DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XL. - PAINFUL OPERATION V Undergone Bv Mrs. Moses | Lawson. Aged Lady Of Lawsonville. LAWSONMLLE NEWS H Mr. (ieo. loddrili Moves to Rock ingham—Other News About Things Of I'pper Stokes. Lawsonvillc, Nov. 25. - Revs. Collins and Barnard held service at Snow Creek Saturday and Sunday with a very large at tendance. Frank, the son of Dr. A. Pringle, returned home Saturday after an absence of nearly eight years. Miss Ruth Pringle. who is teaching at Delta, spent Satur day and Sunday with her pa rents. Mrs. Moses Lawson, a very aged lady, underwent a very painful operation a few days ago when Dr. W. B. Moore cut two large wens off her head. She is getting along nicely. Misses Obeira Moore and Pearl Sheppard and Mr. Percy Shep pard visited at Mr. M H. Robert son's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ayers, from Virginia, visited at Mr. E. C. Sheppard's Sunday, j Mr. Charlie Joyce, from Peter's Creek, Va., called to see Miss Jennie Sheppard Sunday. Mrs. Robert Neal and son. from Belews Creek, spent Satur day and Sunday with their fath er and mother, Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor. Mr. C. M. Shelton and family have moved to the home of Mr. j Relia Martin's on Smith Route 1, We were sorry to see them leave; j Mr. George Foddrill, one of our oldest citizens, aged BJS years, | is preparing to move to Rocking-; ham. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Lawson attended the burial of their V grandfather, Mr. Pleasant Oak- I ley. Sundav. Family Removes to Winstoo. Mrs. Gillie Covington and J i children left their home on | Meadows Route 1 Friday, and j removed to Winston, where th. j .v will make their future home, J provided they are satisfied with; life in the Twin City. They have >ented out their good farm | to Mr. J. J. Stephens. Mrs; Covington and family are among | our best people, and we are sorry ; for them to leave, but hope they, will do well at Winston. The i Reporter was talking to John, ' j, the son, the day before he left, j ii and gathered from the con % versation that the chief reason I the family was leaving us was on 1 account of the disadvantages of 1 1 bad roads, poor school. ? facilities, difficulties of the chil- j Idren attending school, difficulty of social intercourse, attending church, etc. Always the bad i roads are taking from us our good people which is our ! greatest asset. Mr. P. H. Hall of Campbell was here Tuesday. I McCAN LESS-CLARK. I Marriage In Winston-Salem Today At Nine O'clock | A. M.Bridal Party Reaches Danbun .at 2 P. M. Dr. W. V. McCanless, of Dan bury. and Miss Ada Clark, of Winston-Salem, were quietly married in Winston-Salem this I morning at 9 o'clock by Rev. E. L. Bain, pastor of the Cen tenary M. E. church of that city. The wedding was rather a surprise, though not unexpect ed by the friends of the parties Only a few relatives were pres ent besides the principals. Im mediately after the ceremony the bride and groom left for Danbury on the 9:30 train via Rural Hall, arriving here today at 2 o'clock. Dr. McCanless is one of the best known citizens of this county, where he stands high in his profession, in character, and family connections, and where his friends are legion The bride is a daughter of Mr. Clark, a retired capitalist and business man of Winston-Salem She is a lady of rare qualities of refinement and culture, and of exceptional accomplishments and most lovable disposition The Reporter is only one among the many friends of both parties who wish for them much happiness Germantoo Route 1. Germanton Route 1, Nov. 24. | Corn shuckings are all the go now. Fine porkers are being killed in this section now. Mr. Gray Flynt of Winston visited his parents last Sunday. I Miss S illie Merritt, who has j been very sick it her brother's, I Mr. L. C. Merritt, is now able to return to her home. Misses Mary and Myrtle Per rell have been visiting friends in Winston-Salem. Mr. Ed Banner, of Winston, is visiting at Mr. J. B. Merritt's. Miss Martha Waddill, who is j taking treatment at the Twin | City Hospital, is greatly im -1 proved. I Born to Mr. and Mrs. W ill j Flynt, a girl. Mr. W. B. Merritt, of King's ; Business College, visited his j parents last Sunday. Thanksgiving. 1 Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. If j ever the people of Stokes had j cause to lift their hearts in grati tude, surely it is now. when to-- bacco, our chief staple, has been bringing the biggest prices in the history of the country, and when every person has felt the effect of the easy money. When you chew your turkey, think on these things. Honor Roll of Buffalo School. Honor roll of attendance for the first month of Buffalo school . Lottie anl Belle Lemmons, Guy Shaffer, Gilmer Hennis, Otis Shaffer, Lonie Jovce and Lora Joyce. DANBIJUY, N. C., NOVEMBER 27, 1912 WE CLOSES j Appointments Read At Mon day's Session -- Very Few Changes. AT CHARLOTTE NEXT i Revs. T. .1. and J. h. I'rem'all Returned to Dan bury and Walnut Cove Respectively. The annual Conference of the M. E. church, after being in ses sion at High Point for one week, closed Monday after the reading of the appointments for the com ing year. Rev. T. J. Folg"i\ our present i pastor, was returned to Danbury, 1 while Rev. .1. H. Brendall was returned to Walnot Cove for I another year. T' entire ap jpointments for iliis (Mt. Airy) District are as it. lows- R. Taylor, Presiding Elder. Danburv. T. J. Folger: Dob son. J. M. Price: Elkin Station, R. G. Tuttle: Jonesville, '/. W. i Johnston; Leaksville, J. H. West; Madison and Sioneville, A. R. Surratt; Mt. Airy Station, W. H. Willis; Mt. Airy C. H.. C. R. Allison: Louisburg. J. W. Combs, (supplv); Pilot Mountain, J. 11. i Vestal, (supply). Rural Hall, J. M. Folder: Spray and Draper, J. P. Hipps: Stokesdale, («. W. Williams: Summerfield, T. B. Johnson; Walnut Cove, J. F. Brendall: Yadkin ville, J. T. Stover. At the close of the session the Conference voted to hold its next meeting with Trinity M. E. Church in Charlotte. i • Voss-Vaughn. License has been issued by the Register of Deeds here for the marriage of Mr. Jas. R. Voss to Miss Elizabeth I Vaughnr-fiopular young people of Walnut Cove. Mr. Voss is one of Walnut Cove's most prominent and successful young business men, while Miss Vaughn is one of the most attractive and popular young ladies of the county. It is later learned that the marriage will take place tonight at the home of the bride near Walnut Cove. I The Reporter joins their many friends in congratulations and ' best wishes. j I Fire lo the Mountain. As usual, the mountain is on fire, set out by hunters, so it is said. The conflagration has al ready sj read over several miles of timbered land, and is doing all the damage that it could possibly do considering the fact that so many former fires have devastated the same territory. Saturday. Sunday and Monday brisk winds fanned the flames, 1 which travelled with consider able speed. The northern border of the fir 3 is in the region of the Cutter place and Piedmont springs, while the other end reaches to the south side of the mountain. till - 30 AND DEC. 2 Farmers' Union Annual Meet ing Saturday, and Coni" missioners Mondax. NEW BOARD TO MEET All the New Officers Will lie Sworn In, and Old Officers Will Renew lionds. The annual meeting of the ''Stokes County Farmers' I'nion will Lh' held in the court house iheie next Saturday. At this r, meeting delegates from all the ■ county locals will be present, new officers will be elected for the ensuing year and other bus iness of interest to the Union i will bt* transacted. The regular monthly meeting ■ of the Hoard of County Commis | j sioners will be held at the court house next Monday. At this meeting the new commissioners, • Messrs. J. M. Fagg of Dillard and J. I. Owens of Westfield will have their first experience : in transacting affairs for the county. This meeting will be one of the most important for the year, the new officers sub mitting their bonds, old officers j renewing their bonds, and the | new oflicials, including the new ly-elected magistrates, being i sworn in. etc. A large crowd from all sec tions of the county will bp , ent. ■ Meadows. Meadows, Nov. 28.—Dr. J. W. Neal has returned from Greensboro where he had been J j on business. j Mr. Wm. Donald has been] j sick with grip for several days, i Mr. J. C. Wall has been ill for a few days, but is improving. Mr. Joe Martin has moved to | Patrick county, Va. He has j been living here several years and the neighbors were very sorry to see him leave. Mr. James Manuel has moved j I to Mayodan. Miss W'infred Tatum, of Mayo-J I dan, is assisting in th-» free' school here. i Mr. Frank Ross was at Mead ows a short while Saturday en | route to Sandy Ridge. Mr. Sam Tuttle was up from Winston a few days last week Mr. Watt Wall and wife, of | King, were visitors at Mead ows Sunday. Miss Thelma Neal s-pent Satur day and Sunday at home with her parents. I Mrs. Gillie Covington and family have moved to Winston. Mr, Walter Smith has been visiting lis sister in Patrick county. Mr. Arch Stephens has re-1 turned from Winston where he ' made some nice sales of tobacco. I Mr. Matt Smith and wife have returned home from a visit to relatives at Kernesville. ' Mr. P. C. Campbell was here Tuesday, and spent Monday night in town. He was on his was home from a trading trip to Greensboro. GERMANTON NEWS. Marriage of Mr. Arthur M. Kapp and Miss Eva Mer ritt--Personals. Germanton, Nov. 25. Married at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Alex Merritt, Sunday, Nov. 2Kb, Mr. Arthur M. Kapp to Miss Eva Merritt, Mr. L. M. ; McKenzie, Esq.. officiating. After the ceremony the giusts i were invited into the (lining room whore a sumptuous dinnijr was spread which was heart ly enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Kapp will make their future home in Tobaccoville where Mr. i Kapp holds a position. Messrs. L. M. McKenzie, Arthur Willis, H. McGee, and Geo. W. Chaffin attended a meet ing of the K. P.'s in Greensboro last week, Mr. Willis taking the second degree. Mrs. Felecia Beck left for her ' home in Winston-Salem last after spending several days with ' her son. Mr. R. T. Bock. Miss Irene Simpson of Pilot Mountain spent Sunday with Mrs. J. C. Carson. Mrs. Robert Graham of Dur ham. N. is visiting her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Petree at Oakland Farm. Mrs. Ollie Young and children iof Newark, Ohio, are with Mrs. Young's sister, Mrs. B. J. Sav age. Messrs. John Hill, of Clem mons, Porter McKenzie and Wil liam Hester of Winston spent Saturday and Sunday here. Mr. G. 11. Reddle of Winston was in town a few days last week. . Mr. J. E. Hill, representing I the Acetylene Gas Company, I spent Wednesday and Thursday with his uncle, Dr. L. H. Hill. Rev. Mr. Noe of Mt. Airy filled his regular appointment yesterday at St. Paul's Episcopal church giving us two excellent sermons. Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Petree jand children of Walnut Cove | spent the past week with Mr. ! Petree's father, Mr. R. J. Petree Miss Pat Crews passed through I town Saturday to visit her aunt. I Mrs. J. E. Crews, of Greensboro. S. M. NARROW ESCAPE. 7-*-M E. H. Biggs of Sandy Ridge Hurt In Runaway. Mr. E. H. Biggs of Sandy Ridge was in town Tuesday on business. Mr. Biggs had a nar row escape from fatal injury Sunday by his horse running away with him, and jerking him to the ground underneath the buggy and quite painfully though it is hoped not seriously bruising him. He with his wife had been on a visit to his wife's j father, and they were just starting on their return home. Mrs. Biggs was standing on the ground holding the horse, while Mr. Biggs was in the buggy, when the horse, which is a wild young colt, took fright and ran. The buggy was not injured. Mr. Biggs was quite sick Sun day night and Monday from the effects of the accident, but is naw getting much betttr. HIGH SCHOOL HEWS Honor Roll For king High Schoo', Month Ending November 22. AT PINNACLE DEC. 7 ] I'lih'ij Debate. Concert and (irand Carnival —Subject for D.'hat.', Cim d N»ad>. Pinnacle, Nov. 27.—0n the night of December 7th at Pin nacle hijrh school th-re will take place a public debate, concert and grand carnival. The subject I for debate will be "Good Roads." j The concert will consist of in \ strumental solos and duets, I marches, songs and pantomimes .and the carnival will include the Gypsy fortune teller. Siamese twins, wild man, beautiful prin ! cess and others. No charge for 1 admission to debate and concert. The small sum of ten cents will | be charged for admission to the , carnival. Refreshments will also I be sold. The procceeds will be | for the benefit of baseball and tennis clubs. Everybody is i cordially invited. Don't forget ! the date—Saturday, Dec. 7th. CARL H. RAGLAND, Principal. King, Nov. 20—The following is the Honor Roll for the King j High School for the month end ling November 22 : High School Department. Trilby Love, Manie Newsom, Pearl Hutchins, Viola Ingram. Ersie Pulliam, Ralph Spainhour, ; Chester Helsabeck, Sebon Fow ler, Brjan Pulliam. 7th grade—Clarice Allen, Car rie Allen, Lucy Love, i 6th grade —Nannie Reynolds, Nellie Bennett, Lillie Linville, Samuel Lawrence. 4th grade Mabel Allen, Vestal Linville. 3rd grade Frank Baker, Amos Fulk, Ola Fulp, 2nd grade Bessie Conrad. Macie Fulk, Wilber Newsom, Lennice Pulliam, Agnes Rey nolds, Dan White. Ist grade - Vivian Caudle, Martha Fulk, Mabel Gunter, Thelma George, Taylor White. CHAS. E. HI ATT. Prin. I | Returns From Colorado. \ Mr. John M. Smith, of Man zanola, Col., paid the Reporter I office a pleasant visit today. | Mr. Smith was formerly a I citizen of this county at Fran cisco, where his people now live, but has been a resident of Colorado for six years. He was married about a year ago to Miss Vallie Lewis, the adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lewis, of Germanton Route 1. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are now visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. It is with pleasure that the Reporter is able to announce that Mr. and Mrs. Smith Will make North Carolina their home in the future, and will iffall probability live in Stokes,' but mav possibly reside in Rocking ham. No. 2,016

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