. Mr. 1 Ford is one the star pitchers of the New York Americans. While crossing the railway ''rack a couple of miles above Stoneville Sunday evening about jS o'clock, tin automobile in which Messrs. Rafus Stone and 11 L. Mitchell, of that town, were taking a rid a left the dirt and ran down tin railroad track in such a w.a> that it was im | possible to get it o!l' before the south bound passenger train was d ie. Hearing the train coming Messrs Stone and Mit chell both ran to (lag it. but could not do so in time to step the train entirely. It hit the automobil" with considerable force anil damagt ! it right badly. Tiie train crew and pas sengers !. Iped t. get the car , otf the tra.' . and tt proceeded !on its wa\ to S'ov.'villi . .No. 2.0^7 MUSIC CLLB MEETS EVENING WITH WFNDFI.SSOHS Alter the f nterestiiuj Frojjram Peliuous Refreshments Were Served Hvtnc Misses Joyce. The Ktude Musical Ciu(. met with the Misses .Joyce on Friday evening, Julv 12th. at v o'clock. Tin- composer i"..r the evening was M- nl-i«s>>im Tin ertire music part of t.h program was taken I)"'*: Mendelsohn's .ne» \\ hi « .1 W- rils " I !. liil.VV • Mendelssohi ) r,! " I • -f'Sii;:»tin. Mrs. I. W 11: J! Beadine Mi •. Ml- hi Iv- I'. •:!. Mis. Ann!. ! • ii. :-s, i •- •• . \, ithout \\. • ! ' M - .'if : . ,• •>• .. ' . ' • . . * . ' . lt I !• ••: ■ m. ■. si.- : w ii . ■. • . Mi • ' - '' ' . i iylc I ( n .•» . ,~i y , . \i i i Mi's, i ■ .• j- ■■ : t . r| ..i Hel en .' c • * r si i ii I . i j,e ci. triii ' !.'••• H » • • I • i- I!; k'l.i! program. rhe m ting adjourn ed I'.eel . ii 1 -«h. - Mar a' : «: T. 4> ' v . Kn.tay i* ii . I ; 'Jf -t • !*.' ■ *tipi is: b Mi i' •.»i I!. - ha\• i.o lead r H. les V' • *:iritile t • Before M f Chilton Referee A civil action entitled i>r .1, II Kllinglo>i, Administrator of J. Banner Martin, deceased, ■against .1. Walter .Joyce ami .others was heard In-fore M T. t hilton, Referee, here yester day. 1 he-mutter in dispute is between the heirs of .lane Alley, deceased, concerning the division of the estate, and to settle the question as to whether or not Banner Martin should have pay tor service alleged to have heen j rendered by him. anil also as to whether J. Walter Joyce and family should have pay for • services alleged to have been r-.-ndered by them. .1 1). Hum phreys represented the plaintiff, while.l. (' Buxton. W. \\. king N. O. I'etreee anil .1. M. Sharp, respectively appeared for the interests ot the other defend* ants. No decision has yet been ren dered 1 arge Crowd At Piedmont Iht re are about 75 quests at Piedmont now. anion*.' them many of the most prominent and cultured people in the State. The last of this week and from now on til! the last of August large crowds are engaged for the season. Several large par ties from Winston-Salem, Madi son. Keidsville, (ireenshoro, (loldsboro. 1 .exington and many other points have engaged ae ci mmodations and are expected in at different times. Mr. Hardin Covington, of M'-el'us. was in town on bust n ss • esterdsy.

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