DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XI . MATILDA HARRISON Died Last Week At Home Near Walnut Cove. OTHER CONE ITEMS N. & VV. Railway Now Operat ting Extra Passenger Train To Winston —Personals. Walnut Cove, Dec. 10. A quarterly meeting: was held at the Methodist Episcopal church at Stokesburg last Saturday and Sunday. Elder It. M. Taylor, of Mt. Airy, was present and preached several splendid ser mons. Mrs. Matilda Harrison pass ed away at her home two miles north of town last Tuesday evening with typhoid fever sind was buried Wednesday at Clear Spring burying ground. Just three weeks prior to Mrs. Harrison's death her son, John Lewis, died with the same dis ease. The deceased is survived by several children. The fam ily have our deepest sympathy in their bereavement. Mr. P. W. Davis, Southern depot agent, accompanied by his wife, left last Saturday for points in Florida to spend several weeks. The N. & W. Railway Co. are operating an extra passenger train from Martinsville to Wins ton-Salem. The train will ar rive here at 8:30 a. m. and re turning will arrive at 4:52 p. m. This is a great convenience, and doubtless lots of people on the road will take advantage of it, as they can spend the day in Winston-Salem and do their Christmas shopping, returning the same day. Mr. Frank Dunkleeand friend, Mr. Sheppard. of Winston - Salem, spent the day in town last Friday. Mr. Sam Hairston, of Wenon da, Va., was in town a few days last week. Mr. James Fulton, of Mt. A*iry, was in town last Thurs day enroute to Virginia to at tend the Alien trial. Mr. John Bolt anus >n, J. Irving, of Holyoke, Mass., are in town for a few weeks before going to Florida to spend the winter. Mr. John Hill Wharton, of Clemmons, N. C., was in town Saturday enrouti to Germanton. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fulton re turned to their home in Greens boro last Fridav after attending the funeral of Mr. Jacob Fulton last Wednesday. Mr. Jess Adams, of Wilming ton, was in town last week. Mr. J. Spot Taylor, of Dan bury, was in town yesterday. Mrs. Annie Matthews, and Mr. Marshall Adams and sister, Miss Julia, returned to their home at Winston-Salem last Thursday after attending the funeral and burial of Mr. Jacob Fulton. Mr. John Fulton, of Winston, spent the day in town last Wednesday. Mr. Golden Riddle, of Wins ton-Salem. was in town last Saturday enroute i> Mt. Airy. Mrs. W. S. Vaughn, who was real sick wiih rheumatism last week, is some better, we are glad to note. Miss Mantie Flynt, of Rural Hall, was in town last Wednes day. Mr. J. H. Robinson, of Wins ton-Salem, was in town last Sunday for a few hours. Mr. Billie Smith, accompani ed by Miss Nellie Sheppard, spent the P. M. Sunday with Mrs. Jerry Smith on Mizpah Route 1. Miss Sallie Maude Fulton w&s in town las* week. She lei't Wednesday for Southern Pines, N. C. Mr. Hugh Holcomh, nfSiloam, N. C., is relieving Mr. P. W. Davis at the -Southern depot while he is away on his vaca tion. Mr. George Hall, of Baltimore. Md., was in town Saturday en route to Winston-Salem. Mr. N. M. Vaughn is spend ing a few days this wee k in Greensboro. Mr. Daniel Webster, of Lees burg, Florida, is iif town visir ing relatives. Misses Jessie Vaughn end Nellie Petree returned to their respective schools after spend ing Saturday and Sunday in town with home folks. Mr. Chap Bodenheim'.-r. of Germanton, was in town Mon day. Dr. and Mrs. Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hedgecock went to Winston today on the early mofning train to do their Xmas shopping. I Mr. Isaac Key, of Mt. Airy, was in town yesterday on his way to the northern part of Stokes county to visit relatives. HARDBANK NEWS. Miss Recie riinchuni Enter tained Sunday --- Charles | Matthew Simmons a Great j Man. Hardbank Springs. Dec. 9. —| Christmas will soon be here. The children must hang up fertilizer! sacks, as the tobacco is bringing such high prices. Miss Recie Flinchum was en tertained by a host of friends' Sunday. Among those present were as follows: Misses Florence and Beatrice Smith, Messrs. 1 Sandress Smith, Robert Flippin., Charlie Nelson and several other hobble-to hoys. is wearing a (5-8- 10 December smile. Guess he is expecting Christmas this month. Charles Matthew Simmons has turned his course southward. Perhaps he is thinking of spend ing his vacation at Hotel Flinch um, where he may enjoy the balmy air of the mountain and the life giving waters of Piedmont. Charles Matthew is a great man, and Jack is a great mule. He and Jack pass right often. We*do not think, how ever, that Matthew intends to retire to private life. Maybe he aims to recuperate his energies after his course of musical lec tures at Brown Mountain. May- Charles Matthew succeed where ever he goes and may -lack re main his faithful friend, and when his mule ceases to squeal may Jack be in the land of happy mules. Mr. Sandress Smith carried his best girl to a party Saturday night. Rev. R. W. George will till his regular appointment at Tulip school house Sunday, Dec. 13. TWO FRIENDS. ' Ex-Sheriff C. M. Jones, who is now a resident of Walnut Cove, spent Monday night, in Danbury. Mr. Jones is out j on a tax collecting tour this week. He is at Liwsonville to day. DAN HI k\. N. C M DECEMBER 11, W\2 SUM FLUSH Sells SBOO.OO Worth of Tobacco, and SBOO.OO More to Sell. OTHER NEWS OF KING Physicians At Hi;*h Point Do clini 1o Operate On Mrs. i. W. Thomas. King, Dec. 9. A good num ber of our citizens are doing Christmas shoppie* in Winston this week. Mr. Will Spiinhower, a prom inent young man of Salisbury, is sp nding :i f-w d.iys with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Spain l ower. We an- t xpeeting to hear the wedding bells ring over about Mr. B. F. Pulliam's any time. The public debat" given by the debating .• of King High School v s well attended Saturday pi. \ the subject beinor ably discussed. The King Baptist church will , have « n evergreen Sunday school this winter. The i üblic is cor dially invited to attend. The writer was on the floor of Brown's warehouse during the sales Saturday, there being near CO 1 ' wagons there and 100 hogsheads, 90 of which had to lay over at the depot until Mon ' day. Mr. Simpson said that he had never before in all of his ex perience seen such a great break, I but the prices remained high, !as the grades were of a much darker color. 1 Mr. S. K. Ard'fson of King ! Route 2 made the highest aver age on the tobacco sales in Win |ston Saturday, his load averag ing 151 cents. Mr. Anderson ' says he has sold 5 barns for 1 some over $BOO.OO and has over SBOOXO worth to sell yet. , Mrs. G. W. Thomas has re turned from High Point where she went to undergo an oper ation. The Dr. refuse Ito per form the operation as he said that he could not better her con dition by doing so. Mrs. Thomas's health is very bad at present writing, but we hope that she by the proper care will soon be come strong again. LEE. Sandy Ridge. Sandy Ridge Route 1, Dec. 9. —Farmers are busy marketing tobacco and getting in wood. The health of the community is very good at present. Mr. S. K. Ward has gone to Madison today (Monday) shop ping. Quite a crowd visited at Mr. W. T. Ward's Sunday night. All s emed to enjoy themselves fine Misses Wiliie and Dora Ward and brother, Ebby, went to Francisco last Friday and re turned homo Monday. They were accompanied back by Mr. A S. Frans. Rev. T. J. Folger fill *d his regular appointment at Delta Sunday. Rev. Chas. Wall will preach at Delia next Sunday evening at 2:30 o'clock p. m. A lor of our farmers have gone to Winston this week with to bacco. J. E. W. I The Winston - Salem tobacco I market is having big breaks this , week, the rec€nt damp warm weather allowing the farmers to prepare large quantities of I the weed for market. Between | fifty and one hundred wagons loade.l with tobacco passed throu.h Monday enroute to Winston. FRANCISCO NEWS - The Sporting Season Is On atid the Hunters' Guns Are Banging. FOREST SA W MI L L ' To lie Alovcil, Owner Having i'ouglit New Kngine I e«is i Pyrtle Tendered a Sur prise Birthday Din ncr. i Franc isc*. Dec. 0. The sport- 1 ing season is now on. You can hear tlv banging of the hunter's ' gun most everywhere now. Mr. Richard Smith returned home from Winston-Salem Wed- 1 nesday where he has been hold ing a position with Jones & Gen try. Mr. Smith will return to Winston-Salem Saturday. Mr. J. Reid Forest bought an ' engine last week. Mr. Forest is going to move his sawmill from its present location on the creek to near Mr. R. L. Hart's, where ; he has purchased some timber. We are having a fine school at Beaver Dam this time. Mrs. Daisy 1). Smith is giving the best satisfaction of any teacher we have had in several years. Dr. S. A. Moir, of Francisco, has been suffering of rheuma tism for the past week. Mr. Reid Smith returned from the west last week after spend ing two or three yearsouc there. Reid has traveled over several States namely: Washington, ' Oregon, California and Colorado. ' It is learned he intends going back in the near future. The friends and relatives of | Lewis Pyrtle tendered him a surprise birthday dinner last i Friday, this being his 53rd birthday. Those present report • a large crowd and plenty to eat. J After dinner Revs. Collins and Wright preached. Prof. J. T. Smith Is visiting the schools in this section this I week. He will hold a meeting at Beaver Dam for the teachers of Quaker Gap T. S. on Saturday. I I Altamahaw Items. Altamahaw, Dec. 10. — Mr. P. A. Boon sold a load of tobacco in Reidsville last Tuesday. He was well pleased with the prices. Tobacco is selling high. There was a music party given at Mr. Tom Coble's Saturday night, and of comse there was some dancing going on. The dry prize at Reidsville has sold most all of the 1911 tobacco where they had pooled. We learn that Misses Climmie Kissr and Ether Gatewood are going to visit on Altamahaw Route 2 Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Page visit-, ed Mr. and Mrs. Will Page Sun-i day. Mr. Gene Massey had the misfortune to get thrown by- Mr. C." H. Page's mule and was right badly hurt, but has about recovered now. Mrs. Roberta Page and littlel soti visited Mrs. Cora Minor Tuesday. HAPPY JACK. ; I I Sheriff W. C. Slate anJ family are this week removing into the i annex to the county jail, the painting, etc., of the building; having bjen completed. GERMANTON NEWS. Mrs. E. J. Stvers Improving From Effects of a Serious Fall -- Entertainment At High School. Germanton, Dec. 9.- Mrs. E. J. Styers is suffering from in juries sustained from a fall while over-seeing some work in her yard. Her condition is not considered serious although she is improving slowing. Miss Irene Kurfees is out again after an attack of ton sihtis. The mid-winter entertainment at the Germanton High School will take place Dec. 20th, and teachers and pupils are putting every effort to make it a suc cess. Mr. H. S. Fo.v, Jr., who is traveling in the interest of The Maline Cotton Mills at Winston- Salem, returned home Saturday from a several months' trip through Texas. It is rumored that Mr. Foy has purchased property in Dallas and will take his family there shortly. Mr. L. M. McKenzie made a business trip to Winston last week returning yesterday. Mr. Nathan Steadman of Greensboro spent last week with relatives here. Miss Carrie Poindexter return ed Wednesday from a two weeks stay in Walkertown. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Lena Sullivan. Mr. Joseph H. Petree, repres-1 entative of the Independent Steel Company of America, of Chicago, is spending his vaca tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Petree. Mr. J. N. Styers of Winston- Salem spent Sunday with his father, Mr. E. J. Styers. The Baptist protracted meet ing will begin next Friday with ; Rev. Rufus Crews and Rev. King of Mt. Airy assisting. Mr. R. F. McNeely of Greens boro and Mr. Horace Whitsett of Reidsville spent a few days here last week with relative?. Mr. Arthur Willis came home Monday from North Wilkesboro, where he has been visiting his brother. Prof. EmmettC. Willis. S. M. i Walnut Cove Route 1 Walnut Cove Route 1, Dec. 9. Mrs. Malinda Moser, who has been right sick with typhoid fever, is so she can be up again, we are glad to say. Mr. Oliver Smith was badly hurt by a well windlass last Satur day. i There was preaching at Pal myra church last Sunday by Rev. Fred Smith. There was a large crowd out. Those who visited "t Mr. M. T. Meadows Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Voss and little daughter. Joy, Misses Susie and Viola Smith: Messrs. Ramon and John Lee Shropshire. ' Mrs. Hattie Meadows and Miss Pearlie Blavlock visited Misses Etta and Eflie Rutledge Sunday. Mr. C. A. Meadows and fam ily will move to their new home near Kernersville this week. We are sorry to see them leave. Misses Bertha and Fannie j Meadows visited their brother, Mr. C. A. Meadows, last week. | Mr. Bud Tuttle's little child is | right sick with scarlet fever. Mr. tiuss Mickey and daugh ' ter, Miss Jennie, visited Mr. and ! Mrs. Elias Meadows Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Heath i visited at Mr. Sam Meadows' Saturday night and Sunday. They are preparing for an i Xmas tree at Palmyra church, i A FRIEND. No. 2,018 COVE LEAF MARKET Rumored That a Warehouse Will Be Built the First Of the Year. NEW CLOTHING FIRV Sheriff Jones and Sam Stuart May io Into Business—A Beautiful and Ware Christmas Present. It is rumored that a tobacco warehouse will be established at Walnut Cove h the near future. The parties behind the movement are Mr. J. F. King, a well known leaf buyer of Win ston. and some Martinsville, Va.. people whose names have not been learned. It is expected that the new warehouse will be erected in time to handle the 1913 crop. Messrs. C. M. Jones, ex-Sheritf of Stokes, and S. H. Stuart, who holds a position with Mc- Dowell & Rogers, clothing dealers of Winston, are negotiat ing with the view of opening a clothing and gent's furnishing business at Walnut Cove the first of the incoming year. The Reporter representative was shown by Capt. R. L. Murphy a necklace made of gold and roserpetals. It is a beautiful creation, and in its case, prepared as a Christmas present for a friend, you could easily detect the fragrance of the roses, which clung around it. The chain was made by Mrs. R. I. Murphy, and is certainly a work of rare art, and one which does eminent credit to Mrs. Murphy's deft fingers. Capt. Murphy stated that the rose-petals were ground in a meat chopper, until in a compact mass, and were then woven into balls. The balls were then strung on a gold chain, alternating with gold balls the same size of the rose leaf balls, forming a most rare and beautiful chain. FIRE NEAR BRIM. Colored Church At Locust Grove Burns--=Other Brim, Dec. 6.- On last Sunday night, Dec. Ist. about dark the colored people's church at Locust Grove burned down. The church has been divided about three years. The regular old Primi tives brought suit to keep the other (known as the Cary crowd) out, and won the suit, but had to pay the Cary crowd the money they had put in toward building the church, which was a good building. Mr. Rex Tilley has purchased the farm of Mr. Lewis Johnson in the Asburv section. Those that visited Miss Minnie Tilley Saturday night were Misses Berchal and Mallie Cook, Bessie Shelton and Bertha Neal. Messrs. ! Gaston and Wayne Christian, l George Simmons, Floyd Tilley ; and others. _ Should Have Had Money In Bank and Given Checks A draft for *3OO and *l5O in ; cash were sto'en from the home iof Henry Peeler, a Rowan coun ;ty farmer, a few days ago. Mr. I Peeler was giving his children I $3OO each. He had partially j completed the distribution and j had the draft and cash in his | house for that purpose when the | money was stolen. Mr. Zeb Rhodes, a former Stokes county boy, who has been living in Roanoke, Va., has ie turned to Campbell, this county.

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