Page The Danbury Reporter ITrITK 1.K05.. I'lillnl!- INII )'l lU.ISIII KS. Subscription : 3 mo., 25c.: 0 mo., 50c; one year, SI.OO WKPXESPAY. OCT. J. 1012. (iOOl) ROADS ARK COMIN(i. With the prand iry callinc on the count\ commissioners to build roads, with tie preat mi> rity of the peopleapreeinp that wo net 1 roads. h-..t -n'.\ d::Ve''inc it the methods by which they shall b* bui'it: with ' iio >r ; • -re iiv-mbtrs of the present board of com missio".-. rs fawnc roads. at 1 two of the lVmocratic can didate- ■' ■i v' v. m:ss:oners. and the same number ■ >t* the Republi can car didatos for c> tr.n i-s ners • f like mir. i; and addinp to this in " o • .::s!ature who is a pood r ads man, it d«Ks really look like the days . f na ! ar.> numbered in old St' kes. ard that the . • pn trance. false economy and serious .'>ss to business in our .cd '.int\ > ') its .a>t i>td hasten the day of the now life. .11 ST IMAIiINH IT. Krcirver K. T. Krowr. wh.o surveyed the proposed Forsyth- 1 >•■ ;e> turnpike, estimated that the r>ad could be tuiiit a modern sa :-clay pike. 20 feet wide, and prade not to exceed I per cent : at a c st F a little mTO than *1.500 per mile. At tins rate line ' turnpikes could be built from the southern part of the county to the north side: from the west to the east: from the north-west to the south-east, and from the north-east to the south-west, pivinp 1 us 130 or more miles of pood, modern roads, puttinp every town- a ship of the county in touch with the county seat, at a cost of less a than $200,000. Issue bonds and let the present peneration pay the interest and nobody will ever feel it. TAXING THE FI'TL'RE. i>r J. Walter Neal is a gixxl roads man. He favors a bond issue, and would oppose direct taxation. The Jlxind way is the only way. No country can afford to pay for roads as they are built, neither can any railway company plank down the cash in extending its lines. We must build for the future, and let the future be taxed as well as the present. TOBACCO STILL HIGH. Yesterday's Winston Journal says the immense sales of tobacco bnng made by the farmer* these days, who are rushing their product to marker, seems to have no effect on the demand, and that the continuance of the prices being paid is almost certain on account of the evident shortness of the crop. DESTINY. The mills of fat-. 1 grin i slow'y but they grind exceedingly tine. The Allen clan long defied the law. but the day of destiny has come, and when Virg n : a "us*i v finishes with the brigands, their name will be onlv a tr u'lled dream to the peaceful citizens of Carr > i o - int>. L ET IT BE B\ THE BOND ROUTE. It is hard to fin ! a man now wl o will make the statement that good roads are not e*sent a'to our county's holding its own. We are playing a los : n r game without them. WE ARE GLAD, TOO. The good n >\* s of h'gh 'oh ire i p its new life into the farmers. The Reporter rejo ces with them. They deserve all the good luck that com* s their way. BROWN'S WAREHOUSE ; The House That Leads Them All. HIGH AVERAGES ALWAYS MEAN HIGH PRICES M. Sharp, Lir.dsay I'att«„'rson, (' n VCMKHUI A 11. p,.ui- OUR SALES LAST W EEK W ERE 75626 '"'i,"• pounds FOR $9304.65. THE the ('" irr M. T. Chilton that ZZZ&'ZZJT*' average price $12.32 per hundred Meeting of Union Saturday. _ d at Brown's Where You Always Get I'nion will lie he'd in th" court ' ■ j F | • house her, Sn.ur.Ujy, I he lOp PriCeS. Mr. James Hutchens, of King, t —iniiniiinii HHIIIIIII m II m« nwi lin mi lyiiiirjjiuwjij. iiiiL l i..m lll aijm n ji. [ jjii [ llL . , «*R - ~ who attended c >urt here the past BROWN-CARTER-SIMPSON & Co., Proors learned that he is much better * * J WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA. THE DANBURY REPORTER NEW COUNTY HOME RECOMMENDED BY GRANDJL RY Buildings of Present Home Dilap idated Also Suggested That County Buy Another Earm Countv Home. In its report at the el >se "t' the criminal term of Stokes Superior court here last week the .trrand.iury made the r'. >\v in>r recommendations : e visited the count> 'ine ami while we found the ii. 1 ates well fed and cared for. and the surroundings in neat condition, we also found that the bu: ii' are old and di lapidated, a?: i we recommend that the Hoard of County Commissioners pr ceed as early as possible to have a new and modern county "."i 1 erected, ami in our opit m it would be advisable to tuiv 9 mother farm for the ei'int\ liome. The prandjurv at last week's erm of court recommended that , t shelter be placed over the well ( it the county jail. i Mr. R. P. McAnally, a leading 1 Socialist of the eastern section 1 of the county, was here today. : Miss Rosa Jordan, of Winston- 1 Salem, is a puest at the Taylor ' Hotel. I Mr. .J. P. Covinpton, of Fran- * cisco, attended court here this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Hall have I ; pone to W inston-Salem to spend 1 a day or two. I c r A LOG ON THE TRACK j r c of the fast express means serious trouble ahead if n»>t removed, % so does loss i f appetite. It means j lack of vitality, loss of strength j and nerve weakness. If appetite fails, take Klectric Hitters quick- j ly to overcome the cause by ton- inp up the indipestion. Michael Hessheimer of Lincoln, Neb., j had been sick over three years. but six bottles of Electric Bitters put him ripht on his feet apain. ( They have helped thousnds. They pive pure blood, stnnp nerves, pood digestions. Only 50 cents at all druppists. n E COL. WEBB'S OPINION V TOBACCO WILL STAY HIGH - This the Opinion Of One Of the t Best Informed Tobacco Men In r the South. Col. ti. K. W el>i>. auctioneer f of Winston-Salem, and editor of s Southern Tobacco Journal, says \ that farmers are marketirjr their - tobacco too recklessly and too hastily and are losing money ■ thereby. Col. Webb says the ; crop is short. the demand is very • keen, and that the prices will remain hijrh. Col. Webb, more i over, says the demand for to bacco is >rrowin>r. Hut the farmers are to market their crop the earliest i ever before, and will reap the ' advantage of the pricts. tearing ' the usual decline which comes j after Christmas. Ihe Reidsville Review says prices are hipher there than ever known before, althouph much of the ofTerinp is preen. One farmer averaped S2G. At Smithtield. N. C., an allday sale at one of the warehouses averap ed $15.33, accordinp to the Herald. At Greenville the Reflec tor reports everythinp at 17 to 20. Frank Kinp. near Cape 1 la. last week averaped cents with priminps, at Winston. Many other-farmers ret urn inp from Winston report the best average ever received before. SAVED BY HIS WIFE. She's a wise woman who knows just what to do when her husband's life is in danper. but Mrs. R. J. Flint, Braintee, Vt., of that kind. "She insisted on, my usinp Dr. Kinp's New Dis covery." writes Mr. F. "for a a dreadful couph, when 1 was so weak my friends all thoupht 1 had only a short time to live, and it completely cured me." A quick cure for coughs and colds, it s the most reliable medicine for many throat and lunp troubles - prip. bronchitis, croup whoop inp couph, quinsy, tonsilitis. hemorrhapes. A trial will con vince you. 50 cts. and SI.OO. Guaranteed by all druggists. The Greensboro Fair begins t next Tuesday, Sth. • MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Co. of NEW YORK 3 § OLDEST a;iJ LARGEST ANNUAL DIVIDEND LIFE INSURANCE CD. j Arc \on getting Dividends out A 2 of your Life Insurance? if not X hu> in the-* £ | Mutual Life! g © The Policyholders are the Com= S m pany—No Stockholders. 3 | N. E. PEPPER AND JONES & EAST | J LOCAL AGENTS. • 0 H. A. TATEM, District Mgr. 5 # WINSTON -SALEM. N. C. Z» Visitors Attending Prof. Smith's School - Friday and Saturday Examination Days. Among the visiting young ladies and gentlemen attending Prof. Smith's school of prepara tion for teachers are the follow-: i. 1 ing: Misses Fannie Hamm, of Dalton: Una Rutledge, of Ger manton: Wilmetta Smith, of King: F. A. Lynch, of Pilot Mt.: i Jesse Beasley, of Francisco. Friday and Saturday are reg ular examination days for the teachers of the county and a large crowd of them are expect ed to l>e present. • Advt.) REV J. D HUFHAM FOR CLARK At Conclusion of Judfe Clark's Speech, The Best Beloyed Bap tists Minister In North Carolina Endorses Him For the Senate. At Greedmore, N. C., on Sept. 7th. Judge Clark sjntke at Greedmore, Granville county in advicicy of his nomination for the I'nited States Senate. His friends siy that he made many votes by his speech. At the conclusion of his speech. I>r| J. I>. Hufham. the best beloved Baptist Minister in North Caro lina. often called the Baptist Bishop, arose and told the audience that until then he had not decided as to his choice for l the United States senatorship. ' That he had loved Ayeock, that he had taught Kitchin in his Sunday School: that he was one'of the tirst men twelve years ago to nominate Simmons, but that after hearing Judge C larke's speech, he would give his vote and support in this senatorial contest to his comrade and friend. Walter Clark. SAVES LEG OF BOY. ' "It seemed that my 11-year old boy would lose his leg on account of an ugly ulcer, caused by a bad bruise," wrote I). F. Howard. Aiuone, N. C. "All remedies and doctors treatment failed till we tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and cured him with one box." Cures burns, boils, skin eruption, piles. 25c at all druggists. 11l Mf DfST S. T. KlfiEß & SON, KING, . . N. c.