GET TT AT KiQER'S NEW STORE, KINcC N." C. IT. Rheumatic bottle 11 Si IJK'S Liniment. ami although she is over years of 3£ f -, she hus M olitjir.cU g.eut relief m li.r rheumatism " Kheumathm Entirety Corn: Ml-, KvF.ll TT\ MM K. of i;ij V> >imnj; St.. Uaytnn. Ohio, writes I 44 My m >t IUT was ttotil>i--d with tie : ' 1 1 . -.m and lu r fiiriids advist i lurlnpct I Sloan's I.inimt'l1 1 and her Il.t iim.t*!i« i- intatly m\ At tin* same tant'the I family was tmtiM'd with rinn-wnnis •' 1 ■ »v live riiic-wornis lirtwern my ■ sisters and I anil Sloan's Liniment cand every one of us in week's time." is the best remedy for neuralgia, rci.itica, lumbago. chest pains, asthma, hay fever, tuup, sore am! sprains. At ill! drain's. I'licc, ">>«•., ami $1 .)•>. Sloan's Book on Horses, Cattle, Hoi;* ; l'oultrv sent free. Address Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, BOSTON, MASS. lawsonville. Law*' i\ ii'.c Nv. 11. i h.» school licjMin h'.s ; Mi with Mr. *l. I'avi.-. :~s i i ir.« i; ii. and Miss (/'n'rira .'»i v a* ' :-,>is!aiit. Mr. Hi.mio Moore and Mrs. E. «Shoopard visited relatives ami frit t. is in \ iivrii i\ I>' S:i'- ui'iiav and Sa» d Mr. lid') . hi ll'm familv fi" :■. Stuart. Va., IKIVI' I >«•••!I visi'inji !h :r .alitor M.\ Sholton, iiii -i \v"i'k. Mis. Ro!irisn, wlio has boon sick, is much im proved, we are jrlad to note. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra She'ton from l'il't Mountain, retur-iod to tin ir homo 'oday after a few days visil with relatives and Beaver Board Is Sold Exclusively by CLINARD'S PAINT, MANTEL AND TILE COMPANY WBISTOK-SALEM, ». C. Heaver Board is Used For Wails and V ilinjrs in Homos, Stores, OHices, Factories, Bungalows, Signs, Show Windows, Display Rooms, Ceilings, Etc. Special Uses Portable Houses. Elevator Shafts, (la"ages, Engine Rooms, Test ing Rooms, Railway Cars. Factory Buddings. Making Useful Articles. Shirtwaist Boxes. Telephone Pads. Doll Houses. Mats for Dishes. Card Tables, Movable Partitions, Music Stands, Reading Stands, Waste Baskets. Tabouret. MagiU'.ine Cabinet, I'mhrella Stand, Wardrobe, Screens, Bath Room Cabinets, Sewing Table, Closet Linings. Call at the Reporter Office for samples. L Barr ' s Shoe Store ! 436 Liberty St. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. friends. Mrs. X. li. Shopjiard and children visite l at Mr. and Mrs. ' lahe Mi ii ire's Saturday and Sun day. .Mrs. I'.ud Ti!: y ami little s M i tin i'i:ii ui-l-• ha. I ii'»'M . is;iirc,f ; ' . i -> M\ : -sa I.awson s this •v i k. Gonvescs At iiiyh Point Tho annual Conference >f the M. E. church !'■ r \\Ysi rn North Carolina convened at 11ij-rh Point today and will con tinue for about one week. Pastor T. -I. Folder, of tho Danbury circuit, left Tuesday to attend the session. THE DANBURY REPORTER Mi Sfedman Popular | With Ifiice-Mers According to rejiorts Congress Stedman, of this district, is already being deluged with let tors from office-seekers princi j l ally those wiio want petitions (as postmasters. if newspaper ivporls sent out from Washington are tru.', Con gressman Stedman will name the | next p st master in the first, sec ond ai d third class in his dis trict. Here is a special from Washington to the Ricmond Times-Dispatch which isexplana-1 to-y: "From an undeniably reliable j source it is learned here that President-Elect Wilson Iris de cided that upon his entry into tin- White Il on March ! the appointment of all postmasters, with the exception of those under ; civil service rules, shall be left to tin l members of the House ex clusively. In th? selection of such ollicials, tile wishes of the respective House members will ■be rigidly regarded. Further than this it could not be asc« r litained from this authority what the I'lvsider.t-olect will do to ■ wards filling ••'.hei positions, sue! ; -')lleet"is »i , -i" district at t irneys and mar-half. ' it i - ii'.df rstond that he.*-" large ; p lintments will lie -It t> 'J «!it i->ll of th" Senators John S. fiiifcfi loses Barn !Sj {"iff. Mr. John C 1' i! ' mana ■'i' of the Stok. St . ocery 1 Company of Walriut Cove, w.s in town last week visiting the ■ I'anbury merchants. Mr. Ful ton is one of Stokes county's ' li\ » wires. He I:as by dint of ' his popularity, his straight deal ings with the people, and bis never-failing energy, built up a business at Walnut Cove which has long keen a cr> ing need. It is at the same time a success for its stockholders and a necessity for its customers. Mr. Fulton had the misfortune to lose his stable by fire last week. Mr. J. N. Young, who is teaching at Tuttle, spent Sun ' day at his home here. • Mr. Moses Ik Mabe was here Saturday. • Stock of Goods and Fixtures to Be ' Sold at the llijluiht Wilder. On Friday and Saturday. Nov. 2'.' and •"•), 1 will offer for sale to the highest bidder the stock of goods, together with all the , store fixtures, etc., of the firm i of Alley Bros., consisting of dry goods, shoes, hardware, etc. If you want some good bargains be sure to attend this sale. Come and bring all vo-ir friends. '.I. M. ALLEY. ' Dan bury, N. ('. King Items. King. Nov. )••'. Mrs. j Newsom, age 73 years, died • :'| paralysis at her home one mile | west of this city and was buried j Friday at the old Newsom c 'liv;-j tery nar Tobaccoville. Mr. Luther I'e tree ami Miss; Bertha Thomas were piietly mar- j ried at the h»mo of Mr. (i. W. t- i -i \ • st . v atunlay nignt. Mr. Robie Co • and Miss Lillie ; Mickey of Pinnacle were mar ried at \\ ir.ston-Salem, Satur day. Nov. hi. Their intention was to have a secret marriage but some how they received a general ricing at Hotel Neil and also on return to Pinnacle on evening train were-met by a large crowd with bells, guns horns, of. So they were sur prifod. C,EE. D.inlnux Route !, Danbury Route 1, Nov. 17. Those who visited Miss 1)• >rn R?nnett Sunday were Misses Verda, I'.essie, and Nannie Ben nett: Messrs. Alex Nelson, John i Sullen. Hoss Hrown, Posie Flinch 1 :n. Ruff Nel-on, .lim Klinchttm. flili:i*r Nelson, •'in; Tom ?dabi'. mid ' T. 1 -iter Kiiueh •; ?".i. • a 'anc • ■ -ive . 1 r 'I '■ ■■■■:.■. igl.i \ ' irp' \ ' ■ ore.- iv. ( Ides l! V .• Is MH«!i !; •• ;: .. -•!> : 1 ; i Clli»S ' i •• «.' ' / .*'! 11• ' • right op "i. Mr. ".iinur .. i •; . ir chased n-»v. Lit. . u■ • b will carry the girls \ • »*i«l • r • \v. I'l.i FYi '» ii:i fiiv . ! Y"-ir I>«►•!-.r1 r _ r . At'tel V. I ll iVe V ui. en : fur your dollars \on want t-> iiivst 'hem >. ("•!>. I in .. i'.ll 1 vi mi ' i;i vesti *ll iii' .m 1 i• i i. I'li.iiiit i.. • • ■ way to acc> ■■ plish liii-. is t" !"i. sliaies in .in* • 'ttizens !',.i .■ n. - Loan A-sieiati >n of Win-to - Salt m, N. This is .• . ;• • > - ful business and l"'siit s gent: • good returns from y >',r invov'- tnent. you v\ ill have ;!;•> - t f.ulio.i of knowing that yur money is iieing used to ivln struggling young men to lmili liniiies for t heir.selves. See .J. W. Fast, a. en?, \\.li mit Cove, N or atldres> the company at U':nsti -Salem. N. Mr. J. W. Walker. S.vretary and Treasurer of the Ib lyecoel llrick Co., i f Walnut c,i\,-, N. C., is president e," tlie Assecia tion. Laffargue PIANO ■ jSi - - —-• • «»■' i 1 - 1 Ike:.: Excells in Purity of Tone and Durability of Construction. Cataogue l-ree- Write Department S. R. J. BOWEN & BRO. Winston-Salem, N. C. We carry a complete line of Edison Phonographs and Re cords. Write for catalogue of new records. FALL. SUITS AND v>? \ OKJ /~\ f S V/her you come to Winston don't ill to sec the new fail suits and overcoats we are now showing, for we don't mind showing you and a look will convince you that we have the real values here. Suits at $4.95. $6.58 to $lO and up. Gvercoa s at $5, $0.50 to $lO and np. N. L C ran ford & Co. ("ne Price Clothiers. WINSTON-SALEM, N. CAROLINA. Hov. to K p Sc.-.k. home —germs don't like sunshine. Keep the wint" r.vs dosed nil! Eat invgutarly—by all means the time, especir''y when yr.u t your stomach disordered, sleep |Y- •!i air ■ •'■•!> ■ ■ ai '".tth ■ap and ivaltliv. ...iter; i .:«•* of . , ase. ... : , : ■ Ih'i j, ,if if•; r 'ti • val'i.' . ilth i; i.;I .> .1 . :' 1 r IV ■ \\ : . ■ ir. . . /_ "i! . • ' anyhiA*. r- ■ ...r. ■ a.. 1 . 1 ! ';ia'' of tiideoi• ' • til. was i rr while yestei K • i : ■ ; ,:.! >1 \■ ;r da". • A NEW' S i ORE! WITH NEW GOODS AT Til L OLD STAND. W l !'• 1 T• • i i•• «M.. t.. -| "•;■! f; . : : (; at . • w>- recenM. r«*:n>»l our:.' .r ■ and out ni li.t 'luuie ii ir pla - one o :i I• . nv. >? at 1 ec,• . . 11! :r !'' I ill e t• >. e |,,i' •i i ,;u e •••!•• w .'ich gt s n ~n* n • . - ma'• •it more • . ill. : ble i'o .r, i.-i i .«• s. U l . ...- ldi:i"nal :*''ai.v it on.;: !'_*s ir-t-> put in iu u li'.i • e Hs'ir gof ladies' *;:•!\-to-wear gtM>tls. Also - a.' ci.ildivn. weii;c.. i ctanpleie stock of i i '. - c ».i* .-'it's, co.its, 11!"•... and t partite skirts Iv ei-\ t':11 t ■ tin-; .1 with t.o o!,| stock nor no li. • .ri\ 'n '.ip north v.lui mai'iifaeture th.esv iii I - *" > ' •-• •••ii ••• • these g00d... far li'-iew the legal :r , .. ! can honestly guarantee yo i a sa\- i:.j' .>! .iti ■■ • • !'• les you take no risk of get iiii:\ tlii . : ,i th.. h.'st of merchandise for the it; i v\. Sii' idd ymi in need of any gooes ;!:js fall it would ..ii tn ;iMi.e a!, i \tr.i trip I> see n«i Here are a t v prices that will give \o..i an idea i the values we are ii;]'i'iinin !,*t«ii«*s and childr n's ready-t -wear )(ii! s • i 0 Ladies' Sample CoaS Swiis, ;t!l the leading s!i tdes this m, worth spi to •SiHl, oi,r s.ieciitl \vli:.e t) ■ >v, i i spj ."it. >o Ladies' Coats. hll-\v..o|, strictly tailor-:'.: ide, ■..orth :Y im to •'ir special barcain price •■> to s'ltl, 30 Misse c Coats, wrth from ■"! to sj2.."i't. ■ er special pric.- ' l .i to >.*». 40 Ladies' Dresses that sell from *lil to !?2 I, we sell for to \ liirge Jissortment of skirts and sweaters. Kvery thing at a price that > will suit you. We carry one of the largest lines of shoes in the i ity for men. women and children, and can save you oOe. to .SI on each pair. t!iv*' us atrial and we send you home happv. (fur line of gents furnishings is complete. Our line of hats from the 50c. grade up to the John H. Stetson best make. A. SHAPIRO ■llO LIBERTY STREET. TWO DOORS SOUTH OF THE LIBERTY THEATRE. Winston=Salem, N. C. Page

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