DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME XL. DELIGHTFUL DANCE Given Ai the \ aughn Hotel By the Young Men of Walnut Cove. INTERESTING ITEMS Prom the Busy Stokes County Town, Gathered by the Re porter's Wide ■ Awake Correspondent. Walnut Cove, Dec. 17.—The young men gave a delightful dance at the Vaughn Hotel last Friday evening, from 7:30 to 11:30. Messrs. John and J. Irving Bolt, of Holyoke. Mass., who have been spending a few days in town, will leave Wednesday for Florida, to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dunklee and children of Winsion-SalenY spent the day last Fiidav with Mrs. Dr. Jones at Stokesburg. Mr. VV. M. Deal of Charlotte was in town a few days last week finishing up some particu lar work on the new bank build ing. There will be an entertainment and Xmas tree at the Methodist church Monday night at seven o'clock. The Baptists will have their Xmas tree and exercises Tuesday night, Dec. 24, at seven o'clock, and the Episcopal Sun day School will have their tree Wednesday nijrht, Dec. 27>, at seven o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend these exercises. Revenue oflicevs Messrs. W. A. Hendrix and T. W. Landredth of North VVilkesboro and G. A Carroll tf Winston-Salem were in town a few hours last Wednes day, on their return trip home after having seized several blockade distilleries in Stokes county. Mrs. S. C. Rierson spent several days last week in Ger manton as the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. M. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Murphy and children spent Friday in Winston-Salrin. Miss Lizzie Atkins of King was in town last Sunday for a few hours. Miss Lizzie has lots of friends here who are always glad to see her. Mrs. W. S. Vaughn spent the day in Winstun-Salem last Satur day. Mr. Nunia Vaughn has accept ed a position in WinstotrSalem. We wish him much success in his new work. Misses Kate and Minnie Gray Marshall of I\nr.is spent the niyht in town Friday as the guests of Miss Jessie Vaughn. Misses Dora Abernethy and Jennie Keid went to Winston- Salem last Saturday shopping. Mr. John Baily, Jr.. went to Winston-Salem last Saturday, returning Monday. The High School at this place closes Friday, December 20. for the Xmas ho!i lays. Mr. Billy Smith sp*nt the day Sunday with iiis parents, Mr. and Mrs. r. Si ith n Mizpah Route 1 Miss Ma.rrie Whec'er. accom panied by her!ill c s'ster Glad s's, went t i Winston last Friday. Mr. Calvl Fulp of Mt. Airy was in town a b*w days last week. . Mrs. W. 1). Bennett and sister Miss Mary Martin spent several days in Winston-Salem last week having some dental work done. Miss Verda Bennett of near Dan bury was in town last week visiting relatives. Mr. John Davis of Winston- Salem is seriously ill, little hope of his recovery being entertained Mr. Davis' friends here were very sorry to hear of his extreme il'ness. Mr. Davis lived at this I place for a number of years, having moved to Winston-Salem I about two years ago. Mr. Tom Greene, who lives north of town, came from Win ston-Salem Friday real sick with measles. Mesdames John A. Burton and J. W. Bast spent the day in Winston'Salem Monday. Mr. Charlie Scales, who is ill ! with tuberculosis, is worse at i this writing, we are sorry to i note. i Mr. Edd Young of Walnut j Cove Route 1 went to Winston Monday. Mr. John Petree and Miss I Kva Vaughn of near Germanton were in town Sunday. Mr. Joe Petree who has been traveling for the Southern 11. R. Co. is in town to spend the the Xmas holidays with his fam ily. We have a northern photo •n.»pher, Mr. Grimes. town ihis week. who is doing Mime splendid work, and is ta king pictures >f most all the dwelling houses. High School , building and lots of other pho tographs. j Misses Linda Gibson and Mary Matthews were in town Friday. I They had been to Winston-Salem | shopping and were enrollte to their home at Gei.nant«n. Mr. Odell Jones went t> I'ine Hall Monday on business. Judge Jones of Winston-Salem was in town Monday on legal business. Mr. N. O. IV-tree of Dan bury was in town Mon (lav on business. Misses .Maggie Roberson and Irene Culler spent the day in Winston-Salem last Friday. LOCAL NEWS. * Mrs. N. A. Martin and daugh ter, Miss Janie, went to Winston today. Mr .T. W. Pitzer, of Rid Shoa's, was among the visitors here Saturday. Mrs. Rev. T. J. Folger and child returned home Friday after some weeks spent with relatives at Dobson. Mr. Paul Taylor and sister. Miss Grace, students at Guilford College, are expected home this week to spend the holidays. Mr. Thos. S. Petree left today for Walnut Cove to take the position of assistant cashier in the new liar.k recently establish ed there. It is learned that James Corn, of Campbell, was acquitted at the Federal Court in Greensboro recently, charged with violating the revenue laws. I'ev. T. J. F.tiger filled his regular appointment here Sun day morning. He propelled at Union Hi!! at U P. M., and Vade Mecum at night of the same day. Misses Sadie Potree, Mary Martin and Annie Blair, who are teaching at dili'erent places in the countv, are expected home the latter part of this week. Attorneys N. 0. l'etree and J. W, Hall spent several days of last week n ;i survey in Snow O'ek. gathering evidence in a luv suit to he tried at the next tei mof court. The case is the Watkins-Gray inatu r. The Dan bury l T nion Smday School will give a Christians tree during ihe ho'il.iy; T!H> exact duti wi'l be fix •«! b> fhe eommittv of young hdi.'s who were appointed Sumhiv to enlist llu» necessary funds Miss Francos Hamlin left Sat urday for her home at Reidsviiie, after spending several months in Danbury where she held a re sponsible position as book-keeper and stenographer for the Re porter. During her stay here Miss Hamlin won many friends in Danbury who sincerely regret ted to sec her leave. DANBURY, N. C M DECEMBER 18, 1912. LAWSOKViLtE NEWS Nearly All of the 1912 Crop of Tobacco Has Been Marketed. MUCH MOUNTAIN TEA C'smin£ in From Virginia Enter tainment and Christmas Tree Night of Decern In r 24 th. Lawsonville, Dec. 17. Mr. Ham Stephens gave the jour.g pec-ple an old time cotton pick ing Men day i.ijihi. Ail present seemed to enjoy themselves fine. Miss Jennie Slieppard spent | a few days itt Mr. W. t'. Moore's ; last week, retun ing to Mr. E. j C. Sheppard's Mo.idav. The farmers of tl.i section have been marketing some to bacco the past few tys. Some i report prices oil ..siderably. I The crop is • sold from ! this secti' n. The people have been taking i.dvantige of the cold weather of last week to kill their hogs Some killing some fine ones tipping the beam at *ss') and up to odd pounds. Mr. 1). S. Wat kins, a represen t'ltive of lheJ. (i Flynt Tobac co Co., of Winston-Salem, was calling on our merchants Mon day. Mr. Watkins says busi ness is the best he has ever known at this season of the year. There seems to be quite a lot of mountain tea being brought in Stokes from Virginia by those individuals who think Chiist mas is not near if they don't get some of the Virginia lightening. We are glad though that there is none near our village, as it is often looked on as being a booze corner of the county. The Lawsonville school has the largest enrollment it has ever had. There are 87 on roll now and some more to enter. We should have a larger build ing with two rooms. The teachers are going to give an entertainment j.nd Chiistmas tree Tuesday night, December 21th. The public is invited to cjme cut and help fill the tree with presents for their friends. !i. L ften is Canvass Stakes County Westfield Route 1, Dec. !7. To the Members of the Faimurs' Union of Stokta countj: The Dry Prizery Company has employed me to canvass Stokes county in the interest of the company, and I shall visit each local in th.> county in the near future. It will take me at least two months to make the round, but I Will go 11 each on \ I want the memb. rs of each local to get busy and -lin > up for the next year, all pay their dues and get as many new members as pos sible. Tie Union is in good shape all over the county as far as I can ! ar.i Look cut for my appoint el"' ts. they will appear in this pi'i er next week. The Dry Prizery Company is ; hying otr at Walnut Gov.' now. so send in your tobacco cer tii'cates at one" and get your money. Yours truly, K. L. NUNN. Messrs. J. Wesley Morefield and I). C. Taylor, of Sandy Ridge Route 1, spent a short while in Danbury on business Friday. MARRIAGE Oil RIDGE Mr. Henry Doc! so I and Miss \ iol.i Dodson Plight Their Troth. KILLING PORKERS 1 Many «>f the (iood Citi/ens (jet ting Ready lor Christmas, By Slaughtering Pat Hogs ltems of Interest. Sandy Ridge li-nito 1. Dec. If'. —The 1 olidays ace almost here and the young folk* have begun to many. Mr. Henry Dodson land Miss Viola Dodson were united in the holy bonds of wed lock Sunday afternoon near Ayersville postoflice, Squire W. K. Willis officiating. The bride is the bright young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dodson, while the groom is the nice young son of Mr. ai.d Mrs. James Dod son. They will reside at the ! home of the groom's parents. The writer and their many friends extend congratulations. Quite a crowd visited at Mr. J. L. Ward's Saturday night. A large crowd visited at Mr. C. D. Duncan's Sunday night. Miss Ruth Pringle visited rela t'ves in Rockingham county Sat urday and Sunday. Rav. J. A. Joyce filled his regular appointment at Oak Ridge Saturday and Sunday. It seems that the good roads question is about to die down. Don't get discouraged, good roads advocates, but work harder than e er, we will succeed at last. Rev. D. A. Oakley will preach at Delt? next Sundav at eleven o'clock J. K. W. Sandy Ridge Route 1, Dec. 16. —The farmers in this neighbor hood are very busy getting wood and getting ready to kill hogs. Mrs. J. Wesley Morefield and daughter, Miss Jettie, Messrs. Rufus Ayers, John Joyce and Frank Nelson visited at Mr. Booker Brown's Sunday. ( Those that visited at Mr. G. jT. Brown's Sunday were Misses ! Annie and May Ayers. Messrs. I Jack Ayers, Tom Bose and Lee Hagood. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nelson J and children visited at Mr. J. M. Hill's Sunday. Mr. C. W. Ferguson has sold his com mill, the purchaser be :ing Mr. Seth Spencer. Mr. (/. T Martin was a guest ;at Mr. J. W.Joyce's Sunday p. jm. Mrs. J. Wesley Morefield and daughter, Miss Jettie, spent Saturday night with >'rs. Mere field's sister Mrs. L. A. Knuht. Christmas is coming and the peeplo are killing some big porkers. Mr. L. L. Joyce slaugh ters one weighing ."A Jim Newman two weighing -'"J" and •12!>, Mrs. Matt Lewis Allen one weighing •!"»(), Charlie Knight one weighing :ir>o, Sam Martin one weighing ."> 1"). A FRIEND. Sandy Ridge Route 1, Dec. 10. —Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Will Adkins on Wednesday, Dec 11, a fine girl. Rev. C. A. Wall preached an excellent sermon at Delta church Sunday at2:3oo'clock. "Prayer"] was his subject. Mr. James Hawkins has left' for Florida, whare he will spend [ a few weeks. Mr. George Woods and family' are expecting to K ave in a few days for Sprav, where they will make their home in the near future. Mr. Elliott Hawkins, has pur chased a fine pair of mules. Also Mr. Will Murphy has purchased a young mule. Mr. Willie Moore has moved to the farm of his father, Mr. Hub Moore, on Snow Creek. Mr. John Murphy has been quite ill at the home of his father with mumps. He is improving nicely, we are glad to note. Mr. Moir Hawkins called to see Miss Allie Gann Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Elias and I'rbie Haw kins called on the Misses .Jovce as usual Sunday afternoon. Misses Ella and Ruth Wall visited Misses Edna and Ida Hawkins Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Murphy visited Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Wood Sunday. Mr. Willie Sands, of Stone ville, called to see Miss Edna Hawkins Sundav. I. R. E. X. DANBURY ROUTE ONE Mrs. Mahalie Mabe. One Ot Stokes County's Old est Ladies—Personals. Danbury Routt- 1, Dec. 17. Mr. Walter Fry. of Va., has purchased a farm t'roni Mr. C A. Wall or. Cam; bell Route 1 and is moving there this week. Mr. Joe Robertson killed three fine hogs last week, the largest one weighing 397 pounds. Mr. find Mrs. Ham Stephens entertained a few of their young friends Monday evening with a cotton picking and play. Messrs. Ernest and Van Mabe furnished music fur the occas ion. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Shelton and children returned Sunday! from Madison and Mayodan where they had been visiting relatives. Mrs. Mahalie Mabe called cn your correspondent yesterday. Mrs. Mabe says she is S3 years old and can see to read or sew without the aid of glasses. She walked two miles yesterday to see a sick neighbor. She is the ! mother of Mr. Powell Mabe and Mrs. Billie Bennett. Mr. S. M. Shelton, Sr, con tinues very low. Mrs. Mary A. Mai tin and Mrs. •!. C. Shelton visited Mrs. Henry in Va. last Sunday. Mr. .lulius Lawson expects to move next Friday to Mr. Ruck Sands' near Pine.v Grove. Mr. C. A. Shelton returned Monday from Madison where lie has been several days visit ing his sister, Mrs. \Y. K. Shel ton. Christmas will soon be litre. Guess the little folks are look ing for Santa ( laus. S. G. \V,W. .IOMNSON ILi He i* Su.iei i/ij> Willi He. rt Trouble t iM-i f-Voiu Walnut Cove l-'ont"' One. Walnut (' ive Route i. LVc. H">. Mr. William Johnson is ill wi'.h h i t trouble. Mr. I'. L. Smith'- i iby has been light sick \*itli pneumonia, but i sonu- b Iter at piv: -nt. Mr. anil Mrs. M. T. Meadows visited their son. Mr. (' A. .Meadows, last week. Messrs. Damon Ramon and John Lee Shropshire called to 'see Misses Rertha, Hmmu and Fannie Meadows Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Hampton visited at Mr. Y. S. Smith's Sun day. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith, a fne boy. A I RIEND. Nr. 2,019 MURDERERS CAUGHT Ba/ and Henry Martin, Slavers of Johns Tatum, Arrested In West \ irginia. HENRY NOW IN JAIL Sheriff Slate Will Arrive With Ba/ Today — Detectives Re ceixe Reward of $25 Of* fered By E£x-Sheriff Jones. Buz and Henry Martin, who shut and killed Johns Tatum near Campbell, this county. n September 2!'. 1 !»1 li. all the , parties being colored, have been i arrested by d-tectiws n -ar Kibler, West Virginia. Henty is already in jail fit Danbury, j and Sheriff Slate is expected to arrive with Baz today. Detec tives in West Virginia, who made the arrest of the criminals, will receive the $25 reward of fered by ex-Sheriff C. M. Jones. It is understood that citizens of the Campbell community had offered an additional reward, .which the detectives will also receive. The news of Henry Matin's arrest came over the telephone in a message to the authorities Ihcre from West Va . Tuesday nierht of last week. Dr. Slate left early Wednesday, return ing with his prisoner late Satur day afternoon. Henry had been locked up but a few hours, when another message was re ceived s»j-tin? that Baz had also been arrested by the same officers. Sheriff Slate left early Sunday morning for West Va., to get the principal slayer of Tatum, and is expected to re turn with Baz today. The Martins will be placed on trial for their lives at the May term, 1913. of Stokes Superior Court. It is learned that there will be some 25 or 30 witnesses. Francisco. Francisco, Dec. 14. —Farmers in this section have almost finish ed marketing their tobacco dur ing the season the past week. On last Saturday night a dance was given by Mr. Reid Owens. A large crowd was present and all report a good time It is learned that the many friends of Mr. Elias Palmer in tend giving him a birthday dinner on next Tuesday. Every body is cordially invited. Mr. Alvis Smith returned the past week from down Ea. whe :e he has been trading horses Ib rdlyadiy passes now but what you see two or three buggy loads of liquor passing the roai. From all indications the Virginia distillers are doing a rushing business Mr. .1 hn Martin and Miss >s Annie Mai tin and Lula Smith have gone to Mt. Airy this week to do their Christmas shopping. Bowen-Oouglas. Cards have been received -in Da'.tujrv reading as iollows : Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Doug h's >.-quest the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Mabel Kathleen, to Mr Jesse Uray Ilowen on the evening of .Monday the twenty third i'i December at half past seven o'clock Fourth street Chris tian church, Winston - Salem, North Carolina. Mr. S. M. Nelson, a prominent citizen of Sandy Ridge Route 1, spent a while here Saturday. Mr. I.'. Iv Smith of Francisco; C. E. Beasley of Sandy Ridge: W. P. Landreth and Ben Neal of Walnut Cove: W. V. Bennett of Danbury Rouie 1: and Jas. Dunlap of Gideon were visitors here today.