Ti in DANBURY REPORTER. VOLUME XI ARE GOING IN TO WIN KITCHIN IN STOKES INSTITUTE CLOSES A FALSE STATEMENT OAK RIDGE CHURCH WANT .MORE BRIDGES DEMOCRATS IN EARNEST GOVERNOR 10 STEAK SOON il" WAS A GREAT Mi r UNO 3Y KEPOV! CORRESPONDENT RFVIVAt. IS IN PROGRESS IN QUAKER GAP TOWNSHIP Correspondent On Kin* Route 2 V Please! Witli liie Idea of Sheji pard lor Shrriff—News Matters of Yadkin Township. King Route 2. August Tlx t fin mors ol this MCtioii are be- » gir.r.ing to prime t ibacco. Some cares art* being made and «i are reported ones. The t recent dry spell causes the i tobacco to fire up. and all crops are guttering for rain. Mr. I). F. Ed war Is was on the sick list the past week, but is I much improved at this writing.'. Mrs. -lames Bovleis is in feeble health at present. Hope she will soon be \ve!i again. A lot of young people of this section attended the Teachers' Institute at I "anbury the past two weeks, preparatory for teaching the public schools in the various districts this tiall. They report a nice time with good instructions, but sorry to learn that there were not but four young men from Yadkin township, and the committee men say the people are calling for men teachers; so you see that somebody will get disap pointed. We notice in the last issue j of our county paper that the i Democrats have called a meet-1 ing for the purpose of nominat ing candidates for the various, offices in Stokes county, but' I for som»* cause the meeting was not dated. A lot of us would, like to attend if we couid find out the date. (The date is, Saturday, August SI, IPI-'. — Reporter > The Democrats of this county are not going in this campaign , for fun, but are going in to win, therefore let us put in our best men. We are glad to see the name of Mr. E. ('. Sheppard asi a candidate for the otlice of Sheriff of Stokes county, and the people of this section think j the county would make no mis take in giving Mr. Sheppard the nomination. The people who haw friends! and relatives that are buried at at the old Mi. Olive grave-yard are requested to meet at the said place on Friday, August lilth, at 2 o'clock I'. M.. for the purpose of cleaning oft ami lix- 1 inir up the graves at that place. Hoj e all who feel it their duty will come out and help do the work and show respect for the dead. Mr. 1!. li. Boles. of King Route -, look a Hying trip to the. Eastern part of the State the past week with the intention of buying land. We hope he will ha\e success. s RII BI.FR NOTICE : The Board ol Read Supervisors , of Yadkin township will meet at King, N. C., on Saturday the: 3rd day of August. 101-. at lU. o'clock A. M. for the purpose of transacting anv business that ma - , come before said board in regard to roads in said township. Ali overseers ol public roads in said township are r'pasted to put his section of road in order and report to board at time and p| ace bow mentioned. '. H. UoVINfJTON. Chairman. Vill Address The People Oil the Political Issues At Two Points Jn County Ntxi V. tel. rhe Rej M >rti i' 1 received a clephom me* >::ge iVurn CM. \. J. Field, KitchinV manager, that tlv vert or will iddress the i> »j«L- ■ f this sec - :i>:: at the followirg times and daces : Mount Airy, N v ."eir.« sday night, \ug. i i. I'ilot Mt.. Thursday, Aug. I".' Walnut Cove, Thursday night., r\ug. 10. Diilard. Friday. Aug. M. Madison. Saturday. Aug. 17. Spray. Saturda; r.i;.-ht. Aug. 17. The people are invited, regard less of party, to come out and hear Governor Kitchin discuss; the issues of the day between the parties, and the i)uesti r.s at issue between himself and Sena tor Simmons. Governor Kitch in. while one of the ablest stump speakorsjin the State, is known far and wide as a ligh tened and fair debator. The list of appointments as published in Reporter two weeks ago were cancelled owing to an error which would have conflict ed with the Governor's schedul ed dates for other sections of thi' State. Chairs and Rockers. Bo.vles Mercantile Co. Protracted Meeting to Begin At Davis Chapel Next Sunday A protracted meeting will be gin next Sunday at 11 o'clock A. M. al Davis Chapel to be con ducted by Rev. T. J. Folger assisted by Rev. F. 1.. Townsenii of Leaksville. There will be two services on Sunday, 11 o'clock A. M. and U o'clock I'. M. Everybody invited to come and bring dinner. Most any thing you want. Movies Mercantile Co. Mr. I'. M. Comer, of Danville. Ya., will addres the public on the principles of the Farmers Cnion at Delta church on Friday. August U>th, at 11 :;'>(» o'clock a. m. We also expect to have our county president, .\| r. R. L. Nunn, with us on the same day. Everybody invited. L. U. DI'NCAN. Pres. I'resionville I'nion. Ureail Fans. I».»yles Mercan tile Co. INDIAN KILLED ON TRACK. Near Rochelle, 111., an Indian went to .sleep on a railroad track and was killed by the fast ex press. He paid for his care lessness with his hie. Often its that way when people neglect coughs and colds. Don't risk your life when prompt use of Dr. King's New Discovery will cure them and .so prevent a dangerous throat or lung trouble. "It completely cured me in a short time of a terrible cough" that followed a severe attack oi Grip." writes .1. R. Watts. Floydada, Texas, "ank 1 re gained I.) pounds in weight that 1 had lost." (Juick, safe, re liable ond guaranteed, otic and Sl.iO T:iai bottle free at :.! * riig.4i.;ts. (MNKUkY, N. C., AKHSi 7. W\> I hi? ! aiii'.-st Gathering Of li-mliTs hvir In the Count Nvarl a HunJr'd. And Mostly Gi'U The Stokes County T■ :!••}• r Institu:. do:vd last Fii! t\ a!'u ■ a two weeks se>sijn, v. hie!: ti.e teachers pronounced irt points of interest anil attendance the most successful cniucuti" »nal jrathrrintf that lias ever bet:; hold in the county. The attend- ' mice it id certain was a yood deal larger than ever before,' nearly o::e hur.dr'.d teachers I'l'iiiu present, most of whom were ladies. It was a trreat pleasure t the people I'anbury to have the visitors with them. The instruct: >r, of Pro). Baird and Mrs. Foreman, together with • -• close atten tion and i • > co-operation of Supt. .1. : - mith. were highly commended t> the teachers. At another place in this issue will be found a copy of resolu tions passed at the close of the institute, expressing the en - thusiastic interest of the teach ers in their noble work, thanks | to the people of Danbury for their huspitality. and gratitude i to their instructors for their i ■ ■ sincere and earnest assistance. We have no leader. Boyles Mercantile Co. Mrs. Dr. -1. W. Neal, of Mead ows, will chaperom* the party of youny lady contestants who were t elected to a trip to the ocean in the popular voting contest con ducted by this paper last Decem ber. The tfirls, who leave for the beach on Monday, August l'.nh, will consist of the follow ing: Mrs. Thos. Smith of West-, lield, who was formerly Miss Daisy Dearman; Misses America Kintf of Pilot Mtn., Ktfie Gentry of Kinvr, Annie Blair of Danbury, Jettie Moretield or Sandy Kidjfe. Annie McAnally of Saxon. The two remaining members of the contestants who were elected for this trip. Miss Mary Mat thews of Germanton, and Mrs. l'(. .1. Lee Foley of Stuart, Ya., who was formerly Miss lioxie Taylor, chose Piedmont Springs in place of the beach for their outing. Miss Matthews has al ready visited Piedmont, while Mrs. Dr. Foley in eompan> with several of her relatives and friends is exacted to arrive at Piedmont this week. Best binder twine, S 1-2 cts. Boyles Mercantile Co. FLYING Mt.N FALL victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles just like other people, with like results in loss ot appetite, backache, nervous ness, headache, and tired, list less, run-down feeling. But there's no need to feel like that as T. B. Peebles, Henry. Tenn., proved. "Six bottles of Elec tric Bitters" he writes, "did moretojrive nie new strength and jrood appetite than all other stomach remedies I used." So they help everybody. It's folly to sutler when this great remedy will help you from the tirst dose. Try it. Only Wets at all drug i prists. Our stock is complete. Pi>\ !os Mercantile Co. i'i-pr,; t Published l.i I hi- f'i.per 1 a->t 1 hut Marriage 01 Mr. i v ami \iss ilitton Would .' aks Fif-.ce U i alsc anci Without foundation Ato Concern ed Part: jr. There ;t:•; *:ir«■«i in the L-: issue of i!.t lit«jMirt.:r an item t'.ii th** mama'-"' of Mi" Am ;■ Clifton ami Mr. Wil li;.?n Co\ would emir at i'llotj Mt. on the I'»th of August. It I appears ti nt tin- it«*n. was a fake at.ii that tr.i- reported marriage w:.s entirely untrue and without foundation in tact. The item came from an unknown writer and was pp-hahly written as a joke by some young person. It is the rule of thi- paper to n« ver publish a communication without the real writer's name accom panies it. hut in this case it seems that the unsigned letter was set tip by one of the printers accidentally, who thought it all right and that the item was tannine and in good faith. I For its part this paper desires i Ito apologize to the parties con cerned, and to set the matter : straight before the public, and Ito denounce the practical joker who sent in the false statement. I'arched coffee IM cents. W. E. Ilutner. The Reporter was pleased to 1 receive a pleasant call one day last week from Mr A. J. llann, a leading farmer and clever gentlemen of eastern Stokes, j Mr. (lann is a progressive citizen who is in favor of good roads, schools and other forms of coun ty improvements. Mr. (Latin recently sustained a severe and sad loss in the death of his be loved daughter. Miss Vivian. Miss Vivian was a bright and promising young lady and was i for a consideiable time one of the most highly valued s*or.*es- pendents (it" this paper .'rum , Sandy Ridge Route li. In her I passing her family and friends I lose one who was very near and J dear to them, and the Reporter lorn of its most indispensable 'news gatherers and since rest I friends. ■ ! Dig lot slippers, 1-2 price Boy les i Mercantile Co. I "Were all medicines as meri torious as Chamberlain's Colic, j Cholera and Diarrhoea, Remedy the world would be much better , off and the percentage of suffer ing greatly decreased." writes l.indoav Scott, of Temple. Ind. For sale by all dealers. Death of Jim Kstes •lim Kstes. an ild and respected colored man of Dan bury, diet! last night after a long illnes* with Bright's disease. ARK KVKK AT WAR. 1 Then atv two things everlast ingly at war. .) >y and piles. Bat ' Bi.cklen's Arnica Salve will ban isn piles in any form. It soon s'lndues the itching inflamma tion or swelling. It gives com fort, invites joy. Creates? healet of burns, boils, ulcers, cuts, bruises, eczema, scalds, pint * \ '•*;*. --Kin eruptions. ()niy 25cts :u a 1 i'-,"g sts. Miss Sarah H'zrd !« yuite lil —ild Soldiers Attended Reunion at Winston. Sandy Ridg\ linute l. A ig. ". .Mr Kdit>r We ar»' having sori'.e dry weather at present. Miss Sarah Ward is quite ill at this writing. I'he protracted meetin.tr began at Oak Ridge Bap'.is: church Sunday. Misses Millie and Dora Ward visited Miss Mary Kington Sat urday night and Sunday. Ttiere will he an ice cream supper at Carter Bros, store next Saturday night. Kvery hody is cordially invited to at tend. Mr. », C. Kast, of this place, attend the association of the Missionary Baptists at Lawson ville the week end. Susie Duncan, who has been visiting her sister. Mrs. Hamlin Mahe, near Meadows, ['or a fortnight, returned home Saturday. Quite a crowd visited at Mr. .), W. Ward's Sunday afternoon. Several of the Old Soldiers of the surrounding community attended the annua! Re-union of the Confederate Veterans at Winston-Salem Wednesday and Thursday. .J K. W. We make a little on everything. Bo vies Mercantile Co. Base Ball lor Saturday August 17. Any base ball team who wishes to play a game on the I hinbury diamond Saturday, August 17th are cordially invited to play. As we want several games that div 1 wish for the captian of any team who wishes to play that day to write me between now ami then so that I can arrange the games so as to have one going on all the time. We want two of the best teams in in the county to play for the championship of the count \ and therefore we want every ball player who can to come. If any team wants to play and lias not a match write me and I will do all I can to get one for them. We, the I'anbury bast ball team challenge the Big Creek base ball team for a name on the above date at 1 o'clock B. M. J. •. YOrNii, Mgr. Ft Ml SAI.K baled hay any kind. J. K. Miller. Dalton, N. C. Notice The board of supervisors of the public roads of Snow creek township will meet at Mr John llutchersof's shop on Saturday, August 21th. 1912, at 1 o'clock B. M Overseers will please work their roads twe mean put them in good shape rot just go over them' and moot us t here. This Aug. 1'.'12. C. D. SMITH. Chm. W. K WILLIS. Sec. Ma:l boxes. Bovles Mercantile Co. \O. *2.(MM) Petitions Hied Bv Cilui-rs l iving On Dan k'iver Jurors Drawn For t ail Court Other Matters Tran sacUri By Board Of Commiss ioners At the gular meeting of the County (' .ni.-iiissioner> h>! i at the court h"'jse here last Monday the following juror.- wort- drawn t • servo at the term of Stokes Superior Court w:.:c: convent > on Sept. 23rd: First week • criminali. W. J, Nei.i, Fletcher Hall. T. J. Jack son. 11. (i. Bondurant, L. ' Venable. T. H. Ferguson. S. H. Fulp. .1. H. Moore. J. R. West moreland, M. W. Holland. J. F Smith. J. F. Redmond. .1. C. Fiipj'in. .las. A. Martin. Bob Stephens. J. K. Hutchens. W. F. Hawkins. L. B. Simmons, .1. J. Bennett. W. D Thomas, .1. T. Martin, H. (i. Tuttle. W. F. Lawson. S. H. Ward, M. A. Mitchell, Lee A. Bennett. W. I'. Bondurant. K. W. George, C. F. Smith. M. H. Robertson. Henry Sizemore. -I. B. Alley. W. J. Adkins. J. B. Price. M. L. Wall. J. Monroe Mab.\ Second week (civill, Del C. Taylor. C. T. Hamm. J. Ham Mitchell, Rufus Coon. J. W. Kurfees, S. F. Slale. S. I'. Sim mons, K. W. Mitchell, J. F. Stone. R. R. Smith. H. McGee, W. M. Watts. J. T. Flinchum, Joseph Martin. .1, 1 Owens, J. H. Covington, John F. Dunlap. F. M. Wheeler. L. F Fulp. J. N. Brown. W. I>. Browder, J. A. Scales, J. L. Martin. W. A. Ben nett. All of the commissioners were present including John W. Gann, Chairman, T. M. Lawson and Chap Bodenheimer. A good tnanv matters of a routine nature were transacted consisting of tax releases, payment of claims, etc. Two petitions were tiled asking for new bridges across Pan River in upper Ouakor >ap Township, one at George's River Mill and the other at Hill's Ford, tivo miles further up. The petitions wen continued inde tinitely. A petition was tiled asking for a public road from a point near \ ado Mocum leading to the (Quaker Gap Road near Coving ton's Store: continued. Joe H. Corn was charged with s.Vio.oo aditional solvent credits for taxation for P.M2. After considering several other minor matters the board adjourn ed. THK TRIALS OF A TRAVKL ER. "1 am a traveling salesman." writes F. F. Young, F. Berk shire. Vt.. "and wa- often troubled with constipation and indigestion till 1 began to use Dr. King's New Life Fills, which I have found an excellent remedy." For all stomach, liver or kidney troubles the> are unequaled. Only 'J-') cents at all druggists. You can saw a little on most everything at Butner's store. Big lot rock salt. Boyles Mer cantile 'o.