Page 6 NEWS OF MADISON CLAUD MARTIN BADLY HURT Knocked Off of Box Car on Railroad —Hard Holt Charged With Crimi nal Assault—Other News Taken From the Herald. Mr. Claud Martin, son Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Martin of Madi son. had a miraculous escape from death at Lindsay, W. Va., Sunday night a week ago. He was firing on a freight train and was knocked off by a box car on a side track which was too near the main line. A long gash requiring 14 stitches was cut on the side of his head and face and he was otherwise badly injured. He was carried to the hospital where he remained unconscious for two days. The latest report is that he is improving nicely. His brother. Mr. Ed Martin, of Madison, visited him last week. Mr. and Mrs. C- D. Busick and family and Mrs. R. C. Matheson returned Saturday from a 15 day stay at Piedmont Springs. 1 Miss Annie McAnally, of Sax son. leaves Friday for Chattan ooga, Tenn., to learn to be a trained nurse. Mrs. Mary Galloway is again at home after a two month's stay at Piedmont. Miss Berenice Miller, late the efficient and popular clerk at the p)stoffice, left Tuesday morning for Washington, D. C., where she will make her home in the future. She went byway of Norfolk, taking Old Dominion line steamer at that place for the Capital Citv. A warrant was issued last week for Hard Holt, a young man of Mayodan, charging him with committing criminal assault on a white woman of that town. So far the officers have failed to land him, and it is generally BUY THE BEST S. T. SON King, IN. C. Greater Speed=-Greater Accuracy-Greater Efficiency are the Loyical Results of Installiny the Underwood Typewriter Exclusive Underwood features make possible the most important labor saving systems of modern accounting. ®The everLgrowing demand puts the annual sales of Lnderwoods far ahead of those of any other machine making necessary the largest typewriter factory and the largest twpewriter office building Such a demand from business men everywhere is unquestionable evidenee of the practical mechanical superiority of "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy." UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Incorported.j Itii Moin Qt. " . • • • ■ Rictvrwl, V« J believed that he has left this {Section and is now seeking a ;more congenial climate. Holt ; has a rather unsavory reputation and is also badly wanted for j several other offenses. ! Wby the News Likes Kitchin. We shall support Governor Kitchen because we believe he , will best represent the progres j sive, militant Democracy of | this State, and because of his ability, experience, and loyalty !to the principles of his party, I which demands equal and exact justice to all people. As a young man he withstood the tempta ! tions and pitfalls of Washington, j and in his mature years he will j not forsake the cause of the ! people. The lamented Aycock was known as the Educational Gover nor, Glenn is known as the Pro hibition Governor, and Kitchen should be known as Progressive Governor, because the State has made more progress in almost every line during his administra tion than in anv like period in its whole history. The C'avton News. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actingdirectly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con stition and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY&CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75. Take Hali's Family Pills for constipation. A NEW DRINK. Fermented Juice From Corn Silage Makes Primest Sort of Liquor. Columbia, Mo., Aug. 29.—A new kind of drink of intoxicat ing liquor has been "discovered in Missouri. It is nothing more nor less than the fermented juice from corn silage. Every silo, it has been dis covered in Nodaway county, is a "drink" factory in full operation producing the primest sort of of liquor and paying no tax or violating no law— even in the dry counties. It has Uncle Sam guessing. | The liquor smells very much like beer, and has a taste, it is said, that makes an old toper smile. It is found at the bottom of the silo in sufficient quantities to make a whole neighborhood drunk. The "drink" is produced by the fermentation of the siiage which mixes with the water used to pack the cutup corn as it is put in the silo. It is very much like ordinary corn whis kev before it is distilled. WANTED—A man who means business to represent one of North Carolina's leading Life Insurance Companies in Stokes county. Excellent proposition for both buyer and seller. A splendid proposition for anyone who will work. Address T. J. Covington. Dist. Mgr., Pilot Mt.. N. C. tf ■ Finds Cure for Epilepsy After Years of Suffering "My daughter was i!Hlctod with epileptic tits for three y.'firs. the ut i"ks cotninK every few weeks. We em; . yod several doctors but they did h r no (food. About a j 1 blessing to our t'U I f I t\\ \ >/ over a>• ir since she h;is hud a k>v fit We cannot sin ak too highly of Dr. Miles' Nervine " MUS. FRANK ANDERSON. Comfrcy, Minn. Thousands of children in the United States who arc suffering from attacks of epilepsy are a burden and >or row to their parents, who would give . nythinsr to restore health to the sufferers. Dr. Miles' Nervine is one of the best remedies known for this ai'tliction. It has proven beneficial in thousands of cases and those who have used it have the greatest faith in it. It is not a "cure-all," but a reliable remedy for nervous disease-. You need not hesitate to give it a trial. Sold by all Drugglfte. If the flrit bottle falls to benefit your money Is returned. MILBS MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind. 9 THE DAN BURY REPORTER Will Get 90 Per Cent of Votes. In a recent issue of the Public Ledger, published in Oxford, there appeared an article stating that a gentleman, a Democrat from Person county had called and stated that Governor Kitchen would not be able to get a majori ty in his home county. The Ledger did not state who the gentleman from Person was, but said he was a good Democrat and had always supported the Governor. We will bet brother Britt a ginger cake he will not tell who this gentleman was. He may have been one of the best Democrats, and one of the best men, but v,*e will say with out fear of contradition, that he is the poorest guesser when it comes to votes that there is to be found anvwhere. Not carry this county, indeed! Governor Kitchen will easily get per cent, of the Democratic votes just as sure as election day rolls around. Give us his name, please.—The Courier. WHAT WE NEVER FORGET according to science, are the things associated with our early home life, such as Bucklen's Arnica Saive, that mother or grandmother used to cure our burns, boils, scalds, sores, skin eruptions, cuts, sprains or bruises. Forty years of cures prove its merit. Unrivaled for piles, corns or cold-sores. Only 25 cents at all druggist. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to Governor W. W. Kitchen to pardon Charlie Welch who pleaded guilty to a charge of F. & A. at Spring Term, 1912 of the Superior Court of Stokes County and sentenced to a term of imprisonment for twelve months in the common jail of Stokes county, by his Honor Judge F. A. Daniels. This Aug. 21st, 1912. CHARLIE WELCH. Postcard Scenery, Twenty-five cents stamps or silver will bring you a dozen of the prettiest post cards you ever looked at, printed on fine glazed cardboard, in various colors, the following views: Cascade. Moore's Knob, scene on Dan riv er, Dan river bridge atDanbury, Piedmont Springs Hotel, Court House at Danbury. Suitable for framing or keep ing, or for mailing to your friends. Every person who lives in Stokes county, and every per son who ever lived in the county, or who has friends in the coun ty, should own an assortment of these beautiful cards. Two for five cents, or 25 cents for dozen—mailed postpaid to any address in the United States. REPORTER, Danburv, N. C. ADVANCE LIST OF OUR LEADINQ PREMIUMS FOR Winston-Salem Fair and Horse Show WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. October 1, 2, 3 and 4,1912. LEAF TOBACCO. Condition*. Open to the farmers of Forsyth, Randolph, Guilford, Rocking ham. Surry, Stokes, Yadkin, Iredell, Wilkes, Davie. Alexander, and Caswell Counties, N. C., and Patrick and Henry Virginia. Each sample or exhibit must weigh as much as five pounds?, and not more than eight pounds. Tobacco must be on the grounds not later than Mondav, Sep tember 30th, 1912. All tobacco placed on exhibition and premiums awarded under same conditions that apply to all other products. PREMIUMS. Wrappers. 1 Best bright wrapper S3O 00 2 Second best bright wrapper 20 00 3 Best bright wrapper 10 00 4 Best mahogany wrapper 30 00 5 Second best mahogany wrapper 20 00 6 Third best mahogany wrapper 10 00 7 Best natural leaf 25 00 8 Second best natural leaf 15 00 Fillers Bright. 9 Best bright fillers 26 00 10 Second best bright filler 15 00 11 Third best bright fillers 10 00 Mahogany. 12 Best mahogany fillers 25 00 13 Second best mahogany fillers 15 00 14 Third best mahogany fillers 10 00 Red Fillers. 15 Best red fillers 25 00 16 Second best red fillers 15 00 17 Third best red fillers 10 00 Smokers. 18 Best smokers 25 00 19 Second best smokers 15 00 20 Third best 10 00 Working Lugs. 21 Best working lugs...". 25 00 22 Second best working lugs 15 O0 23 Third best working lugs 10 00 Striping Leaf. 24 Best striping leaf- 20 00 25 Second best striping leaf 15 00 26 Third best striping leaf- 10 00 SUN CURED TOBA OS. Wrappers Sun Cured. 27 Best sun-cured wrappers 20 00 28 Second best sun-cured wrappers 15 00 29 Third best sun-cured wrappers 15 00 FillersSun-C ured. 30 Best sun-cured fillers 20 00 31 Second best sun-cured fillers 15 00 32 Third best sun.cured fillers 10 00 Cutters. 33 Best Cutters 20 00 34 Second best cutters 15 00 35 Third best cutters 10 00 Best Display of Tobacco /II Kinds. 36 Best display 30 00 37 Second best display---"- 20 00 38 Third best display 10»'0 AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. 1. Each exhibitor is required to make affidavit that the pro ducts shown were grown on the exhibitor's farm during the cur rent year, and not a single product obtained elsewhere. 2. That no premium be awarded when, in the opinion of the judges, the exhibit is not meritorious in variety, quality or artistic arrangement. 3. That the following scale of points be adopted in judging individual exhibit (100 points perfect): Agriculture. 60 points; Vegetable, 10 points; Home Industry, 10 points; Fruits, 10 points; Artistic arrangement, 10 points. All exhibits entered for competion must be grown or produced by the person competing or under his or her direction. No one living south of Southern Railway running from Raleigh to Charlotte can compete for following three (3) leading prizes : 1 1 —Best display of farm products -$75 00 2—Second best display of farm products- 50 00 3—Third best display of farm products 25 00 2 1 —Best display of garden vegetables 35 00 2—Second best display of garden vegetables 20 00 3—Third best display of garden vegetables 15 00 3 I—Best exhibit of live stock t 40 00 2—Second best exhibit of live stock-': 25 00 3—Third best exhibit of live stock 15 00 NOTE—Articles entered for the foregoing nine leading prem iums cannot compete for the individual premiums. This face does not prevent an exhibitor from competing for any number of premiums provided the same article is not entered more than one time. In addition to the above the Association gives SIO.OO for best display of vegetables. The Farmers Live Stock Association gives $15.00 for best dis play of Live Stock, and SIO.OO for second best. The Ladie's Department offers $25.00 for best display, and SIO.OO for second best. The Association is offering the largest and best cash premism ever before in its history. Everybody get ready for the Greatest Fair ever held in Winston-Salem, N.C. Extensive arrangements arc being made for a big show In every department. The amusement features will be clean and interesting A great show daily, and at night, free in front of grand stand. Pain's Spectacular Fire Works at night. Something doing all the time. For Complete List of all Premiums, write or call on