DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME Xl-. ELECTION NEXT WEEK Senatorial Flg h t Over shadows All Others lti this State DEMOCRATS WILL WIN Roosevelt Will Probably Run 1 Third In the Presidential Race —The Electors. This is the last issue of the Reporter before the election.! The next issue will l>e sent out | on Wednesday morning after the election and will tell the result as far as it is possible to give it at that time. At this writing the Senatorial fight between Messrs. Kitchin. Simmons and Clark is over shadowing all others, the friends of each one claiming to be in the lead. It is impossible to tell how the light will go. Stokes will no doubt give Governor Kitchin a good majority. As far as the State ticket is concerned the usual Democratic majorities will no doubt be niven. From the general outlook it is probable that Locke Craig and the Democratic State ticket will win bv .">O,OOO. even if the Re publicans and Progressives should fuse. In the presidential vote Wilson will get a large majority in North Carolina. while most of the papers of the State think that Taft will run third on the ticket, Roosevelt taking the second place. Very little is said about the congressional race in the State. In some districts the Democratic candidates have no opposition. 1 In this district Mr. ('. W. Curry, of Greensboro, is opposing Major Stedman for Congress, though the election is conceded t> the latter by a large majority. There are about 25 counties in the Stat-.' which are very close politically and may send Repub lican nv mbersto the Legislature. However, there is no doubt that the next General Assembly will be overwhelmingly Democratic in both branches. The Democratic electoral ticket is as follows : Farmers' and Gorrell's Warehouses WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA. We have the pleasure of announcing- to our friends that we have leased the Leader Warehouse for a long term of years, and will operate it under the name of (iorrell's Warehouse. We will run this warehouse in connection with Farmers' Warehouse, giving vou first sale every day, and Bob and Pete (iorrell on each sale to see that you get the Highest Price for every pile of your tobacco. We also have two of the finest Auctioneers in the world, Lee Hopper and 0. C. Currin, and this with our knowledge of tobacco and the warehouse business, assures you of getting the most money for your tobacco. Sell your tobacco at Farmers' and Gorrell's. Everybody is doing it. Your friends, GORRELL BROS. First sale days for October at Farmers' Warehouse--Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. First sale days for October at Gorrell's Warehouse--Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays. | ELECTORS AT LARGE. Francis D. Winston of Bertie. G. Ellis Gardner of Yancey. I FOR THE DISTRICTS. 1- F. C. Harding of Pitt. ' 2-F. R. Harris of Northamp ton. George E. Hood of Wayne. 4—Henry M. London of Chat-; ham. 5--P. W. Glitlewellof Rocking ham. fi—Joseph A. Brown of Colum bus. 7 1). M. Reece of Yadkin. 8 W. R. Lovill of Wautauga. !) —E. Randolph Preston of Mecklenburg. 10 McD. Ray of Henderson. ROOSEVELT ELECTORS AT LARCH. The following is the Pro gressive or Roosevelt electoral ticket: V. S. Lusk of Buncombe. Jake F. Newell of Mecklen burg. DISTRICTS. 1 0. W. Swain of Beaufort. 2 A. C. Brown of Greene. D. T. Henry of Craven. •1 W. S. Bailey of Nash. s—James Yoss of Stokes. I! D. L. Gore of New Hanover. 7 Z. V. Walser of Davidson. 8--W. P. Watson of Caldwell. 9 T. N. Halliburton of Burke. 10 Z. V. Watson of Jackson. At this writing a list of the regular Republican electors has not l>"en given out. FOR REPUBLIC \\ I L \F> Charles P. Fait Heaviest Contributor I o His Brother's Campaign Washington. Oct. 20. Con tributions totaling £591,0152.20 and expenditures of £558,5J11.25 in the Republican presidental fund wore disclosed in the finan cial statement of the Republican national committee filed today with the clerk of the House of Representatives. Charles P. Taft, brother of tbe President, appeared as the largest contributor, the reports showing that he gave #30,000 in two $25,000 contributions to New York headquarters and SO,OOO to Chicago. Francis L. Lcland of New York gave sl?s, (Hit). DANBURY. IS. C., OCTOBER d>, I>l2 FINANCIAL OUTLOOK GREAT 'POSSUM HUNT ;w as Never Brighter In the Engaged In Bv Number ot History of the Country. Young W omen and N oung Men of King MUCH CASH IN STOKES MRS. SUSIE NEWSOM The Deposits of Local Banks' Show l.arjje Increase Over Year Ago Collections the Best Hver. The financial outlook was never brighter in the history of the nation. The biggest crop ever harvested in wheat, cotton, corn, and tobacco will add 10 billions of dollars to the wealth of the farmers, and the reflection of this stupendous ad dition to the country's wealth is seen in the great increase of earnings by the railroads, and the marked stimulation of trade ! in all lines of business and in dustries. The presidential elec tion will not affec * •« situation at all. This i* >!•■. ..ued by prac tically ever;, fading banker, capitalist ai d financier in the '"tilled States. Notwithstand ing someof the political managers are preaching disaster ahead, it is conceded by all who are not ! politicians that the election of Roosevelt, Taft or Wilson cannot alTect business unfavorably. The policies of all the parties are sufficiently well known, and the big interests several months ago adapted themselves to whatever may arise. There is a strong reaction setting in among the people calling for less radical adjustment of "big business" 1 and more careful and eonser tive handling the nation's vital element, which is busi nesss. In Stokes county the farmers are receiving handsome returns on their year's Inbors, and the landlords are be Wig well repaid for their investments. The people are enabled to pay their debts, and purchase future sup plies for cash. Collections at the local banks, the Hank of Stokes County at Dan bury and Walnut (. ove, are the best in the history of the institution. Scarcely any renewals are de sired by farmers, who are meet ing their October. November and December notes with the currency. Deposits at Walnut Cove last Saturday passed an unprecedented mark, while at Danbury the showing was equal ly as good. The Hank of Stokes has nearly sS(),(l>o more on de posit than this date a year ago, and announces that it is pre pared to loan money at reason able rates to all persons on ap proved security. 1 ! Stricken Wilh Paralysis, and Is Very l.ow —King Hifch School Opens With Large Ln rol Intent Other kins News of Interest. King. Oct. L'S. The farmers in our section are about through seeding, the weather being good and the soil in tine order for work the past week. Mrs. Susie Newsom I widow I. 1 who is making her home with her son. Mr. Krnest Newsom, was stricken with paralysis last I Monday, 2Sth. She is very low at , present writing the entire right side being affected. Mr. Ernest Fulk's child, who i has been very low with pneumon ia, is rapidly improving, we are glad to note. There are no other cases in the place. King High School opened this morning with large enrollment. King Local of Farmers' Union gave an oyster and chicken fry Saturday night at Tabernacle, ' there being about 7."> union men present. Several good talks on good of the order. Music was furnished by King Union string band was excellent and was enjoyed very much by all. Mr. Willie Fulk. employ ed by firabbs Mgf. Co.. of King, for many years, has gone to Winston-Salem to work at car penter work. I ! The tobacco growers in this community have been wearing a broad smile for some time, but all their bright tobacco being sold the sc.rrv and green is being left on hand. The smile has begun to narrow up to some ex tent. If you don't get the Reporter, see what's the matter. Let's make our county paper one of the best in the State. There was a great opossum hunt pulled off Saturday night by the following hunters : j Misses Verda, Macie and Lennis ! Pulliam, Emma Hutchins, Rena Love, Mallie Rennett, Dr. Kiger, Joe and Cirover Stone, Chas. Spainhour, Watt (ireen, Hryan Pulliam, Claudie Newsom. Rag ged two monster opossums. It was a jolly crowd. The hunters were so well pleased with the hunt, plans are being drawn up for another. LEE. POLL HOLDERS. Names of Registrars and Judges For Coming Elec tion. The following are the names of the poll holders for the coming • election at the various precincts in Stokes county: Danbury precinct —V. S. Smith, J. D. Smith, Judges: J. N*. Young. Registrar. Wilson's Store precinct J. R. : (ireen. Geo. Lewis, Judges: W. V. Southern, Registrar. (iermanton precinct—(ieo. W. Newsom. R. T. Heck, Judges: L. M. Mckenzie, Registrar. Hoyles precinct D. M. Tuttle. J. H. Hatnm. J :! *es: J. T. Johnson, Registrar. King precinct—L. J. Kiser, L. K. Pulliam, Judges: S. R. Fulp, Registrar. Pinnacle precinct R. A. Wall. W. A. Sullivan. Judges: J. R. Stone, Registrar. Covington's School House pre cinct — (leo. W. Simmons. R. H. Hoyles, Judges: Roht. 11. Cov ington, Registrar. Francisco precinct Y. S. Nunn, J. W. Dearman, Judges: Joe Francis, Registrar. Lawsonville precinct 0. M. Rennett, Frank Robertson, Judges: F. 1.. Moore, Registrar. Sandy Ridge precinct J. 11. Rrown, J. T. Joyce, Judges: (ieo. Ilutcherson, Registrar. .Mitchell's precinct W. J. Adkins, Jno. W. Young. Judges: l E. L. Mitchell. Registrar. Pine Hall precinct T. (I. Reynolds, J. ('. Flynn, Judges: J. 11. Carter. Registrar. Walnut Cove precinct H. (i. Tuttle. W. L. Vaughn. Judges: P. H. Linvi 1 le. Registrar. Freeman precinct —A. D. Mur ray, Junius Rurton, Judges: Grey Rrown, Registrar. FOB ELECTION NEWS Arrangements Perfected B\ Reporter For Complete Earlv Returns. MIDNIGHT EDITION To lit Printed and Copy Of Paper Mailed To All Subscribers On Morning of oth. The final arrangements have been completed by which the returns from each of the four teen election precincts will be delivered into the Reporter office not later than midnight on ■ Tuesday night following election 1 day. As quickly as the figures can be tabulated the regular edition of the Reporter contain ing the news from all over the county, and the definite result >f the election in the county will be issued. A copy of the paper will be mailed to every subscriber in the county on Wednesday morning. November t>th. In addition to the county news, the result in the State and nation, as nearly as can be determined by telephone up to 2 >r 3 o'clock A. M.. will be published in the same edition of , the Reporter. This special night edition will be quite a considerable accomp lishment in country journalism. • and could not be effects.) with out the hearty co-operation of a large squad of special corres pondents and messengers. The news from Sandy Ridge and Dillard will bo brought to the Reporter office by horsemen, who will leave these respective precincts with ready-prepared blanks filled out just as soon as the count can tie made. From I'ine Hall and Freeman's messengers on horseback will carry the returns to Walnut • Cove whence by telephone the figures will' reach the Reporter office. AH other precincts in the county are in direct tele phone connection with the Re porter office, as follows : Wal nut Cove, (lermanton. Wilson's Store, King, Pinnacle, Boyles', Francisco, Covington's School House and Lawsonville. No. 2,012